Memory loss - Liam ( part 1/3 )
[Part 1]
Your POV
“Liam!” I was moving around the kitchen making his breakfast when I noticed he wasn’t in here yet. “Liam!” “Coming.” He came around the corner from a fresh shower and kissed my cheek. “Thanks love.” “Your welcome.” This was our morning ritual. We’ve been together for 10 years, and I loved every moment of it. When I met him, I was in a dark place, but he helped me through so much, and for that….I owe him my life and undying love. I thanked him for everyday that he was in my life and he’d just smile at me. One direction was still together and stronger than ever. He was gone a lot, but we knew where we stood.
Today he was getting ready to leave for tour for 3 months before coming home for a break. I missed him like hell each time he left, but I counted the days til he returned to my arms. Each time before he left, we went out and had a lunch, just the two of us, to spend what little time we have together and cherish it.
Today we were going to Olive Garden. I know, not a fancy place, but it was my favorite place and Liam liked it as well. It was comfort food to me and he knew I loved it. We went and had lunch, talking about what would be happening on tour and how excited I was for him. It was nice knowing Liam enjoyed what he did, because I would rather have him happy than sad doing a crappy labor job. “Li, you know I love you right.” He gave me his puppy dog look and thought I was going to say something bad. “Really Liam, I love you more than anything.” “I love you too (Y/N). And I will love you til my dying day.” We kissed, but no sooner had I pulled away from his lips, we heard a loud commotion.
I looked to where the sound was coming from and could see people running towards our direction. Liam jumped up and came over to my side. The people running had tears streaming down their faces and looked scared. Then I saw why. There were two guys, masked, holding guns and pointing them at us. I got up and stood behind Liam and pulled him to walk back with me. But he wouldn’t budge. “Liam, move back…”“Go babe, I’ll be right there.” I knew he was courageous, but he did not need to do this now. “Liam…” “Go (Y/N). Trust me.”
I let go of him, not wanting to, and walked back to where everyone else was huddled up. Liam stood there and faced the two men. “Get on the ground!” We did as said, but Liam didn’t. “C’mon guys, think about what you’re doing. You don’t need to do this.” He slowly started walking towards them but they stopped him. “Stop or I’ll shoot!” He stopped and held his hands up. One of the guys walked up to Liam while the other left to look around. The guy put his gun in Liam’s face and made him get down on his knees. By now I was freaking out. I didn’t want to sit here and witness my boyfriend get killed.
I slowly started inching my way over to a table while Liam and the guys spoke quietly. I reached over and grabbed knife without him noticing. When I looked back though, the gun was now positioned by Liam’s throat and the guy was yelling at him. I stood up and held the knife behind my back, I thought I was going to kill this guy, but I didn’t get the chance to. As soon as I took one step, I heard a loud pop and felt an insane amount of pain in my head. I could hear a loud ringing in my ears and could feel my legs give out beneath me. I hit the floor and choked for air. My vision was going in and out and I could see everyone running around me, but I could feel his touch. Liam’s face came into my view but I couldn’t hear what he was saying. I couldn’t hear anything but this ringing, but even that didn’t last long. The pressure in my head just kept getting worse, and eventually I blacked out.
3 days later..
All I could see was blackness. But I could hear. I could hear beeping sounds surrounding me and someone talking. I moved my head and found I could open my eyes. When I did, it was like it was a whole new world. It was so bright, so fuzzy, but I recognized where I was. A hospital. I looked around and found the source of the voice. It was a man, tall, lean, brown hair, brown eyes, and he was talking frantically on a phone. When I coughed, he turned to me and his eyes lit up. He hung up his phone and ran over to me. “(Y/N)! You’re awake, oh babe!” He hugged me but I didn’t move. He pulled back and looked at me only to smile. Who was he?
“How do you feel babe?” There that word was again, babe…..why was he calling me that. “Um, I feel okay I guess. Why am I in here?” “You were shot in the head, but you made it love. You made it.” He hugged me again but still I just layed there. This time when he pulled back, his face was a little sad. “What’s wrong (Y/N)?” How did I say this in a nice way? “I, um……….I don’t know who you are to be honest…” If I thought he looked sad before, his face fell even more. His eyes watered and his lip trembled. “You…… don’t know who I am?” I slowly shook my head, keeping eye contact with him until someone else walked in. A doctor. “(Y/N), you’re awake. How are you feeling?” I was going to speak when the man did before me. “She doesn’t remember me.”
you break up - Liam ( part 4/4 )
Your POV
After Liam, me and Jake decided to leave. It kind of killed Jake’s buzz and mine too. We went back to my place and after 2 months of being with Jake, I decided it was finally okay for him to spend the night. He was happy because he was always trying to stay. He went home to get his clothes, so while I waited for him, I just sat there, thinking about Liam. Seeing him, I immediately became sober. He read the letter, and wanted to do what I said. But now, I didn’t want that. Because I knew if I had closure, I’d never hear from Liam again, and I didn’t want that. I know I’m with Jake, but seeing Liam tonight made everything clear to me. I never truly got over him. You can’t just forget about someone you were with for 3 years. I was going to marry that boy, but he chose to do this to me. So why was I thinking about him.
Jake came back in his sweats and a t-shirt, ready to just chill out. To get my mind off of Liam, I figured I was going to do something I hadn’t done since Liam left for tour, have sex. With Jake though. I knew it was wrong to do this to get my mind off of Liam, but I knew Jake would like it, and he wouldn’t have to know the reason why. We were sitting on the couch watching tv when I got up and started pulling him towards my bed. “What are you doing?” He had a smile on his face.“Something for your celebration.” I was smiling, but deep down needing to do this and get it over with. “Well, lucky me.”
I was very drunk, I knew that. After I saw (Y/N) and her boyfriend leaving the club, I followed them. I was driving under the influence but I wasn’t thinking right. They drove to a house, a house I assumed was hers now. I parked across the street and watched them go in. He left and I figured he wouldn’t be coming back. So I got out. After stumbling across the street, I walked around her house, checking it out. Her curtains were drawn, but I could see through them. There she was, sitting on her couch, just staring at the ground. What was she thinking about? Just then, I saw headlights in her driveway and I hid. I peeked my head around the corner and could see that he had come back. Fuck. I stayed in the dark until I heard her front door close. I came around to the front and watched them. They were just watching tv, but then she got up. And she was pulling him with her. I knew that look on her face because she would do that to me. In that moment, my drunkenness was gone, because I knew now what they were going to do. They were going to have sex. I couldn’t allow that to happen. I loved her too much to let her do this. After I saw them disappear upstairs, I ran up to her door and just started pounding on it.
Your POV
Just as I was going to take off my clothes, I heard a loud banging on my door. “What the fuck.” Jake was irritated now. He took off downstairs and opened the door. I stayed up here because I thought it was a burglar. But when I heard a familiar voice yelling, I ran down there. I couldn’t see around Jake because he was so big, but when I got closer to the door I could see Liam in his face screaming. “Let me see her!” “No, she didn’t want to talk to you, what don’t you get! Leave!” Jake would try to close the door but Liam would stop him. I was surprised by his strength, I’ve never seen him like this. “Jake..” My voice was barely a whisper but both boys turned and looked at me. I just nodded my head at Jake. He gave Liam one last glare and left. He went upstairs, grabbed his things and walked back out.“I’ll call you later.” I gave him a kiss and he left. He bumped into Liam’s shoulder as he walked out and left. “Liam, what do you want?” He walked into my house with his hands held up. “(Y/N), I just need to talk to you please.”
I really looked at him, last I saw him he was drinking heavily at the club, but he did not look drunk. “Fine, come sit down.” He closed the door and came and sat by me. I just looked at him, waiting for him to talk. “Okay, I know I have no right to say this, but (Y/N) I miss you.” What the hell. No. “No Liam, you can’t tell me that. Because you know what, you’re the one who left me.” I wasn’t yelling, I was just calm. I didn’t want to fight with him. “I know that, but listen to me babe. I don’t know what I was thinking, I was in a confused state, I didn’t know what I wanted. But I know now.” “Why? Because you see me with another man? No it’s doesn’t get to be that way Liam. Why can’t I move and be happy?” “(Y/N)…” “No fuck you Liam. We were together for 3 whole years, and you break up with me on television? I have to hear from fans that we’re no longer together? Do you know how that felt Liam? All you had to do was be a man and tell me to my face. Not in front of a whole crowd, hoping that news would travel to me. Because you know what, I didn’t deserve that. I lost all respect for you. I tried calling you, I left you messages, everything, and you couldn’t call back once. Nothing Liam, so I left. What’d you think, me seeing you would change everything? No. I needed to move on with my life because you obviously had. So no Liam, don’t sit here and tell me you miss me. If you had missed me you would’ve called.” I had to get everything out, he needed to see how much he had hurt me. He sat there for awhile just looking at me. I could see his eyes watering and I couldn’t stand to see that. I hated seeing him cry, it always made me cry. “(Y/N), I love you….and I know this won’t change anything, but I love you. I don’t know what else I can say to express the guilt I’ve been feeling, the anger I’ve been feeling. But I miss you, I miss you so much. And I’ll admit, yes, seeing you with another man irritates me. Because it hurts knowing you’ve found someone else to take my place. But babe, I won’t be able to find someone else because I’m still in love with you…” He made me look at him. “I will do anything to have you back (Y/N), please. Just give me a second chance.” By now my tears were falling.
I didn’t know if I wanted to believe Liam. He hurt me once, how do I know he won’t do it again? I was scared to be honest. Scared of my love for him and me giving in so easily to him. I still love him, but do I love him enough to try again? I didn’t feel the same about Jake. Hell I was just going to have sex with him to get my mind off of Liam. Jake didn’t deserve that, but that didn’t mean Liam deserved me again. “How do I know you won’t do this again?” He grabbed my hands and squeezed them tightly. “You don’t. But you have to trust me when I say I love you with all my heart enough to not hurt you ever again. I’ve experienced what life’s like without you and I don’t want to know that feeling ever again. Please…” I sat there and just stared at the wall past him. His eyes were wide, waiting for my answer. I finally turned to him and leaned my face closer to his. I closed my eyes and kissed him. I could tell he was shocked at first, but then grabbed my hair and pulled me closer. The kiss became deeper and Liam picked me up and took me to my room. He laid me down and climbed on top of me. But before we moved on, he stared into my eyes. “Does this mean yes?”
My heart skipped a beat every time he spoke to me. So yes, I loved this boy with all my heart. I missed him too and needed him. I nodded my head at him and smile. I could see his face relax and his smile brighten. “I love you (Y/N) and I’m so sorry.”“I love you too Liam.”
That night was perfect. He spent the night and woke up and made me breakfast. I knew I had to call Jake and tell him it was over, so I just got it over with. He yelled at me, but other than that, we were done. I looked over to where Liam was now. He was at the stove cooking, his face lit up with joy. I smiled seeing him that again. And knowing I was the one who brought him that joy, made me even happier. Having him back meant everything to me. I just had to leave my love in the hands of Liam now. But I knew nothing would happen like that again. I made him promise me next time he’d just talk to me. He said ok but that he’d never need to do that.
you break up - Liam ( part 3/4 )
4 months later..
The tour was done, I was finally able to go home. But home didn’t feel like home anymore. I don’t know why I expected (Y/N) to be there, but she wasn’t. I walked in and instantly felt the loneliness. I dropped my bags in the doorway and walked the rest of the way in. All the pictures that had her in it were gone. All her things she brought when she first moved in, gone. I looked in the bedroom and could see her whole dresser was gone, all her things out of the bathroom, everything that she had ever owned, gone. I sat down on the bed and put my head in my hands. Coming home to this, I felt a pang of guilt run through me. She must’ve taken the hint, but now I knew it was so wrong of me to do that.
When I finally felt better, I went to get up, but then I heard a something rumpled underneath me. I looked down and saw a piece of paper. I picked it up and noticed her hand writing. My name was written on the front and I just sat there and looked at it. Debating whether or not to read it. After what seemed like 30 minutes, I finally decided to not read it. I hid it in my side drawer and moved on. I couldn’t undo what happened, I just needed to forget.
Your POV
That night with Jake was the best night of my life. I didn’t sleep with him or anything because he wasn’t like that. No, he was truly a gentleman and made me laugh throughout the whole night. He just made me forget everything I had just been through, and it was nice. After that he called me everyday and we would go out. We hadn’t been official or anything, but recently we had made it official. And I was actually happy about it. He was nothing like Liam. They were total opposites. When Liam would get mad, he’d hold it in and not talk to anyone, Jake would talk to me and let me give him advice and he’d actually take it. When Liam and I were out in public, he didn’t like PDA, Jake didn’t mind. Liam stopped giving me roses after 2 months, Jake still bought me roses every week to replace the old ones. I was slowly falling for this guy, but still too scared for anything more. I needed to wait and see if he was right for me.
I had heard Liam was finally home from tour, and I couldn’t help but wonder if he had gotten my letter, but then again, I shouldn’t care. Jake and I were together, I needed to focus on him. I moved out of my friend’s house and got my own place. It was just a small studio, but it worked for me. I needed to be alone sometimes. After 3 years of sharing a place with someone, it felt nice to have my space. Jake would come over and spend time with me, but never spend the night. I had told him what happened and he understood, another thing I liked about him. I just couldn’t help but think maybe it’s too good to be true?
3 days later..
Jake and I decided to go out to the club for a celebration. He had just gotten promotion and wanted to party. I was happy to follow along. All my friends and his would be there so it was good. We arrived and go in quickly, drinks were ordered and the drinking began. Everyone was taking shots after shots and just having a good time. Jake and I were out on the dance floor enjoying ourselves when I felt someone tap on my shoulder. My vision was hazy, but it didn’t take a miracle to see who it was.
2 days earlier..
I couldn’t take it anymore, I needed to read that letter. After Louis told me he had tried calling (Y/N) a few months ago and her friend telling him those things, I needed to hear it for myself. I went into my room and opened the drawer.
Even though I want to sit here and tell you I hate you, I can’t. Because the love I have for you will not allow me to. I don’t understand why you felt you needed to do this to me. I would’ve handled it better than I am now. I just hope you understand what you did to me. You broke my heart and my trust. Crushed everything for me, when all I ever did was love you. When you get this, please call me or see me or something, just so I can get my closure Liam. That’s all I’ll ask of you after this, just do this for me. I won’t ask you anything, I won’t say anything. And just so you know, even though you did this to me, I’ll always love you and you’ll always have a place in my heart.
Bye Liam,
Closure. I could do that right? That’s the least I owed her.
I sat here in this club, enjoying my time with the lads, watching over them while partying. I was having a good time until I saw a familiar face walk in. It was (Y/N), but she wasn’t alone. She had all her friends with her, and most of all, her hand was intertwined with another man’s. Jealousy instantly hit me. I don’t know why, but I didn’t expect her to have found someone so soon. I stayed where I was and just watched her from afar. She drank, a lot. She never used to do that. She danced provocative, never used to do that either. But most of all, she paid most of her attention to the guy. She looked like she was having a good time, but something in me reminded me about her letter. Closure. I’ll probably never see her again, so it’s now or never. I downed a shot and got up.
I walked over to the dance floor and tapped on her shoulder. When she turned around, it seemed like it took awhile for her to focus, but when she finally did, her eyes widened. “Liam?” I awkwardly waved my hand. “Hi (Y/N).” She looked around me, probably looking for the boys. “What are you doing here?” “I’m here with the boys, back from tour.” All the while her boyfriend just stood there and watched the whole thing. “Is this the guy?” It was meant to be a whisper, but I heard it. Well, I guess she told him about me. “Yes……um, well it’s nice to see you Liam.” “You too (Y/N), um, can we talk, in private.” I could see her boyfriend tense up and she grabbed his hand to comfort him. “It’s okay babe…” then she turned to me, “Um Liam look, it’s nice to see you but I don’t think that’s a good idea.” “But the letter…” “Yeah I know what I said, but I’ve moved on. I’m fine. So you don’t have to do this.” She nodded at me and I took the hint. She really didn’t want to see me anymore. “Okay well, have a good night.” I walked away with my head down. I don’t know why this hurt, but it did. In 4 months she changed her mind about me and us. I thought I would be fine with this, but I’m not.
That night I got drunker than I’d ever gotten. I needed to drink away the pain I was feeling right now, along with the guilt. The guilt needed to leave, the more guilt I had, the more it hurt.
you break up - Liam ( part 2/4 )
I had just publicly said I was no longer with (Y/N). I felt guilty doing it this way, but I needed to get it out somehow. After the interview, the boys just looked at me. “Why’d you do that Liam?” It was Harry who asked. None of them knew what was going on. They had been wondering why I’d been raising my hand when asking if I was single, but I never explained. And doing that just made them even more curious. “Me and (Y/N) broke up that’s all.” “No, there’s more to the story.” “Just,”I was scared they were going to judge me, “whatever I say you guys have to promise you won’t see me differently.” I looked each of them in the eye and they all nodded but looked confused. “Okay, well, recently I’ve been having mixed feelings about her and I didn’t know what was happening. Until one day I looked at her and realized I wasn’t in love with her anymore.” They all looked taken back by this. “I know, I’ve been with her for 3 years, I don’t know what happened. But I didn’t have the heart to tell her in person……so I just did it now, hoping she’ll hear of it.” Louis shook his head. “Liam, I’m sure she’ll hear of it, but aren’t you the least bit worried about how she’ll take it? She didn’t hear it directly from you, that’s harsh what you just did. Think of all the things going through her mind right now. How could you do that?” I looked at them as they silently stood there judging me, I knew they were, they just didn’t want to admit it. All I could say was ‘I know’. After that I just walked away. I looked at my phone and looked at my recent calls. (Y/N) had called me a month ago 8 times, that’s when I started raising my hand. I couldn’t hear the heartbreak in her voice, I knew I’d break down as well. I guess I just couldn’t face my fears, but I knew it wasn’t fair to her.
Your POV
I got to (Y/F/N) and was a complete mess. “(Y/N) what happened?!” I must’ve looked like I just witnessed a murder or something because she was freaked out.“Liam…..he broke up with me.” And I started crying again. She grabbed me and pulled me into a hug. We just stood there, me sobbing on her shoulder, and her rubbing my back. “(Y/N), listen to me. You need to calm down.” She lifted up my head and told me to breathe. Slowly, my breathing became normal again, but I was still hysterical. I don’t think I could ever calm down after this. “Come here.” She walked me over to the couch and we sat. We sat there for about 4 minutes so I could gather myself. I knew I needed to tell her the story so she would understand. I took deep breaths and counted in my head. When I was finally able to speak, I told her the story.
“No! That dick!” “It’s true. I never would’ve thought Liam would do this.” “Where’s this damn video, let me see it.” I pulled out my phone and gave it to her. She watched the video and I could see the anger building up. After it was done she just sat there and shook her head. “You guys were together for 3 years and this is how he repays you? Have you called him?” “Yes, ever since I started hearing about this, but he won’t answer me! I’ve tried millions of time (Y/F/N) but he just won’t talk to me. I just want to hear it from him, that’s all I want. If he really loved me he could tell me himself. But I just don’t understand.” I buried my face in my hands and rubbed my temples. My head was hurting so bad that I didn’t want to think about this anymore. “Can I stay here please? I know Liam’s going to be gone for another 4 months, I just don’t want to be alone.” “Of course babe, let’s just go get some of your things.”
Louis’ POV
I couldn’t help but think about (Y/N). She didn’t deserve what he did to her. If it were me, I would’ve called her myself but he’s just been a complete ass. Knowing her so long, I felt it was my duty to call her and check on her. I locked myself in my room and dialed her number. It rang about 4 times before she finally picked up. But it wasn’t her. “Can I help you?” I looked at my phone, making sure I had the right number. “Uh, who is this?” “Is this Louis? Well Louis, I’m (Y/F/N), (Y/N)’s friend. And if you’re calling on Liam’s behalf I’d like to just tell you to tell him to go fuck himself.And she doesn’t want to talk to any of you.” “No, no, that’s not…” Then she disconnected. What the hell?
Your POV
I woke up the next morning and found (Y/F/N) in the kitchen. She was cooking breakfast when I came in. “Hey.” “Hey, Louis called last night.” What?! “What, when?” “After you fell asleep.” “Well what’d he say?” “I didn’t let him speak, I told him to tell Liam to fuck off and for them not to call anymore. Trust me girl, it’s what’s best for you right now.” I sat there and thought about that. I guess the only way for me to move on from this heartbreak is to not talk to any of them. Because even if I just talked to Lou, I would think of Liam. Ugh, this sucked. But Lou called me, that had to mean something right? “Agreed.” “Okay good, now, we’re going out.” I shook my head. “I’m not ready for that.” “(Y/N) I am not going to let you sit around here and mope. You’re going to be ready by 7 tonight and we are going out you hear me?” I just put my head down. The things my friends made me do. “Yes mom.”
That night I was ready and so not looking forward to this. She told me to wear a dress, so I did. I got downstairs and the rest of our friends were there. When they all saw me they hugged me, all saying they were sorry. “Ugh, you bitches better not bring this up anymore.” They laughed and said ok. We were going out to dinner then a club. I was just following along. But what I didn’t know, was that this was a date…...for me. Ugh, great. When we got to the restaurant, there were guys there. There was a guy for all of my friends, and even one for me. Was this necessary? Liam just broke up with me, I’m not ready for this. “(Y/N), meet Jake, Jake this is (Y/N).” I looked at the guy. He was very tall, light skinned, blonde hair, blue eyes, perfect smile, and a nice body from what I could tell. Nothing like Liam. He stuck his hand out. “Hi, nice to meet you.” Well his voice sounded nice, I couldn’t be mean, it just wasn’t me. I shook his hand. “You too Jake.” “Shall we?” He motioned for me to take the seat across from him, he even pulled out my seat for me. Wow, I wasn’t expecting that. Gentlemen, that’s what popped into my head.“Thank you.” He sat down across from me and everyone else sat down around us. (Y/F/N) raised her glass and we all followed. “I would just like to say (Y/N), you better give this guy a chance or I will destroy you honey.” She winked at me and drank her glass. We all threw our glasses back, the alcohol burning my throat, but it felt good. Jake looked at me and winked. I just smiled at him “You ready to have a good time?” Hmmm… “Sure, why not?”
I needed this right? Maybe Jake wasn’t such a bad guy. Maybe I shouldn’t judge him, maybe I should just try this. Ah what the hell, why not. Liam was long gone anyways right, I’ll just have to block him out.
you break up - Liam ( part 1/4 )
I was slowly falling out of love with (Y/N). And it pained me to even think about that. I don’t know how it happened or why, but it just did. And the sad thing was, I didn’t know how to tell (Y/N). I didn’t want to break her heart. I was constantly thinking of ways I could tell her, but nothing. The only thing I could do was honest with her, but then again not. We’ve been together for 3 years, how do you break up with someone you’ve been with for 3 years?
Your POV
Liam and I lived together, so I would stay home while he went on tour so I could watch the house. I wasn’t comfortable going on tour with the boys, so most of the time I stayed here, and Liam respected that. That’s what I loved about him, he respected whatever I did or said. I loved him dearly.
This time the boys were going to be gone for about 6 months touring. Each day that passes, I counted the days til Liam would come back. He’d call me every night to check on me and let me know he loves me. It was times like these when I missed him the most. I’d go hang out with friends a lot to get my mind off of things, but I’d just come home and see if there was anything new on the internet.
Today when I got home, I noticed there was a lot of talk on twitter about Liam and I breaking up. I laughed at it. There was always someone spreading that rumor about us, but I knew it wasn’t true. So I sent a tweet: ‘Guys it’s just rumors, we’re still together xx.’ As soon as I sent that, I got a millions mentions. Most of them had video links. So I clicked on the first one. It was a video of an interview that they did in Germany. They asked the usual questions like how excited they were and who was single. When it got to that part, I expected for Liam’s hand to stay down, but it went up. What the fuck? So I watched the next one. Again, the same thing. Liam was stating that he was single in interviews. When did this happen? I looked at the date and saw that it was only 4 days ago.
Liam stopped calling me 4 days ago, I never realized that. I had been going out a lot that I had forgotten. I watched about 3 more interviews with the same results. And in each of them, Liam was smiling when he rose his hand. I picked up my cell phone and called him. He didn’t answer. I didn’t know where the boys were now, but anytime I called, Liam would pick up. So why was he not now? I called again 3 more times, and still no answer. I was starting to get worried. The last time I left a voicemail: ‘Li baby, call me back. I just saw some interviews and noticed you raised your hand when asked who was single, can you please call back and explain? I love you babe.’ I sat there and just stared at my phone. But it never rang.
Days passed and still no call from Liam. I was constantly being tweeted, asked what happened and sent more videos. My heart was slowly breaking from this. Liam has never acted like this, why is he doing this to me. I was constantly checking his twitter, hoping to catch him online, but even when he was, he wouldn’t respond to me. What the hell? I tried asking one of the boys and they didn’t respond either. I was in a confused state by now, not knowing what to do.
Just as I was about to go take a shower, I heard my phone go off. I looked at it, it was just another tweet. But something told me to look at this one. I opened it and it led me to another video, but in this one, Liam was actually talking in it.
“So Liam, all the ladies have been wondering, are you really single?” His face was then filled with guilt and sadness. “Yes, yes I am.” I gasped and covered my mouth. Why would he say that? But the interviewer continued. “So you’re no longer with (Y/N)? What happened?” He took a moment to answer and never once made eye contact with the camera. “No we’re not, I guess I just fell out of love with her, and I need to move on from it.” And then the camera cut off. I stood there, crying, just looking at my phone. Liam broke up with me and I didn’t even know it. It’s been a month since I’ve heard from him, and now I know why. But why wouldn’t he just tell me? I’ve always been honest with him, why can’t he do the same in return.
By now my tears were just pouring out. I felt so stupid for not believing those videos. Everyone knew we were broken up before me, and I just felt so used……he fell out of love with me? Since when? All these questions ran through my head as I sat there. I didn’t want to be alone so I grabbed my purse and headed to my friends house. I needed to talk to someone about this, try to figure out what just happened.
he blows you off- Liam part 2 ( the end )
Your POV
“Liam, you can’t possibly believe this. We were not kissing.” “Then what the hell is it (Y/N)?! It sure as hell looks like it!” Why was he so angry? He’s the one who blew me off last night! “LIAM! ZAYN AND I DID NOT KISS!” I was so mad to the point where I was shaking. How could he possibly think I’d do that? “Why were you with him last night then?” “Really?! You’re asking me that? Well, since my ‘so called boyfriend’ never showed up last night…I went to Zayn’s looking for you. And he offered to take me out since you never showed! We just danced and drank and that’s it Liam.” He just stood there and looked at me. He never replied. “So what? You think I really did this don’t you…….where were you last night that you couldn’t even tell me? Do you know how long I sat here waiting for you? You could of atleast called and let me know Liam.” “I was busy.” That’s all he had to say? Hell no. “You were busy? Really. Well, I guess I’m busy too. Too busy for our relationship. So get the hell out Liam.” I stood by my words. He just really pissed me off. I couldn’t stand to look at him. He had no excuse for me and I didn’t want to hear anything else. He just continued to stare at me. “Are you serious right now?” “Dead serious. You come in here accusing me of kissing Zayn and then you can’t even tell me why you never showed? Fuck that Liam. I don’t deserve this. Goodbye.” I pointed to the door. He hesitated, but then he finally walked out. I slammed the door after him and then just stood there looking at it. I just broke up with Liam Payne….I hope I did the right thing.
Liam’s POV
As I walked out, I couldn’t believe what just happened. I didn’t expect this coming over here. All I wanted to know was about Zayn. But everything just got out of control. I needed to go see Zayn. I arrived at his house and just walked in. He wasn’t downstairs so I assumed he was still in bed. I opened his door and sure enough, there he was sleeping. I walked over to his side and lightly shook him. Zayn was hard to wake up so I had to end up practically shoving him. “What the hell man?” He threw his pillow at me and I just stood there. “What do you want Liam.” He sounded drunk still. “I need to talk to you about (Y/N).” Zayn cracked one eye open and just looked at me. “Why?” I pulled out the magazine and showed it to him. He opened both eyes and squinted to see it. His eyes widened as he saw it clearer. “What the fuck…..bro, I swear that’s not what it looks like..” He sat up and grabbed it from me. I sat down in chair to wrap my head around this. “I know Zayn, I just talked to (Y/N)….and we broke up…” He looked back up at me confused. “What? Why?” I sighed. “I went over there accusing her of kissing you and then she asked me where I was last night….” “And?” “And I told her I was busy…..” “Really Liam? What were you doing? She came over here all sad looking so of course I took her out, I felt bad. You stood her up bro. Why?” I wasn’t going to tell anyone about this, but I knew I had to tell Zayn so he’d understand. “I didn’t show up last night because I was doing something for her….I wanted it to be a surprise….” “What kind of surprise?” I pulled out a set of car keys. “What are those?” “They’re (Y/N)’s new car keys…I bought her a car last night…and I didn’t expect it to take so long…but they took forever to get it and then I had to go park it somewhere so she wouldn’t see it…” He just looked stunned. “Why didn’t you tell one of us mate? We could of helped, and that would’ve made things a whole lot better now.” “I know, I feel stupid now, I just didn’t want anyone to know about it. But fuck man, now what am I going to do.” “Just still surprise her Liam, when she knows the truth, I’m sure everything will be alright.” I thought about it. How was I suppose to get her to talk to me after this morning. “Can you help me?” He rubbed his head and laid back down. “Sure Liam, just lemme sleep off my drunkenness for a little bit.” I laughed at that and walked back out. Now I needed to plan on what I was gonna do.
Your POV
After sitting around for hours, I finally decided to get ready. I needed to do something, I couldn’t just sit around here dwelling on it. I showered and did my hair and makeup and was getting ready to leave when I got a call from Zayn. “Hey Zayn, what’s up?” “Hey, did Liam go to your house all crazy like he did to me?” I laughed at that. “Sure as hell did. What’d he say to you?” “Oh you know, just asked what the hell it was. But I assured him nothing happened…….At least I don’t think so. Right?” Really Zayn. “Ha, no buddy, nothing happened, I wasn’t that drunk.” “Ight good aha. Well do you wanna grab lunch or something? I need to eat, I have a massive hangover.” “Sure, I just got ready, so I’ll be at your house in 10.” “K cool, see you when you get here.”
I drove over to Zayns and picked him up. But instead of going in my car, we took his. He said he wanted to drive and that was a first coming from him. But I okayed it. We ended up going to an italian restaurant and sat down. When we were done Zayn and I started walking out the door. But when I walked out, there was Liam standing there leaning against some car I had never seen. And it had a big red bow on it. All I could do was stare at him. I looked over to Zayn and he just shrugged his shoulders and walked away. Thanks Zayn. Liam slowly walked over to me and looked nervous. “Um, I don’t know if you even wanna talk to me, but I feel I should let you know this…….Um..” he pointed at the car, “the reason I didn’t show last night was because I wanted to do something nice for you….and well it ended up taking longer than I had expected and it was suppose to be a surprise…but then I saw the picture and got kinda mad…..but (Y/N)……surprise I guess.” He let out a nervous laugh and looked to the ground. So this was all for me? I looked at the car and instantly felt a little bit better. Liam did this for me and was trying to be secretive about it….how sweet. I guess this morning I did go overboard on him. I instantly regretted it. I looked at Liam and he was still looking at the ground. I walked closer to him and lifted his chin. “Thank you Liam, I love it babe.” And I kissed him. He was shocked at first but then started kissing me back. When we pulled away he looked better. “So does that mean we’re okay now?” “Yes babe.”“And do you like you’re surprise? I mean did I do good?” I laughed. “Of course Liam, thank you so much.” He let out a huge sigh, “ok thank god.” “I’m sorry Liam. I love you.” He smiled at me. “I love you too (Y/N), it’s ok.”
he blows you off- Liam part 1
Your POV
It’s been months since I’ve seen Liam. He’s been away on tour and he was finally coming home for a break. I was just so excited to see him. We skyped everyday, but it was better to see him in person. Tonight we were suppose to be going out to a club to celebrate his return. I was finishing getting ready to go. Liam had texted and said he’d come and pick me in 30 minutes. I didn’t know what the other boys were doing and I didn’t know if they were going, but I didn’t care. All that mattered was seeing Liam.
I was ready now and just waiting for Liam. 30 minutes went by and he didn’t show. I sat on my couch and just kept looking at my phone. I had texted him at least 5 times, but he never texted back. I was starting to get worried. An hour passed and I still hadn’t heard from him. Did he just forget me? This was sad. My own boyfriend was standing me up. Where could he possibly go that he couldn’t let me know? I decided to head over to Zayn’s to see if he’s heard from him. When he answered the door, he was surprised to see me. I was in a dress and all dressed up to go to the club, so yeahh I guess that was weird. “Hey Zayn, I was just wondering if you’ve heard from Liam..?” He got a confused look on his face. “No, he said he was going to see you. He left a long time ago.” Now I was really worried and confused and hurt at the same time. “He never showed..we were suppose to go out….but I guess he doesn’t want to….thanks Zayn.” I turned to leave but Zayn grabbed my arm. “No wait (Y/N). Here, I’m not doing anything let’s go to the club together.” “Aw no Zayn you don’t have to, spend time with Perrie or your family.”He just shrugged. “They’re all busy so I don’t have anything to do, plus I’m bored, so I’d be honored to take you out if you let me.” I smiled. It was nice he was doing this for me. I guess I always went to him when Liam and i were having problems.“I’d love that, thanks Zayn.” “K lemme just get ready and we’ll go.” I walked in and sat on the couch waiting for him. He didn’t take long and he walked back into the room. “Ight, let’s roll!” I could tell he was excited. I guess he needed nights out too.
We arrived at Club Rain and got in quickly because of Zayn. It was packed tonight. But I didn’t care. I just wanted to get drunk and dance. Get my mind off of Liam. I checked my phone one more time before drinking. Still nothing from Liam. Fine. I stuck my phone in my bra and started ordering drinks for Zayn and I. After our 5th round, Zayn asked me to dance. And let me tell you, when Zayn is drunk, he dances funny but good. And I was a little tipsy myself so I accepted. It’s not Zayn and I hadn’t danced before. We made it out to the middle of the dance floor and started dancing. Not dirty, but we were close. It was just fun to just let go and forget. And he was having a good time, so why couldn’t I? We kept dancing and kept drinking. To the point where we were both stumbling and falling down. But we just laughed about it. But we both knew we needed to go home now. I picked Zayn up from the floor and helped him walk to the door. I hailed a taxi and got us both in. I had the driver drop off Zayn first then me.
It felt good to be home. I was just so tired I wanted to do was sleep. I left a trail of my clothes and shoes on the floor leading to the bedroom. I just didn’t care. I flopped down on the bed and instantly fell asleep, forgetting about Liam.
But the next morning I was woken up to a magazine being thrown in my face. It hurt because it slapped me and I was taken back. I opened my eyes to see an angry Liam standing over me. “Wanna explain these to me (Y/N)?” He sounded so mad I couldn’t think of a reason for him to be like that. He pointed to the magazine. I slowly picked it up and looked at it. Oh….on the cover was Zayn and I……and it looked like we were kissing….
he says something he regrets ( not by me ) Liam part 2
Your POV
I sped away. I didn’t know where I was going to go. I just needed to get away from Liam. I was still crying as I was driving. It was late as hell so hardly anything was open. I found myself driving in circles until I ended up back in front of Liam’s flat. The lights were all out, so I was assuming he went to bed. I could have gone home, but I was just too worried to leave him alone. I had only been gone for an hour and he already decided to give up on me. He never called, never came after me. I guess he didn’t care. I sat there for awhile just looking at the house, I wanted to go in, but I was scared. I didn’t want him to lash out at me again, but then again, no man should ever talk to a woman like that. I got up the courage to get out of my car and walk up to the door. I unlocked it and walked in. It was dark, but I knew he wasn’t anywhere downstairs. I quietly went upstairs to his bedroom and opened the door. Liam was sound asleep on the bed and I couldn’t help but go look at him. Even in his sleep he still looked stressed. His eyebrows were moving, he had a frown and he was mumbling. It was cute yet sad to see. He truly had been stressed, I just still didn’t know what for. I kissed his forehead and couldn’t believe it when his face actually relaxed as I pulled away. I truly loved this boy. I decided to let him have the bed to himself and grabbed a pillow and blanket and slept downstairs on the couch. As I layed down, I sat there wondering what Liam would do when he found me in the morning, but I was prepared for whatever he had to say.
Liam’s POV
The next morning I woke up with a headache. It was from all the crying. I was so tired last night that I just passed out, I was gonna go looking for (Y/N) but ended up not. Shit, she must think I don’t want her. I got up and walked downstairs to check my phone. But as I got to the living room I noticed a figure on the couch. I walked over and saw it was her. She came back…why did she sleep down here? I sat down across from her and moved her hair out of her face so I could look at her. Her eyes were puffy and red, she had cried a lot. Gosh, and it was all because of me. I still didn’t know why I did that last night. I guess I just needed someone to take it out on and she just happened to be there. As I was playing with her hair, she started to slowly wake up. I sat back and waited til she was fully awake. She noticed me and sat up and backed away from me. I bowed my head…..I deserved that I guess. I looked back up at her. “Why’d you sleep out here?” “I didn’t want to bother you.” “(Y/N) that wouldn’t of bothered me.” “Yeahh but the things…” “(Y/N) the things I said last night I didn’t mean. And believe me when I say I’m so sorry. I’m just so stressed with work and fans and you just happened to be the one I took it out on. I’m sorry babe, that won’t ever happen again.” She looked skeptical. “Are you sure Liam? You sounded so truthful last night. I mean, I don’t ask for the things you give me, and you know I always try to put you first…” That hurt to hear that. She thought I didn’t appreciate her. “Babe I know you do and I thank you for that. I don’t know why I said that last night. I buy you things because I want to and I put you first for a reason. You give me everything I could ever ask for (Y/N) and that’s your love and being with me. I couldn’t ask for more. I love you babe. I’m just sorry you had to see me like that.” She nodded her head and let a small smile spread across her lips. “So…..we’re good?” “Yess.” “Ok but Liam. Next time just talk to me ok? No matter what it is, i’m your girlfriend for a reason. I’m here for you, I always will be babe. You have to trust me when it comes to stuff like that.” What she was saying was true. I had a hard time confiding in people, and I did trust her its just I didn’t want her to see me like that. I like to keep things bottled in I guess. I just didn’t want to burden her with my problems, but now I know not to keep things from her anymore. “I promise I will babe. Thank you……I don’t deserve you sometimes.” “No Liam, I don’t deserve you, but I love you and that’s all that matters.” “I love you too. Now come to my bed and sleep with me please?” “Gladly.” I picked her up and carried her up to the room and laid her in bed. I got in besides her and held her close to me. “Don’t ever leave like that again.” “Don’t ever scare me like that Liam.” “I won’t.” “Then I won’t do that again.” I smiled at that and accepted that.
He says something he regrets ( not by me ) Liam part 1
Your POV
Being with Liam was the best thing any girl could ask for. He truly was the sweetest guy and a true gentlemen. And I loved him, with all my heart. We’ve been together for about a year now and I couldn’t be more happy. Even though I never expected it, he always put me first and made sure I was happy before himself and others. I told him many times not to do this, but it was just in him to do that. There were times when I thought I didn’t deserve him because I couldn’t return his kindness sometimes, but he reassured me I didn’t have to return anything. Liam had money, I didn’t. I was nothing compared to him. So when he bought me presents and gave me nonsense things, I would get upset because there was no way I could buy him something so expensive. “(Y/N), gifts don’t have to be expensive. They come from the heart. It just so happens that what I buy you is expensive, but I just want you to have the best, because you deserve the best.” He would make me cry when he said that and I gladly appreciated him for that. I would make him dinner, go to him whenever he needed me, anything I could to show my love and appreciation for him. One night though, he wasn’t himself and I felt that he needed me.
He had texted me earlier today saying he was very stressed and he was just going to stay in tonight. We were suppose to be going to the movies but I didn’t care. I was at my house when he said that so I rushed over to his house. I knocked for what seemed like ever and then he finally opened the door. “I brought snacks.” I smiled and held up a bag of candy and popcorn. He didn’t seem happy to see me but he let me in. My face fell a little after that. I had never really seen Liam like this so it was new to me. Usually he was the one taking care of me when I was at my worse. I set down the bag and walked over to him in the kitchen. “Babe, what’s wrong?” He had his arms crossed and head down. I went to go hug him but he just pushed me away. “(Y/N) I’m just really stressed babe. I really wanted to be alone tonight.” Well that kind of hurt. “But Liam, I’m your girlfriend, you can talk to me. I’m here for you. You know that.” “Yes I do, but there are just some things you handle by yourself.” “But…” “I appreciate you coming over here but can you please leave.” “Liam, no..I want to stay and help.” I guess I said the wrong thing because he exploded after that. Which sure as hell caught me off guard. “Damn it why don’t you listen!! I said I wanted to be alone! Can’t you for once put me first instead of yourself!?! You’re selfish and annoying! Get the fuck out now!!” My eyes started watering at what he said and I was shaking. Seeing Liam like that was terrifying.
Liam’s POV
I was stressed, I didn’t mean what i just said. It just slipped out. But after seeing her shaking and starting to cry, my stress what instantly gone. “No babe, I didn’t mean that. I’m so sorry….” I went to grab her hand but she just backed away.“(Y/N)!” She was already grabbing her things and walking towards the door. “Stay away from me Liam. Since I’m so annoying I’ll just leave you alone and put you first for once.” And with that she slammed the door and left. I ran out to get her but she had already sped away. Crap, what have I done? I stood there and debated on whether or not I should go to her, but instead I stood there and cried. I’ve never yelled at a girl, let alone said those things, and I just hurt her. And there were no words to explain how regretful I felt.
Vad långt dem har kommit om man tänker efter.


Always Harry

Liam, Harry and some werd guy


he leaves you for another girl: Liam part 4 ( last part )
(Your POV): “Im sorry about that (Y/N). He over heard me and the boys talking about you.” Niall was walking me to the apartment I was finally able to afford. I couldn’t blame him for what happened, I could never be mad at Nialler. “I don’t blame you Niall. Its ok, really. I guess just seeing him kinda shocked me.” “Are you ok though?” I smiled at him. It was a fake smile but Ni didn’t need to know that. “Yes, I am babe. You can stop worrying ha.” “Listen, (Y/N). I know you don’t wanna hear this, but Liam hasn’t been the same since you’ve been gone. I mean yeahh he has Danielle, but lately he’s seemed distant. Not just from her, but from everyone. But when he heard your name, his eyes were filled with guilt and longing.” He’s right, I didn’t want to hear that. But I had to pretend to be strong. “Ni, it was his choice. Not mine. You know I love him dearly but he never even picked up the phone to call me. If i’m not worth his time, he’s not worth mine. I can’t dwell on something that hurt me so much.” “I know, I just thought I’d tell you.” “I love you Ni, and I cherish our friendship and everything you’ve done for me. I don’t think I could ever repay you, but for now, can we leave the Liam talk behind until I’m ready to talk about it again?” We finally made it to my apartment, but I wasn’t going to invite him inside because I wanted to be alone. ”Yes, I’m sorry. I’ll text you later ok?” He kissed me on the cheek and left.
I unlocked my door and actually looked at my place. I only had a couch, tv and a bed. After today, coming home to this, I felt so lonely. I dropped my purse and slid down the door. I started crying. I hadn’t cried since Liam told me there was someone else. Seeing him with her broke my heart. I still loved him, but he chose her over me. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to forget that. I lied when I said im happy for them. What was I suppose to say to her? It didn’t matter, I couldn’t think about it too much. My headache was already forming from crying so hard. I decided to take a shower and just watch some tv.
As I was watching The Notebook, I started crying. Wishing that was Liam and I. Niall had been texting me and laughed cuz I said I was crying because of the movie. I guess it was just a crying day for me. Then Niall texted me saying sorry and I couldn’t figure out why he’d say that. But then I heard a knock at the door. I opened it thinking it was Niall coming to comfort me, but the eyes I looked into werent blue. They were Liam’s puppy dog browns. His face turned to concern when he saw my eyes. He could tell I had just been crying. “(Y/N), what happened? Are you ok?” It took me a while to answer because I was shocked he was here… my door……talking to me. This is why Niall said sorry. He must’ve given him my address. “Um, yeahh I was just um watching The Notebook.” His face looked relieved when I said that. “Oh, well, that was always your favorite movie. Um, Niall told me where you were. I hope that’s ok.” I didn’t answer him. Just stared at him. “Can I come in? I wanna talk.” I just walked to the couch and sat down. He took that as a yes and closed the door and sat next to me. I paused the movie and turned to Liam. He was watching me intently and it kinda made me uncomfortable. “(Y/N)…..I um…..I know I said it earlier, but I am sorry. Believe me when I say that. I never meant to hurt you.” I didn’t want to hear this from Liam. Not today. I don’t think I could handle it. I was already on the verge of tears. You could hear the sincerity in his voice and I knew he was telling the truth. Damn him for actually meaning it. ”Liam…..please…..I can’t…” “Just hear me out ok?” He stopped to see my reaction. I just nodded my head and he continued. “What I did was wrong. And I didn’t mean to fall for Danielle again, but I did. And I can’t take that back. But watching you leave, was the worse thing for me. After you left, I sat there for what seemed like days. Thinking, telling myself that I really wanted Danielle. But (Y/N), everytime I was with her, all I thought about was you. And why you would say you expected this from me. Hearing you say that tore me apart.” He paused and just looked at me. I couldnt help it, my tears were already falling. I was barely whispering when I finally said something. “But Liam, you never even called. You never tried to reach out to me. You didn’t try and find me. I was by myself. Stranded. Here in London because I dropped everything for us to be together. Us, Liam, not you and Danielle. I had no one beside Niall. He was there for me and helped me Liam. Not you. Not the person who I came here for. I wouldnt go home because do you know what it would be like for me to tell my family the boy I came here for abandoned me? They would of said they were right thinking me going was a bad idea. But I went against them Liam. For you. For us. And you just left me, like nothing. And yes I expected it. But deep down I thought you would change that feeling for me Liam. But all you did was make that come true. I loved you and you broke me. How can I ever forgive you for that?”
Liam had tears in his eyes and that made me cry even more seeing him like that. But it didn’t matter because he did this. “(Y/N), I have no words to say to you to make you forgive me. And I don’t expect you to. I can’t forgive myself for what I did either. But all I can say is that I still love you and I miss you. And I want you back.” I started shaking my head, but he rushed to continue. “Just please give me another chance. Please (Y/N). When I gave you that promise ring, I meant it. I am going to marry you someday (Y/N). I am. And whether or not you want to believe it, I swear I will. I love you so much. I didn’t mean for any of this to happen, but it did. And I cant change the past, but baby we can change our future. Starting with you and I starting all over again and taking this step by step. Please babe.” I was at a loss for words. I didn’t expect Liam to say he wanted me back. I thought he came to say he was sorry and that was it. But he wants me back. But I don’t know if i can do that?Who says he wont do it again? I looked at him. Really looked at him. His beautiful face was full of hope. And he was just waiting for my answer. Liam really wanted this. And I guess, deep down, I do too. I wiped my eyes and looked him in his eyes and said ‘yes’. The look on his face made my smile break out. He jumped up and grabbed me into a hug. He repeatedly said ‘thank you, i love you’. I hugged him back with everything I had. And finally he kissed me. I missed his kiss. and I could tell he missed mine. We finally broke away and looked at eachother. “Please move back in with me. All your stuff is exactly where you left it babe.” This made me laugh. But I gladly accepted his invitation.
Liam and I were living together again, and everything was going great. I was back to myself again, and Niall was happy for that. But I was happy just because I had Liam back in my life. I guess it is true. If you truly love something, let it go. And if it comes back to you, then it’s meant to stay in your life. And Liam is that something. And I love him dearly.
he leaves you for another girl: Liam part 3
(His POV): Its been a month since i’ve seen (Y/N). The girl I left her for is Danielle. I didn’t want to tell her that though, i know it would of been harder for her. I loved being with Danielle, but there were times when I still thought about (Y/N). I wondered how she was doing, where she was. And what she said still rang in my head. “because I expected it….”. I still didn’t know what that meant, and it bugged me. That night after she left, I just sat there, staring at the promise ring I had given her. I promised her, but couldnt keep that promise. People break promises all the time right? Then why did I feel so horrible looking at it. She left everything. The clothes I bought her, her accessories, and even her car. How was she getting around? I would question myself time to time about her, but then I would shrug it off because I was the one who let her go. I remember Niall coming in the next day asking what happened, and I told him. He said he was sorry it happened, but that was it. We didn’t talk about it anymore. The mates just wanted me to be happy. But why did I feel so low. Danielle and I would go on dates and paparazzi would say shes better for me and that we looked good together. They said this plenty of times, and I would just take it as a compliment. They never said that about me and (Y/N) though….
One day we were all in the studio rehearsing when I heard the boys whispering about (Y/N) to Niall. I heard her name and immediately started listening. “how is she holding up?” harry asked. “she’s uh…..she’s doing the best she can. She won’t let me help her and it pisses me off. but she was always strong willed you know?” Niall said. “but she’s ok right?” Louis said. “She’s lost a lot of weight and doesnt talk much like she used to. idk if she’s doing it on purpose or she just doesn’t have the money to eat or even wanna talk to me. but i’m going to meet her for lunch today and see how she is.” “you’re going to see (Y/N), Niall?” I couldnt help but say it out loud. All the boys suddenly turned around, looking shocked that I had heard. Niall took his time answering. “I, um, yes I am…”. “Can you……, can you tell her i’m sorry Ni.” “Liam, I don’t think that’s a good idea. I think you need to tell her that yourself.” “I don’t think she wants to see me..” “You never know mate, maybe seeing you will do her good so she can move on.” Move on……those words stung. Everybody thought I moved on because I had Danielle. But in all truth, I hadn’t. Danielle was great, but she wasn’t (Y/N). I hadn’t even talked to Danielle for the past 3 days. I debated on whether or not Niall was right. I atleast owed this to her right? “Ok. Where are you guys meeting?” Niall told me and he said he wouldn’t say anything to (Y/N).
Me and Niall arrived at the resturant. (Y/N) wasnt there yet. I sat with my back to the table where Niall sat with my hood on. I heard Niall get up and greet her when she came in. “Hi Ni!” her voice, it sounded different. like she had just got done crying, but it was still good to finally hear. “(Y/N), how are you, honestly?” “Wow, right to the questions huh? um, im fine Ni.” “you look like you havent ate (Y/N). do you have enough money? Please just let me help you.” “Niall, please. i’m fine. I just sometimes forget to eat because of the job. i don’t want your money you know that.” I could hear Niall sigh. I hated hearing she was struggling. “um, Liam said to tell you sorry….” she stayed quiet for what seemed like forever. “hmm. I saw a picture of him and Danielle the other day. They look happy. The head line said “She looks better with him than (Y/N) did”.” “(Y/N) that doesn’t mean anything.” “Ni, remember what I told you the day of the break up? I told you I wasn’t good enough for him. Any other girl looks better with him than me.” “please don’t say that. don’t put yourself down and compare yourself to other girls.” she just laughed. I hated hearing this. “Ni, it’s true. i’m nothing compared to Danielle, she’s so pretty and he loves her. I got with him knowing he still loved her. but i just didn’t want to believe it. but i guess i should of.” That’s what she meant by she expected it. she always thought i’d leave her for someone else. I couldn’t take hearing her put herself down anymore. Finally I turned around and said, “(Y/N) please don’t put yourself down like that.” I could see her freeze up. Niall just looked down. I wasn’t suppose to do this, but I had to. I got up so she could see my face. Niall was right, it looked like she hadn’t ate in weeks. This was because of me. “I am so sorry (Y/N) for what I did. Please believe me when I say that. But please don’t say that about yourself. You are the most beautiful person I know.” She wouldn’t look at me, but I could see she was holding back her tears. She finally looked at me after a minute, and her look killed me. She looked hurt, broken, sad.
I opened my mouth to tell her more, but then I felt someone hugging me from behind. It was Danielle. I hugged her back, but never taking my eyes off (Y/N). but she just looked at Niall. Niall got up and (Y/N) followed. Danielle finally realized (Y/N) and she just looked at her. I was at a loss for words. “um…Danielle, this is (Y/N).” (Y/N) looked up with what I knew was a fake smile. She looked right at Danielle and said “I’m happy for you guys. Really.” That last part she looked at me when she said it. Being with her for a year, I knew when she was lying. And she was lying now. It broke me to see that. Danielle said thank you and with that Niall and her walked out. Danielle started talking to me but I wasn’t listening. (Y/N) still loved me, but I didn’t know what to do.
he leaves you for another girl: Liam part 2
Liam (Your POV): It was cold, the middle of december. I walked, and walked, till I didn’t know where I was. I had nowhere really to go because everyone I love lives in the U.S. I dropped everything for him, only for him to just leave me like that. He told me everything would be ok.
“Babe, idk. My whole life is here. I have my job and my family and friends.” I said as Liam looked at me with puppy dog eyes. He had just asked for me to go live with him in London. “(Y/N), I understand if you want to say no, but everything will be okay. I won’t ever leave you..”.
“I won’t ever leave you..”, those words rang in your head as you saw car lights coming towards you. The car stopped and rolled down their window. When I looked, it was Niall. “(Y/N) what are you doing out walking?”. I just kept walking, not wanting to involve Liam’s best mate in our problems. But Niall wouldnt leave me alone. He got out of the car and stopped in front of me. “(Y/N), what’s wrong? What happened?” he probably noticed my face was red and my eyes puffy from crying. “Niall, please. I don’t want you involved. Just please….leave.” I started to walk away but Niall grabbed my arm and turned me around. “(Y/N), what did he do?” he whispered. “He……he said he met someone else and…” i started to break down actually saying it out loud to him. but he held me. “Niall, I don’t know why he did this. I expected it, but not to actually happen Ni.” Niall held me and just comforted me, telling me it was going to be alright and that Liam was stupid for leaving you. “Niall, can you drop me off at a hotel. I don’t have anywhere to go.” “(Y/N), come stay at my place.” “No, I can’t Niall, thank you. but I know eventually Liam will show up there and I don’t think I can see him. Just please, it’ll help me. please.” He just looked at me. I thought he was going to say no, but he ended up saying yes.
He took me to a motel far from Liam’s flat. He paid and walked me up to my room. “(Y/N) where are all your clothes and things?” “They’re at Liams. I left them on purpose. I didn’t take anything he bought me. I even left the car Ni. I just don’t want anything that reminds me of him.” Niall just sat on the bed and said, “you said earlier you expected this from him. What did you mean by that?” I sighed. I was hoping he hadn’t heard that part. I wonder if Liam was even wondering why I said that. “Niall, when I first started dating Liam, it was right after him and Danielle broke up. I got a lot of hate. People telling me she was better for him, better looking, a better person over all. Liam always told me to not believe that and that he loved me. That’s why he gave me that promise ring. He said one day, i’m going to marry you (Y/N) because I love you for being who you are. But in the back of my mind, I always doubted myself. I always wondered if he still thought about her. Or if he would see someone who was more beautiful. Sometimes it seemed like he thought I was boring or just ashamed to take me out. I always told him I hated the way I looked and he said he loved my body and that I was perfect just the way I was. I wanted to believe him, but you know, there was always that doubt.” I looked at Niall. “Please don’t tell me the girl he left me for is Danielle Niall..” “(Y/N), he has been talking to her again, but idk if its her he left you for. How bout this, i’m gonna talk to Liam tomorrow and I’ll find out ok? You just stay here for as long as you want and I’ll come and check on you.” “Ok, thank you Ni. And please don’t tell Liam where I am.” “I won’t, you can trust me babe.”
With that Niall walked out of the room. I just sat there, staring at the wall. I didn’t even want to cry anymore. After saying that out loud to Niall, it was good to get it off my chest. The only person I had said that to had been Liam, and it was Liam who proved that to be right.
he leaves you for another girl: Liam part 1
It’s been a year since you and Liam have been dating. You guys live together in London and you absolutely enjoy being with him and the boys. He even gave you a promise ring, promising he’ll someday marry you because that’s how much he loves you. But for the past 3 months, he’s been acting distant. When you ask him what’s wrong, he just says he’s fine and to not worry about it. And today, you received a text you didnt feel too well about.Babe, i’ll be home around 8…we need to talk.He didn’t leave his usual smiley face, so you knew something was wrong. It was 7:20. For the next 40 minutes, you just sat there on the couch, waiting for him to get home.
Finally the door opened, and in walked Liam, not smiling, not even greeting you with a hug. So you sat on the couch and just waited for him to walk over to you. He walked slowly over and just sat down about 2 seats away from you. It bothered you that he did that, but didn’t try and move closer to him. You sat in silence for about 5 mins, until he finally spoke up. “(Y/N), i…….first off, i just want to say that i love you. i do.”you just continued to look at him, expecting the worse. he then continued, “but…i just dont feel the way i did before.”he finally lifted his head so he could see your reaction. But you just sat there, trying so hard to keep your tears from falling. You learned not to cry in front of Liam because you knew how much he hated it. So it was easy, but yet so hard at the same time because of what he was saying.”So you’re saying, you don’t want to be with me anymore..”he sighed.”yes……that’s what im saying babe.”
You just looked down at your hands and started playing with them, not being able to look Liam in the face. But then you had to ask why he had been so distant lately. “Why……why have you waited this long to tell me this. You’ve been so distant for the past 3 months.” “because i wanted to make sure this was the thing i forsurely wanted to do. (Y/N), i met someone….”you took this chance to look at Liam. There was no guilt in his eyes, nothing saying he was regretting what he was saying. You laughed, because it was no shock to you. Deep down, through out the whole relationship, you had a feeling Liam would want someone who looked better than you. You just never expressed this feeling to him. But not it was all happening. “Why are you laughing?”
You got up slowly and just looked at him, then to the promise ring on your hand. Slowly, you took it off and placed it on the table in front of you. You grabbed your purse and phone. You weren’t going to take anything else, because everything else Liam had bought you and you didnt want any memory of him, not even your car. You paused as you got to the door and opened it. He was now standing up, waiting for your answer. You just gazed at him, knowing this would probably be the last time you saw Liam, your sweet Liam. You looked at him, showing in your face that he broke your heart and finally said,”because i expected it Liam.”And a tear finally fell down your face. With that, you finally walked out of Liam’s life, walking to nowhere specific because you dropped everything to be here in London with Liam.
Liam Payne, I love you image
Tänk dig att du och One Direction är riktigt nära vänner. Du har även känslor för din bästa kompis Liam Payne men han har redan en flickvän så du kan inte göra någonting med dem känslorna.
Du fick ett samtal tidigare ifrån Zayn, han sade till dig och titta på deras live intervju som skulle sändas vid 5 senare idag. Han sade inte varför, bara att det är viktigt. Du blev självklart nyfiken och gjorde precis som han sa när klockan blev 5. Du slog på TV:n och såg dina vänner komma ner för trapporna och sätta sig på den stora soffan.
Du kunde inte sluta le när du såg Liam och undrade verkligen vad det var som var viktigt. Dina tankar avbröts snabbt när intervjun sattes igång.
( intervju med påhittad person - Daniel )
Daniel: Hello guys and welcome to the show. Lets start by intreduce you to the public, shall we?
Harry: Okej, well my name is Harry Styles.
Zayn: My name is Zayn Malik.
Niall: I’m Niall Horan
Liam: Hi, I’m Liam payne.
Louis: And I’m Louis Tomlinson.
Daniel: So tell me guys, X factor? what does that mean to you?
Harry: It means everything.
Liam: yeah it was here we first got put together as a group and it was here i meet this other 4 amazing lads.
Daniel: If I’m not wrong, you came third? right?
Niall: yes, we did, sadly.
Daniel: How did that feel? I’m mean of course you wanted to win, right?
Zayn: Yeah of course but, eehm, basically I don’t think that I’t matters, I mean look were we are now. That for me is enough. I’m so greatful for that, for the fans, the people on X factor and everybody.
Daniel: Tell me, what do you think of your fans?
Louis: We love them. We’re like one big happy family, we’re all directioners.
Daniel: Would you ever date a fan?
Harry: yes, I mean. If the person really is sweet and nice then it does not matter if she’s a fan, she’s still a human.
Louis: well yeah of course she’s human?
Daniel: haha, so tell me. Who has a girlfriend and who’s singel? Lets start with you Harry and walk our way back.
Harry: okej, well i’m singel, sort of. it’s hard to tell.
Daniel: Sort of? well does Taylor Swift ring a bell.
Harry: yeaah.... ( face turns red and laughs )
Daniel: Yeah, I’ve done my homework. Okej, well how about you Zayn?
Zayn: Well, I’m not singel. I have a lovely girlfriend.
Niall: I’m singel
Liam: I’m singel too now.
Louis: I’m not, I have a girlfriend.
VAAA? vad menar Liam med att han är singel nu? Han är ju tillsammans med Danielle... eller??
Daniel: let’s back it up a little. Liam, what do you mean, you’re singel now?
Liam: yeah well. I had a girlfriend but we broke up.
Daniel: oh, sorry to hear that, but why? It seems like you really liked eachother?
Zayn: go ahead Liam, spit it out.
Liam: Well, I kind of got strong feelings for somebody else, for a while now and I can’t stop thinking about her.
Daniel: really, who?
Liam: My best friend ( ditt namn ), well i kind of hope that we will be more then friends.
Daniel: does she knows that you feel this way?
Liam: no, but I’m on my way to tell her right after this show.
Du satt där, helt stum. Vad var det som precis hade hänt? Du fattade ingenting?
Du satt där i flera timmar tills det tillslut knackade på din dörr.
( du = x )
X= Liam? what are you doing here?
Liam: I love you!
X= you what? what about Danielle?
Liam: Danielle’s not you, I love you!
X= I love you too...
Liam= you do?
X= yes!
Några bråkdels sekunder senare kände du Liams läppar mot dina, det var er första men inte sista kyss.
Liam Payne Image ( ej skriven av mig )
Liam Payne
“I am so excited! I don’t think I’m able to function properly anymore! Ah, what if I’m going to faint? What if they don’t… What if I wi-…”
“Oh, shut up, you’re not going to die, it’s just a signing!” With a smirk you shout at your friend, who’s nervously standing next to you. Secretly you’re feeling twitchy inside as well, but you try to hide it to calm your friend. She doesn’t have to know it feels like thousands of armies are fighting inside your tummy right now.
“I know”, your friend says with a deep sigh and she grabs your hand. You notice she’s quivering all over her body and shake your head with a weak grin.
“Now get in line, babe, we don’t want to get late!” You encourage her to walk further.
“Then hold me, I think I’m going to fall over.” You cover your face with your hands and groan softly, before taking her hand.
“Okay, but only if you stop whining. That’s not attractive at all! How do you want to impress the lads by acting like a complete idiot?”
It took lots of time, effort and the necessary bruises to get here, but finally you’re inside the building, waiting in line for possibly one of the most amazing days of your life. You have been supporting these five lads for a long, long time already: you’ve cried over them, you’ve sympathized with them over every little good and bad thing that have happened in their careers… And right now you’re about to meet them. The nerves actually start to take over control, but you try to keep them away. The advice you just gave to your friend also applies to you.
“They are only a few meters in front of us, [Your Name], do you see it? Do you feel it? Oh god, I think I see Harry’s hair! OH DEAR that’s Niall’s hand!” With a quick sudden move you cover your friend’s mouth with your hand and try not to scream at her.
“You’re making me nervous, stop raving out nonsense!” It’s getting more crowded and the girls around you keep pushing you out of their ways, but you try to keep place and walk forward. Eventually your best friend shuts up and bites her lip, knowing she should stop fangirling like this, otherwise something terrible will happen.
“I get it now, sorry. I think I just can’t handle the pressure”, she says with a crooked smile.
Only a few steps forward and you’re about to reach the table: finally you’re able to spot the five perfect boys right in front of you, in real life: One Direction. Niall’s at the left, he’s wearing a red snapback and a white tank top with a low neck so you’re able to see his chest a little. After Niall you see Harry: his curls are the first things you immediately notice. Lou has exceeded herself for real. It looks like she just styled Harry’s hair because you two are visiting the lads today. After Harry, there’s Liam, with a big, cute grin on his face as always, giving a high-five to every girl that passes. Next to Liam, there’s Zayn and Louis, both looking stunning. You discover Zayn’s arm that’s kind of covered in tattoos and Louis’ gorgeous blue eyes.
You quickly blink and remember you have arrived at the signing table.
“Hi, Niall!” You say with a smile when he sees you.
“Hey, babe! How are you?” Niall answers and you hand him the CD, so he can sign it. Unfortunately you have to move on very quickly before you’re even able to reply, because the security wants it like that.
“Can I get a hug, please?” You hear your friend saying next to you, with an enthusiastic overtone in her voice, and Niall stands up already, although the security doesn’t allow him. You just glance at Harry, who looks back at you with twinkling eyes, when something very unexpected happens:
You don’t even realize how, but what you do know is that a shriek sounds and the table falls over all of a sudden. A loud smack and the sound of screaming girls fills the room, when you stumble over the table and fall right on top of someone. It goes so incredibly swift that you’re feeling a bit dizzy when you hit the ground and the person below you.
“Oh I’m so sorry!” You shout in the chaos and you try to get off, but it does not work because your foot got stuck behind.
“It’s okay, let me help you!” A soft, deep, though very loud voice sounds. Your heart skips a beat when you realize it’s Liam’s. You’ve just landed on top of him by falling over! You look up and notice his face is very close to yours. He smiles at shyly he watches your eyes when he puts his strong arms around you to lift you up and get you off his body. He quickly grabs your hand and tells you to go and run with him backstage. You glance behind you and notice a few girls have been taken back by the security and others are fleeing from here with the boys as well. You walk further and further, as the loud screaming gets softer and you arrive backstage.
You blush when you notice Liam has been holding your hand all the time to take you with him, but don’t release it.
“What… Was that?” You dare to pronounce when you finally sit down somewhere on a couch. God knows how you’ve gotten here and how you’re even able to speak in presence of the whole of One Direction, including around ten girls. Liam has sat down on the couch next to you and puts his left arm on the backrest so it stays behind you, he pulls his right hand through his hair and sighs deeply with a confused expression on his face.
“If only I knew…” He whispers and he shakes his head, looking around the group. Niall even looks scared: his blue eyes are big and round, red blotches have appeared on his cheeks. Louis is just sitting there with his hands in front of his mouth.
“My friend just w-wanted to hu-hug Niall”, you stutter incredulously.
“And then the table…broke? How hilarious”, Liam says with a grin and he looks at you, then at Zayn. Zayn doesn’t really seem to find it funny, but you actually do and start to laugh with Liam. It sounds like a very nervous, uncomfortable laugh, but that doesn’t mean you’re not honest. Liam puts up his hand and invites you for a high five: you immediately accept.
“I don’t care staying here with you a little longer”, Liam admits and he smiles at you, putting his left arm a bit closer so it lays over your shoulders right now. “You’re the only one who seems to like my humour at the moment.” He grins cutely. You actually didn’t really expect something like this from Liam, but you actually like it. A lot. “So tell me, what’s your name?” Liam asks. While the others start to speak to each other, you’re having an actual conversation with Liam:
“I’m [Your Name]. Pretty weird to end up here with you all, though”, you say, still not believing this is real.
“Nice to meet you!” Liam says and his brown eyes sparkle while looking at you.
Your friend might be clumsy, but you did not really see this coming. And in the end, it is not even her who has fallen over, but you…on top of Liam Payne