you break up - Zayn ( part 4/4 )
Zayn’s POV
I was laying down watching a movie when I heard my phone go off. It was a text message from Niall. I opened it to see what he had to say but was stunned when I opened it. I sat up and really looked at my phone. It was a picture of a baby girl sleeping peacefully. Along with the picture was Niall’s message. ‘Baby girl, 6lbs 4 oz, born at 2:34am and healthy. She looks like you mate. Just thought you should see for yourself.’
I looked at the picture in awe. He was right. She did look like me. I could feel tears start to fall as I stared at her. This little girl, I made this little girl, she was mine.,…..and I denied her? Looking at this now I regretted what I had told (Y/N) so much. She was right, how could I say that? One look at her and it all made sense. I needed to go see her. I jumped up and ran to my car. I sped as fast as I could to the hospital and ran inside. I frantically searched for the waiting room and found the boys standing there looking happy. When I walked in, they all looked at me and nodded their heads. I was out of breath so I couldn’t talk, but Niall walked up to me and just hugged me. All I could do was hug him back and cry.
All it took was someone to hold me and I broke down. I broke down because I was such a jerk, I was an ass, and most of all, I hurt (Y/N). The others came around and hugged me and Niall. I missed them so much it hurt. But being here now was all I needed to know that they still cared. Finally they let go and just smiled at me. I nodded at them and then could see Harry walking down the hallway. When his eyes met mine, I could tell he wanted to be mad at me, but I think he appreciated me coming. I walked up to him and stood in front of him. I knew what I looked like. My eyes were red and puffy and my clothes wrinkled. But I was here.
Harry stuck his hand out and waited for me to shake it. This was his sign of acceptance and forgiveness. I was happy to take his hand and then pulled him in for a hug. “Where is she?” “(Y/N)?” He pulled away to look at me. I just nodded my head. “She’s asleep in a room. I can take you to her. Do you want to see the baby first?” I didn’t know I’d be able to see her so my eyebrows shot up. “Can I?” Harry nodded his head and led me down a hallway. We came to a big window and behind it were all different babies. But I could spot her right away. My hand was pressed up to the window in awe. I started crying again. She was even more beautiful in person and I loved every moment of this. I looked at Harry and he just smiled. “(Y/N) hasn’t named her yet, so you’ll have to wait for her to wake up, but other than that, you can hold her.” I didn’t care if she didn’t have a name yet, I just wanted her in my arms. I went inside and got cleaned up before I picked her up. She was so tiny I was afraid I would break her. But she fit perfectly in my arms. Her eyes were closed but I could see movement behind them, and every once in awhile, a little smile would form on her lips. It was a beautiful thing to see. I guess it was true what others said, when you have a baby, the way you see things changes. And I was definitely seeing this in a whole new light.
“I want to see (Y/N). Can I take her with me?” I turned to the nurse and she nodded her head. Harry walked me out and took me to the room (Y/N) was in. He stood by the door and nodded towards me then left. I held on tight to my baby and walked in. (Y/N) was sleeping but I still sat down by her. She looked like she had just ran a marathon but she still looked beautiful as ever. I hated the fact that I broke her heart, but most of all, I wasn’t in the delivery room to witness any of this. The baby did a little cough and it scared me. I bounced her up and down and spoke little words to her.
Your POV
Even though I was peacefully sleeping, I could hear something in my room. It was a little cough. My little girl’s cough…..followed by a man’s voice whispering to her. And I knew that voice all too well. I opened my eyes and could see Zayn sitting there with our baby girl in his arms. I watched him for a little bit. His whole focus was on her. He looked at her as if he had never seen something more special. It was the first time I saw him smile since I last saw him. I could feel my eyes start to water at the sight of this. He was back…..
His head came back up to look at me and when he saw me, he smiled. “Hey (Y/N).”“Hi Zayn.” He looked back at the baby then to me. “She’s beautiful. Looks just like you and I.” I smiled at that. My voice broke as I spoke. “Yes, yes she does.” He rubbed her forehead and looked back at me. “(Y/N)……I don’t know how to say this, but I can’t express how regretfully sorry I am about all of this. Looking at her now, I can’t believe I even said that to you, and thank god you didn’t listen to me…..because then I would’ve never got to see her, and I already love her so much.” I could see his eyes start to water as well but he continued. “But (Y/N), I never stopped loving you, I just let you go because I thought all I would do is ruin you and this baby. But one look at her and you again and it’s like I need you back in my life. I want to be apart of her life as well as yours babe. I know I said hurtful things and if I could take them back I would, but please believe me when I say I’ll never do something like that again.” And he left it at that.
I sat there and watched him with her. Even though he hurt me, he was here now. And him being here showed me he did care. The baby coughed again and he hugged her closer. And that’s all I needed to see to know he really meant what he said. “I’m going to need you Zayn….” His head snapped up and reached out to grab my hand. “And I promise I will be here for you (Y/N), for both of you, always.” I smiled at him and he smiled back. He wiped away my tears and let out a laugh. “I love you so much (Y/N).”“I love you too Zayn.” “Now…..we need a name for her.” Out of nowhere Niall’s voice filled the room. “I vote Zoe! I already called it!” We both turned and could see all of the boys standing in the doorway. I laughed at Niall and looked at Zayn. “Niall loves that name so much, and I do too. But what do you think?” Zayn looked down at her and held her in front of him. “I think Zoe sounds perfect. Zoe Malik. I love it.” “Okay, Zoe it is.” Niall came in and clapped. The rest of them followed in and congratulated Zayn.
I sat back and watched them all talk about Zoe and how much they missed each other. I was glad they were on talking terms again and grateful they were all here. Not only did Zoe have her 4 uncles in her life, but now she had her father, and I couldn’t of been more happy with this.
you break up - Zayn ( part 3/4 )
Your POV
Pain shot through me like nothing I’ve ever felt before. My eyes were squeezed shut and I held on for dear life to Harry’s hand. When the contraction was over I was breathing like i had just ran a marathon. I opened my eyes and could see Harry’s eyes watering. I didn’t know if it was from me squeezing his fingers off or for me. I felt bad and loosened my grip. “I’m sorry Haz.” He cracked a smile. “No it’s okay (Y/N). Squeeze all you need.” I chose Harry to come in the room with me because only one was allowed. I didn’t tell Zayn so I didn’t expect him to be here. But I’ve been going through this for about 14 hours and it was hell! I chose not to get all doped up on meds and wanted to have the baby naturally. But now I was fully regretting it. I thought when people said labor hurt they were just kidding, but this shit was no joke.
Another contraction came and I held my breath. “Breathe (Y/N), remember what the doctor said.” Harry was shaking my hand to remind me. I let out my breath and started rapidly breathing. It did little to help, the only way this was ever going to get better was when this baby got out of me. I still wasn’t dilated enough so I had to endure pain while it got there. The doctor came in every hour to check on me. The last time he came in I was close. So I was hoping this next time he came in I would be ready. When I finally caught my breath, I spoke to Harry. “Harry, thank you so much for everything.” He rubbed my hair and laughed. “Of course babe, I just can’t wait to see this baby! I know you can do this (Y/N).” I laughed through my pain as another one came on. Just then the doctor came in and sat down to check again.
“Okay Ms. (Y/L/N), let’s see if you’re ready now.” He had me put my legs up in the proper things and he checked. I looked down to see his reaction and he had a smile on his face. “Looks like we’re ready! Okay, just like we practiced (Y/N). Take a deep breath and push as hard as you can for as long as you can. Okay? You ready?” I squeezed Harry’s hand and looked at him. He smiled and nodded his head, giving my hand a gentle squeeze. I looked back at the doctor with a new found energy. “Yes.”“Let’s get started then. I’m going to count to 3 and then you’ll push. Remember to breath hun.” I nodded my head, eager to get through this and finally meet my baby. “Okay, 1…2….3!” I took a deep breath and pushed. It took all my energy just to do that. I stopped and took deep breaths. “Another time. 1…2….3!” And I did it again and again and again. It still hurt like hell but Harry was there rubbing my head and giving me encouraging words. “Almost there (Y/N).” I pushed one last time and I could feel the baby coming through.
Then I heard a cry. I could see Harry’s eyes widened and smile spread across his face. I was so weak I couldn’t even move my head to see. But I could still hear the crying. “Well (Y/N), congratulations. You have yourself a new baby girl!” “Yes!” Harry did a hop and shouted. I could feel my head start to spin and my vision go dark. I was so tired now, all I wanted to do was sleep, but I needed to see my girl. I could feel Harry let go of my hand and heard cutting. The umbilical cord. Once that was done, I heard crying and some moving around. Then, just before I was going to pass out, Harry walked over with her. She was already wrapped in a blanket and cleaned. I tried my best to sit up but I just couldn’t. But I could still see her. And I started to cry, from both joy and sadness. She looked so much like Zayn. She had his nose, his hair color, but she had my eyes. And she was the perfect shade of tan. I felt myself smiling and then I closed my eyes.
Harry’s POV
I got scared when (Y/N) closed her eyes, but the doctor said she just needed to sleep. So I stood there with the little girl. (Y/N) never said the name yet, but I could tell by looking at her that she would go with Niall’s pick. The baby was so beautiful and I couldn’t help but hold onto her tightly. It was like it was instinct to protect her already. But I knew as I looked at (Y/N) giving birth, she had really wanted Zayn to be here. He should’ve been, but I was just glad I was here to help her. This truly was a beautiful thing to witness. I just couldn’t wait to tell the boys.
The nurses had to take the baby and run tests and finish cleaning her so I walked out and met the boys in the waiting room. They all stood up as I walked in and I just had a huge grin on my face. “Well?” Niall was anxious. I looked at all of them then eagerly said, “IT’S A GIRL!” They all jumped up and down, especially Niall, doing his famous jump. They all looked so happy. “Did she go with my name?” “I don’t know, (Y/N) passed out after giving birth. The doctor said she needed to sleep. But Niall I’m sure she will.” He nodded his head. “How was it Harry?” Louis looked excited to hear details, but really there was nothing to say besides it was beautiful. “She hurt my hands, but it was worth it. You guys get to see the baby in a little bit they said.”
30 minutes passed and they came out to get us all. We walked down a hall and came to a huge window. Behind it were all the babies that had been born today. “There she is.” I pointed to the baby in the front row. All the boys leaned in and awed. “She looks so much like Zayn already….” It was Liam who said this. But it was true. She did. “Can we hold her?” Niall turned and asked a nurse. “Sure, but only one at a time in there.” “I call dibbs!” Niall hurried into the room and picked her up gently. He was smiling so big his face was turning red. I could see his eyes watering but he just continued to look at her. The same happened for all the boys. This was something we’d all been waiting for and she was finally here. I just wanted (Y/N) to wake up so she could enjoy this with us.
Before we left her, Niall went back in. He pulled out his phone and took a picture of her. I knew what he was going to do. He looked at us and we just nodded our heads. I guess Zayn deserved to see his baby. Niall sent the picture and we walked back to the waiting room. I went to check on (Y/N) but she was still sleeping. But I walked over to her bed and spoke to her. “(Y/N), wake up……you have a beautiful baby girl waiting for you!” I squeezed her hand and then left. And when I came back, there Zayn was, with the boys with a frantic look on his face.
you break up - Zayn ( part 2/4 )
Your POV
3 days later..
I ended up staying at a hotel and holed up in the room. I was deeply saddened by what had happened, but it was for the best. He hadn’t tried calling or anything. The only person to call was Harry. But I didn’t know if he should get involved in this, so I never answered. After laying in bed for so long, I knew I had to get up and go somewhere. I got dressed and put on some light makeup and left. I was hungry and thirsty so I stopped at a Starbucks and sat down. I had on a beanie and hoped my face was covered from anyone who would notice me, but it didn’t work. No sooner had I sat down with my order Harry walked in. He didn’t see me at first so I was trying to hide from him, but he walked to a table before me and saw me.
“(Y/N)?” I gave up and looked at him. I gave him a weak smile and said hi. His face looked worried as he walked to my table. “Hun where have you been?” I didn’t know if he knew what happened, so I lied. “I’ve been around..” He sat down and gave me a sarcastic look. “(Y/N)…Zayn told me, so don’t lie to me. Where have you been.” He was demanding now. My shoulders fell and I gave in. “I’ve been staying at a hotel here in town.” He shook his head. “Babe, you need to stay with someone. You can’t be by yourself. Especially after what happened.” “I know Harry, I just…don’t have anywhere to go.” “Yes you do. You have all of us. You know we all care about you. But since I’m the only one who knows right now, come stay with me.” I started to shake my head. “(Y/N) don’t argue with me. You’re staying with me and that’s that.”“But….I don’t want to get between you and Zayn.” He just shrugged his shoulder. “Fuck him. After he told me what happened I kicked him out. I haven’t talked to him since. So I really don’t care. I’ve been trying to reach you, why do you think I’ve been calling love.” “I just didn’t want you to be involved.” “Well, too late. I’m involving myself, so you’re living with me.”
There was no way he was going to let this go so I agreed. “Thanks Harry..” He looked at me sympathetically. “I just can’t believe he did this to you.” I looked down. “You and I both.” “Well hey, I’m glad you’re pregnant. I can’t wait to be an Uncle!” I smiled at that. It was true, he would be a great uncle. “You’ll be great Harry don’t worry.”“Shoot, I know I will. But for real (Y/N)……you’re going to get through this okay. You don’t need Zayn when you have the rest of us okay?” I wanted to cry. He was so caring it was a shame he didn’t have a family of his own by now. “Thank you Harry. I guess the other boys will find out when I move in huh?” “Yeahh but it’s better they know, so it’s going to be okay. They’ll be happy too.” I hoped so, I didn’t want their relationship with Zayn to change because of me, especially Niall’s. But then again, I didn’t do anything, it was all Zayn.
3 months later..
I moved in with Harry and things were looking better for me. I went to my regular doctor’s appointments and took care of whatever I needed to do. Each time I went, a different boy went with me. I think they were more excited than I was for the baby. They all smiled each time we saw the baby on the screen. We didn’t know the sex yet, I didn’t want to find out. I wanted it to be a surprise. So the boys were making up the nursery for me and choosing neutral colors suitable for a boy or girl. It was funny because I could hear them in there yelling at each other each time they worked on it. Each one wanted to put their own style into it and they’d clash. But I told them to do whatever they wanted.
But even though their happiness brought me joy, Zayn still hadn’t come around. The boys said they hadn’t heard from him and stopped talking to him. I could see Niall struggling with it but he would just tell me he was okay. I felt bad for him, it was hardest on him. Each time I told him to go talk to him he’d shake his head. ‘He chose this (Y/N), it’s for the best’ was all he’d say. I still had 6 months to go, so hopefully he came around eventually, not for me, but for the boys because I knew they missed him.
Zayn’s POV
6 months later..
As I was walking out around town, I’d see things that reminded me of (Y/N). Especially when I saw her picture in a magazine showing her baby bump, I’d stop and stare. The headlines said they thought it was Harry’s baby, but I knew it wasn’t. It was mine.……but I fucked up. It’s been almost 6 months and I hadn’t talked to any of them since then. I’m not going to lie, I missed the boys like hell, but I especially missed her. I was still in denial about the baby, but then again, it’s a baby. Something she and I made and brought into this world. How could I be foolish enough to tell her to get rid of it. I always thought about her, but I was too scared to call her. I was afraid she’d just hang up on me. But this was all my fault.
I’ve been alone ever since then and not handling myself well. I tried to stay holed up in my house with liquor so I wouldn’t run into anyone, but 9 months later, that was getting old. And seeing these pictures of her stomach growing was my only way of knowing she was okay. It seemed like she was. In each picture she was smiling and so were the boys. I wonder what it is. I wonder if she’ll let me know when she has it. Will she come back to me once it’s born. All these questions ran through my head even though I knew they shouldn’t. But I could only hope and pray things did change between us, but I knew they wouldn’t unless I apologized. But I just wasn’t ready yet.
Your POV
I was making dinner for the boys while they were watching tv. Since it was close to my due date, they’d all been hovering over me making sure I’m okay and ready to go. I laughed each time. They were the big brothers I never had and they were very protective. I wasn’t used to it, but I sure as hell liked it. I was being treated like a princess. I went in and sat with them to discuss baby names. “If it’s a girl I think you should name her Zoe. I like that name.” Niall was daydreaming already about this.“And if it’s a boy?” “Pssh, it’s going to be a girl don’t worry.” I laughed at him. “I think if it’s a boy you should name him Damen. It’s from your favorite tv show.” Louis was right, Damen from the vampire diaries was my favorite. “So is Jeremy.” Liam chimed in. “Jeez, you guys do sure know a lot about me. But that’s true, I do like the way Jeremy and Damen sound. I like Zoe too Niall.” “Thank you.” “Harry, what about you?”
He was thinking hard when I felt something. I looked down at my pants and saw they were wet and they just kept getting wetter. I gasped and held my stomach.“Guys……” They all stopped what they were doing and jumped up. “IT’S TIME!” Niall was jumping up and down. Liam and Harry pulled me up and held me up. “Oh my god.” “Quick, Louis get the car ready and Niall get the hospital bag for her.” They ran off in different directions as Liam and Harry put my shoes on and called the hospital. I couldn’t believe it. My baby was finally here! I was so excited now…but there was also a sadness because Zayn wouldn’t be able to be there. “Let’s go!” Louis yelled. The boys scrambled to get me in the car and to the hospital. “You ready for this (Y/N)?” I looked at them and smiled. “Ready as I’ll ever be.” And with that I was hauled off into the ER.
you break up - Zayn ( part 1/4 )
Your POV
I walked out of the doctor’s office with mixed feelings.. I was pregnant…....I was happy, but I didn’t know how Zayn would take it. I had forgotten to take my birth control a couple of times and hadn’t told him. We talked about having kids, but he always said not until later. We’ve only been together for a year..was that even enough time for us to have kids? I mean I was ready, but still…..there’s always that scariness to this.
That was 5 days ago. I hadn’t told Zayn yet because I was waiting for the right moment. He was home now and we were just lounging around. But when he started to pull me towards the bedroom, I knew where this was going. I couldn’t do it though. I had to tell him before we went any further. “Zayn, stop.” He halted and dropped my hand. “What? Why?” I looked down at the ground and got quiet. He stepped closer to me and lifted my head up. “What’s wrong babe?” I grabbed his hand and led him back to the couch. I sat him down and I sat next to him. I held onto his hand the whole time and when he could feel me start to shake he grabbed it with both of his and rubbed my hand. “(Y/N), you’re scaring me.”
I took a deep breath and told myself to remain calm. Maybe he’d take it well. I looked him in the eyes and smiled. And it finally came out. “I’m pregnant.” Right after I said that, my smile fell, because by Zayn’s reaction, it wasn’t a happy moment. His face fell, his hands loosened on mine and I could feel the heat radiating from his body, heat from anger. He just sat there, wide eyed, staring at me. I could feel sweat forming on my forehead and my hands start to shake again. He pulled his hands away from mine and rubbed his face. His hands were covering his face when he finally said something. “How?” “I um, I forgot to take my pills a couple of times.” His head snapped up and his fierce eyes pierced mine. “You forgot?! How hard is it to take some pills (Y/N)?”
“Why are you so upset, I thought this would be a good thing…” But he just shook his head. “No, no it’s not. I can’t have a kid right now.” I could feel my heart fall to the pit of my stomach from hearing that. He didn’t want this kid……what was I going to do?“Zayn…..what are you saying then.” He got up and stood in front me, looking down. “Get rid of it. I can’t do this.” My mouth fell open and I couldn’t believe he had just said that. Abortion? Hell no. I would never do that. Ever. Instead of feeling sad again, I got angry. I stood up and got right in his face. “I would never do that to my child. I will fuckin leave if you really don’t want this.” But he didn’t budge. “Fine. Go.” And he left the house.
I jumped when I heard the door slam. He really just walked out……..and he didn’t care if I left. My hand fell to my stomach and I finally broke down. I crumbled right there on the ground and let it all sink in. I was going to be raising a child by myself because of Zayn. It’s not like I planned this, it just happened. But I’m not mad that it did, he was the one who was mad. And I couldn’t understand how he could do that. He said he loved me and wanted to have kids with me, but when it happens it’s a totally different story. I just didn’t know. After hours of laying there, I finally got up and went to our room. I had moved in with him about 5 months ago and let my place go. As I was packing my things, I didn’t know where I was going to go. But I needed somewhere to go because I couldn’t be on the streets now, not while I’m pregnant.
Zayn’s POV
My hands were shaking as I drove to Harry’s. I was speeding and running every stoplight I could just to get there. I needed to talk about this to someone. I couldn’t believe she was really pregnant. Sure I wanted to have kids, but no way in hell right now. I wouldn’t be able to do it. And I know asking for an abortion she would’ve said no, but it came out anyways.
I finally got to Harry’s and jumped out of the car. I walked right in, not caring. He was sitting there in the living room watching tv by himself. He jumped when he saw me. “Zayn?” I pulled out a cigarette and just started pacing back and forth non stop. “Zayn man, what’s wrong?” I let out my smoke and finally looked at him. “(Y/N)’s pregnant.”Harry’s eyes lit up with joy, but that’s not how my reaction was. “Well that’s good mate congrats.” “No, no it’s not.” His smiled faded. “What? Why?” “I can’t have a kid right now Harry.” He got up and stood in front of me. “And why not? You love her right? She’s the one right? What’s so wrong with having a kid?” “I JUST FUCKIN CAN’T!!” He put his hands up in defeat. I was just tired and stressed now. I didn’t know how to get across that I didn’t want a kid right now. “I just….can’t.” I began pacing again and he just watched me. “What’d you say to her?”
I stopped and remember her face when I said that. “I said to get rid of it.” Her face turned from hurt to anger. And that’s what Harry’s just did. “Abortion!? Zayn, really? You can’t be serious.” But I nodded my head. He just looked shocked. “Then she said no and I told her to leave.” I looked down, not being able to meet his judgmental eyes right now. “You what?” He walked right up to me and shoved me hard. I lost my cigarette and damn near fell. “What the fuck man!” “What is wrong with you Zayn? That is your girl, the one you supposedly love! How could you do that to her? Get the hell out of my house. I can’t even look at you right now.” Harry turned and walked away from me. I stood there though, shocked at him. He’s never been angry like that with me. But I guess I deserved it. I picked up my cigarette and just left.
I wasn’t going to go home in case (Y/N) was still there, so I drove around. I drove until it was daylight once again and finally went home. As soon as I walked in, I noticed all her things were gone. And there was a note.
‘I’m keeping the baby. You’re not welcome in my life anymore Zayn. I hope you’re happy.’
I crumpled the paper up and threw it at the wall. I was breathing heavily and started to feel dizzy. I walked up to my room and just fell on the bed. I was angry at her, but at the same time, hurt. What did I do?
Zayn Malik quote!!
Zayn Imagine by lena
writen by Lena on tumblr. You should really check her blog out. She's amazing ( ni borde titta på hennes blogg, hon är en underbar människa och väldigt bra på att skriva )
A/N:i hope you enjoy it :) i love perrie and little mix and i dont try to be mean and im a zerrie shipper
harry and niall are over tonight and youre upstairs to give them some privacy . but after a while you decide to be a good girlfriend and make them some snacks so you walk down the stairs but stop as you hear your boyfriend zayns voice say your name “i-i dont know lads if i love sam , with perri there was something special , she dont cares about what people say and is so natural unlike sam and i think i should break up with her ” he spit out and you gasp a little bit harry noticed you but you show him not to say something . you run back in your shared bedroom take a huge bag and throw in clothes . you cry inside of you but on the outside you look hard and calm . you rub your temples and then walk down the stairs in the livingroom where the boys watch a movie .”bye”you only say and walk to the door “hey stop sam ??! where are you going ???” zayn ask you innocent “away from you . we are done “you say coldly “why , whats wrong ??” he ask run over to you and take your hand but slap his hand away “hm let me think …. its because im not perrie , im sorry that i cry when i get death threats and dont say uhhhh i dont care or when your fans push me and call me rude names , and im sorry that im not as NATURAL as perrie sorry but this is the best joke ever her naturallity is = zero . and now dont touch me . “you hiss and walk trough the door leaving him speechless . youre about to open your car door but he stopps you “you cant leave me sam “he hiss his eyes full of anger “why ??? youre not my boyfriend you cant tell me what i can and what i cant do so get out of my way or i fucking drive over you understood ? piss off . “you hiss back and try to get into your car but he push you hard and you fall on the ground ” what the fuck ??are you silly ???? what the hell is wrong with you dont speak with me ever again asshole “you yell get into your car and drive away with tears streaming down your face . you decide to drive to the flat from harry lou and liam . harry is probaply at zayns flat to calm him down . you get out of the car and run inside and to the elevator at press the floor 7 button . you knock and liam opes the door and give you a tight hug “what happed ???”he asks ” can i come in ??”you ask he quickly nodd and you two go to the livingroom where louis sits on the couch “oh hey sa- wait what has this asshole done ???” he asks you sit down and look at the ground “well niall and harry are in our , sorry in his flat and i was upstairs in my room because i wanted to give them some privacy but then i decided to make them some snacks and as i walk downstairs i heard zayn say how much he miss perri and that she dont care what people say about her and that shes more natural than me a-a-a-a-and then he said that he want to break up with me and go back to perrie “you sniffle
2 weeks later
Zayn tryed to call you countless times but you never answered . today youre alone at harrys lous and liams flat and watch tv the boys went to the shop to buy some food and stuff . so you sit alone on the couch . since the fight with zayn your an wreck you missed him so bad . suddenly you hear a knock on the door , you sigh and go to answer it . in the doorway stands a snobbing and shaking zayn . “please can i come in ?????” he ask and look at you with puppy eyes . you groan but let him in .”what ??? i told you not to speak with me again “you say coldly but in your inside you want to forgive him “i-i-i cant live without you sam , in this fucking 2 weeks i noticed how much i love and need you , and you were right , you are my one and only please take me back “he said and look at his feet “i-i dont know zayn “you mumble not wanting to make it so easy for him “you pushed me really hard zayn ” you say “i know and you dont know how sorry i’m for this . i cant sleep or eat everything remind me of you . i know you hate me now but i cant do something else as say how sorry i am and how much i love you ” he say and looks down ” i love you too zayn “you wisper

Zayn did not cheat!!! <3<3

he blows you off - Zayn part 3 (last part)
Zayn’s POV
After I left (Y/N)’s hotel, I felt a little better about the night. I knew I needed to make it up to her and I was looking forward to tomorrow night. Because she really was a catch. If she really was like this then I knew I was going to like her, I just needed to get to know her more.
The next day came and I was getting ready for dinner. I put on a tux because we were going to another fancy restaurant. I had already called and made reservations so it’d be ready. I arrived at the place 15 mins before just to be sure and let her know I was up to this. The host sat me down and gave me a menu. I kept looking at my watch, watching the time. But as I did that, it went by slower. 15 minutes passed and she hadn’t arrived yet. I figured I’d give her 10 more minutes before I started calling her. 10 minutes rolled by and she wasn’t there. I felt embarrassed so I pulled out my phone and called her. But she didn’t answer. I texted her, called her again, nothing. I sat there and just looked at my phone. Then it came to me….was she standing me up? Like I did to her? Wow…
Your POV
I was sitting in my hotel room eating popcorn and watching a horror movie. I looked at the time and saw Zayn should’ve already been at the restaurant, but…oh well! I wasn’t planning on showing up. He needed a taste of his own medicine. Inside I was laughing, taking pride in myself, but then also I was thinking. Did I really need to do that?? Two wrongs don’t make a right, but I felt like I needed to do that. But it was already too late to go down there.
You know how in scary movies they have that suspenseful music on that tells you something is going to happen….like it goes all quiet, then something pops out of nowhere and scares the shit out of you? That’s what happened to me. I was sitting there, all into the movie, it was quiet, so I knew something was going to happen, and just when someone was going to pop out, I heard a loud banging on my door. It felt like I was going to have a heart attack I was so scared! It was fuckin perfect timing, but who the hell was it. I paused the movie and went to answer it. I looked through the peephole and saw Zayn standing there, looking mad. Hmm, should I answer it?? Might as well…
I opened the door and faced him. He was in a tux and looking fine, and here I was in some dirty pj’s and my hair up. Oops. “Well, don’t you look nice.” I smiled at him but his face never changed. He just walked in and started pacing back and forth. “You think this is funny don’t you?” I closed the door and walked over to him.“What are you talking about?” He stopped in front of me, pointing his finger at me. “You! You stood me up, for what? To get me back? Is this suppose to mean something to you?” So he figured it out. Good job Zayn. “Yes, yes it was. Because you know what, anyone who leaves a girl like is an 100% an asshole! So why in the hell would I forgive you for that?! Do you think you deserved forgiveness? Cuz I don’t.” He looked hurt. I felt kind of bad. “All you had to do was tell me you didn’t want to see me anymore. All you had to do was tell me the truth. But no, you wanted to get me back. Well good job (Y/N), you won.” He threw his hands up and started walking past me. Should I stop him? Ugh, I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and ran to block the door. “No wait.” He stopped but didn’t say a word. “I’m not sorry for what I did. But I know now it wasn’t the best thing to do. But you have to understand Zayn, that hurt me. And I felt you needed to feel some pain too. I didn’t think you would care enough to come back over here.” “Do you really think that low of me? Of course I felt pain that night! I felt pain because I regretted what I did. Why do you think I came back for you? Because did you ever get it through your head that maybe I like you? No you didn’t, because all you could think about was revenge.”
What he was saying was true. I never thought he’d like me, so I was hurt more. But…..I didn’t know what to say in return. We just stood there looking at each other. I didn’t know whether to let him leave, or to talk to him and work things out. But he spoke. “Look, I’m sorry things are happening the way they are between us. But I do like you, and I do wanna try this again…if you want. If you don’t you need to be honest with me now. Tell me the truth.” I thought about it. Could I really have something with Zayn? He said he likes me, but how long will that last? This was probably the only chance he was going to give me, so I better take it. “Yes, I would like to.” He looked relieved. “Okay, well….I’ll call you tomorrow and set everything up…again.” I smiled and hugged him. He was hesitant, but hugged me back. “Thank you Zayn.” “Just don’t lie okay.” “I won’t.”
And I didn’t. Zayn and I went out the next day and I enjoyed it. It was a good first date. Well second, if you counted the night he left me, but I tried not to think about that. And I did end up falling for Zayn, and we lasted for 8 months, but then knew we were just better off friends. But breaking up never affected our relationship. And I was happy with that.
he blows you off - Zayn part 2
Zayn’s POV
I know what I just did was an ass move, but I needed to get out of there. (Y/N) was kind, too kind. She was scaring me with her questions. And the reason they were scary, is because no one’s ever asked me that. Everyone assumed I just wanted to talk about my music, never my day or anything. But she did. I guess you could say I ran from it because it was shocking. I didn’t know how to handle it. So I ran. And I didn’t look back.
But as I drove home, I thought about it. I just ditched a girl on her birthday, in front of people. I couldn’t begin to imagine what she was feeling. This girl who was so nice to me, and I was just a jerk. I was almost to my house when I slammed on the brakes and turned back around. I picked her up, which meant she was walking now and it was cold. Probably going to rain, I needed to find her. On top of that, I needed to apologize for what I had just done.
As I was driving, rain started pouring. Great, I’m an even bigger asshole now. Ugh, I just needed to find her. But what was I going to say.
Your POV
I was walking back to my hotel when it started to rain. Great, just what I needed. Could this night get any worse? I had no hood or umbrella so I was just soaking wet. I was almost 4 blocks away from the hotel when someone pulled up next to me. I looked over saw that it was Zayn. The window was rolled down and he was yelling at me.”(Y/N) please get in the car!” But I wouldn’t listen. Why would I get in the car with someone who just blew me off? No. “(Y/N) c’mon, please. I’m sorry, just get in the car. It’s raining!” But I kept walking. He stopped the car and jumped out. He came and ran in front me and grabbed me by the shoulders. “Listen to me! Just please get in the car and I will explain everything…..please.” I just stood there and looked at him. He was standing in the rain with me, begging for me to get in the car. Maybe he did have a good explanation, it better be a good one Malik.“Fine.” He let out a relieved sigh and opened the door. I got in and he ran around to the driver’s side. I did not feel bad at all for getting his seat wet. It could soak for all I care.
He drove me the rest of the way to my hotel and when he stopped I immediately jumped out. But he turned off the car and ran after me. “(Y/N)! Wait!” But I didn’t, I ran up to my room and shut the door. I slid down the door and began to cry. It was my first time breaking down tonight, but I needed to get it out. Zayn never came knocking so I didn’t think he’d be there. But as soon as I could catch my breath, I heard a knock on the door. I debated on whether or not to open it, but figured I should. I slowly opened it to see a huge teddy bear in front of me. The bear moved down and there was Zayn’s face. “Happy Birthday..” He held the bear out to me and I hesitantly took it. “Can I come in?” I just nodded my head and he walked in. I closed the door and held onto the bear. Secretly I’d always wanted one of these, but didn’t want him to see that. I walked over and sat on the bed and just stared at the wall. I could feel the bed sink and knew he sat next to me. “(Y/N), I’m sorry for what I just did.” “Then why’d you do it?” “I ran because……I was scared.” This confused me. I finally looked at him and could see his sad face. “What?” “I was scared because of you.” He finally looked at me. “You’re something else. You asked me out, you asked me how my day was, you asked me about my life….No girl’s ever done that to me…so I was just taken back by it. I mean I like it, but I just didn’t know what to do….so I ran…like I do with everything else that scares me….And I know I should’ve just talked to you, but I didn’t want you to think I was girly or something…talking about my emotions…But I apologize for what I did. You did nothing to deserve that, and plus it’s your birthday..I bet I ruined it..I’m sorry.” Wow….he really needed to fix his problem of running then. But it was nice that he told me. But it didn’t really change my view about him now, I think this scarred me. “I accept.” “You do?” “Yes.” He let out a huge breath and hugged me. I awkwardly put my hand on his and patted. I didn’t know what to do.
“So does this mean you’ll give me a second chance?” I thought about it, but didn’t think he deserved it…..but you know what? I had something else planned for him.“Sure Zayn.” “Ok, this time I’m gonna ask you out…..So (Y/N), will you go to dinner with me?” I faked a smile. “Yes Zayn, I will.” He smiled back and hugged me again. “Ok, I’ll pick you up tomorrow then.” “Oh no, that’s ok. I’ll meet you there.”“Ok, thanks (Y/N). And Happy Birthday again.” “Thank you Zayn…I’ll see you tomorrow.” And he left. I felt bad for what I was about to do, but I think he needed to know what it felt like to be blown off.
he blows you off - Zayn part 1
Your POV
Have you ever been in love with a famous person, to the point where you knew you really loved them, but they never noticed you? This is how I feel about Zayn Malik. I know I sound like any other fan, but I do truly love him. I’ve never got to actually sit down and talk to him, but I’ve met him. And he’s the shyest, sweetest person I’ve ever met. I wish I could sit down with him and get to know him on a deeper level. But like all other fans, I’ll probably never get the chance to. I can only sit here and daydream about meeting him and actually dating him. Or just talk. That’s all I want to do is talk. But I gave my hopes up.
2 months later..
I was walking down Rodeo Dr for my birthday. It was my first time ever being to LA, and I was so excited. I had already seen a lot of celebrities, but too shy to go up to them and ask for pictures. I was all by myself because I had escaped here without my parents knowing. I was walking out of Michael Kor’s when I bumped into someone. My bag fell down and all my stuff fell out. “Oh, I’m so sorry.” I bent down to start gathering everything, he did as well. “No, it’s okay….” I got back up and saw who I had run into. It was freakin Zayn. I stood there kind of flustered because he was just looking at me. “Um…….thank you…..” He gave me a smile. “No problem. What’s your name?” I stood there with my mouth open looking like a retard before I could answer. “Um, (Y/N), it’s (Y/N).” He kind of laughed. “Well (Y/N), it was nice meeting you.” He started walking away, but for some miraculous reason, I suddenly had confidence. “Wait Zayn…” He stopped and turned back around. “Um, would you like to go to dinner with me?” He slowly walked back to me with a surprised look on his face. “Are you asking me out on a date (Y/N)?” What the fuck….was I? Yes, yes I was. “Yess……if you don’t want to I understand….” He just kept looking at me. Wow, I felt like an idiot. “Um, I’m sorry I asked, I’ll just leave you now..” I started to walk away but he grabbed my arm. “No wait….it’s just no one’s ever asked me on a date before, so I’m just surprised.” Really? He never got asked that? “So…..” Was he saying yes or no? I was totally confused. “My answer is yes, yes I would like to. When?” I told him a time and place and gave him my number. He said he’d pick me up and we’d go.
I walked away feeling like a different person. To think that me, (Y/N), from a nowhere city, just asked Zayn Malik out on a date, and he said yes….what a great birthday present! I rushed back to my hotel room to get ready. We weren’t really going to a fancy place, but then again, everything on Rodeo Dr was fancy. So I wore a dress and heels, curled my hair and put on light makeup. I was ready when Zayn came to get me. He walked me to the car and let me in. Then got in and drove. I had butterflies in my stomach the whole time. What was I suppose to talk about? Now that I had him, I didn’t know what to say. But he’d look over at me and smile. That smile melted my heart. ‘Just relax, just be yourself’. I had to tell myself this over and over again.
We finally arrived at the restaurant and he let me out. There were valet people and they took Zayn’s keys. He opened the door so I could go in and I was instantly hit with embarrassment. These were all really fancy people, and I felt so out of place. Zayn saw the look on my face and put his hand on my lower back, encouraging me to move forward. It made me feel better in an odd way. Our waiter took us to a table and left. “So (Y/N), what’ll it be?” I looked at the menu and didn’t see a damn thing I knew. And holy fuck, the prices were outrageous. I had second thoughts about this. “Um, maybe we should go somewhere else..” He got a confused look on his face. “What? Why?” “Um, it’s very expensive…” He actually got a hurt look on his face. Had I offended him? “Babe, it’s fine. I’m paying.” “Yeahh that’s the point, I don’t feel right with you doing that.” “Well, if you didn’t already know, I’m a gentlemen, and I’m going to pay no matter what. So choose.” Can you say demanding? Okay…..I picked something I didn’t even know so he wouldn’t be hurt. Then we sat there. It was awkward because he was just looking at me, so I figured I should say something. “So Zayn, tell me. How are you?” Jeez I was stupid. He gave a nervous laugh. “Um, I’m good… are you?” “Oh you know, not nervous at all. But I guess this is a good birthday present for me.” His eyes widened. “It’s your birthday? Why didn’t you tell me? Happy Birthday!” I smiled at that. “Thank you. So what’s it like? Being you?” He seemed to be deep in thought. “Its um, a little overwhelming at times, but you guys keep us going.” That kind of hurt. To him, I was just another fan……wow. But I couldn’t let that hurt show. “So you love your life?” “Uhh, yeahh I guess so. Why are you asking?” “Nothing, just conversing I guess.” Well this was freakin awkward….”Do you always ask deep questions on a first date?” No, I guess I didn’t. But this was Zayn, I did say I wanted to get to know him on a deeper level. “Yes. Let’s me know who I’m dealing with.” “Hmmm. Excuse me will you?” I nodded and he got up to use the bathroom I assume. 3 minutes went by and he never came back. We were seated by the window and I could see Zayn getting into his car and leaving.
What?! He was leaving?? What the fuck……wow. That hurt…just because I was asking questions? It wasn’t like he was talking! “Ma’am, the gentlemen that just left said you’d pay.” I looked at him in anger. My whole view on Zayn Malik just completely did a 360. Zayn was not the person I thought he was and this is just plain rude. Gentlemen my ass. Fine, I’ll pay his fuckin bill, but that didn’t change anything. I couldn’t believe this. Happy freakin Birthday to me.

he says something he regrets ( not by me ) Zayn part 2
Your POV
I arrived at (Y/F/N)’s house and she saw how mad I was. “What happened?” I just sat down on the couch and let out a huge sigh. “Zayn came home drunk and basically told me I should wear more makeup to cover up my acne…” Her face paled. “What?! How dare he!” “I know, I know. I’m just trying to gather it all in my head. I mean he was drunk, so it has to be the truth right?” She sat down next to me and held my hands. “(Y/N), I know everyone says that the truth comes out when you’re drunk, but don’t you think maybe you should talk to Zayn first before you believe that?” “Yeah but, I don’t know. I don’t think I can see him right now. Plus….I kinda already announced we weren’t together on twitter.” “(Y/N)!” “What?! I was mad..” “Just ignore it and we’ll figure it all out in the morning.” I nodded and headed off to bed. I layed there though, wide awake, just thinking about it. My acne was the one thing that held me back from certain things. Every time I was out with Zayn I tried to do my best to cover it up because I knew paps and fans would start talking about it. And it hurt to hear what they had to say. When I would stare at myself in the mirror, Zayn would come behind me and cover my eyes. ‘(Y/N), don’t stand here and look at what you don’t like. Instead, stand here and look at how beautiful you really are..’ He uncovered my eyes and turned me around. ‘I wish you wouldn’t do this to yourself babe. Wear less makeup. Show the world who you really are, I don’t care how you look, just as long as I can make you feel beautiful in my own way. And believe me when I say, I love you just how you are.’ I cried that night and he held me. I never had anyone tell me that and he just had. That’s when I knew I completely loved Zayn. And ever since then, I’d worn less makeup. But that’s also when fans got harsher. Zayn knew about hate, and he stood up for me. But after all this, I don’t know what to believe anymore. I wanted to talk to him, but I was afraid it’d be true….
I woke up the next morning to my phone ringing. I looked at it and it was Zayn. I just put it back down and ignored it. But then it started ringing again. I gave up and answered it without looking at the id. “What?” “Um,…(Y/N)?” Oh..this wasn’t Zayn. “Yes Harry.” “Hey, I just um…I know it’s none of my business but what happened babe?” “What are you talking about?” “Between you and Zayn love. Twitter…” Aw shit, I forgot about that. “Oh yeahh, that. Um, Zayn said some things last night..” “But what did he say? I talked to him but he says he doesn’t remember..” Sure he would say that. But I decided to tell Harry. “He told me I should wear more makeup to cover up my acne to make me look better. Basically agreeing with his fans.” Harry paused for a moment. I thought he had hung up but then he spoke again. “(Y/N), you know Zayn doesn’t mean that.” “He was drunk Harry, I’m sure he meant it.” “Look, let me talk to him and we’ll figure this out. But (Y/N), you know you’re beautiful just the way you are. Don’t let this affect your guys’ relationship.” “Thanks Harry.” “Ok, I’ll call you later.” I hung up with him and just sat there. Harry telling me I’m beautiful didn’t make me feel better. But I knew I had to talk to Zayn sooner or later.
Zayn’s POV
Harry called me right back and told me what I had supposedly said. “And she thinks I mean that??” I was crushed and mad. I know I was drunk but I did not mean that. But I knew (Y/N), she was one of those people who believed the truth came out when drunk. I needed to see her. “Where is she??” “Um, I’m not sure. But I mean she only knows one other person here Zayn. Her friend (Y/F/N). Go to her house and see.” “Alright thanks mate.” I hung up and quickly threw on some sweats and a shirt. I needed to hurry up and talk to her. I really couldn’t remember anything from last night but from what Harry says, I know what I said was harsh. (Y/N) struggled with that insecurity. But there was no way I meant what I said. I loved her just like that, I didn’t care about some damn acne.
I sped to her friend’s house and ran up to the door. I knocked really hard and continued to until (Y/F/N) answered the door.
Your POV
I was just getting out of the shower and I could hear someone knocking on the door. I went out into the hall to see who it was. I could see (Y/F/N) open the door and start talking to someone. I couldn’t hear her nor could I see who it was. “Who is it (Y/F/N)?” Just then Zayn pushed in through the door. My eyes widen and I just stood there. “(Y/N), babe c’mon. You know I didn’t mean that. You know me, you know I don’t care about that. Just please talk to me about this.” I looked at (Y/F/N) and she just nodded her head. She was agreeing with him. I finally gave in and motioned for him to come up to my room. Once he was there I closed the door and sat on the bed. He rushed over and kneeled in front of me. “Babe, I’m sorry about last night. But I was drunk. I know that’s a stupid excuse, but I would never say that and mean that to you. I don’t know how many times I’ve expressed to you that I love you the way you are. I know it must’ve hurt hearing that, but I regret it, so much.” I sat and just looked at him. He looked like he was about to cry. “Do you really mean this Zayn? Do you really not care about my acne?” “Hell no! Please get it through your head babe that I don’t care what you say, what fans say, I love your skin. I don’t care if you wear makeup or not. That’s your choice, not mine. I accept you no matter what. I love you babe.” I wanted to cry. But I held it in because he was making me happy right now. “I love you too Zayn.” “Ugh thank god. I thought you really meant it when you told me to fuck off.” I laughed at that. He knew I had a short temper. “Yeahh sorry about that, I just got ahead of myself.” “I know babe, but I still love you.” He kissed my forehead and sat besides me. “Now will you please come back to my house?” “Absolutely.” “Good. And take that shit off of twitter now.” “I will Zayn, don’t worry.” “Can’t have people thinking we’re not together. I want everyone to know you’re mine.” I smiled at that. He truly did love me, I just let things get to me easily. I knew I needed to work on that, but I also knew I had Zayn there to help me with that.
he says something he regrets ( not by me ) Zayn part 1
Your POV
I’m just a regular teenager. I go to college, I have a job, I have flaws and I’m still growing up. But I’m also dating Zayn Malik. So take all my stress and add that to it. His fans never really liked me because I don’t spend enough time with him, but I have a life too and Zayn understands that. So whenever we see each other, we cherish it. There were some fans that liked me and they’d always send me love tweets, it was sweet, but not enough to overpower the hate. Like a normal teen, I also had acne. I hated it and I just couldn’t get rid of it. Fans always pointed it out to me and it hurt. When I first met Zayn, I put a ton of makeup on to cover it up and then he saw me one time without it on. I was so embarrassed that I wanted to cry. But he looked me in the eyes and told me he didn’t care, that it was a part of growing up. And he was right. I’m just a normal person. Why can’t others see that as well?
But other than that, I loved being with him. He makes me stress-free and just enjoys his life, I couldn’t ask for more. But I knew before getting with Zayn that he sometimes had a temper. I’d seen when people called him bad names and he would just take it hard and lose it. I was there for him though. He never lashed out at me and I had hoped he never would. But never say never, because today was the day he did.
Zayn came home in a pissy mood. I had seen the things on twitter that people were saying so I needed to be there for him. “I can’t catch a fuckin break anymore! What more do these people want?!” “Zayn you can’t please everyone babe, just don’t let it get to you. C’mon, you know better than this.” “You’re right babe. I just need a drink.” I sat back and watched him. One drink turned into 8. He was drunk already. He was lightweight so he couldn’t hold much. And when he was drunk he would just say a bunch of nonsense. I walked over to him because he was trying to get to the room but kept falling into the wall. I put his arm around my neck and helped him to the bed. When I finally got him there I layed him down and started to take off his shoes and clothes, leaving him in his boxers. He was slurring words but I wasn’t really paying attention to him. “(Y/N)…….you know…you get a lot of hate too.” “Yes Zayn.” “But…..why?” “Ask your fans.” He took a moment to take that in. “I mean sure you have a lot of acne……….and you could wear more makeup to cover it……it doesn’t hurt (Y/N), you’d look……better.” And with that he passed out. I just stood there, teary eyed, looking at him. Did he really just agree with his fans?? Everyone knows that the truth comes out when you’re drunk. Is this how Zayn really felt? I’m sorry I don’t pack on my makeup like his last fuckin girlfriend.
I was so mad now. I threw his clothes on the floor and grabbed my purse. I didn’t want to be here when he woke up. And I knew he’d say he doesn’t remember anything. So I left him a little note.
Since you think I should wear makeup to cover up something I can’t control…..go fuck yourself.
I smiled as I wrote it and left it on his night stand. As I was walking to my car, I tweeted to the fans. ‘You guys got what you wanted. He agrees with you. Feel free to have him.’ I turned off my phone and drove to my friend’s house. She knew how I felt about my acne and my insecurities. How dare Zayn say that about me. I was hurt but I was more so mad. I believed him when he said I was fine. But I didn’t need him to make me feel good about myself. He can just find someone else.
Zayn’s POV
I woke up with a massive headache. Shit, I must’ve drank a lot than I meant to. I reached over and patted the other side of the bed expecting to find (Y/N) but it was empty. I opened my eyes and saw the room was empty. I looked to the nightstand to look at the clock but instead there was a note with my name on it. I sat up and read it……what the fuck? What happened? Why would she be saying that to me. Just then my phone started ringing. I looked at the caller id and it was Harry.“Hello..” “Zayn what’d you do man? What’s wrong with (Y/N)?” “What are you talking about?” “Look on twitter man.” I opened up my laptop and saw a bunch of tweets directed to me about breaking (Y/N)’s heart. There was a ton, but most of them talked about me calling her ugly, that she needed to cover up her acne. What? I clicked on her page and saw her most recent tweet. ‘Feel free to have him.’ Did we break up? I looked at the note again. ‘Go fuck yourself.’ I guess we did. “Harry, I don’t know what happened.” “Let me call around and I’ll find out, just try calling her man. It seems like it was something big.” “K thanks.”
We hung up and I just stared at the computer. Did I really say this? I hope not, because that would be the stupidest thing ever. I tried calling her but her phone went straight to voicemail. Ugh. She needs to pick up.
Grattiiiis Zayn Malik! <3

You receive a phone call. You take a look to see who it is and see his name on the screen. You ignore the call. Two minutes later he calls you again. You are about to answer but someone knocks at your door, so you decide to leave your phone on the couch, ringing. As you open the door you see Zayn, all wet cause it's been raining, with his cell phone in his hand. He has a really sad face, his eyes are red.
"OMG, Zayn. You're gonna get sick", you say with an unfriendly tone and make him come in. You give him a towel expecting him to use it, but he just stays stand and quiet.
"Arent you gonna use it?" You ask with an unfriendly tone again. He doesnt answer. You notice he wants to say something and you try to walk away before you hear a word. Then you hear him sobbing.
"Please, please dont go", he whispers. You turn around to face him, his eyes all wet and he's shivering. You sit next to him on the couch. You feel so bad now. You really wanna hug him, but you just cant. You'd been ignoring him trying to forget, while he had been trying to contact you and apologize. 'Dont cry, dont cry...' you tell yourself.
"Babe..." he says. You let him go on.
"Babe, i'm so sorry, I...You must think im an idiot".
"Pretty much" you whisper. He nods sadly.
"And i am" he continues. "I shouldnt have said all of those things. I should have listened to you. But most important I..." his voice breaks. He starts crying. "I shouldnt have let you go"
"Zayn, you're not an idiot" you finally say. 'Really, that's the best you could say?' you think. Suddenly you feel your cheeks wet. You were crying too. You get closer to Zayn and hold his face. You start wiping his tears.
"Dont cry, it's okay" you tell him. More tears stream down your face, your forehead against his. "It's okay" you say again, but this time to yourself.
"I love you so much" he whispers.
"I love you too Zayn" you say as you close your eyes and kiss his nose softly.
Vad långt dem har kommit om man tänker efter.

zAyn <3


Always Harry

he leaves you for another girl: Zayn Epilogue 2 years later ( the end)
Your POV:
It’s 2 years since I saw Zayn Malik last. I didn’t know exactly how he was doing because he never contacted me again since that night le left. I still talked to the boys, but they never brought him up or asked me anything about him. Me and Trever were still together, and I loved that boy. But as the years got longer, I’ve come to realize he’s not the one for me. And I knew the reason why. Slowly my feelings for Zayn had been coming back. Him not contacting me told me he hadn’t moved on. Or maybe he had and he just didn’t want to see me whatsoever. But I knew I didn’t want to lead Trev on, so I had to tell him. And being the gentlemen that he is, he understood. We’ve always been honest with each other, and he was just glad I had told him. Trever, I knew, would always be my friend. And he confirmed it when he said he still wanted to be in my life. He was a great person to have by my side and he’d always have a place in my heart. I was still living in California in my hometown. The boys were currently taking a break from touring and I knew they’d all be home. I had to go see Zayn. Just to see if he still felt the same, or if he had moved on. For my sake. I booked tickets to fly to London, called the boys and told them I was coming, and they invited me to stay with them. I would choose who when I got there but they couldn’t wait. I was excited too but nervous at the same time. Last time I saw Zayn, I basically pushed him away from me, told him to move on and that I had no feelings for him. It was true though at the time. I was truly in love with Trever, but as time went on, I just wanted to be friends. And my love for Zayn came back. I wanted to express this to him and see how he’d take it, the same way he did to me.
The next day I was on my 10 hour flight to London, excited to see the boys and Zayn. When I arrived at the airport, it was Louis who was there to pick me up. His smile brightened when he saw me and I couldn’t help but feel mine do the same. I ran towards him and jumped in his arms and he swung me around. He was the only one I did this with I realized at that moment. He set me down and just looked at me. “You look great (Y/N).” “Thank you Lou. It’s been way too long hasn’t it?” He picked up my luggage and started walking towards the car. “Yes, way too long. We’re just happy you’re here.” We got into the car and he started driving. “Lou, can I ask you something?” “Sure babe, what is it?” I didn’t feel the need to hesitate with him so I just let it out. “How has Zayn been?” “He, um, I don’t really know how to explain it. I mean, he’s ok, but just not his usual self you know? He keeps to himself more now and just speaks to us when needed. So he just keeps everything bottled in so we don’t really know what’s going on with him.” Hmm. I didn’t know how to explain that either, it was weird though. “Lou, me and Trever broke up.” He raised his eyebrows with concern. “What? What happened? Are you ok?” “Yeahh, yeahh, I’m fine Lou. I was the one who thought we’d be better off friends and he understood. But um, the reason why is because my love for Zayn came back. I don’t know why, but it has. I guess I never really stopped thinking about him.” “Has he tried to talk to you since then?” “No, I told him I wanted a relationship with him like I had with you guys, and for him to call me when he finally moved on, but he never called. So I take that as he never moved on…..” “Well that might explain his behavior. But I mean, love’s love right? If it came back, it came back for a reason (Y/N).” “Yeahh I know. That’s partly the reason I came, I wanted to see him and talk to him.” “Well we’re gonna go to Harry’s for a bit so you can see the guys and then I’ll call him ok?” “Alright.”
We arrived at Harry’s flat and I got out with Lou. I let all my luggage in the car because I chose to stay with Niall after all. I walked in and was shocked to see all the boys(well except Zayn) there with Danielle and Eleanor waiting for me. It made me happy to see them all. I hugged each of them and the girls too. I had slowly gotten closer to them and grew to love them. Niall was cooking, Harry was entertaining, and the rest were just chatting. I had a beer and was drinking with Niall. I had explained to him what I told Lou and he just said the truth. “Well Lou’s right, your feelings came back for a reason, it’s just a matter of seeing how he responds. We told him you were coming and invited him here, but I guess he’s not going to show.” I guess that wasn’t a good sign to begin with. Oh well, I guess it could wait until tomorrow.
I was outside on the balcony when I heard someone walking out there too. I turned thinking it was Niall and was about to ask for another beer, but when I turned, it was Zayn who was there.
Zayn’s POV:
I knew (Y/N) was arriving today and the boys invited me over to Harry’s to celebrate, but I didn’t feel like I was ready to see her again. Even though it’s been so long, I didn’t feel ready. I never called her after that night because to be honest, I couldn’t move on. I tried, believe me I did, but I would just relapse and break down again. I’ve been crying for 2 years over her, but not wanting to bother her. She had a relationship with someone good and I didn’t want to ruin that. But when Niall texted me saying she was hoping I’d be there, I decided I could go just to see her and then leave.
Your POV:
My heart skipped a beat seeing him. He grew his facial hair out but it was clean kept, his hair no longer had the blonde streak I saw recently and he seemed to have lost a little weight. But overall, it was just good to see him again. He didn’t say anything to me, just stood there. So I talked. “Zayn, hi.” I smiled at him and he smiled back. But he didn’t say anything back. “Um, it’s good to see you.” He finally stepped towards me and stood in front of me. “I um, Niall invited me. I thought the least I could do was see you.” “Yeah, I know, and I’m glad you’re here. Really.” I put my hand on his shoulder and looked him in the eyes. He looked to where my hand was and back at me. I could tell he wasn’t expecting this, but I wanted to show him I still cared. “Zayn can we go somewhere to talk?” He nodded and I grabbed his hand walked him back inside up to the guest room. Everyone looked at us and Niall and Lou shot me a thumbs up and I just smiled. Once we reached the room, I closed and locked the door and sat on the bed. “Have a seat.” He sat down next to me and faced me. “Zayn, I wanted to tell you something. I, um, you don’t have to respond if you don’t want to, hell you don’t have to believe me, but I do want to say this. Zayn, I still love you…..” His eyes widen with shock but he didn’t speak. “I’ve just realized that it’s you I want in my life. You’re the one for me and I miss you. And when you never called, I took that as you haven’t moved on………or you did and you just didn’t want me in your life…” I left it at that and gave him time to think. “What about Trever?” “We broke up, we’re better off friends and he’s ok with that.”
Zayn’s POV:
She still loves me. Wow, I did not expect that all coming into this. But you know what, it was the best feeling I’d had since I left her house that night. My heart was melting hearing this from her, I thought I’d never hear her say that to me again But here she was telling me this. And you know what? I believed her. “(Y/N), no I haven’t moved on. I figured the best thing to do was let you live your life and not be apart of it. But of course I love you and I’m just glad to hear you say this to me. You don’t know how happy you’re making me right now.” “So, we can be together again?” My eyes started watering and I just nodded my head. With all my heart, I wanted this. She hugged me tightly and I missed this. She fit perfectly to me and then when we kissed, it was like we had never stopped. I missed it so much it hurt, but I knew this hurt would now be filled with joy because I had her back in my life. And I knew this time, in no way would I fuck this up. “I promise you babe, I will not break your heart again. I promise you.” “I believe you Zayn. I love you.” “I love you too.” “Now can we go back to the old ways? And you having your old relationship with the boys again?” I laughed at that. Yeahh I’d kept my distance from them and I really missed them. So yeah I would enjoy that and I knew they would too. “Yes, of course.” “yay! let’s go tell them.” She grabbed my hand and ran for the stairs. I stumbled after her but kept up, smiling the whole way. She stopped at the top of the stairs and called for everyone’s attention. They all stopped what they were doing and looked at us. “I would just like for everyone to know…..THAT ME AND ZAYN ARE BACK TOGETHER!” She looked at me and smiled and I couldn’t help but smile back. Everyone stood up and clapped and hoorayed for us. It felt good having my friends be happy about this. I truly had been missing out, but now I had everyone back in my life the way it should be.