“Come with me”, he whispers and he leads you onto the boat. It’s white surface sparkles in the sun and it all looks really expensive. You don’t dare to ask anything about it though. Louis sits down on a large red sofa, standing at the edge of the front of the boat. Apparently he doesn’t mind about the couch getting wet and stuff, because he also wants you to sit down. He wraps his arms around you as you lay down next to him and your head is resting on his chest. His hands lie on your tummy while he points at a large concert hall along the lake.
Come on!! For Boo Bears B day

Image till Lovisa - Still the one Med Louis Tomlinson ( dem andra killarna är med )
Va fin image, du borde skriva fler själv! Du är jätte duktig på det och du har en bra fantasi. Älskar förbjuden kärleks konsept och handling!! kram
- kan jag få en image med Louis? Spelar ingen roll vad den handlar :)
- Still the one
Niall: Lovisa?
Du: yes? Omg, Niall. Hi, how are you?
Niall: I’m fine, how about you?
Du: I’m fine thanks.
Niall: I did not know that you were back.
Du: yeah, I’ve been trying to keep a low profile.
Niall: why? when did you come back?
Du: last week
Niall: why did you not call?
Du: I don’t know
Niall: listen babe, just because you and Louis brooke up does not mean that we don’t still care about you, because we do. We miss you a lot.
Du: I know, I miss you to.
Niall: well, you have to come to the house and meet the other lads
Du: I, I can’t
Niall: why not?
Du: I’m not ready
Niall: oh come on, please. He’s probably not even there
Du: sorry, but not this time
Niall: okey
Du: listen I have to go but can you please promise me something?
Niall: of course babe, what?
Du: promise me that you won’t tell Lou that I’m back.
Niall: what, why not?
Du: please, just promise
Niall: okey, I promise
Du: good I have to go now
Niall: well, now it’s your turn to promise me something. Promise me that we will see you again and that you will give us a call soon.
Du: I promise, goodbye
Niall: bye babe
Niall: Guys?
Liam: In here!
Niall: Hi
Harry: Hi, where’s the coffe?
Niall: I forgot it.
Liam: Niall! The only thing you needed to buy and you forgot it?
Niall: I saw Lovisa.
Zayn: What? where?
Niall: In the city
Liam: what did she say?
Niall: Not mutch really.
Harry: well how is she?
Louis: How is who?
Niall: Oh, louis. I did not know that you were here.
Louis: Yes, well sorry too disappoint you mate, haha.
Niall: Haha
Louis: who were you talking about? Come on tell me.
Harry: Lovisa.
Louis: Lovisa?
Niall: yeah, she’s back in town.
Louis: she is?
Niall: yeah
Zayn: Louis! wait, where are you going?
Louis: I have to see her.
Din version
(Knock, knock)
Du: Louis? what are you doing here?
Louis: I had to see you
Du: why?
Louis: because I’ve missed you. Listen Lovisa. I know I screawd up, I was so stupid for letting u go but I know you’re still the one. So please give me another chanse. I can’t picture my life without you. I love you too mutch!
Du: I love you too but.
Louis: No, no buts, just kiss me.
Du: fine, but only if you kiss me back.
Louis: Well dah, you can coun’t on that. I will never give up on you’re lips again. I promise I will always b...
Du: Bo bear?
Louis: yeah love?
Du: just shut up and kiss me already
One second later, you feelt Louis lips on yours.

Hoppas du gillade den?
Louis Tomlinson Scen film
louis Tomlinson
Louis Tomlinson
“You need to tell her, love! Trust me.”
A pair of deep brown eyes stares at you as you open your mouth to say something.
“I-…” You start, but two fingers on your lips immediately tell you to shut up.
“No, no, no excuses.” The brown eyes with long, black lashes that belong to your friend Ayse, close and her brown hair moves along her face when she shakes her head. She grabs her purse and when you want to say something again, she reaches out her hand.
“Don’t you dare to say a word”, she commands, when she takes her cell phone out of her purse. Ayse reaches out the mobile phone and you just stare at her. She frowns when you don’t respond.
“What are you waiting for? Call her, just now!” A little bit hesitatingly, you take her phone and watch the pink buttons for a few seconds. Ayse groans irritated.
“Bloody hell, [Your Name]! Just call her! You know the number, don’t tell me lies.” With trembling hands you type your mum’s phone number, while your friend is watching you impatiently. In the hurry you’re currently in, you accidentally hit the wrong buttons and you have to start all over again.
“What do I have to say to her? I mean… How do I-… What do I tell her?” You desperately stutter and Ayse shakes her head again.
“Just tell her what happened and you will be alright, I’m quite sure.” You hold your breath and hear the dial tone of the phone.
“It’ll be alright”, you whisper nervously and your hand starts to shake uncontrollably so you need to push the phone closely to your ear, otherwise it will just fall down.
Your heart starts to beat louder and faster when you hear someone picking up the phone.
“Hello”, a man’s voice sounds and you bite your lip. Your friend is just standing there in front of you, her arms folded.
“Um, yes, hello. Is my mum there, probably?” You stutter. With your right foot you tap on the ground, acting really twitchy.
“Your mum? Excuse me, but who is this?” You hear the voice speaking again and you frown your eyebrows.
“Well, um…” You say confused, when a chuckle suddenly sounds and your heart skips a beat.
“Oh my…” You whisper and the mobile phone almost slips through your hand.
“What’s wrong?” The now really familiar voice speaks.
“I-… I actually thought I rang my mum to tell her something important, but…”
“I guess you rang the wrong number!” Unbelievable. You sigh deeply.
“So, what’s your name and what’s the important message? You sounded quite nervous, am I right?” You incredulously shake your head, your jaw drops.
“I am [Your Name]”, you say. “May I ask you, with whom do I have the pleasure of having a conversation?” You hold your breath and tensely await an answer. The voice speaks the redeeming word:
“Louis Tomlinson”, he says indifferently and you gasp. Ayse realizes something odd is going on at the moment and she curiously grabs your hand.
“Hello? Are you still there, [Your Name]?” Louis asks. Oh my god. He just spoke out your name. That voi-… Ah well, say something back, you idiot!
“Yeah, yeah, I’m still here”, you say hastily. “This is just some kind of weird way to get your number”, you joke and Louis laughs. The nerves disappear by hearing his laugh and you smile, as Louis responds:
“Maybe I could have given it to you personally if I would meet you”, he says. “But I don’t even know where you are at the moment!” He chuckles and you quickly tell hem you’re in London at the moment. You just can’t believe you’re actually currently speaking to Louis Tomlinson on the phone, by ringing the wrong number. It’s definitely not a fake call: no one could be prepared to this and just take the phone by saying ‘Hi, Louis Tomlinson here’. Instead of telling some serious news to your mum, Louis is flirting with you.
Ayse tries to grab her phone, but you turn around from her, when Louis asks you:
“Well, what was so important for your mum to know?” A shiver goes down your spine.
“Do you really want to know?”
“Well, yeah, why not? I’m currently waiting for a meal at a restaurant, so there isn’t pretty much to do for me.”
“Wait, are you there with the lads?” You ask. Your mouth is wide open and Ayse kind of jumps on top of you to know what’s currently happening.
“Yup, I am”, Louis says. “But it’s not really interesting at the moment, each of them is stuck on the Internet on his phone. So… I’m quite glad I got this random call.”
Why doesn’t he hang up already? Does he like to talk to you? Of course he is bored.
“Mm, well, maybe that story should make you feel less bored, so I will tell you”, you say and you shrug, although Louis can’t see that.
“Yes please”, Louis says. He sounds honestly interested.
“So, basically…” You start and a sigh escapes from your mouth. “Oh this is a horrible thing to tell anyone.” You bite your lip and Louis doesn’t reply.
“I spotted my mum’s boyfriend…with another woman… Kissing”, you whisper and you nearly burst out into tears. You keep yourself from crying by swallowing just once.
“That’s horrible, love. I feel so bad for you. And your mum”, Louis softly speaks. “If only I could help you.” Those last words make tears appear in your eyes and you start to cry.
“Don’t cry babe, it’s not your fault!” Louis sweet voice sounds over the noise of your sobs.
“I know”, you say and your voice breaks. “It’s just… I just saw this coming, I don’t know. I feel so bad.” Tears stream down your face and Ayse grabs your hands. Her eyes watch you concerned.
“Are you alright, babe?” Louis suddenly whispers through the phone.
“I…don’t know”, you softly say.
“Wait”, Louis suddenly stars, “where about in London are you at the moment?” Your hands get sweaty and you tell him your friend’s address with a stuttering voice.
“Alright”, Louis says and a soft noise from a chair scratching over the ground sounds. “I am on my way.”
“What!” You scream, but all you can still hear, is a shrieking sound, coming from the phone, which is just hung up…
louis Tomlinson
not made by me
“Come with me”, he whispers and he leads you onto the boat. It’s white surface sparkles in the sun and it all looks really expensive. You don’t dare to ask anything about it though. Louis sits down on a large red sofa, standing at the edge of the front of the boat. Apparently he doesn’t mind about the couch getting wet and stuff, because he also wants you to sit down. He wraps his arms around you as you lay down next to him and your head is resting on his chest. His hands lie on your tummy while he points at a large concert hall along the lake.
Harry & Louis
#Imagine Harry takes you on a date to the cinema. It’s actually your third date, the first one was at London and the previous date you’d been to a restaurant. London was a bit awkward, because you’d just met him, and the last one didn’t work out that well, because Harry secretly felt very ill. But he didn’t want to disappoint you, so eventually you both end up somewhere outside the restaurant, because Harry couldn’t handle it anymore and needed some fresh air.
So, your third date already. You are actually very curious and a little bit scared also, since the previous two dates failed. It was a bit like someone wanted to ruin it or something.
This time Harry doesn’t look ill at all, quite the reverse! He smiles widely when you walk into him, he was already waiting for the cinema for a while.
“Hey!” He shouts and he gives you a hug. When he lets you go again he looks at you very apologizing. “I’m sorry for what happened last time”, he says and he bites his lip, which is very, very attractive. He obviously doesn’t care, because he doesn’t stop talking.
“I promise this is going to be a wonderful night”, he says and he smiles at you. You do the same, a little bit shyly.
“Let’s go inside, I already reserved for that movie you wanted to see.” Harry grabs your hand and together you walk into the cinema.
After a few hours, your date with Harry is over. It was quite amazing indeed, like he promised: you both had a lot of fun talking to each other during the movie, now you finally have the idea you got to know him a bit better.
Right now you’re standing outside again.
“I have to admit I really don’t want to go home now”, Harry says.
“Me neither!” You scream out loud. Harry takes your hand again and smiles mischievously.
“We could stay here”, he says, a cute grin appears on his face.
“Yeah, we could…” You whisper, because you’ve already noticed this is the moment.
Harry looks at your hand he’s holding, and after that his green eyes meet yours. With his left hand he wipes a lock of hair away from your face, and strikes your cheek. You smile at him when he’s looking at your lips, like you have to give him the permission.
Harry brings his head closer and tilts it a little to the right. You close your eyes and suddenly you feel Harry’s lips touching yours. He puts one hand behind your back, while kissing you passionately. He rubs his hand on your back.
This kiss just feels so perfect: you never ever want to stop. It’s like the world doesn’t even exist anymore. It’s just you and Harry, no one else.
Eventually you let each other go, you stare into Harry’s beautiful eyes and open your mouth. Before you can say something, Harry places a finger on your lips and shakes his head. He smiles at you happily.
“Harry!” Very unexpected you hear a voice, coming from behind you. You turn around and suddenly your heart skips a beat: the guy who just spoke is Louis.
Disbelief is written on his face, and the look in his eyes tells you that he’s torn into pieces. Please say this isn’t true, you repeat in your mind. Everyone was allowed to see you with Harry, but...just not Lou. You quickly release Harry’s hand.
“Hi, Lou!” Harry says, unaware of anything.
“I think I need to go”, Louis whispers, he glances at you and turns around again.
“Louis, wait!” You shout, but Louis doesn’t reply. Harry looks at you uncomprehendingly.
“What’s wrong with him?” He asks you, but you do not answer him, you just look at Louis, who just disappeared round the corner.
“He…” You swallow and Harry takes your hand again.
“Tell me what’s going on”, he encourages. You feel like you’re going to cry, though you try to tell Harry about Louis.
“I… He, we”, you stutter.
“Calm down, love, just breathe slowly”, Harry comforts you and he puts his strong arms around you.
“It was like two months ago”, you tell him, with his arms still around you. Harry is listening to you closely, while he wipes the tears from your cheeks.
“Louis told me he loved me”, you whisper. “But I said I didn’t feel the same about him. I thought it was over. And now… Now… I feel so bad for him, Harry!”
“It’s okay, beautiful”, Harry says. “It’s going to be alright, you hear me?”
“It’s not!” You cry.
“Love, stop!” Harry takes your head in his hands and forces you to look at him.
“I know Lou. It’s going to be all right, trust me. I’ll talk to him, he will be fine. Believe me.” He kisses your forehead.
“Thank you, Harry”, you say, and your voice breaks. “I feel a little bit better now.”
Harry smiles uncertainly. “Make sure you do. I don’t want you to cry anymore, it makes me feel sad.”
“Thanks again”, you say and you put a little kiss on Harry’s nose.
Harry kisses your cheek. “No problem. I’ll be there for you.”
Bal med Louis

Söt imagine med Louis
Han vaknade upp på morgonen, och märkte att du inte låg vid sidan om honom i sängen (vilket du alltid brukar). Han tog på sig ett par mjukis byxor, och en alldeles för stor tröja, och gick sedan ner till vardagsrummet. Där satt resten av killarna och åt frukost medans dom kollade på tv. - Morning guys, where is (ditt namn)? frågade han killarna, och Harry svarade -Good morning! ehm.. She went home... -What? why? she didn't give me a goodbye kiss, and hug like she always does? Killarna kollade på varande och började skratta åt Louis min. -Take it easy man, Whe were just kidding, she's in the kitchen making tee. sa Liam mellan sina skratt attacker. Louis slog till Harry på armen, och gick sedan in till dig i köket... |
Louis, not made by me
Killarna var på möte, så du spenderade hela dagen hemma. Plötsligt lös din mobil upp, och du såg att du hade fått sms från Louis. ''Hey babe, we're almost done, you can come now, xx'' Du svarade med ett snabbt ''On my way, xx'' Och körde iväg. När du var framme, märkte du att du var lite tidig, eftersom ingen hade kommit ut från rummet ännu. Du hörde rösterna inne, och kunde inte motså att tjuvlyssna lite.. Du lutade huvudet lätt mot dörren, och lyssnade på vad dom pratade om. ''Detta är orättvist! Ni kan inte göra såhär mot mig?!'' hörde du Louis skrika upprört. ''Som din manager, ger jag dig en order att göra slut med din flickvänn. Alla i bandet är singlar, och denna ''flickvänn'' grejen gör så du förlorar fans. Det är för din karriär! Du har tills slutet av denna dagen på dig.'' Hörde du deras manager svara. ''Aldrig! Jag vägrar, det är mitt privatliv och jag älskar henne!'' Du puttade bort dig själv från dörren, och började gå mot utgången med tårar i ögonen. Du ville göra det lättare för Louis, och istället för att förstöra hans karriär, skulle du sluta prata med honom, och låta honom vara. -(ditt namn) vart är du påväg?! hörde du Louis ropa, och du stannade till. Han sprang fram till dig, vände på dig och fick en orolig min. Antagligen för att han sett hur mycket du gråtit. - Jag hörde allt dom sa där inne.. sa du, och grät ännu mer. -Då borde du förstå hur mycket jag älskar dig, jag kommer aldrig någonsin göra det dom sa. Du är mitt allt och jag kommer aldrig lämna dig! sa han och kramade om dig hårt. -Men din karri- Louis avbröt dig, -Betyder inte lika mycket som du gör! Han tog din hand, och ni tog en promenad. |
Louis dags :) ej skriven av mig dock ( titel, ni shoppar tillsammans )
Du vaknade på morgonen och hade stor lust för att shoppa! Eftersom Louis i vanliga fall hatar shopping så hade ni aldrig gjort det tillsammans, därför hade du bestämt dig för att försöka övertala honom med på en shoppingrunda. ''Godmorning Honney! I really feel like shopping today, Pleeeeaseee? I don't wanna go alone :( .. xx'' Du gick för att ta en snabb dusch, och 10 minuter senare kollade du mobilen, och såg att du hade fått svar. ''WHAT?! ... well okay, just today! for you love :) Be ready at 1pm ! xx'' Du fick världens största leende och gick för att byta om..
*i köpcentret* - what do you think? frågade du honom och snurrade runt för att visa dom fina byxorna du hittat. - I don't think they gonna fit me.. sa han och du skrattade. - For me stupid! sa du. Och han visade tummen upp. - I'll buy it! sa han bestämt och du reagerade direkt. - No Louis! I have money, you gonna buy other stuff for your self! - No, I'm your boyfriend and I wan't to buy you beutiful things. sa han, tog snabbt byxorna och gick mot kassan. När han köpt dom gav du honom en kram och en kyss på munnen. -Thank you sooo much honney! sa du glatt, och han log mot dig. -Where is the toilet? sa han snabbt, och du pekade mot toaletterna. Medans du väntade på Louis såg du en Randig tröja i ett skyltfönster. Du gick in, letade efter hans storlek, och hittade den! ''Perfect!'' tänkte du och log stort för dig själv. Du köpte tröjan och när du gick ut så såg du Louis stå oroligt och leta efter dig. -Boo bear! I'm here! sa du och skrattade åt hur söt han var. -Don't ever do that to me again! -Here, this is my gift! sa du och röckte fram påsen med tröjan i. Han kollade chockat på dig, tog upp tröjan och log världens största leende. - I LOVE IT! Thank you so mutch Love! sa han glatt, och gav dig en kram & en kyss. -Thank you for bringing me here! Not every guy would go and shopp with his girlfriend.. Han log och ni gick iväg till Milkshake city för att dricka... |
Liams signature move in vocal rehearsal ( liam, harry, louis )
Louis Tomlinson imagine ( ej skriven av mig )
“No! Louis! Stop!” you screamed as you ran away from Louis who had a loaded water gun in his hand.
“But-but… I just wanna get you wet, Y/N” he said as he winked.
“Nonononono!” you laughed. “Oh my god, please Louis. Stopp!”
“Okay Y/N. Can I at least have a hug?” he begged as you just nodded. It was only until he got an arm distance away from you, you could tell he still had the water gun in his hand with his finger on the trigger. How could you let your guard down?
You ran away once more but you felt the coldness of the water on your back. It felt quite good to you though, since it was a hot day and you wanted to go get ice cream with him, which later turned into this.
“Heh, Louis, you’re such a beginner,” you said as mischievous grin appeared on your face. You ran over to the hose and then turned it on. “Run, babe.”
A blast of water shot out of the hose and hit Louis’ body. He immediately ran away and got a chair to use as a shield. “You know a chair won’t protect you right?” you laughed.
“Hey, it was all I could think of right now to use! Y’know, this isn’t fair Y/N?” he stuck out his tongue.
You stopped for a second. “Hmm, really Louis? But didn’t I tell you to stop earlier?” you joked. Louis just laughed nervously.
“Uh, yes.. b-but I still really want that hug!” he said, changing the subject. He then ran towards you, throwing the chair down to the ground and tackled you. You two kept play-wrestling on the grass but finally he won, getting on top of you. Louis aimed the water gun at your face. “Whose the beginner now?” he teased.
Before he could shoot, you closed your eyes so no water could get inside. But there was a surprise in what you thought of what would be happening, what should be happening. Instead, you felt a warm pair of lips on yours.
“Gotcha,” he smiled.