loved you first- del 5 (sista)
din version:
Zayn: sorry guys, I can’t do this, I need a minute
Niall: sorry guys, but were going to take 5 minutes break, see you soon!
Vad va det som precis hände?
Julia: Vad hände?
Du: ingen aning
Gabriel: Du borde prata med honom
Du: Jag? varför? vi har inte pratat på 2 år, vad får dig och tro att han kommer öppna upp sig för mig?
Gabriel: Att han älskar dig får mig och tro det.
Du: va?
Julia: JA, va?
Gabriel: Vem som helst kan se att han älskar dig och att du älskar honom. Sättet ni tittar på varandra, pratar med varandra och sättet du skiner upp på när du ser honom. Det är som att han gör dig hel. Jag vet att ni inte har träffats på 2 år men jag kan se att ni båda lider av att inte vara i varandras famnar just nu.
Du: gabriel jag är...
Gabriel: gå, jag förstår, gå och prata med honom
Julia: Du inser vad du precis gjorde va?
Gabriel: Ja, jag släppte henne fri, nu får hon vara med den hon verkligen älskar.
Jag stod utanför deras dörr och jag skakade av nervositet, en bit av mig hoppades på att det Gabriel sa var sant, att han älskade mig med men det kunde inte stämma, det skulle bara vara för bra för att vara sant i min värld.
Du: thank you Paul, I can continiue from here
Paul: okey (D/N)
Liam: come in!
Zayn: (D/N), what are you doing here?
Du: I came to check in on you. Are you okey?
Louis: Guys, we should leave them alone
Niall: hell no I wanna see this
Harry: Niall!
Niall: alright, I’m coming
Du: are you okey?
Zayn: I’m fine
Du: Don’t lie to me
Zayn: what do you want me to say?
Du: How about the truth, after 2 years of dissapering at least I deserve that! Don’t I?
Zayn: The truth is (D/N), that I love you, and it killed me to see you with him!
Du: you what?
Zayn: I fucking Love you!... and I know that you don’t feel the same and that you are with him but...
Du: I love you too...
Zayn: you do?
Du: yes
Niall: What are you wating for idiot? Kiss her?
Zayn: Niall! why are you still here?
Louis: Oh did you really think that we were going to miss this?
Liam: No, now kiss her!
Du: Well if you don’t then I will
Zayn grep snabbt tag i mig och vi delade en passionerad kyss
---- ( 5 min senare )
Liam: Okeey guys were back, lets get this party going!
Du: vart gick Gabriel?
Julia: Han gick hem, vad hände, hur gick det?
Du: han sade att han älskade mig...
Julia: Och??
Du: Vi kysstes
Julia: OMG! jag visste att det skulle bli ni 2 ohh!!!
Du: Vi tar allt sen! Dem dem ska börja sjunga nu!
Zayn: I would like to deticade this song to someone speciall here today. (D/N) this one’s for you babe!
Your hand fits in mine
Like it's made just for me
But bear this in mind
It was meant to be
And I'm joining up the dots
With the freckles on your cheeks
And it all makes sense to me
I know you've never loved
The crinkles by your eyes when you smile
You've never loved
Your stomach or your thighs
The dimples in your back at the bottom of your spine
[Zayn + Liam]
But I'll love them endlessly
I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth
But if I do, it's you,
Oh it's you,
They add up to
I'm in love with you,
And all these little things
You can't go to bed,
Without a cup of tea,
And maybe that's the reason
That you talk, in your sleep
And all those conversations
Are the secrets that I keep
Though it makes no sense to me
I know you've never loved the sound of your voice on tape
You never want to know how much you weigh
You still have to squeeze into your jeans
[Harry + Niall]
You're perfect to me
I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth
But if it's true,
It's you,
It's you,
They add up to
I'm in love with you,
And all these little things
You'll never love yourself
Half as much as I love you
You'll never treat yourself right, darlin'
But I want you to,
If I let you know, I'm here for you,
Maybe you'll love yourself,
Like I love you
And I've just let these little things
Slip, out of my mouth,
'Cause it's you, oh it's you,
It's you,
They add up to
And I'm in love with you,
And all these little things,
I won't let these little things
Slip, out of my mouth,
But if it's true,
It's you, it's you,
They add up to,
I'm in love with you,
And all your little things
loved you first- del 4
Fortfarande zayns version
Niall: Zayn are you okey?
Zayn: boyfriend? Is it just me or did she just say this is my boyfriend?
Louis: No, I’m sorry mate, but she said it
Zayn: yeah, loud and clear, what am I now supose to do?
Niall: win her over
Zayn: how?
Niall: I don’t know, lets fokus on the konsert for now and the rest will follow
A while later
Everything was going like planed, we were having a great time and the fans loved us. We were just about to start to sing ’’Loved you first’’ when I saw (D/N) and her boyfriend kissing in the crowd, I feelt sick to my stomak.
I looked at her all the time and started to sing the song without taking me eyes off hers.
Girl, it should be me
Driving to your house
Knocking on your door
And kissing you on the mouth
Holding on your hand
Dancing in the dark
Cause I was the only one
Who loved you from the start
But now when I see you with him it
Tears my world apart
I’ve been waiting
All this time to finally say it
But now I see your heart’s been taken
And nothing could be worse
Baby, I loved you first.
Had my chances
Could've been where he is standing
That’s what hurts the most,
Girl, I came so close
But now you’ll never know
Baby, I loved you first
The first touch
The first kiss
First girl to make me feel like this
It’s killing me
I loved you first, why...
Zayn: sorry guys, I can’t do this, I need a minute
I could’nt continiue the song, I really feelt sick and I had to go off the stage. Just as I started to run of stage I heard Nialls voice:
Niall: sorry guys, but were going to take 5 minutes break, see you soon!
Liam: Dude, what happend
Zayn: I don’t know!
Harry: Are you crying?
Zayn: Yes!
Louis: why?
Zayn: Because I love her Louis, that should have been me, not him!!
Niall: easy
( knocking sound on the door )
Liam: come in!
Zayn: (D/N), what are you doing here?
loved you first- del 3
Zayns version
Louis: relax mate, she’ll be hear any second now
Niall: yeah, you need to breaht, it looks like you have competed in a marathon or something
(knock, knock)
Harry: Thats probably Paul with ( D/N ) and her friends
Louis: It’s open!
Paul: Hello boys
wow, there she was, breath taking.
I just stood there observing her untill Liam hit me on the arm
Liam: what are you waiting for go to her
-Zayn ( D/N ) hi, it’s so good to see you
(D/N): you too
Zayn: so how have you been?
(D/N): good, and you?
Zayn: good
Louis: well this is akward, are’nt you going to interduce us?
Zayn: oh yes. (D/N) this is Louis, Niall, Harry and Liam
Killarna: Hi, nice to meet you
(D/N): You to boys, and this is my friend Julia and my... my boyfriend Gabriel
Louis: oh, I see. Nice to meet you guys
Her what? Her boyfriend?
This could’nt be happening right now, I feelt like dropping on the floor and scream out the pain in my chest but Harry keept giving me the look to stay cool
Paul: Sorry (D/N) but you and your friends have to go now, the boys need to warm up before the konsert
(D/N): oh, well okey
Liam: Bye, we’ll see you later
Niall: yeah we’ll see you after the show
(D/N): okey, it was nice to meet you
Harry: you too
(D/N): good luck on the show
Liam: thank you babe.
loved you first- del 2
Zayn version
Liam: So?
Zayn: Wow, I just realized how mutch i actually miss her
Louis: Oh so you mean that you did not realize that from all your late talk about her
Zayn: yes but hearing her voice again really made my heart skip a bit and...
Niall: wow man, I think somebody is in love?
Harry: yeah tell me about it?
Zayn: No, I’m not in love, were just good friends, or we were
Louis: Oh come on man your not fooling anybody, you really do love her
Liam: yeah I mean you have’nt spoken to hear for what, two years?
Zayn: yes?
Liam: yes, and not one singel day have gone by without you talking about here or even thinking about here.
Zayn: I know, I’ve been trying to convince my selfe that I don’t love her because I mean, were friends, and I don’t think she feels the same
Harry: Zayn?
Zayn: yes
Harry: if you really do love her then you have to tell her, you have to see if she feels the same
Zayn: How? I have’nt spoke to her for about two years, I can’t drop a bomb like that on her
Niall: when it comes to love you can
Louis: he’s right
Liam: you need to tell her, and you have a perfect chanse now in ( din stad )
’’ The guys were right, I needed to tell ( D/N ) that i loved her ’’
2 veckor senare:
Din version
R-riiing, R-rriiiing
Du: hallå?
Zayn: hey, It’s Zayn
Du: oh, hello
Zayn: So, are you coming tomorrow?
Du: yes, yes I'am
Zayn: great, I really need to talk to you so it would be great if you could meet me before the konsert, lets say backstage at 7 oclock?
Du: sure, sounds good. See you tomorrow
Loved you first- del 1
Det är allt hela staden pratar om, det stora pojkbandet One direction kommer hit om 2 veckor och har sin första spelning här i er stad.
Det inte många vet är att du är väldigt bra vän med Zayn Malik, eller, var bra vän med honom. Ända sen han kom med i bandet så hade ni glidit isär.
När jag kom in i rummet igen så satt Julia där på min säng med mobilen i luren. Man kunde tro att hon precis hade sett ett spöke, så vit var hon i ansiktet.
Du: Julia? Vem är det?
Julia: eeehm...
Du: eehm?
Julia: Zayn
Du: va?
Julia: Ja, det är Zayn, han vill prata med dig
Jag fick genast en klump i magen med blandade känslor, bland annat, glädje, ilska och sorg. Jag var glad över att han ringde men samtidigt sårad och arg över att han bara hörde av sig så där efter 2 år, speciellt så som vi lämnade allting.
Du: Hello?
Zayn: Hi ( D/N ), it’s me
Hans röst fick mig genast att bli knäsvag och jag föll ihop i min säng. Jag var tvungen att hålla tillbaka mina tårar och Julia såg direkt smärtan i mina ögon. Hon grep tag i min hand som ett tecken på att hon fanns här för mig.
Du: uhm... how have you been?
Zayn: fine, and you?
Du: great
Zayn: yeah... well, I’m coming to ( namn på staden du bor på ) in 2 weeks.
Du: yeah, so I heard
Zayn: Are you coming to the konsert... to watch us love?
Du: I don’t know, I mean, I have tickets but I don’t know if I can come
Zayn: Why not?
Du: I don’t know, I have to do a thing
Zayn: please come, I would like to see you, and I would like for you to meet the other boys
Du: I would like to meet them to but...
Zayn: Listen, I have to go but please think about it... I miss you and I really want to meet you.
Du: Okey, I’ll think about it
Zayn: great, talk to you later?
Du: yeah, bye