Niall <3
memory loss - Niall ( part 3/3 )
Your POV
3 Months Later
My headaches had finally started to go away. I was still dealing with getting over the crash, but really I was just happy I was okay. Plus it helped that Niall’s been here with me to help me through it all. Everyday he told me how much he loves me and it made me realize that my suspicions of him cheating on me were dumb. This boy clearly loves me, so I don’t need to worry anymore.
We were out taking our daily walk down our street one day. We were holding hands and reminiscing about how we first met. He was all smiles and affectionate that I hadn’t even realized the girl that stopped in front of us. I almost ran into her but Niall pulled my hand back at the last moment. That’s when I looked up and saw her. “I’m sorry, I didn’t see you there.” I gave a polite smile but her eyes were just glued to Niall. I dealt with this a lot since he was famous, so it never really bothered me.
But I could feel Niall’s hand tighten around mine and his face was stoic. I looked back to the girl and she was still staring at him, only this time she had tears in her eyes.“Love, are you okay?” I went to touch her but she flinched and finally looked at me. “This is who you stopped seeing me for?” She was looking at me, but the question was directed at Niall. I could feel my face scrunch up and confusion set in. I looked at her again and realized I had seen her before, but I couldn’t place where. And as I was trying to remember, I realized also that Niall hadn’t said anything yet.
“Babe…” He broke his concentration on her and looked at the ground. “What is she saying?” I was waiting for him to reply, but instead she did. “What I’m saying, whoever you are, is that Niall and I were together and then he all of a sudden leaves me and never calls again.” My hand lost grip and I let it fall from Niall’s hold. “What? No…” I looked to Niall but he was just standing there with his hands in his pockets.“Niall….please tell me this isn’t true.” “Oh it’s true honey. We’ve been seeing each other for well over 6 months until 3 months ago.”
3 months ago……that’s when I had my accident…..wait. Now I knew where I recognized her from. I saw her with a guy. I looked to Niall and remembered it was him who I saw with her. I gasped and backed away from him. “That’s why. That’s why I ran, that’s why I got hit……I found out…” By now he was walking towards me trying to calm me down. “(Y/N), please…” I stopped and stared at him, then her. “You’re not denying it, so I’m guessing it’s true….what I saw…what she’s saying…it’s all true, isn’t it?” He pulled my face so I wouldn’t be looking at her anymore. “(Y/N), please don’t do this. I love you babe.” I pushed his hands off of me and glared at him.“Obviously not Niall, not since you’ve cheated on me and almost got me killed! What the fuck is wrong with you? How could you?!” I was shaking now and my voice trembling. I needed to get away from him, so I ran.
I ran to the closest place I could think of. Liam’s flat. I stood there out of breath, knocking on his door loudly, hoping he’d answer. He finally did. “Liam..” I couldn’t catch my breath but he took one look at me and let me in. “(Y/N)….what happened?” He brought me a glass of water and sat down on the coffee table across from me. I downed the drink and concentrated on breathing right. “Did he tell you….” That’s when I broke down. Liam knew…..he knew this whole time and didn’t say anything.“No! The girl he was cheating with told me! And now it seems that you knew, everyone knew except me, is that it?” “No no no no…” I sobbed into my hands and covered my face. “(Y/N), we told him to tell you…..but he was scared you’d leave him..” “Damn right I would! And that’s what I’m going to do now.” I got up to leave but he pulled me back down. “Just wait (Y/N). Talk to him. Let him explain to you.”“Explain what?! That he cheated on me and then just because I get in an accident and forget all about it that it’s okay? Hell no Liam. That’s cruel and undeserving. He can’t get away with it.” “I know what he did was wrong, but (Y/N) he truly does love you babe. Just think about this thoroughly before you choose to do something that’s isn’t right….”
I looked at him and could tell he was doing his all to keep me from leaving Niall. I had to go back to the house anyways to get my things, so I’d have to face Niall either way. I left and headed back to our flat. When I opened the door, there Niall was, sitting on the couch, patiently waiting for me to get home. When he heard the door close he stood up and immediately turned red and nervous. “(Y/N)……” I ignored him and walked back to our room and start gathering my things. I pulled out my suitcase and started throwing my clothes in there. “Please don’t do this babe…please…” I hadn’t even heard him come in but he was right next to me when I turned around.“Why shouldn’t I Niall? You think you deserve me? You think I can move on forget that this didn’t happen? No.” He grabbed my wrist and made me stop packing.
“I love you, I do princess. You know that. That night of your accident I realized what a huge mistake I had made and I stopped it. I stopped everything because in that moment I thought I lost you for good. And it hurt to even think that. You are my everything now babe, I never want to lose you. Yes I made a mistake, but I learned from it. And I promise you it won’t ever happen again because you are the girl for me and the only girl I’ll ever want from this day forward. Please believe me when I say this. I am so sorry for not telling you. I just didn’t want to lose you (Y/N). So please, don’t leave me..” His voice trembled on the last words and I could tell he was trying to hold back his tears. I loved him, I really did. But I didn’t think I could ever forget about this. He cheated on me once, why wouldn’t he do it again.
I stood there and contemplating on whether or not I should leave him. The look in his eyes told me he was very scared that I was going to leave. I’ve never seen Niall this scared about anything. “Fine…” He let go of my wrist and slowly turned around and started walking away. “Wait.” It hurt to see him like this, and I knew I was the only one who make him happy, and he was the only one who could make me happy. I needed him. “I’ll stay.”
His eyes lit up and he turned around and came to hug me. “Thank you so much princess, thank you.”
Niall short imagine
Niall sees you and a guy together.
You: niall this is Mike.

memory loss - Niall ( part 2/3 )
[Part 2]
Niall’s POV
It’s been a month since (Y/N) got hit by that car. The cops never found who it was, but I wasn’t concerned too much for that. (Y/N) still hasn’t woken up. I was beginning to think I lost her for good. But I knew I was the one who caused this. If I had been more careful, she wouldn’t of seen me and that girl together. I hated myself now for doing that to her, she didn’t deserve it at all, but I was stupid. And now she’s in here because she was trying to get away from me but I just wouldn’t let her go.
I held her hand and spoke to her. “I’m so sorry (Y/N). I’ll stop it. I’ll stop everything, it’s not worth losing you. It’s not…I just miss you….I need you to come back to me babe. I love you.”
The doctors said she’d eventually wake up, but they couldn’t say an exact time. So I practically lived at this hospital. The boys would bring me clothes and the nurses would let me shower in her bathroom. I made sure I was here 24/7. I needed to be here when she woke up so I could explain things to her.
1 weeks later..
I was slowly falling asleep in the chair beside her bed when I heard a moan come from her. I cracked open my eyes and could see her eyes twitching beneath her eyelids and her mouth moving. I edged closer to her and whispered to her. “(Y/N)? Are you awake?” She moved around and then she remained still. I checked to see if she was still breathing just to make sure, and she was. I stayed up for another hour to see if she would open her eyes, but it didn’t happen.
I ended up falling asleep and waking up the next morning. Only this time when I opened my eyes, hers were staring right at me. “Niall?” “Princess… are you feeling?” She put her hand up to her head and lightly touched the bump there. “This hurts, but other than that I feel fine. That car didn’t damage me much.” I closed my eyes, thankful she knew already why she was in here. “Babe, I am so sorry, you have to believe me.” She gave me a confused look and laughed. “What are you apologizing for Niall? It was my fault.”
My mouth hung open. Why was she saying it was her fault? “(Y/N)….I was…” “No Niall, it was my fault. I was running and not paying attention.” “So you remember?”She laughed again and grabbed my hand. “Yeahh, I was doing my daily run and I didn’t look before I crossed the street. My fault.” I could feel the color drain from my face, but my heart eased because she didn’t remember seeing me with that girl. “What’s wrong Ni?” I gave my head a shake to clear my mind. “Nothing babe, nothing. I’m just glad you’re awake now.” She opened her arms and I got up and held onto her.
In my heart I was glad she didn’t remember, but in my mind……I knew I should tell her the real reason why she got hit by that car. After I hugged her, I went out and found her doctor to let him know she was awake. They gave her the okay to go home today, so we gathered her things and went back home. I called her friends and the boys and they all came over. I stood with the boys as (Y/N) talked amongst her friends like nothing happened. “So she doesn’t remember it?” Liam was confused about the whole thing, as was the rest of the boys. “Nope. She thinks she was out for her daily run when she didn’t see the car….” “Niall, you should tell her the truth…” Zayn shook his head at me and took another drink from his beer. I watched her as she smiled and knew that I didn’t have the heart to. “I can’t Zayn….I know it’s wrong….but what if she doesn’t want me after I tell her?” “You were the one cheating on her, if she chooses that, it would be acceptable. But the longer you keep this from her, the more it’s going to hurt when she finds out.” Harry was right. “And you’re a terrible liar.” Lou gave me a sarcastic glance and went back to looking at (Y/N). They were all right. I sucked at this, but I didn’t know if I had it in me. Because what if I really did lose her? What if she left me after I told her? After seeing her get hurt, I knew I didn’t ever want to lose her. So I couldn’t, I just couldn’t tell her.
memory loss - Niall ( part 1/3 )
[Part 1]
Your POV
I was standing here watching Niall from afar. What I was witnessing, I had never wanted to see. I had my suspicions for months now and followed him out of the house today. And now I knew…..he was secretly meeting with another girl at an abandoned house near ours. I was across the street and could see clear as day what they were doing. It pained me to see this, but I was too hurt to even go and confront him.
I walked back down the alley that went to our house and headed home. He was smooth, I had to admit it. But why? I got the house and just sat on the couch. No tears, no shaking, nothing. I just wondered why he was doing this to me. I’ve been the best girlfriend I could be and he doesn’t appreciate it. It’s been hours now and he still wasn’t coming home. I was getting ready to walk out the door to go to him, but then he walked in.
His face gave nothing away, he was his normal self. I stood in the living room and waited. “Hey princess, what’s up?” He came over and kissed me on the cheek and flopped down on the couch as if he were tired. I just wanted to get this over with so I just blurted it out. “You’re cheating on me.” He stopped smiling and stood up to face me. “What?” “I saw you Niall. You’re cheating on me.” “(Y/N) no I’m….” “Don’t play dumb Niall. I know what I saw and I’m leaving now.”
As I opened the door, Niall grabbed my elbow forcefully and pulled me back. “Stop…”“Let go!” I pulled as hard as I could and almost fell from him losing his grip. I ran to get away from him because he had started to come after me. I was looking back at him when I hit the street, I didn’t hear the car coming down the road, and it was too late when I finally did.
Niall’s POV
It was like it was all in slow motion. (Y/N) was running, looking back at me, and the next moment she was hit by a car and now lying unconscious on the pavement. I stopped like an idiot, thinking if I closed my eyes and opened them, it’d all just be a fragment of my imagination. But it wasn’t. When I opened them, she was still lying there, not moving. I ran over to her and rolled her body over. Her head had a gaping wound that was bleeding uncontrollably. I ripped her shirt and used it to apply pressure.
By now others had seen what happened and were gathering around us. “Someone call 911!” I shouted to no one in particular, but soon I heard sirens. The whole time I was watching (Y/N), hoping for any type of movement, but nothing happened. “Stay with me babe, please stay with me.” The EMTs came and took over. I stood on shaky legs as I watched them perform CPR and put an oxygen mask on her. Then they started to load her in the van. “Wait! I need to go with her. I’m her boyfriend.” They let me on and we were off to the hospital.
“Is she going to be okay?” I was holding her hand but it felt so cold. “Her pulse is very low but she’s still beating.” I wanted to cry, but I knew I had to be strong for the both of us. So I just held her hand while trying to warm it up. I needed her to wake up so I could apologize. Apologize for everything, and let her know that I love her….so please wake up (Y/N)…
Niall imagine by Lena
you take one last look in the mirror and then run down the stairs , your boyfriend niall sits on the couch , playing with his phone ” bye ” you shout ” hey wait !” he shouts back ” what ? niall i have to go , im going to meet my friends in town and im already late ” you say and look nervous on your watch
” what ? youre leaving again ? but babe , youre out tonight too ” niall whines ” yeah niall i know but i want to meet my friends now ok ? bye ” you say ” abby i dont want you to go , look at you !! are you cheating on me ?!” he asks ” are you serious ? what do you want to say with that ?!” you snap ” that you look like a bitch ?!” he snaps back ” okay niall fine ” you say
” im tired of you being away all the time ” he shouts ” said the boy who called his girlfriend a bitch ” you say and roll your eyes ” im just missing you ! WHY CANT YOU UNDERSTAND THAT ?!” he yells
” its okay if you call me a bitch , fine . but you dont yell at me ! dont be a pussy niall , you would go yout too if you would have friends but obviously you dont ” you hiss and leave him there speachless
you run over to your car and start driving , you pull out your phone and call your friend ” hey im sorry i cant come , i had a big fight with niall ” you say and hold back sobs ” oh shit why ?” she asks ” because im not with him very often but i cant tell him about the party i mean i want to surprise him and now everything got out of controll and we faught , i feel so guilty ” you say
” aww babe dont be sad , go home and talk to him ” she replies ” but it should be a surprise ” you sigh ” it doesnt matter ” she says ” yeah fine , i hope we can work this out ” you answer and hung up , you pull the car around and drive back to your and nialls apartment .
” babe ??” you shout and run into the living room . niall sits on the ground and cries ” abby ? i-i-i-i-im soo sorry , i just missed you so bad ” he cries ” shhh its my fault , the reason why i was out all the time is , because i planed a brithday surprise party for you , i would never cheat and im sorry for what i said to you ” you coo and wrap your arms around his waist
” im sorry too , you dont look like a bitch its just , you are such a pretty girl i dont know , im scared sometimes that you find someone better , who deserves you ” he sighs
” aww niall , never , youre my one and only im never going to leave you , i dont deserve you , and now shut up and let us forget this stupid fight ” you murmur and kiss him loving ………..
you break up - Niall ( part 3/3 )
Niall’s POV
I sat here for 3 days, waiting, hoping she’d come back……but she never did. I was heartbroken. I didn’t deserve this, but I wanted her back. I found out she had gone to Harry’s, but he said something that made her feel alone. She was out there and felt alone. But here I was, surrounded by my friends, and I’ve never felt so alone like I do now. Everyone was trying to cheer me up because my birthday was coming, but it wasn’t working. The only thing that would help is me seeing her face. Just as I went to get up and go to the kitchen, I saw my door open and her figure stepped through. She froze when she saw me but I walked right up to her. “(Y/N), I’m so glad you’re here.” She looked around me and saw that everyone else was here too. I could see her start to back away but I grabbed her hand. “No, please stay. Stay and talk to me.”
Your POV
Niall’s touch just made everything worse. I came here to gather my things, but I didn’t expect to see him and everyone else. They were all watching us by now and I could feel my face heating up. I looked back into Niall’s eyes and just stood there. He was telling me to talk to him, but should I? I remembered what Harry said, I need to let him know. I can do this. “Ok. Let’s go upstairs.” He happily set his drink down and pulled me towards the bedroom. Once we were in, he locked the door and sat down by me. I looked at him and noticed his face was slimmer. He had lost weight. I looked down in embarrassment because I was the cause of this. I hadn’t expected him to care so much. He had not stopped calling since I left and it tore me apart to see his name show up.
“(Y/N), please babe. We can talk about this. You don’t need to leave me.” My eyes met his and the blue in his eyes told me to be strong about this. I took a deep breath and started. “Niall…..I can’t do a lot of things for you and yet you do a lot of things for me, and I don’t deserve it. I don’t deserve any of this. You deserve someone who can bring you more happiness than I can. I’m just a normal girl, find someone who has a fun life and can buy you things.” He looked hurt after I stopped talking. He took a moment to compose himself then began. “I don’t think you understand how happy you do make me. I don’t give a shit about you buying me things. I don’t expect anything in return when I buy you stuff. I buy you things because I want to, no one is making me (Y/N). It’s just a token of my love for you. I don’t need someone else to make me happy, you are that person who makes me happy. I wish you wouldn’t think like that babe…” “Yeahh but I can’t even buy you what you want for your birthday Niall, do you know how much that hurts me? It hurts a lot. To know that you’re a low life who can’t even surprise your boyfriend on his birthday just sucks Niall. I don’t fit into your lifestyle. I don’t know why you like me in the first place.” “Why do you think like that (Y/N)?” “Because, it’s happened in the past.” I looked down at my hands and started playing with them. Then Niall’s hand held onto mine and he made me look at him. “Tell me.” I could feel my eyes start to water, my throat close up, because I had never told anyone this except Harry. And even then it was so hard for me to tell him. But I needed to do this. My voice was shaky, but I got it out. “My ex use to abuse me…..because I wouldn’t buy him things in return for him buying me things. He always expected more from me, always wanted something. I had no money, so I would get hit alot. He made me feel so low, but I finally got away. Harry helped me. And then that’s when I met you…I liked you instantly but didn’t expect anything from you……but when you asked me out…I was just shocked. I didn’t understand what you saw in me, but it scared me. But still, I went out with you.”
I looked into his eyes as I said this. “And I ended up falling for you. But deep down I knew I wouldn’t be able to satisfy you. Shopping for your birthday just proved it to me..”By now my tears were falling and Niall just sat there watching me break down. He didn’t say anything for awhile. I could see anger written on his face, along with sympathy and sadness. “I didn’t tell you that to make you feel bad for me, I just wanted you to understand. I don’t deserve you Niall…” He shook his head and pulled me into his chest. “I wish you would’ve told me (Y/N).” “You and I both know you’re not one to talk about feelings.” He held me at arms length to look at me. “I know now that was my biggest mistake. If I could go back and tell you how I feel, none of this would’ve happened. But (Y/N), I love you as well..I just didn’t realize it until you were gone. I wasn’t happy at all, I felt alone. But babe, you can’t let something like this ruin your future relationships, especially ours. Know that I would never do that to you, never. I don’t deserve you because you’re much stronger than I am, you have a better heart than I do. But I know that you make me happy being with me, not leaving me. Leaving me would just make everything worse, because I need you in my life (Y/N). So please, reconsider what you said and come back home. I miss you. I don’t care if you buy me a birthday present or not, or any present in that matter, I don’t give a shit. Just be with me and make me happy by being my girlfriend who I love very much.”
He was speaking from his heart, I could tell. He watched my every reaction to the words he was saying. And in honesty, he shocked me. He never expressed his feelings, and the one time he does, he confesses his love for me. And deep inside, I was jumping with joy. Niall said he loved me and I hadn’t even said it first. All I said was I had fallen for him and he knew what I was saying. I loved this boy with all my heart. But still felt bad. “I love you too Niall, but…” “But nothing. No, don’t think like that. Stop putting yourself down, you can’t do that babe. Move on from the past. You are not a low life, you’re the one person I know who is rich in life because of your personality. So stop it, if not for me, then for you.” He’s right, I needed to let go. All I could do was hug him and cry more. “I take this as a yes we’re back together?” I nodded my head into his shoulder and he wrapped his arms tighter around me. It felt good being in his arms again, and Niall was the only one who could make me feel this way. “I love you Niall.” “I love you (Y/N).”
you break up - Niall ( part 2/3 )
Niall’s POV
“She what?!” Harry hesitantly looked down as he repeated what he just said. “She felt bad because she couldn’t buy you something and felt you deserved someone who could fit into your lifestyle easier…” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. (Y/N) broke up with me because she couldn’t buy me something? No, that doesn’t happen. “Where is she? I need to see her. Tell her that it’s okay.” “I tried Niall, she won’t listen. And I don’t know where she is. I called you first.” I was pacing back and forth, on my phone, constantly calling (Y/N) but of course she wouldn’t pick up. Ok, think Niall. “Well she didn’t take any of her things with her when she left, so eventually she has to come back right? So I’ll just wait here until she comes back.” Harry just nodded his head and agreed with me. But inside I was just hoping she’d come back. If not, I’d just have to go out and hunt her down. Because this was a bullshit reason to break up. I know I never really expressed my true feelings to her, but I did really like her. I wanted her in my life. And she needed to know that. Money or not, I didn’t give a shit.
Your POV
I ended up driving to Harry’s and just sitting outside of his flat. He wasn’t home so I figured I’d wait for him. Niall was constantly calling me though. Each time I looked at his name showing up, my heart broke. But inside I had to tell myself I did the right thing. Liam has Danielle. Danielle was a dancer and therefore had money. Louis has Eleanor. Eleanor was a floor model, she had money. Zayn has Perrie. Perrie is a singer, she has money also. And here I was, struggling with my payments on things. My life just sucked. That’s why I couldn’t understand why Niall was with me. From the beginning I never thought this was going to work out, and now I knew for sure it wouldn’t.
I sent Harry a text, not wanting to talk on the phone just yet. ‘I’m at your house, come home.xx’ He quickly responded and said he was on his way. So as I sat there, I thought about Niall. This was for his own good. He needs someone better. Even though I fell in love with him, love was all I had to give to him, and I was scared he wouldn’t accept that. Niall wasn’t really one to express feelings, we never talked about a future together. Just took everything day by day. I liked our relationship, but money wise, it was just horrible. And I know it’s stupid to base my relationship off of money, but being with someone as famous as him, it caught up to you.
Harry pulled up and I jumped out of the car. I ran over to him and just hugged him. I needed his hug right now to feel better about myself. “What happened (Y/N)? I was over at Niall’s.” “You were? What’d he say?” “Well he asked me if I knew why….and I told him.” I wasn’t mad at Harry for doing that, no, it was more of relief because now I wouldn’t have to be the one to explain it to Niall. “Come on, let’s go inside.” He held onto me and walked me inside. I sat on his couch as he prepared tea for us. He handed me mine and I took a sip. The warmth of it instantly helped ease my nerves. “He’s mad (Y/N), hurt…” I looked down, too ashamed to look at Harry. “But it’s what I needed to do.” “Needed? No, not needed. It’s what you thought would help, but it isn’t going to.”“But how am I suppose to make him happy when I can’t even provide for him?” “(Y/N), not every relationship is going to be like your last one. When will you see that Niall is different. He buys you things, so what. That does not mean you need to buy him something in return. He does it because he wants to.”
Right…my last relationship. The guy I was with always bought me things like Niall did, but he’d call me a gold digger when I didn’t even ask for the things. In return he’d make me buy him things even when I was really broke, because if I didn’t, he would hit me. I guess this is why I was like this with Niall. I never liked him buying me things because I knew I couldn’t return the favor. “I know Harry, I just…” “Just what? (Y/N) that’s my friend. And he’s over there worrying about you, wondering why you’re doing this. You love him, tell him you love him, go to him and work this out between the two of you. Don’t just run away from it.” His words stung me, but he was being true. That is his friend, which is why I shouldn’t of come here. Harry’s my friend too, but Niall came first. And even though it hurt to say that, it was true. “You’re right, I’m sorry Harry.” I got up to leave and he grabbed my arm. “What are you…” I turned around and sarcastically answered him. “I’m your friend too Harry, and I’m hurting too, but I can see who you care more about. I shouldn’t of come here.” I grabbed my purse and left.
I needed to be alone. I needed to get away from the people who made me think of Niall. But as I drove to my parents’ house, all I could think about was what Harry said. It’s true, I should’ve just told Niall about my struggles, my past relationship, my love for him. But I was just too scared. Scared he’d reject me and send me on my way. And at this point, I just didn’t know what to do now.
you break up - Niall ( part 1/3 )
Your POV
Niall’s birthday was around the corner and I had no idea what I was going to get him. His lifestyle didn’t match mine. He was a millionaire, I was just a tutor after school making very little money. I never understood why he went for me, but he did. And we’ve only been together for a few months. And this was my first birthday with him. It was in a month. I knew I had to start saving up if I was going to get him something, but that meant more time away from him just so I could make the money. It was very stressful to be honest.
I had asked Harry to go shopping with me to help pick out something for him. I told Harry to take me to Niall’s favorite store. It just so happened his favorite store was very expensive. Once I stepped in I knew I wouldn’t be able to afford any of these things. In the store they had everything from toys to clothes to tvs and video games. I looked at Harry and gave him a fake smile. I couldn’t let him know my insecurity about this. “So, what did Niall say he wanted from here?” I let him lead the way towards the back where men’s clothing and cologne was. “I know he really wants this.” Harry picked up a designer cologne and showed it to me. The bottle was a nice size and smelled really good. I could picture Niall smelling like this. “Well this smells good. How much is it?” “Um, $340.” My heart dropped. I didn’t have that kind of money…..”Okay well I’ll keep that in mind, what else?” He walked over to the clothes and showed me an outfit Niall had tried on and liked. It was a pair of nice black jeans, and a plain white shirt. It was nice, but who fuckin knew a plain white shirt cost $100? And the pants alone were $250.
I could feel my anxiety starting to perk up. This was getting to me. I wasn’t going to be able to buy him anything he wanted and that’s what tore me apart. He was able to buy me all kinds of things and I couldn’t even buy him one thing he wants. “You like it?” Harry asked me but I just stood there staring at the outfit. I finally looked to Harry and just shook my head. I needed to get out of here….fast. I turned around and just took off running. I could hear Harry yelling for me but I never stopped.
Niall’s life wasn’t made for me. I didn’t fit in with it. I wasn’t right for this. He deserved someone who could buy him these things. That just wasn’t me. I ran all the way back to Harry’s car and just leaned against the door. My breathing was heavy and I could feel my tears start to fall. I was finally breaking down about something I had been fighting for months. I knew getting with Niall was going to be hard, but he insisted it wouldn’t. He didn’t know that even though I didn’t give into the fans, other things would harm our relationship. Things like this. I just can’t do this.
Harry finally made it to me and pulled me into a hug. “What’s wrong love?” I was just sobbing into his chest. I didn’t want to talk about it here so I made him take me home. As soon as we got in he walked me over to the couch and made me sit down. I knew Harry before One Direction. He’s the one who introduced me to Niall. So talking to him was going to be easy. “Now, what happened back there?” By now my tears had stopped falling and my breathing was normal. “Well Harry, you know I’m just a normal girl. I work as a tutor when I have time and barely make enough money for myself. Niall has all this money and buys me things that I don’t even need, but he still gets them. And don’t get me wrong, I love his gifts. It just hurts me knowing I can’t do the same for him. His birthday is coming up and I can’t even buy him one thing that he wants. And it hurts Harry, it hurts because he’s my boyfriend and his girlfriend cant even get him anything. I don’t deserve him, I don’t fit into his lifestyle, he needs someone who can return his favors.” “(Y/N), Niall doesn’t care about designer things and presents. I’m sure he’ll be happy with whatever you give him, even if it’s just a box of twinkies. He doesn’t care. He really likes you, I’m sure he doesn’t expect anything in return from you babe.” “Yeahh but I should be able to do things for him. You don’t understand, you’re not in my position. You have money just like him, you can get anything you want. I can’t. I don’t think I can do this anymore, I can’t keep lying to myself telling myself everything will work out between us. I love him but I can’t do anything for him.” Harry shook his head at me. I knew what I was saying was selfish, but it was true. “Don’t say that, if you love him, your love for him is enough. Gifts or not, all he needs to know is that you love him. I’ll even buy the gift for you and say its from you okay.” “No, that would just hurt my pride, I can’t let you do that Harry. I can’t do anything about this, only one thing.” “And what is that?”
I was about to answer him when Niall walked in. He looked happy until he saw me. I knew my face was red from crying and my eyes puffy. I was a mess. I looked at Harry and nodded towards him. He understood and left. Niall walked into the living room and sat by me. “Babe what’s wrong?” This is it, I can do this. Do it for Niall. “Niall, we need to talk.” I could see his body tense up and his eyes widen. “About what?” I had to keep telling myself not to break down as I did this, he didn’t need to see that. Me crying always made him even more sad. “I um, Niall I really like you, I do. But……I just don’t think this is going to work out for me…..” I had never told Niall that I love him, only Harry knew that. I was too scared to tell Niall. But after I said that, his face fell. He opened his mouth and then closed it, opened it again but nothing came out. I took this as a sign and just got up. “I’m sorry.” I ran out the door and to my car, just leaving him there. I didn’t know how he felt, I didn’t know if he cared why I just did that, I just needed to get out of here before I changed my mind.
Niall’s POV
(Y/N) just broke up with me. And I had no words to say. I was stunned, shocked. I thought everything was going good for us. Why would she do this? She just took off and left, leaving me here wondering. I was hurt, sad, angry. Did I do something wrong to her? I couldn’t think of anything, nothing. So why? I should of gone after her, but my body was just frozen here. But then I heard my phone ringing. I rushed to get it thinking it’d be (Y/N), but instead it was Harry. I didn’t want to answer, but I needed someone to tell. “Harry……(Y/N) just broke up with me…” All I heard on the other line was silence. After awhile, he finally answered. “I’m sorry mate.” Wait…Harry and (Y/N) were best friends, he must’ve known. “Do you know why?” My voice was demanding but I didn’t care, I needed to know why. Harry paused but answered. “Yes…” “Get over here now and tell me.” I hung up with Harry and waited for him to come over. I swear if this was over fans I was going to go crazy, but when Harry finally showed up, it was not what I expected.
he blows you off - Niall part 2 ( the end )
Niall’s POV
As I walked out, I knew I was making the wrong decision. But it was a moment of anger. I did not like the fact that Liam took her out on our night. But then again, I was the one who didn’t let her know I was going to be late. This was all my fault. I was mad at myself, that’s why I left. I felt I would of let something slip if I had stayed. I now knew tonight would not be the night that I ask (Y/N) to marry me. I needed to clear my head, then I could go back and talk things out with her.
Your POV
I could feel Liam picking me up and taking me to bed. My head had started to hurt and I wanted to go after Niall, but I knew I couldn’t. “Liam…….we need to go after him…” I could barely keep my eyes open, but I knew that he would understand. “I know babe, I will. You’ll stay here and get some rest ok. We’ll figure everything out in the morning.” “Ok…” He laid me down and as soon as I hit the pillows, I knocked out. I just had to leave it to Liam to find him..
Liam’s POV
I had never seen Niall react to something like that before. He was always carefree and gentle, but tonight was a whole different story. Why would he question me taking (Y/N) out? I needed to find him and explain things. I ran out of (Y/N)’s place and went straight to Niall’s. His car was parked out front so I knew he was home. I didn’t even knock, I just walked in. I found him just sitting there on the couch staring at (Y/N) home videos on the tv. I approached him slowly, not wanting to startle him. “You know…..I was going to ask her to marry me tonight….” I didn’t think he heard me, but he must have. But I walked around and sat next to him. He never looked at me, just kept looking at the screen. “Niall….tonight shouldn’t change anything, why are you being like this?” “She won’t want to marry me after tonight.” “Niall what happened?” He finally looked at me. “I was at a ring shop, picking up the ring I had made for her, and I was planning on being out of there by 7, but the dumbass kept saying that it was coming, but it never did. And I didn’t want to leave it there because I wanted to ask her tonight. And I didn’t want to answer her calls because I knew I’d give it away, but now looking back I guess I should of.” “Then why the hell did you get mad at me?” “I don’t know, I’m sorry Liam. I guess it was just the thought that you got to take her out and have a good time with her and I didn’t. I got jealous for a moment and let it get to me. But I know you wouldn’t do anything mate. I just……I don’t know. I’m mad at myself for screwing up.” All I could do was look at him. How could he think she wouldn’t want to marry him? “Niall, I sure as hell know that girl loves you. Nothing you do could change her mind about you. She just wants you to be happy, and I’m the one who made her go out. She wanted to wait for you but I told her to go. So blame that on me I don’t care, but don’t change your mind about asking her. I know she’d be delighted to hear that Niall. Think about what you’re saying…..this is your life you’re talking about. You really want to marry her don’t you?” “yeahh…” “Ok then, you’re going to ask her. Just wait until her head clears and then ask her. She’s very confused right now and you need to talk to her.”
Niall’s POV
Liam was right. I don’t know why I was second guessing myself now. I love (Y/N) and this night shouldn’t change anything, at least I hoped not. This is all up to her now. I just needed to wait until morning to talk to her. “Thanks Liam.” “No problem mate, just don’t go all psycho on me again.” I laughed. “I won’t.” And Liam left after that. I sat there and continued to watch videos of her. But I knew I didn’t want to be away from her. I got in the car and drove over to her house. I had a key so that’s how I got in earlier. I walked up to her bedroom and go in bed with her. She looked like she was thinking about something in her sleep, so I held her close to me and rubbed her forehead. Her face seemed to relax and her body move closer to mine. I closed my eyes and let my body fall asleep.
Your POV
I felt hot and could feel someone’s arms around me. I opened my eyes and saw Nialler laying next to me, his arms wrapped around me. I pulled back slightly and looked up at him. He looked like a little boy when he was sleeping, but I knew he was so much more. I got up and went into the bathroom. I could taste the alcohol from last night so I brushed my teeth and then got in the shower. I felt dirty and couldn’t believe Niall had slept with me like that. After I got out I walked into the room, and Niall was sitting on the end of the bed waiting for me. “Hey..” “Hi babe.”He patted the bed and motioned for me to sit. I sat down and looked at him. He looked very stressed and tired, but I let him talk. “(Y/N), about last night. I’m sorry I acted like that. I don’t know why…..I guess just seeing Liam with you on our night, I got a little jealous…….” “Why’d you walk out, why didn’t you just talk to us Ni.” “I was mad at myself for acting that way, I needed to get out and clear my head. I didn’t want to do something stupid. But babe, you know I love you.” “I love you too Niall, but where were you last night?” He looked down at his hands and started playing with them. He was nervous. “I um, I was actually getting you a surprise…and I wanted it to be perfect, but everything just seemed to get ruined.” A surprise? “Well, what was it??” He looked up at me. He got up and walked over to his jacket on the chair. He pulled something out and came to stand in front of me. “(Y/N), I don’t know how much I can express my love for you. You truly do complete me and I don’t know what I’d do without you. I love you dearly and you are a princess in my eyes. We’ve been together for so long, and I know how you feel about me, and I know I want this forever. So…” He started getting down on one knee and my heart started racing……was he… “(Y/N), will you do me the honor of marrying me and making me the happiest man on earth?” He opened a little box and revealed a diamond ring. Something simple, just like I liked it. I was smiling like an idiot. Niall Horan was asking me to marry him. I never thought this day would come, and here it was, and I was just sitting here smiling. I looked into his eyes and saw hope and love. I know I love this boy to death and he feels the same. So yes, I deserve this for the rest of my life. “Yes Niall, gladly.” “Thank you babe.” He took the ring out and slipped it onto my finger. His face lit up and he picked me up and hugged me tightly. “I love you so much babe.” “I love you too Niall, forever and always.” He set me down and just gazed into my eyes. Written all over his face, was the love he had for me and he meant all of it. I knew he was the one for me a long time ago, but this moment just proved it even more.
he blows you off - Niall part 1
Your POV
Today is mine and Niall’s 2 year anniversary. And to celebrate we were suppose to be going out to dinner. Niall said 7 so I made sure I was ready by 6:30. I had on a nice dress, heels, curled my hair and did my makeup. I looked at myself in the mirror. I never had much confidence but when I met Niall, he made sure to let me know how beautiful I am. And he still does to this day. I knew tonight would be great.
7 rolled by and he didn’t show. I was starting to get worried because Niall was never late. I texted him but he didn’t text back. Why? So I called and he didn’t pick up. I looked at the clock and it read 7:45. He was 45 minutes late. I decided to call Liam and see if he’d heard from him. “Hello.” “Hey Li, you wouldn’t have happened to hear from Niall have you??” “Hm no I haven’t. Weren’t you guys suppose to be going to dinner? Happy anniversary by the way babe.” “Thanks liam and yeahh we were but he’s 45 minutes late. Should I be worried?” He thought for a moment. “No babe I’m sure he got hung up or something. But how bout this, how bout i take you to dinner so this night doesn’t go to waste. I don’t want you sitting home worrying. You need to be out.” Ugh I didn’t even feel like going anywhere now. I just wanted to wait and see if Niall would show. But Liam was right. I’d just sit home and worry so I took his offer. “Ok Li.” “K I’ll come pick you up then.” We hung up and I couldn’t help but feel guilty. What if Niall came home and I wasn’t here? I tried calling him again but it went straight to voicemail. Oh well I guess. I set my phone down and went to the kitchen to get something to drink, but then I heard liam knocking on the door and I just walked out with him….leaving my phone.
Niall’s POV
I was running late. But I didn’t want to answer my phone because (Y/N) would find out what I’m doing then. I figured she’d just wait for me. I was at a ring shop… yes I was planning on proposing to her. But it was suppose to be kept a secret, and I’m a bad liar. So I didn’t want her to notice anything. When it finally hit 8:30, I was done with the shop. I pulled out my phone and sent (Y/N) a text. ‘Babe let’s go eat at 9 k?’ I sent it and waited for her reply but she never replied. It was already 9 and she still didn’t reply. I drove over to her house and knocked on the door. No answer. Her car was here, so where the hell was she? I let myelf in and looked around. I found her phone on the couch and looked through it. The last call she made was to Liam. What was she doing with him? I tried calling him but he didn’t pick up either. Where were they?? I looked at the clock and it was barely 9:30. I guess I’d have to sit here and wait for them.
Your POV
Liam took me to a really fancy place. But you know what? He made my night better. We were sitting there laughing, telling stories, and expressing things we had never really talked about. Being with Niall there came some pressure, and I felt like I needed to tell someone, just not Niall. Liam understood my pain and always helped me. I looked up to him like an older brother. He cared for me when needed and I did the same in return. Him and Danielle were so good together, I looked up to their relationship. But I just couldn’t figure out why Niall wouldn’t answer me. I went to check my phone again but then realized I had left it on the couch. Shit. Liam was having a good time so I didn’t want to end the night early. I just hoped Niall wasn’t trying to reach me.
Liam and I went to a bar afterwards and he told me to drink up. So I did aha. Liam took care of me. We danced, laughed more, met some new people, and I didn’t worry about anything. But when it got to the point where I couldn’t stand up, Liam took me home. He put my arm around his neck and walked me to my door.“Liam…….thank you….” He laughed. “Your welcome love.” He unlocked my door and walked me in. But I stumbled and ended up falling to the ground. I just sat there and laughed. Liam was trying to help me up when someone scared the shit out of me. “What the hell is going on?! Liam what are you doing with her?!” Liam turned on the light to see Niall standing there looking at us. And even though I was drunk, I could tell he was really pissed…….”Niall…..” My head was spinning now but I was still laughing for some reason. “Liam what’d you do to her?” “Whoa man I just took her out and she had a few drinks.” What was Niall accusing him of? “Why would you let het get drunk when you knew we were going out?” “Wait…Niall….you didn’t show….Liam took me out..” “Yeahh I didn’t show because I was busy! But I guess you just couldn’t wait could you.” He looked at Liam and then to me. I really couldn’t process what was happened, shit I was still on the floor and I didn’t know why. “I’m leaving.” What? Why? “Niall buddy, what’s the matter man?” But he didn’t answer, he just walked out. Why was he so mad? He’s the one who didn’t answer my calls.
he says something he regrets ( not by me ) Niall part 2
Your POV
It’s been 2 weeks since I’ve talked to Niall. He’s been calling nonstop, actually getting pretty annoying. I just didn’t know what to say to him. If I couldn’t make him happy, why talk to him? I got up and went to the bathroom mirror. Since then, I haven’t really been eating anything and I’ve been working out like crazy. But as I looked at myself now, I didn’t like what I saw. My face was pale, bags under my eyes, and my bones were starting to stand out. I always liked having extra meat on my bones because I never cared what others said. But when Niall said that, it just affected me. It’s funny how one person can change your view on a certain thing. And what’s funny is he was the one who always stuck up for me when people called me fat. But I didn’t know what to believe anymore. But seeing this now, my body didn’t deserve this and neither did I. I promised myself in that moment I would stop. I would eat normal again and just stop working out. If someone really loved me, they’d love me no matter what. Whether I’m skin and bones or curvy and full of life. It felt great saying that to myself. I didn’t need Niall to make myself feel better. He could suck it.
Niall’s POV
(Y/N) hasn’t answered any of my calls and she won’t answer her door when I go over there. She never gave me a spare key to her house because she’d just go to mine. But of course that stopped 2 weeks ago. I don’t know how many times I’ve gone over that night in my head. I told the boys what happened and they even tried contacting her, but she just wouldn’t listen to anyone. My heart broke because this was all my fault. She thought she wasn’t good enough for me. I didn’t want skinny, I wanted her. And as I would be out walking, I’d see her picture on the front of some magazines. Paps got word of what happened and it was all over. A recent picture of her though caught my eye. She looked like she was starving herself, like she hadn’t ate in weeks. I hated seeing her like this. She needed to know how much I really regretted saying that to her. But how could I do that if she wouldn’t listen to me?
The boys and I had an interview in 20 minutes and I just didn’t feel like doing it. But I had to. I knew I wasn’t going to be myself in this interview, but I had to push through it. And what was worse was I knew they’d ask me questions about (Y/N). Everyone had been and I’d just been brushing them off. I wasn’t ready to accept we weren’t together anymore. So when we got to the interview, of course they asked, I answered and was done. We left and I didn’t say a word.
Your POV
I was sitting on my couch watching tv when I got a text from Zayn. ‘Go to channel 3 and just watch.’ Zayn was Niall’s best mate and I know it took a lot for Zayn to reach out to someone unless it was important. So I flipped through my channels until I got to 3. On tv were the boys in an interview. I immediately looked at Niall. He didn’t look like he wanted to be there, especially since Zayn kept patting him on the back and rubbing his back. He’d answer whatever question was thrown at him, but he wasn’t his usual cheery self. And I kind of felt bad. They were seriously grilling him about what happened between us. At one point they showed a recent picture of me. I hadn’t even known they took one. But it showed how much weight I had lost and I did not look good. And when Niall saw it, he had a pained look in his face. ‘So Niall, what do you have to say about this whole situation?’ I turned up the volume more so I could hear exactly what he was going to say. He took a while to answer, but he finally did. He looked directly into the camera as he said this….’Yes, I agree that what I said was completely wrong and hurtful. And I lost the one person who cared most for me because of something that slipped out of my mouth. But all I can do is apologize and say that I’ve learned my lesson. And to everyone watching, think before you speak. because anything you say could either break a person or make them happy. I chose to say something stupid and in the end lost everything. Make a better choice than I did because you hardly ever get a second chance. Calling a girl fat or indicating anything like that will ruin their whole persona. So don’t ever do that. And (Y/N) if you’re watching, I truly am sorry and I miss you babe. That’s all.’ He put his head down and didn’t talk the rest of the interview. My heart was racing and my eyes watering. I’ve been avoiding him because I didn’t want to hear his apology, but hearing it on national tv, that was something else. he admitted in front of everyone what he did and how wrong he was. And apologized to me not even knowing if I’d be watching. I gave it to him, that took guts. I knew Niall was getting hate for what he did and I know I didn’t want him going through that. But should I give him a second chance?? I got another text from Zayn. ‘Do you believe him now?’ It’s not that I didn’t believe him, it’s just I was hurt. He was right, calling a girl fat ruins their whole persona. And he ruined mine. But I loved Niall and I didn’t like seeing him hurt. ‘Where is he?’ He texted back right away. ‘At the starbucks on the corner from his flat.’ ‘K thanks.’ That starbucks was where Niall and I first met. I gathered my things and got in my car. I drove as fast as I could over there and ran inside. I looked until I spotted him sitting in a corner away from everyone. He was just looking down at his coffee and stirring it. I walked up to his table and just stood there, waiting for him to notice me. It took him about 30 seconds, but when he finally looked up, his whole face lit up. “(Y/N)? What are you doing here?…..I mean, I’m glad…..but…” “I saw the interview.” His face kinda fell. “Oh yeahh, that.” Now he didn’t seem too happy. “Are you here to throw that back in my face?” What? No. “No Niall, I came here to let you know I accept your apology.” He stopped stirring and looked up at me. “What? Really…..I mean….I hurt you babe….are you sure??” “Niall yes, stop rambling. Yes you hurt me, but I love you. I won’t let that affect our relationship babe. So if you’d still have me….I’d like to have you back…” He was nodding his head. “On one condition.” “What?” “You eat whatever you want and be yourself. No matter what. I don’t like you skinny, I want you to go back to the old you, the girl I fell in love with.” I smiled at that. “I will Nialler.” He smiled and jumped up to hug me. He held on so long but I didn’t care. I missed this. “I love you (Y/N) and I’m so sorry.” “I love you too Ni, and it’s ok. Just don’t hurt me again.” “I promise babe.”
he says something he regrets ( not by me ) Niall part 1
Being a famous person’s girlfriend always made me feel insure. Being Niall Horan’s girlfriend? Now that was really nerve wrecking. His fans always had an opinion of who he or any of the boys were dating. So when he first had asked me to be his girlfriend, I almost said no because I was scared of the hate. I’ll admit, I was not the skinniest girl or prettiest girl. I liked to eat and just be lazy once in awhile. But Niall always told me he liked me like that because I was like him. So I said yes. And of course as soon as everyone heard, the hate began. Everyone on twitter was bashing me, calling me ugly, fat, not deserving of Nialler, and just putting me down. So, I would stop eating to please them and Niall. But Niall did not like that. It took me a couple months of crying to realize their comments were not going to bring me down or get in the way of mine and Niall’s relationship. He was there for me every step of the way, sticking up for me and telling me how beautiful I was.
That was about 2 months ago. We were still together and I was myself. I ate what I wanted and looked how I wanted. Every time I was with Niall it seemed like we were always going out to eat. So recently I had been putting on some extra weight. It was concerning to me and I had hoped Niall hadn’t noticed. But I guess he had. We were at his house one night having a movie night, and I got up to go into the kitchen. I was looking in the fridge, wanting something chocolatey. I finally settled on a piece of cake. I cut him and I both a piece and brought it back to the living room. He ate his and I ate mine. But I wasn’t satisfied. I got another and came to sit back down. Niall just looked at me. “What?” “Two pieces? Don’t you think that’s enough? You’ve been gaining a lot of weight lately.” My heart stopped. Niall just really said that. I put the fork down and looked at him. He was serious. “What does that mean?” “I’m just saying, you could lose a few pounds.” He went back to watching tv, pretending as if he did not just say that. But he did, and it hurt. My eyes started watering and I just let my tears fall. I put the plate in the kitchen and went upstairs to the bathroom to cry. I was up there for what seemed like 30 minutes and he never came up to check on me. What an ass.
After I calmed down a little bit, I got up and went into his room. I packed a few of my things and walked downstairs. That’s when he finally noticed me. “Where are you going babe?” I didn’t answer him. I put on my shoes and jacket and went for the door. He ran to the door and blocked me from leaving. “Move Niall.” “Babe……why are you crying?” “Go ask your fans. You seem to agree with them about my weight.” His face fell and he realized now what he had said. “(Y/N) you’re not serious are you?” I just looked away. “(Y/N) I didn’t mean it like that.” “Yeahh well you seemed pretty serious to me, so excuse me while I leave so you can go find yourself a skinny girlfriend. Goodbye Niall.” I pushed past him and opened the door. “No (Y/N) wait!” I didn’t listen to him, I ran to my car and drove off. I went back to my place and just sat in the dark. Niall always told me I was perfect the way I was. Why would he do this now? I guess being his girlfriend I had to look a certain way. Well, if that’s why Niall really wanted, he could go find himself a skinny ass model. I didn’t need this.
Niall kiss you story - Del 4 ( sista delen )
Your POV:
Niall and I had been on several dates now. He was such an amazing person and he just kept surprising me on each date. But he never asked me to be his girlfriend so I was kinda worried about that. But he took me places I had never even seen. And one of them was the London Eye. I finally got to see that! I was so happy that day. But something of course had to ruin it. Remember when I said I moved here to get away from my problems in America. Well they followed me here.
When Niall and I were out on our date today, I couldn’t help but notice some people looking familiar to me. Niall was holding my hand and walking me through a museum. But sometimes I would walk past people and recognize them. But when I finally saw one person, I knew why these people looked familiar. Standing at the end of the hall was none only than Zac. Zac was here, and these people were his family. That’s why I knew them. Oh my god, what is he doing here. Niall could feel me freeze and looked over at me. “Babe, is something wrong?” I started stuttering. I didn’t think I could handle seeing Zac, not here, not with Niall. “I…um…can we just go please.” I started pulling him away from me, but Zac noticed me by then. He walked over to where we were. “Ashlynn?” Niall stopped and looked at him, then looked at me. I put a fake smile on my face and said, “Hi Zac.” “Wow, you’re really here. I had heard that you moved here but I didn’t believe it. How are you?” Why was he asking me this? Back home he’d been such a jerk and now he was nice? But then I saw him look at Niall and me holding hands. Oh, that was why. What a jerk! “Yes I did, and I was just leaving thank you.” “Hey wait,” he put a hand on my shoulder, “we should get together while im here for a few days.” “Sure, I still have your number bye.” I lied. I didn’t still have it and no way was I calling him. I walked so fast out of there I basically pulled Niall along. But he didn’t say a word to me until we got out of the building. “Um, Ashlynn, is there something I should know?” “Can we go get something to eat and I’ll tell you okay?” “Ok.” We got into his car and he drove us to a pizza place. I really didn’t expect to tell Niall this early, but I guess he deserves to know. Shit, after this he may want to leave.
We arrived at the place and got out, placed our orders and sat down. And he just looked me, waiting. I sighed really loud and just got on with it. “When I told you the reason I moved here, I only gave you half of the story. But what I told you was true, it’s just I left out some things. Well here goes nothing……um. I’m an only child, and my parents are so invested in their jobs, that they’re rarely home and they don’t even notice me. I could’ve been gone for a week and they wouldn’t of said anything. So I felt alone and not loved. So I wanted to get away from them, so of course they said yes to me coming over here, they could care less. They havent callled me once since I’ve been here. But also, that guy back there, I dated him.” I looked at him and could see realization in his eyes. “Yeahh, um we were together all 4 years of high school. I loved him, thought he loved me too, but then on graduation night, he broke up with me in front of all his friends. So everyone laughed at me and everywhere I’d go, I was the joke of the town. I didn’t want to be in that town anymore, so I got away, I came here and started all over. And….that’s when I met you.” He hadn’t said a word since we got here. I was waiting for him to say something when our number was called. He got up to go get it and then came back and just sat down. “So, all I have to say is why didn’t you just tell me in the first place?” “I don’t know, I guess I was scared you’d leave or something.” He just laughed. “Ashlynn, I don’t care about what happened back in America with that guy. All I ask for is honesty, so maybe next time I run into one of your ex’s I can punch him.” I laughed at that. “I know, I’m sorry Niall. I understand if you don’t want to see me anymore.” “What? you think this is going to change my mind about you? Well it’s not, if anything, I see you as a stronger person. You were the bigger person and came out here on your own to start over. How many people can really say that? Just because that happened in the past doesn’t mean it should still affect you babe. He was an ass, he’s the past, I don’t care. Your parents are asses too, I don’t care. All I care is that you’re here with me now, and we’re eating.” He pointed at the pizza and laughed. I felt so relieved that he was taking this easily. “Thanks Ni, you don’t know how happy you make me.” “I’m happy when I’m with you too Ashlynn. In fact, I have a question for you babe.” He wiggled his eyebrow at me. All I could do was laugh. “So, we’ve been dating awhile now, you know who I am and my lifestyle and you’re ok with it, and now I know all of you. So I was wondering if you’d like to be my girlfriend?” I was so filled with joy that he had asked me that I wanted to clap and jump up and down. But I tried to remain calm, but I did smile. “Yes Niall, of course. Gosh for a second there I was thinking you were never going to ask me ha.” “I was making you wait ha. Just kidding, I was just waiting for the right time. But seriously babe, don’t let stuff like that affect you here ok? All you need is me now.” He gave me the cheesiest smile and I couldn’t agree with him any more.
Swedish Girls

niall kiss you story - Del 3
Your POV:
I didn’t know where Niall was taking me, but to be honest I was really nervous. I hadn’t been on a date in months. I don’t think I remembered how to even act. But when I looked over at Niall, he seemed pretty excited. So I couldn’t wait to see where we were going. I didn’t know much about him, but when I got home last night I listened to some of his band’s songs. And that girl was right, they are amazing. Im just amazed i never noticed them before. I learned their names sort of at the shoot but now I knew all of them. I could tell from Niall’s accent he was Irish, but now I know he plays guitar and his real hair color is brown. Which I think looks sexy, but blonde suits him too. But I stil had a lot to learn about him if we were going to go out again. When I looked out the window, he was pulling into a huge parking lot. It was pretty busy, but I still didn’t know where we were. I hadn’t been out much around this town, so I didn’t really know where anything was. But I finally saw the sign: London Zoo. Well, I haven’t been to one of these in a while. This should be fun.
Niall’s POV:
Going to the Zoo was comforting with me, and since I usually go alone, I figured I’d take her with me. She seemed surprised I’d brought her here, and immediately I hoped I hadn’t ruined her mood. “Niall, nonsense, this is perfect.” she told me when I expressed my doubt. Good, cuz I didn’t know what else we’d do. “Alright love, shall we?” I put my arm out and she looped hers through mine and we started walking. It was a little chilly outside so she’d squeeze me when the wind blew. I didn’t mind though, it was nice doing this. I hadn’t dated in a very long time, so this was nice to have now. I showed her all my favorite animals and she looked delighted to be doing this. But when we got to the spiders, she really squeezed my arm and cringed. “Don’t like spiders?” “It’s not that I dont like them, I’m TERRIFIED of them.” I just laughed. “Ok, lets go get a hot dog and sit down.” Well that’s another thing I learned about her, she doesn’t like spiders and she’s a good kisser. A good start I guess. We got in line to get our food and then sat down to eat. But I wanted to learn more about her so I started asking questions.
Your POV:
We were sitting down eating when Niall started talking. “So, Ashlynn, I now know you don’t like spiders and that you’re a good kisser,” when he said that part he winked at me. I couldn’t help but smile. “Tell me more about you though.” Hmm, what could I tell him. “Well I’m 18, I moved here about 4 months ago, all my family and friends are back in America, I came here to get a new start, being in music videos is just something i’m doing on the side for money, my real job is being a waitress at a small cafe. Um, oh and you’re a good kisser too. What about you?” I gave him a charming smile and I could see his face blush a little. “Well, thanks love. Well, Niall Horan is my name. I’m irish, if you couldn’t already tell, i’m 19, from Ireland, so my family is over there. I’m in a band with 4 other members who I love dearly, music is my passion, I love to eat, and I love the zoo.” He laughed on that last part and I couldn’t help be laugh with him. He was cute. The more I looked at him the more I realized his features. His eyes were a piercing blue, with what seemed like a little bit of yellow in the middle. Even though his hair was blonde, you could see a tiny hint of his roots coming in. He had braces which is a plus to me because I love braces on a boy, and he is taller than me. I’m tall for a girl, so finding someone taller than me has always been a problem, but with him it seemed just right. “So why’d you come here to get a new start Ash?” Already using my nickname, hm. Well, I didn’t want to tell Niall thet truth about why I was here so I gave him a revised version of it. “I just finished high school, and I didn’t like it where I was. I’m an only child and my parents were always working, so it was like I was on my own anyways, so I figured why not come to London to study medicine. So I told my parents and they were ok with it, and yeahh, i’ve been here ever since.” “Medicine? Wow. I found a smart girl.” “Ha shut up.” We finished our hot dogs and started walking around again. It was really sweet how he was treating me, he’d open doors for me, he’d wrap his arm around me when he felt me get chills, he paid for everything, and kept asking me if I was alright. It felt good to be treated like this. But I knew the date was coming to an end when it started getting dark and people started leaving. “Well, you ready to get going?” He asked. “Sure.” We walked back to his car and he drove me back home. All the while he was singing along with the radio and making me laugh. It felt good to be laughing cuz I haven’t laughed in while. But being with Niall was easy.
We arrived at my house and he walked me up to my door. I hoped we didn’t have an awkward date ending like I saw in movies. But no, that didn’t happen at all. “So um, I was wondering if you’d like to do this again? I mean not the Zoo again, unless you want to, but I mean another date…..with me.” The last words he smiled at me. I didn’t have to even think about it, so I said yes. “Ok cool, well I’ll text you when I know what we’re doing ok?” “Okay.” Then he leaned in and kissed me. It wasn’t like the video shoot one, it was just a sweet peck on my lips. I smiled when he pulled away and he returned the smile. I could see him blushing again and couldn’t help but laugh. It was nice knowing I made someone blush. “Ok, night Ashlynn.” “Night Niall.” Then he left. I walked back into my house and closed the door. I just stood there and smiled. That was a wonderful first date. But apart of me felt like I shouldn’t be enjoying this too much. Niall didn’t know everything about me, and I was scared if he did, he wouldn’t like me anymore. First off, yes i am an only child, but the reason I came out here wasn’t to really study medicine. The reason I came out here was to escape my life back in America. I hated the life I was living. My parents weren’t there for me and I only had a few true friends, but even they couldn’t see I wasn’t happy. But then also there was Zac. Zac and I had dated all through high school. We were high school sweet hearts. And I loved him, but I thought he loved me too. But at the end of high school, I found out he didn’t. He broke up with me the night of our graduation party in front of everyone. I wasn’t popular and he was, so him doing that, everyone started laughing at me while I left in tears. But he just laughed along with them. I hated him after that. And I couldn’t go out anymore because I felt like a reject. I wanted to get away as far as possible, and I saw school enrollement here in London for medicine, so I figured that was my one chance. I was surprised when my parents said yes, although it wouldn’t be any different for them, it would just be another day without seeing me. So I flew up here and have been trying to forget about America for a while now. But I still thought about it. Niall asking me why I came out here brought it all back, but I tried not to let it affect me. But I guess sooner or later I’d have to tell him, just not now. I didn’t even know if it was going to last with him, but I wanted to see where things went.
Niall kiss you story - Del 2
Niall’s POV:
As soon as the director yelled action, the song started playing. So I started singing and looking into the camera while Ashlynn walked around me, dragging her hand across my chest and back. She stopped in front of me and smiled at me. When my line ended, I smiled at her and put my hand underneath her chin. Slowly I raised her chin and then kissed her. It was slow and passionate, and honestly, the beg kiss I’d ever had. She was a great kisser, and when the director yelled cut, we kept going for a little bit then stopped. When we stopped she just looked up at me and smiled. “Not a bad kisser, nice start Niall.” She walked away, leaving me astonished. Did she seriously just say that then walk away? She disappeared into another room, and it was then that I saw Zayn walking up to me. “Well Horan, how was that?” He was already laughing at me. ”Mate…..I think I found my soul mate.” I was still frozen where I was, and Zayn continued to laugh at me. I was serious though, Ashlynn was a great girl all around. Before I was thinking I was running after where she had gone.
Your POV:
The kiss with Niall had been wonderful. I hadn’t kiss someone in so long, that I was scared I forgot. But with him, it seemed to just come back to me, or better yet like Niall and I had kissed before and were used to it. Hmm..he’s cute. I walked away because I was scared I’d say something next, but I could hear someone running behind me. When I turned around, it was Niall. “Yes??” “I just um, I um……..I was wondering if you’d like to go out with me sometime?” The smile he gave me made me smile in return. Well, who could turn down him, he’s already made me laugh so I guess I could. “Sure, I’d like that.” “Really!?” I laughed at the outburtst. “Oh, um okay, cool. Well can I have your number so we can set up a date?” “Sure.” He gave me his phone and I put my number in. “Ok, well i’ll text or call you k?” “Ok, looking forward to it.” With that he walked away. They still had other scenes to shoot, but I was done. So I went back to the dressing room, thinking about Niall, smiling like a dumbass to myself. But I was happy. I changed and grabbed my helmet and started heading out to my bike. I laughed to myself because Niall likes my bike. Most guys are intimidated by it, no one’s ever said that to me. He certainly is different, but that’s what I liked about him.
Niall’s POV:
After I walked back from getting Ashlynn’s number, all the boys were standing there in studio just looking at me with smiles on their faces. “What?” “Go Niall, getting a girl’s number. Didn’t think you had it in you to be honest.” Zayn said. “Oh shut up. It was actually very easy, she said yes to a date.” I stuck my tongue out at him. The others just laughed. “So, what are you guys going to do?” “Idk yet, I just got her number and said i’d call her.” “Well come up with something soon mate, girls don’t like to wait.” Harry said. We all continued with the video and wrapped up late at night. I had been thinking the whole time as to what I could take her to do, and I figured I’d just take her to my favortie place. The Zoo! As soon as I got home I found her number and called her. She answered on the second ring. “Hello?” “Hey Ashlynn, its Niall.” “Oh hey Niall. What’s up?” “I was just calling to see what you’re going to be doing tomorrow night? Are you free?” I hope she says yes. “Yes, actually I am.” “Ok well I’ll pick you up around 6 then, is that ok?” “Perfect Niall.” “Ok, can I have your address?” She gave me her address and I wrote it down. We hung up after that. I was really excited now. I just hoped I didn’t bore her tomorrow.
Your POV:
The next day all I could think about was my date tonight with Niall. I didn’t know where we were going, but I’m sure anywhere with Niall is going to be fun. Around 3 I started getting ready. I showered and blow dryed my hair straight. I put on a little bit of make up, just mascara and eye liner. When it came to the clothes, I chose to wear something casual yet classy. I wanted to be comfortable in case we were going to be walking around. After I put on my clothes, I heard the door bell ring. I looked at the clock. 6 o’clock, right on time. Hm, he’s good. I ran downstairs and opened the door. There he was with his hands in his pockets, looking handsome as ever. I was glad he was also wearing casual clothes, because I would of felt stupid. “Hey.” He smiled at me. “Hey, I’m all ready.” I beamed at him. “Great, let’s get going then.”
Vad långt dem har kommit om man tänker efter.

Niall Kiss you story - Del 1
Your POV:
Here I was, standing in front of my mirror, just staring at myself. Producers had called to tell me that I had got the part I auditioned for in the video. I was shocked but happy that I made it! But those other girls that were there yesterday, damn. I’m not the prettiest girl, so I’m glad I know I beat some of them! But hey, a jobs a job. But I didn’t know whose video this shoot was for. I was so dumb for not asking. They just said show up, so that’s what I’m doing today. Here goes nothing.
Niall’s POV:
Today we were shooting the video for ‘Kiss You’. We were all excited, especially me and Harry because we were told we were going to be kissing some girls on our parts. So of course I was happy. We didn’t get to choose the girls for the shoot, but whoever she was i’m sure she’ll be fine. Doesn’t matter to me. This is just my first time doing this. Me and Zayn were outside waiting for everyone to arrive playing football when we heard an engine revving. We looked down the alley to see someone on a motorcycle coming pretty fast. The person skidded to a halt a few yards away from where me and Zayn were. As I was admiring the bike, I realized it was a girl who was getting off it. What? A girl? That’s hot as hell. She got off and put the kick stand down. She then took off her helmet and beautiful brown hair fell down to the middle of her back. And when she turned around, the sun hit her eyes just right. They were a light shade of brown that looked good on her. She was walking our way and I couldn’t help but admire the way she held her helmet, tomboyish yet feminine. I liked it. I didn’t realize I was staring til I heard her say something. “Huh?” “Is this where the video shoot is?” Her voice, wow, it was angelic. I loved the sound of it that I hadn’t answered her. It was Zayn who answered for me. “Yes, just go through that door and it’s all the way at the end babe.” “Thank you.” She smiled and walked through the door. “Damn Ni, stare much?” I left out a breath I didn’t realize I was holding in. “Dude, a girl on a bike and walking towards me, now that’s breath taking. She’s hot.” “Maybe she’s on our shoot, hell maybe she’ll be the one you kiss.” He continued teasing me but I just brushed it off. Man I hope she’s on our shoot, but what if Harry’s the one kissing her. Ah fuck it, at least i’ll get to see her again.
Your POV:
He was cute. The blonde one. I guess I startled him cuz he looked confused when he was looking at me. But oh well, no time to dwell on that. I didn’t know where I was suppose to be going so I just continued walking to where I heard a bunch of noise. There were people all over the place moving fast. I didn’t know who to ask for help. Finally someone stopped in front of me, he had a headset on so I guess he was a producer. “Which video are you here for?” “That’s the thing, idk.” “Name?” “Ashlynn.” “Ok, you’re hear for the ‘Kiss You’ video. Go ahead and go to hair and make up over there. They’ll get you started.” He pointed off to the right in the back. “Ok thank you.” I walked over the to room and was immediately pulled in by a random girl who started doing my make up. I was uncomfortable at first but then she started talking to me. “Are you excited?!” She was a bit cheery which came off as annoying, but I tried to not let that show. “Um, to be honest I don’t know who the artists are or the song.” She stopped what she was doing to look at me stupidly. “You really don’t know who it is?” “Nooo…….” “Omg, ONE DIRECTION! You’re going to be shooting with One Direction and you don’t even know who it is??!” “Um, I guess. Are they good?” I had heard of them, just never really paid attention to them. “Are they good? Just watch honey, when you meet them, you’ll love them instantly.” I guess I would just have to wait till I see them. She did my hair next and then they put in some clothes. I was finally done and as they were walking me out to the camera room, they explained what I was going to be doing. I was to adore this person and act in love with him, and then kiss him. That last part came as a shock to me, but I acted professional about it. But to be honest, I was nervous. The last person I kissed was over 6 months ago. I think I was a little out of practice, but I didn’t say anything. They walked me to the camera room and showed me who I was going to be working with. I couldnt see him because there were so many people surrounding him. But some finally moved and I saw who it was. It was the blonde boy from outside.
Niall’s POV:
Lou was doing my make up and hair and others were just surrounding me doing something. It was all last minute things to get me ready for the shoot. “Kiss her like you mean it Ni.” Lou said as she walked away. Everyone else was finally done messing with me that I finally noticed a girl standing by the cameras just looking at me. I realized who it was and instantly got nervous. It was the girl from outside with the bike. Oh my god, she’s the one I’m kissing. And she was walking towards me now. Shit. Nialler just keep your cool man. “Hi. I’m Ashlynn, the girl from outside.” She let out a little laugh. “Urm, hi. I’m Niall.” “I guess I’m working with you today. And hey um sorry I didn’t recognize you outside. I don’t really know much about your band, so sorry for not saying anything to you.” She was apologizing? Why? That’s actually kind of a relief she doesn’t know who we are so I don’t have to worry about her screaming. “No love it’s ok. That’s actually a relief, so it’s no big deal. Nice bike by the way. I like it. I was shocked when you got off.” She smiled. “Well thank you, I like to surprise people. I get that reaction a lot.” I realized I liked this girl. Tomboyish, yet so girly at the same time. We talked for a little bit more before I brought up the video. “So, um, did they explain what we’ll be doing?” She then turned professional when she answered. “Yes, Act in love and then kiss.” She smiled when she said the last part. Shit. Now I was really nervous. “Ok, let’s get this road on the show people!” the director yelled. Well, here goes nothing…
Me and Niall