you break up - Louis ( part 3/3 )
Lou’s POV
I spent the next few days gathering the things I needed to get her back. I went to a jewelery store and ordered something, then made a dinner reservation at a fancy restaurant and then made my way over to (Y/N)’s friend’s house. I put on nice clothes and hoped i looked presentable. I never usually did this stuff, but for her? I’d do anything. I got to the house and knocked on the door. He friend answered it and just looked at me. “Um, is (Y/N) here?” “Well yeahh but doesn’t mean I’m going to let you in. What are you doing here?” This friend never really liked me, which I understood but I mean what the hell. “I just need to talk to her (Y/F/N). Please.” “She doesn’t want to see you Louis.” “Is she where she can hear me then?” I could see her look over her shoulder and then back to me and nod.
Your POV
I sat in the living room with my back towards the door where Lou was, so I knew he was here. I could hear every word he was saying but I didn’t want to give in. I knew if I took one look at him I’d break. “(Y/N)!” I jumped when he yelled my name. I looked to (Y/F/N) and could see her still standing at the door, blocking him from my sight. I looked back to the wall and just stared. Don’t say anything, don’t say anything…”(Y/N) I know you can hear me babe. Please….just hear what I have to say.” I shut my eyes and started counting in my head. If I blocked him out maybe he’d leave. “You don’t have to say anything, just listen to me. I love you (Y/N). I love you so much I’m mad at myself for even muttering those words to you. But babe if I could take them back I would. You know I didn’t mean any of those things. I can respect your morals, I can respect you as a person, I can respect anything you want me to because that’s how much I love you. When I woke up and saw your things were done I went crazy. I can’t picture life without you now (Y/N). I need you in my life, now and always. No matter what. I can wait, I swear I can. Hell we never have to have sex if that’s what it takes, I just want you to come back to me.”
And he left it at that. I sat there and ran his words through. I couldn’t see him, but I could hear the emotion in his voice. It sounded regretful and sorry. He was sorry. And he loves me, still….after everything, he still loves me. Once I heard that I knew my love for him wasn’t gone. I slowly got up and walked over to the door. I stood behind (Y/F/N) and tapped her shoulder. She turned and nodded at me then left. I came face to face with Louis finally. His face lit up when he saw me and he smiled at me. That smile… always killed me. “(Y/N)…babe…” I didn’t say anything, I just walked up to him and threw myself in his arms.
He wrapped his arms around me and held me tightly. “I missed you babe.” I just held him tighter. Finally he let go and set me down. “I have a surprise for you though. Go get ready and let’s go.” I nodded and walked back into my room to get ready. He sat patiently in the living room and waited. I finally finished after 30 minutes and came out to greet him. He was dressed nice so I put on a dress and heels. “You look lovely.”“Thank you.” He held out his arm. “C’mon, let’ go.” We walked out and he took me to his car. We drove for miles until we came to a fancy restaurant. It’s one we’ve never been to, but I’ve always admired. I was happy. We went in and immediately got seated. As soon as the hostess left Lou put his menu down and came to kneel in front of me. “(Y/N), I love you so much….” He began to pull out a tiny black box, and I’ll admit, I sort of freaked. I didn’t think I was ready for marriage just yet. “Lou…” “Don’t worry, it’s not what you think.” I nodded my head and he resumed. “This, (Y/N), is something I’d like to give you to show you that I do respect you. I will wait for you no matter what, and I promise someday, I will marry you. Because I know you’re the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. But this for now, is a token of my love and appreciation to you. I know i don’t show it much, but I do love that you are in my life babe.” He opened the box and there was a white gold diamond ring set there. It was beautiful. It was plain, just like I liked it.
He took it out and slipped it on my right ring finger. “So please, accept my apology and take me back babe. Come back home. I want you in my life.” His eyes pleaded with forgiveness as he looked up at me. I looked at the ring on my finger then to him. How could I not forgive him? I grabbed his hand and brought it up to my face. “I love you Lou.” He let out a huge sigh and smiled at me. “I love you too babe.” He got up and gave me a kiss on the lips and then hugged me. He went back to his seat and sat down a whole new man. “Ahh, not that that’s done, let’s eat at your favorite place.” And we did. After that everything went back to normal for him and I and he stayed true to his word. We married a year and a half later and that night of our wedding night, was the first time we ever made love. And I was so glad I waited.
you break up - Louis ( part 2/3 )
Your POV
I was still at my friend’s house and I had no intention of seeing Lou anytime soon. But he kept calling me and calling me. I knew I wasn’t going to be able to avoid him forever, but I didn’t want to see him in person. So I did what I thought was best for me. I wrote him a letter. I poured my heart out in it and let him know how I felt and then had (Y/F/N) take it over to him.
She didn’t agree with it, but I wanted this. He needed to know what he did, but not from my voice. I just hoped he didn’t try to come and see me. I didn’t know if I’d be able to deny my love for him if I saw him face to face. But I had to try, for myself. But this just made me wonder if I was ever going to find someone who loved me for me and respected me. It made me question myself overall and it sucked.
Lou’s POV
It’s been days and I couldn’t get ahold of (Y/N). But finally one night I heard a silent knock on my door. I jumped up and ran to the door, expecting to see (Y/N), but instead it was her friend. “Where’s (Y/N)?” She didn’t answer me, just handed me a white envelope and left. I stared at her dumbfounded and waited until she drove away to go back in. I looked at the paper in my hand and saw (Y/N)’s handwriting on the front. This is how she communicates with me after so long? What the hell. But I walked over to the couch and opened it.
I can’t put into words how I feel about you now, I guess everything’s just changed in these past few days since that night. Yes I’ve gotten your voicemails, yes I’ve seen your calls, but I don’t want to talk to you. This is the only way I can tell you what happened and why I don’t want to be with you anymore.
That night, you were very drunk, but I still took care of you. Up until you started to get touchy with me. I refused you and you got mad at me. You said some things Lou that hurt me….because when I refused you, I told you the reason why I didn’t want to have sex. I believe in no sex before marriage, and when you found that out, you told me if I wasn’t going to have sex with you that I might as well leave.
So I did. I was going to tell you that I love you that night, but now? Now I don’t think I could say that is still true. That hurt Lou. And I know you were drunk, but I couldn’t stay there and just forget it because you were drunk. I needed to leave and gather myself. And after gathering myself, I’ve come to realize I can’t be with someone who won’t respect my morals, and you can’t Lou. Which is why I can’t come back to you. In no way am I sorry, but all I ask is that you don’t try to contact me.
I’d like to move on with my life and forget this event. Goodbye Lou.
The paper fell from my hand as I finished that last sentence. Water blurred my vision and my throat felt like a rock had formed in it. I don’t remember any of that at all, but I know she wouldn’t make this up. I can’t respect her morals? Of course I can….if only she’d told me while sober, but I can’t sit here and think what if. She said she was going to tell me she loved me. If that’s true then she couldn’t of changed her love for me so fast. I loved her too, and I sure as hell could respect her morals. I wanted her in my life either way and I knew I had to win her back.
you break up - Louis ( part 1/3 )
Your POV
Meeting Louis Tomlinson was always in my dreams, but it coming true? It was just unbelievable. I met him while shopping with friends. I thought he was going to start hitting on my friend, but he didn’t. He came over and talked to me. That day he asked me for my number and we went out on a date. It was the best day of my life. And slowly since then, we’d been getting to know each other.
We’ve been together for 6 months now. And to be honest, I was falling in love with him. He just didn’t know it yet. But I was scared, because there was something I was holding back. I’m 19 and I believe in no sex before marriage. I hadn’t told Louis this yet because I was scared he’d change his mind about me. He’s never tried to take our relationship to the next level, so I’ve never had a reason to tell him this. But I knew i needed to soon because I was going to tell him I love him, and I needed to know that he accepted my belief.
Today was our 7 month anniversary and we were celebrating. We went out to eat and saw a movie. But tonight Louis had drank more than usual. I was helping him into our room when he pulled me down on top of him. “You know (Y/N), I’m so glad I met you.” I laughed. He was drunk. “I’m glad too Lou.” I started to get up when he held on tighter. “Lou..” “Stay with me please.” Um? “Okay….” I layed down beside him and he turned towards me. I was planning on tell him I loved him, but I knew tonight wouldn’t be the night, I wanted him sober when I told him.
He put his hand on my hip and start rubbing there. “(Y/N), I really like you.” His hand started to go under my shirt. “I really like you too Lou.” I went to stop his hand and he got mad. But he didn’t say anything. He went back to smiling at me with hazy eyes. But not even a minute later he put his hand back there. He tried pulling up my shirt again, only this time kissing me, thinking it’d distract me. But I knew what he was trying to do.
“Louis, stop.” I pulled his hand away again and this time he threw a fit. “Why? What’s wrong with us having sex? We’ve been together for 7 months now!” I sat up and looked down at him. “Because I’m not ready to Lou.” He huffed at me and said something under his breath. “What was that Louis?” “I said……that’s bullshit.” My eyes widened and I was starting to get mad. I knew he was drunk, but he didn’t need to say that to me. “What’s so wrong with no sex before marriage Lou?” He finally sat up and looked at me. “You’re one of those girls? Oh hell no.” He got up and stumbled over to the bathroom door. But I sat there, shocked that he just said that. I walked after him and found him in front of the toilet. “And what is wrong with that? You got something against that?” “Pssh, that’s a load of crud. If I wanna have sex, I’m going to have sex. And since you can’t give that to me, you might as well leave.” Then he started throwing up.
I usually helped him with this part of the night, but not tonight. I didn’t want him to see me cry so I left. I got in my car and drove over to my friends house. She knew how I was, she knew what I wanted in life. And when I showed up crying on her doorstep, she immediately let me in. “What happened?” “I told Lou I didn’t want to have sex before marriage, and he basically told me to leave..I guess we broke up.” Her face turned to anger and she shook her head. “He doesn’t deserve you then hun, don’t worry about him.” “How can I not? I love him (Y/F/N)…I love him and I never even got the chance to tell him that. But him finding out about this, this changes everything. It shows me that he’s not willing to wait for me. And that he doesn’t love me.” I broke down even more.
Lou’s POV
I woke up in the bathroom with my hand in the toilet. Ugh, disgusting. My head was pounding and I was barely able to open my eyes. “(Y/N)!” She usually took care of me, why wasn’t I in bed? “(Y/N)!” I called for her again but she never came. I struggled to get up, but finally made it to the sink. I washed my hands and brushed my teeth. I looked at myself in the mirror and saw what a mess I was. I stumbled into the room and looked around. She wasn’t in here. I walked out into the living room and she wasn’t there either. Where was she? I walked back into our room and sat on the bed. But as I sat there and my vision became focused, I finally noticed something. The closet was open, and all of her things were gone from her side. I got up and walked over to it. I opened the other side and saw all of my things still there. I walked over the dresser and opened her drawers. Everything, everything was gone.
What the hell happened?! I grabbed my phone and called her, but no answer. I kept calling, but all I was getting was her voicemail. “(Y/N), call me please. I can’t remember anything and I want to know where you are.” I hung up and just sat there. My head was hurting so bad I couldn’t focus my thoughts. I tried so hard to remember something from last night, but I couldn’t. All I remembered was going out for our anniversary and then nothing. But I know something happened, because (Y/N) would’ve been here helping me, she was always here. So what happened?
he blows you off - louis part 2 (last part)
Lou’s POV
I was completely stunned that (Y/N) had just done that. I didn’t expect missing our doctor’s appointment to cause her to do that. But then again, I chose to do this. I looked at Eleanor. She just shrugged her shoulders at me and began walking back towards the car. Was it really worth it?
I dropped off Eleanor at her house and drove home. Once I walked in, I could feel the loneliness. It was empty. I walked up to our room and there was a note on the bed.
I’ve decided I can’t be with you if you’re going to chose her over our baby. I need to look out not only for myself, but my child’s future. I’m sorry to do this to you, but I deserve better. I’ll be back in a few days to get the rest of our things.
My eyes started water and I walked over to the nursery we had set up. The door was open and as I walked in, I saw she took half of the things in there. The crib was gone, the baby’s changing station, the clothes, toys……I fell to my knees and just yelled. I yelled until my throat was sore and I couldn’t talk anymore. My heart broke reading that letter. I never meant to hurt her or our child. I never saw myself doing this to her, but I did. And I didn’t think there was anything I could do to change her mind now.
Your POV
I walked around my apartment, setting things up, cleaning and preparing. Zayn had taken me back to Lou’s to get some things and dropped me off here. When I moved into Lou’s flat, I had kept my apartment just in case I wanted to come back here…and thank goodness I did. I knew being here would be better for me and would help me move on. Of course I’m still going to be in the same town as Louis, but if he wants to be apart of his son’s life, then he can be. I sat down and thought about what happened. Louis was the father of my child and my love, but in one instant he changed my mind completely. The way Eleanor smiled at me told me she won. And in no way was I going to fight for a man who didn’t care that much for me. If Lou had really loved me, he would’ve told Eleanor no and been there with me.
I rubbed my stomach and could him kicking. I smiled despite the anger I was feeling. My baby boy was my life now, and I had to look out him.
I waited a few days before going back to Lou’s for the rest of my things. I asked Zayn to accompany me and he said yes. We drove over and walked up together. Zayn knocked and Louis opened the door. He looked like he hadn’t slept in days, but I couldn’t let him see that I noticed that. “Can we come in?” He just nodded and stepped aside. I put my purse down and started walking up the stairs. Zayn grabbed boxes and helped me start packing up the nursery, while Lou just sat in the living room. I tried not to think about him, because I know if I did, I’d change my mind about this. “I’m gonna go grab more boxes k.” “Okay.” Zayn left and I walked over to my old room to gather my things. As I was packing, I could hear Lou come in a sit on the bed. He just sat there, looking at the ground, rubbing his hands together. My books were on the nightstand and that’s where he was by, so I had to walk in front of him to get them. As I did, he grabbed my hand and just held onto it. I stood there, not knowing what to say. He finally looked up at me and I could see the tears in his eyes. “You’re really going to leave me….” It wasn’t a question, just a statement. “Yes.” He still held onto my hand, even now and again giving it a gentle squeeze. “What, um, what is the sex of the baby if you don’t mind me asking.” I knew Louis was going to be apart of my life forever because of our baby, so it was only fair he knew now. “A boy.” His face lit up when he heard that and he finally smiled. “Really?” I nodded my head. This caused him to break down even more, to the point where he was sobbing. I kneeled in front of him and just held onto his hands. “Lou, listen to me. Just because I’m leaving, does not mean you won’t be apart of this baby’s life. Look at me,” I put my hand under his chin and lifted his head. “He is going to need his father, you are going to be there for him Lou, if not then I’m fine with that. If you choose to never see him, I won’t hate you. But I would very much like it if you were apart of his life.” He cried more and nodded his head. “Lou I love you, but this is going to be better for us. You’ll always have a place in my heart and I’ll always love you because you are my son’s father, but please don’t hold this against me.” He wiped his eyes and looked at me. “I love you too.” All I could do was smile….then continue to pack my things. “Alright, everything’s packed.” I looked over to Zayn and smiled. He went back downstairs to leave me with Lou. I got up and pulled him up with me. “It’s not goodbye babe, I’ll be seeing you soon.” “I know..” I hugged him and he held onto me for as long as he could. Finally he let go and just looked at me.
I knew I was doing the right thing for myself, and for Lou. He needed to know he could move on with his life and still be apart of mine. “I’ll let you know when the next doctor’s visit is.” “Okay.” And with that, I left. I got into the car and finally let some tears slip. I was going to miss his body next to mine, but like I said, he’d always be in my life.
2 Years Later..
Jacob Daniel Tomlinson, the newest edition to our family, and the cutest. I loved my son so much, and so did Lou. He never missed a doctor’s appointment after that day, and ever since he’d been born, he’s been there. He was showing me and and his son, that he was dedicated. And I couldn’t be more proud. Every time I saw Lou playing with Jacob, I felt relaxed. He didn’t flake on us, he didn’t show hesitation. He was there for us, and so were all the other boys. I still went to their houses, went out to eat with them, everything. Nothing changed, just me and Lou. I could occasionally see Lou looking at me with love in his eyes, but he knew my decision. I didn’t want a love relationship with him, just a friendship. He understood and never brought it up. And our relationship had never been better.
he blows you off - louis part 1
Your POV
5 months, I am 5 months pregnant. And Lou and I couldn’t be more excited. We only had 4 more months to go and tomorrow we were going to the doctor’s to find out the sex of the baby. Lou was at the studio today so I kept leaving him text messages reminding him about tomorrow in case he forgot. He was always talking about how he wanted a boy, but I wanted a girl. But no matter what we had, I would be happy with and I know he would too.
So when Lou didnt’ show up for the appointment the next day, I was worried. He never missed doctor appointments. And he especially didn’t want to miss this one. So why was he?
“Where’s Louis today (Y/N)?” Dr. Stebens asked me. “I, um, he was suppose to be here. But I don’t know.” “Well do you want to wait for him? Or just go ahead and find out?” “Um, let’s wait 10 more minutes and then if he’s not here we can continue.”
The minutes passed, I called him, no answer. He wasn’t coming. What could possibly be keeping him? He wasn’t working today, so what the hell. “Are you ready hun?” I had zoned out that I barely heard her. I guess I had to. I couldn’t wait for him all day. “Yes.” She lifted my shirt and spread the jelly on my stomach. It was cold and felt weird. But I was excited. I just wish Lou were here with me to find out….She put the tool on my stomach and started moving it around. The sonogram came on and I could see our baby. A smile broke out on my face every time I saw this. “Ok (Y/N), ready?” I nodded my head eagerly. “Yes.” “Okay well hun, looks like you’re going to be having a baby boy!” I wanted to cry, from joy, from sadness, just cry. I was happy, but deep down, sad. Because I know Lou wanted a boy, and he wasn’t here with me to find out he got his wish. I asked her for the picture and then left.
As I was walking out of the office, I saw Zayn across the street at a restaurant. I hobbled my way over there and walked in. “Hey Zayn.” He got up and rushed over to me. “(Y/N), you’re not suppose to be walking around like that! Sit down.” Jeez, these boys were really over protective. Ever since they found out I was pregnant, they wouldn’t let me do anything. “I’m fine Zayn, thanks though.” He sat across from me and signaled for the waiter. “So what’s up love? Where were you?” I pulled out the sonogram picture and slid it across to him. His eyes widened as he looked at it. “Did you guys find out?!” I nodded. “Well, I found out, Lou wasn’t there.” He got a confused look on his face. “Wtf, why not?” “I don’t know, he just didn’t show.” “Well that’s not like him. But screw him, what’s the news babe?” I thought Lou would be the first to find out, but I hadn’t expected to see Zayn, but he was my best friend, so he deserved it. “Guess.” He smiled. Him and the boys all had the bets on what the baby would be. Zayn was betting on a boy. “A boy?” I just smiled and nodded my head. His eyes lit up and he jumped up. “Are you serious?!” He came over and hugged me. “Yes.” “Aw babe, congrats!!! How does Lou feel?” He sat back down. “Well, he doesn’t know. You’re the first.” “Hmm, I found out before Louis Tomlinson, nice.” He gave a devilish grin. “So you don’t know where he is?” By now Zayn was staring out at the window. “Nope, but I think I have a guess now.” I followed his stare and saw what he was looking at.
Across the street, at the ice cream stand next to the doctor’s, was Lou……and Eleanor. What the actual fuck? I immediately stood up and started to walk out. I could feel Zayn pulling my arm and telling me to put my weight on him. He was trying to help me walk faster, but only making it worse. I rushed across the street as fast as I could and finally reached them. Their backs were to us so I yelled.“Louis!” His head snapped up and he turned around. He started stuttering. “Hhhii b-b-babe. What are you doing here?” “What am I doing here, what the fuck does it look like?” I pointed to the doctor’s office. “I went to our appointment that you did not show up to!” “I, um…….I,..” But he didn’t get anything out. Then I looked at Eleanor, she was just standing there smiling. “You know what Louis, fuck you. You wanna ditch me and your child so you can hang with slut bag over here fine. We’re done.” I turned around and started walking back towards my car. “(Y/N)! Wait!”“Zayn, get me out of here.” I whispered to him. I knew i wouldn’t be able to drive because I was so mad….and hurt. He chose to hang out with Eleanor over finding out the sex of his baby. What an ungrateful jerk.
he says something he regrets ( not by me ) Louis part 3
Your POV
I woke up with a massive headache. I looked at my surroundings. I was not in my bedroom. Ugh. I got up and opened the door. I was still at Zayn’s. I couldn’t hear anything so I walked downstairs. Wow…….all the boys were passed out on the floor. I let out a little laugh. Must of had a good time. I walked into the kitchen and opened a cabinet. I grabbed some cereal and closed it. And then I turned back around to have Harry standing there all sleepy eyed. “Hey (Y/N)….” He sounded like a little 10 year old waking up from a long nap. “Did you have a good time last night Haz?” He took a seat at the counter. “Yeahh, too much. What about you?” I thought about it. I really didn’t remember much. “Well seeing as I drank a lot and spent the night I guess I had a good time aha. But I don’t remember much.”“Sooooo……you don’t remember Lou showing up and putting you to bed?” What the hell? He showed?? “No……” “Yeahh he was here. Said he came to take to you.” He did? I don’t remember talking to him. “Well I don’t remember talking to him.”“That’s because you didn’t. You were too drunk so he said he wanted to talk to you when you’re sober.” “Hmm, I wonder why.” Just then the rest of the boys all walked in. Niall was definitely still drunk. “(Y/N)…..thank you for a great night babe.” “Anytime Ni.” “You girl, are a great wingman to have.” So I guess I was with him the whole night aha. “Well thank you guys for last night really.”“Anything for you (Y/N).” Liam said. “But (Y/N), I think you should call Lou.” I looked at Harry, he was serious. “What’ll that change Harry?” “It’ll give you guys both closure. You never know babe, this talk may help both of you. Because you would not shut up last night about him.” I did? Shit. He was right. “Fine. I’ll wait until I go home though.”
I got home and showered to feel better. I needed to relax before I called Lou. I just stared at my phone forever, contemplating calling him. So when it started ring, it scared the crap out of me. I looked at the caller id to see that it was Louis. I took a deep breath and then answered it. “Hello.” “(Y/N)?” “Yess.” There was a short pause and then he continued. “Listen um, I don’t know if you remember anything from last night, but I was there…” “That’s what Harry said.” “Yeahh I um, I wanted to talk to you, but you were really drunk. So I knew you wouldn’t remember me talking to you.” “Okay…..” I really didn’t know what to say to him. “So I was wondering if I could come over to talk..” I thought about it. I guess I did need closure from him, so I needed to talk to him. “Sure Lou.” “Ok, I’ll be there in 10.”“K.” I hung up and just sat there. I had on sweats and a tank top, I looked down at my outfit and thought about changing, but screw it. I didn’t need to please anyone.
10 minutes later I heard my doorbell ring. I opened it and saw Louis. His clothes were all wrinkled and his hair messed up. Wow…I don’t think I’ve ever seen him like this. “Um, come in.” He smiled and then walked in. I gestured towards the couch and he went and sat down. I sat in the chair across from him. “Ok so I’m just gonna get to the point. (Y/N) I apologize for what I said to you. I guess everything was just getting to me and I took it out on you…and I deeply regret that. And I thought I wanted someone who has style, who cares what others say, who gets ready all the time, but turns out I don’t. When I was with Eleanor all I did was think about how you didn’t do this or that or you did this better or how much I missed you. Basically what I’m trying to say is I don’t want anyone else but you. I don’t care anymore what others think, I don’t care that you like to wear sweats and be comfortable, I’ll do that with you, but I just want us to go back to the way we were. You don’t know how unhappy I’ve been since you left. And after seeing you last night, the way you talked about yourself, I couldn’t help but feel horrible because this is all my fault. I let you believe something that wasn’t even true. I love you the way you are and don’t ever change that (Y/N)…I know I’m talking a lot but I just need to get everything out. I didn’t think you’d want to talk to me, but last night when you did, I knew I had to come back so you’d hear me clearly………Say something…” The whole time he’d been talking, I was just listening and taking everything in. He was saying a lot and I couldn’t wrap my head around it. Louis Tomlinson was sitting here saying he didn’t care about what others thought of me anymore and that he wants me back. But did I believe it? How did I know he wouldn’t just snap again? “How do I know this is real Lou?” is all I could get out. Sadness filled his eyes when I said that. I guess that offended him, but I needed to know for me. “I know there are no words to say how sorry I am, but you just have to believe me when I say I love you for who you are. And I’m nothing without you (Y/N) and I’m not trying to sound cocky, but you know this is taking a lot for me to admit. I just miss us, I miss being happy, I miss having someone there for me. I need you back in my life…..” He was right, Lou didn’t break down often and admit to his mistakes. I loved this boy and I knew I wouldn’t be able to move on in life without him. Love always overpowers everything else, so I knew I needed him back also. “Okay Lou..” His face lit up. “So you’ll have me back??” “Yes babe.” He got up and hugged me. “Ugh, thank you so much (Y/N). I swear I’ll make this up to you babe. I love you so much.” All I could do was hold onto him tighter. “I love you too Lou.”
he says something he regrets ( not by me ) Louis part 2
Lou’s POV
In the 2 months that I’ve been away from (Y/N), I wish I could say I felt better, but I can’t. Yes I found Eleanor and yes she is beautiful and nice, but she wasn’t (Y/N). Eleanor made me question getting with her sometimes. I thought when I told (Y/N) I wanted to start dressing up again that I really needed that, but turns out I don’t. Now Eleanor takes forever to get ready just to go to breakfast with me. I mean she doesn’t have to do her hair for each time of the day. It was getting me mad. Sometimes I missed (Y/N) because she’d be ready to go when I said let’s go. But not with Eleanor. I liked her, but I just couldn’t do this anymore. I missed (Y/N) and I regretted what I said to her. I kept keeping track of her, seeing how she was doing, without her knowing. And I think she just felt like shit like I did. She still dressed the same, but you know what? I didn’t care anymore. Fans had been giving her hate over it and they all loved Eleanor, but it was what made mehappy right? Not the fans. I needed to get her back. Her birthday was coming up and I knew the boys were gonna have her over. They didn’t know I knew, but I overheard them planning it. I needed to be there to let her know how much I love her and miss her. I just hope she accepted me.
Your POV
It’s my birthday. I looked in my mirror as I got ready. This would be the first time in months that I’d be dressing up. It kind of felt good to be wearing jeans and a nice shirt, still wasn’t classy, but classy wasn’t me. I put on light make up and grabbed a coat, heading to Zayn’s house. I told them I didn’t want anything big, I don’t like being surrounded by a bunch of people, so I hope they listened. I couldn’t help but wish Louis was going to be there so I could at least see him and let him know I’m happy for him, but I don’t think that’ll happen.
I arrived and could a bunch of cars parked out front. Ugh, I didn’t even want to go in, but they did all this for me, so I owed it to them. I walked in the door and was instantly hit with claustrophobia. There were so many people here. Did I even know all these people? But as I walked in further, I noticed these were all my friends, some I hadn’t seen in a while, but glad they were here. I looked for the boys and found them in the kitchen. “Hey (Y/N)!! Happy Birthday!!” Niall said drunk already. I always got a kick out of seeing him drunk, it was funny. “Thanks Ni.” “Well babe, are you ready to get drunk??” Liam asking me that?? I was shocked. Me and him were usually the sober ones. “Only if you do too.” He just smiled at me and poured a shot. Then another one. And handed one to me. “Bottoms up babe.” He threw it back and drank it and looked at me. I did the same and had to admit, it felt good doing this. “Let’s do this boys.” Sounded lame I know, but I was ready to just let go.
Lou’s POV
I pulled up to Zayn’s flat and could see lots of cars and flashing lights inside. I found (Y/N)’s car and knew she was here. I pulled up my hood and walked up to the door. As soon as I opened the door, I was instantly hit with the smell of alcohol and sweat. Ugh, disgusting. There were so many people dancing that I couldn’t walk through. But I slowly made my way over to the living room and sat on the couch. I kept my hood up, not wanting anyone to see me. I was sitting there when I saw Niall and (Y/N) come stumbling in from outside. They were both wasted. Since when did (Y/N) do this? They were holding eachother up and laughing hysterically. What the hell? They moved right next to me and I could hear their conversation. “Niall, I love you!” “I love you too babe! Happy birthday!!” And they downed another drink. “You’re not like Louis. You’d never hurt me right?” “Promise (Y/N). Now drink up and forget about him!” They laughed again and drank. I was kind of hurt by that, but it was the truth. I got up and made my way out to the balcony. I finally let my hood down and just stood there looking at the floor. How am I suppose to talk to her when she’s shitfaced.
After about 20 minutes I decided to just leave. But as I turned around to walk back in, (Y/N) came stumbling out, almost falling, so I caught her. Her eyes were squinted and she had a smile on her face. “Thhankk youu…” It came out slurred and I couldn’t help but feel bad. She seemed to straighten up and look at me then. “Louis?? You’re here??” All I could do was stare at her. I didn’t want to leave her like this by herself. “Well, Happy Birthday to me right?” She raised her glass and took another sip. “Okay, I think you’ve had enough.” I took the drink and sat her down. “Funny….you’re taking care of me…..when usually it was the other way around….” “Yeahh I guess.” “Hey Louis, can I tell you something?” Wow she must be really drunk if she’s talking to me like nothing happened. “What?” “I think your new girlfriend is very pretty. Way better than me……..and dresses better……but you know what?……I’m happy for you Lou…..just dandy.” She tried to grab her drink back but I didn’t let her. I was just stunned by what she just said. I didn’t like that she was comparing herself to Eleanor. She didn’t need to do that. And she was happy? Like hell she is, she’s just drunk. “She’s not my girlfriend anymore.” She got a confused look on her face, but then ended up laughing. “Well then…………drink up Lou! Join the party.” Again she tried to grab her drink but I still held back.“(Y/N) we need to talk.” “What? About what?” “You know about what. But not when you’re drunk.” I helped her get up and walked her into one of the rooms. As soon as she hit the pillow, she knocked out. Jeez, drink much? I walked out and locked the door behind me. As I turned around, I came face to face with Harry. “Hi Louis. Watcha doin?” “I um, was just putting (Y/N) to bed.” “Hmm, and wat are you doing here?” “I came to talk to her, but I guess I’ll come back tomorrow.” And with that I walked out.
I went home and just told myself I’d go back when she was sober. I needed her to remember what I say and believe me. I needed to prove to her I wanted her back and that I was sorry.
he says something he regrets ( not by me ) Louis part 1
Your POV
I’ve never been the type to have style. I never cared about it nor did I think about it. But dating Louis Tomlinson, I had to try and keep up with him and dress nice. But sometimes I just wanted to be in sweats and be myself. Wearing skirts and dresses just wasn’t me. I hated them. But his fans would get onto him when I’d wear sweats or my favorite yoga pants. He’d say it didn’t mean anything to him, but I knew deep down it bothered him a little. He was sassy, but when it came to style, he had his opinions. I’d take him shopping with me so he could pick out my outfits and shit. I did all this to make him happy, but after 3 years of doing this, I think it’s finally time to do me. This year I did not care what the fans thought of me. I went out in my sweats, hair thrown up, and sunglasses with no makeup. It was times like this I felt like my old self. And I loved it. Even when I was out with Lou I’d just wear some jeans and a shirt. He never said anything so I didn’t think it bothered him.
One day I went out in my favorite yoga pants and a work out shirt. Now, my pants were black but hella faded and my shirt was old and bleached. I was going for a work out so I didn’t think nothing about it. But for some reason, paps and fans were all outside my house waiting for me to leave. In recent days they’d found out where I lived and had started doing this. Lou told me just to smile and walk past them so I never paid much attention to them. But as soon as they saw me in the outfit, I immediately got so many twitter mentions.
When I got home from the gym I pulled out my phone to look at them. ‘She’s making him look terrible.’ ‘She’s dating someone who has style and she dresses like this?’ and last but not least ‘Louis can do better.’ Sure these words hurt, but Louis hadn’t said anything so why would I care. And last I checked, I didn’t get all dressed up just to go work out. But no sooner had I turned off my phone there was a knock on my door. I was all sweaty and disgusted but I still went to get it. There stood Louis and he did not look happy. “Lou?” He was suppose to be in the studio today so why was he here? “Can I come in?” “Yeah…” He just walked past me and stood in the kitchen. “What did you go do today?” I pointed to my outfit sarcastically. “I went to work out Lou.” “(Y/N), do you know how many freakin people have said things to me about this outfit?” I was taken back by that. “And? Your point?? I don’t care.” “I’m Louis fuckin Tomlinson! You can’t go out like that! God you’re such an embarrassment sometimes.” Gone was my sarcasticness, now I was seeing red. “Embarrassment? Last time I checked you didn’t need to fuckin dress up to go to the gym! And since you’re such a big shot and worried about what others have been saying then leave me!” His face sort of fell but he kept going. “Babe, that’s not what I want. I just need you to start dressing good again.” Really? This is what he wants? “Hmm…Babe…How bout no? I don’t care what others think and I’ve been dressing like someone I’m not for the past 2 years for your stupid fame. So you know what? Go find someone else who has style because I’m done trying to please you and your fans. Get out Louis.” “(Y/N) c’mon, think about what you’re saying.” “Yeahh, I’ve thought long and hard Lou. I’m not happy with this so get the hell out. If I embarrass you then I’m sure you’ll be happier without me.” “What? No (Y/N)…” “Get!”
Lou’s POV
I just stood there and stared at her. All I came here to do was ask her to stop dressing like that and she turned it into breaking up? Was it really that bad I said that to her? But the look in eyes told me she was serious about this. There was also a hurt look in there, I hurt her. I didn’t mean to. I don’t know why I let this shit get to my head, but it did and I couldn’t stop it. She wouldn’t look at me…..I tried to grab her arm but she backed away. Fine, I guess I’m leaving then. I walked out her door and slammed it. As I drove home I thought about what had just happened. We were done….officially done…screw her. I didn’t need this. Since she thinks I can find someone else, I will then.
Your POV
It’s been 2 months since Lou and I broke up. He never called me or anything. Not even to say sorry. But whatever, I was stronger than that. I didn’t need his apology. But it still hurt deep down. But since he left, I’ve been dressing shittier and shittier. I really didn’t care. When fans saw me on the street they’d yell nasty things at me but I’d put in my headphones and ignore it. I got to a cafe one day and saw Lou and some other girl front page. I picked it up and looked at her. Her hair was curled, her makeup done, and she was wearing a designer dress. Hmm, I guess he did find someone else. I looked at him and he was smiling. He looked happy, so why did I feel sadness when I looked at him. I guess deep down I really missed him. I put the magazine and walked back to my place. It was my birthday in 3 days and the boys had kept sending me things throughout the week. It was sweet of them. They still talked to me after what had happened, and when they’d take me out, they didn’t care what I was wearing. They’d wear sweats with me. They made me feel happy and forget about Lou for a while. But he’d always come back to my mind. On my birthday they were going to be throwing me a little birthday party. I didn’t want to go because of Lou, but they assured me he wouldn’t be there. I trusted them, so I just hoped I wouldn’t see him..

Vad långt dem har kommit om man tänker efter.

he leaves you for another girl: Louis part 5 ( last part )
6 months later
Your POV:
I loved living in this place. No one bothered us, there were hardly any paps, and most of all: it was peaceful. I know I’ve said this many time before, but it truly was. I’d go outside just to breathe because I knew it would clear my mind. 6 months past and I still hadn’t seen or talked to Lou. I didn’t hear anything more about him and Perrie, but then again I avoided anything that had to do with him. I can finally say that after 6 months, I was over him. And I was glad. My life was finally falling back into place. I found a job waitressing at a cafe, I enrolled in college, and I was living. Since then, Lou left One Direction. It was just Zayn, Harry, Niall and Liam left. They still toured and made music and I was glad they were still going strong. But you could see it hurt them not having him. I would ask Zayn how he was dealing and he wouldn’t want to confess, so I’d just leave him. But finally one day I got him to.
“So what’s been on your mind? You’ve been kind of distant lately.” He looked down and started playing with his hands. “Um, Perrie contacted me….” My eyes lit up. I was happy but then again worried. Why would she? “And?” “And she asked me to come back.” I was stunned. I was happy that she came to her senses, but I knew Zayn was torn over his feelings. “What’d you say?” He sighed. “I just said I didn’t know how I felt about her and I needed time to think.” “Did she sound genuine?” “I mean, yeahh I guess. I wasn’t really paying attention. I was just trying to process what was happening.” He finally looked up and met my eyes. “What should I do?” “Well Zayn how do you feel about her?” “Well we were together for 2 years, of course I still love her…..I just don’t know if she deserves a second chance. I mean hell, she basically chose my friend over me. That crushed me. I tried getting over her but I couldn’t. No matter what I do, I just can’t. But I just don’t know if I should go back. What if she does this again?” He truly was torn. I could see the love he had for in his eyes. He still loved her and you could not fight true love. “Zayn, Perrie messed up. But she’s realized that now and knows that you’re the one for her. You guys truly love each other, and true love always finds a way to live. I can see it in your eyes you want her back. You’re never going to truly know until you give her that chance. Because if you don’t, you’re going to sit here and wonder ‘what if’. And I don’t want you beating yourself up over that. Go to her Zayn. Get your happiness back.” He took what I said into consideration and nodded his head. Then he whispered, “What about you though?” I didn’t know exactly what he meant. “What do you mean?” “I mean if I go back, you’re going to be here alone. What are you going to do?” I smiled at his worry. “Zayn, I’ll be fine. I’ve got my job and school. I have enough things to keep me busy. Go. Be with the girl you love and be with the boys fully. I know they miss you.” “Are you sure you’ll be alright?” “Yes Zayn, don’t worry bro.” He finally smiled and relaxed. “Now go pack and surprise that girl.” “I will, thanks (Y/N).” He kissed my forehead and left. I was happy for him. I hated seeing him sad. Over the months, I found it in me to forgive Perrie for what she did. And surprisingly, I forgave Louis too. I didn’t want to dwell on something that happened in the past, so I let it go. And I felt better.
The next day Zayn had all his things packed into the car and was ready to go. “You won’t have a car (Y/N). I can take a taxi.” “No, really Zayn I’m fine. I can walk wherever I need to go. Just go.” I smiled at him to reassure him. “Ok, bye sis.” “Bye bro.” We hugged and he left. I stood there and watched as the car left my sight. To be honest, I was sad he was leaving, but he needed his happiness. He promised he’d keep in touch and I knew he would.
6 more months later
Zayn and Perrie were happily back together and I was happy for them. Everywhere I went, I’d see pictures of them in magazines saying how happy they were to be back together. I’d smile and move on with my things. I still worked, I still went to school, and I still lived in the house we had bought. It was big for just me, but I liked it. Zayn paid for me to keep it and I was grateful for that. Him and the boys would come up any chance they had and visit with me. One time Perrie even came. It was sort of awkward, but I hugged her to let her know I forgave her. She cried and I cried, but we moved on after that. It was refreshing to know we were ok. And once she tried to talk to me about Louis, but I just quickly changed the subject, not wanting to hear about it. She understood and would talk about something else.
Right now the boys were on the world tour. In the magazines I noticed that Lou was now back with the group and I was happy for that. They weren’t One Direction without him. They invited me to their show in London, but I had no time to go. I told them I was sorry and they said they’d come up when they were done. So I was happy for that.
One day I was at work and we were so busy I hardly saw the people I was taking the order from, but when I heard one voice, I knew instantly who it was. “I’ll just have tea love.” My hand froze as I was about to write down his order. I hadn’t heard that voice in a year but I knew it was Louis before even looking up. When I saw him I just didn’t know what to say. He was just staring at me waiting for me to say something. “Um….uh….ok.” I left before he could say anything. I told one of my coworkers to take over my side so I could avoid him. I kept myself busy with whatever I could do to not go over by his table. Sure I was over him, but that didn’t mean I was ready to see him again…..I didn’t notice he had left until my co worker came over with a piece of paper in her hand. “He said to give this to you.” She handed it to me and left. I looked down to see his writing on his recept. ‘(Y/N), please call me when you have the chance. -Louis xx’ I stuffed it in my pocket and just kept moving.
When I got home later I was cleaning out my pockets and found the paper. I sat down and just looked at it. Should I call him? I sat there and asked myself that a million times. I finally decided to call him and get it over with. “(Y/N)?” He answered on the first ring. “Hi Louis.” My voice was shaky but I continued. “You said to call so I called.” “I noticed. Um I was going to ask you if I could meet you somewhere so we can talk. If that’s alright with you.” I thought about this. But just decided I didn’t want to go anywhere. “You can come to my house.” “Ok cool.” I gave him my address and hung up. I text Zayn to see where they were and he said he was still in London. What the hell? Then I heard a knock on the door. I opened it and saw Louis for the second time today. I stepped aside so he could come in and closed the door. He looked around and then just sat down on the couch. He patted the seat next to him and motioned for me to do the same. I awkwardly sat next to him and face him. “You’re probably wondering why I’m here.” I just nodded my head. “Well I know it’s been like a year since I’ve talked to you, but I just figured now was a better time.” I didn’t know what he meant by that but he continued. “(Y/N) I just wanted to come here to say I’m sorry. I’m sorry for what I did to you and I’m sorry for anything else I’ve done to you. You have to believe me when I say I never meant to hurt you. I loved you too.” My eyes watered at that. He had loved me… “And I know words cannot expressed my feelings right now, but I just had to see you and let you know. After I saw Perrie and Zayn back together, I was happy to see that. I guess I was kinda hoping we could be like that too, but there’s probably not a chance huh?” I realized what he was asking and instantly knew my answer. “No Lou, there isn’t. And I appreciate what you’re saying, but I’ve got my life here now and I’m happy. I truly am. I moved on, I think it’s time you do that same.” He looked down and nodded. “I forgive you Louis, it’s time you forgive yourself and live your life. I’m fine here and I like it here. Find someone who will make you happy again. But this time, make sure you let her know how you feel and don’t let her down ok?” He gave a little smile at that. Then looked back at me. “Thank you…..for forgiving me. You’re stronger than I ever will be. And I will, I promise. I won’t make the same mistake twice.” He got up to leave and I walked him to the door. “Can I have one last hug?” “Sure.” He hugged me and we just stood there for awhile like that. It was just like old times, but things were different now. “Bye Louis.” When he pulled back his eyes were watery. “Bye (Y/N).” Then he left. I let out a big sigh after that. It was finally over, we finally faced each other again. And I couldn’t help but feel so much better. I did want to see him happy, it just wasn’t with me.
Over the next few weeks the boys all came up and spent the night. And they would do this every weekend after the tour was done. Slowly, Louis would come too. And I welcomed him. We maintained a friendship and still spoke to each other. He had finally found another girl, Eleanor was her name, and I could see how happy he was with her. So I was grateful for that. And after that, everything was just fine. I lived my life and he lived his, happily.
he leaves you for another girl: Louis part 4
Your POV:
“What do you mean? Louis didn’t tell you?” They just looked at each other. I looked at Zayn and he nodded his head, giving me the okay to tell them. “How bout we go back to our room and we’ll talk.” They nodded their heads and got into our separate cars and went back to our place. Once we got there, I closed and locked the door, looking out the window, expecting Louis to appear at any minute. “Where’s Louis?” “We made him stay home. Now can one of you tell us what’s going on?” Liam said impatiently. I didn’t want to tell them, so I just looked at Zayn. He put his head down, but I knew he was going to tell. “The reason we’ve been gone, is because we don’t want to see Lou and Perrie.” “Why, what happened that’s so bad you guys had to leave?” Niall asked. “Do you guys know how long we’ve been up? Just hoping for a glimpse of you guys anywhere.” Harry sad mad. “Look, we’re sorry, but we needed this. The night after you guys left from my house….(Y/N) and I went out to the movies because I’ve been feeling down…..when we came back though…….we saw Lou and Perrie in bed together…..naked.” I looked to see their reactions. They just sat there, not saying a word. They looked as shocked as we did the first time we found out. But now they knew the truth. “Louis didn’t tell you?” “Ahh, no…….he just said that you both went missing….so we’ve been helping to find you guys. I swear, we didn’t know…” “Yeah, or else we would’ve understood why you guys were gone and hadn’t come.” “We just needed to be gone a while, we didn’t want to see them.” “But Perrie and Louis?? What the hell man?” “I know, we’re as shocked as you guys.” “Zayn….(Y/N)….We’re sorry to hear that……” I just looked at Zayn. The pain was slowly coming back even more just talking about it. And I could tell it was the same for Zayn. “You guys, you have to come back though…” “We know, just not yet..” “Well when then? We just want you guys back..” “You guys found us, you know we’re safe, we don’t know when.” They looked hurt by that, but we didn’t want to go back now. “Ok, well is there anything we can do?” Zayn just shrugged his shoulders. “Not much guys, we’ve just been trying to forget about it and be happy wherever we go. I mean, you guys are welcome to stay, we just don’t know when we’re leaving.” Liam looked at the boys to ask what they wanted to do. “We’ll stay with you guys.” I smiled at that, they were truly brothers to each other. And mine too. “Ok, well, now that that’s over, let’s go out, shall we?” And that’s the last we spoke of Louis and Perrie.
They stayed with us for another week, then we finally decided to head back. Zayn and I rode together, while the others went in their car. “How do you feel about going back now?” “It’s now or never I guess.” He was right. It had to happen anyways. Knowing that the boys were on our side made me feel a little better now. Louis and Perrie didn’t deserve kindness towards them, but I didn’t hate them. I was just going to speak my mind and then leave. I didn’t know how Zayn was going to handle it, but I really hoped him and Perrie worked it out. But if they didn’t, I’m here for him and he knows that. While we were up there, we spoke of possibly moving up there if things didn’t work out. If Zayn didn’t take Perrie back, we’d go back together, because as of right now, I knew I wasn’t giving Louis a second chance.
After 10 hours of driving, we finally made it back to London. Zayn dropped me off first, then left. We told the boys we’d call them if we needed them. I dreaded going back inside Louis’ flat, but all of my stuff was here. I needed to get them. I slowly started up the steps, but before I could even reach the porch, Louis swung the door open and met me. “(Y/N)!?!” He ran out and hugged me. But in no way did I return it. I just stood there and let him hug me and he started crying. But oddly enough, it didn’t affect me. He finally let go and then just looked at me, but I didn’t make eye contact, I just walked past him into the flat. but he trailed after me. I walked up to our room and grabbed a bag and started packing my things. “(Y/N) what are you doing? Where are you going? Just please talk to me.” I was planning on talking to him, but after everything was packed. So I packed my clothes, shoes, jewelry, accessories, everything and ignored him. He was in tears, but I didn’t care. After everything was packed, I walked everything downstairs and put them by the door. Finally I turned and faced him. His eyes were red, his face hollow due to weight loss, and his hair was everywhere. He was a mess, but deep down, was he really a mess? “What Louis? What do you want to say to me?” “(Y/N), I never meant to hurt you. You know me.” “I obviously didn’t Lou for you to cheat on me. AND WITH PERRIE?!?! What the hell were you thinking?! That is your best friend’s girlfriend! And I’m your girlfriend! If you had no feelings for me then why didn’t you just tell me like a man!” “No (Y/N), of course I had feelings for you. I just…..I don’t know what happened! I thought I needed her, I thought I was attracted to her. But I’m not. I’m not, you have to believe me when I say I don’t want her! I want only you (Y/N), just you.” “Well Louis, I guess you should’ve thought of that before you went behind my back. Because let me tell you something. I loved you Louis! I loved you, and I was going to tell you that night, but then Zayn and I get back to see that?! Do you think I deserved that? Hell no! And you know why, because I’ve been nothing but truthful to you! I have never done anything to hurt you but you hurt me for no reason. So you know what Louis, I want you to hurt now. I want you to watch the girl who loved you, walk out of your life because you ruined it. This is your doing. Blame yourself and Perrie for this. Zayn sure as hell didn’t deserve this neither. Nothing will work Louis, nothing you say will change my mind, because seeing you guys together like that, it told me what kind of a man you are. You’re a liar, a cheater, and unfaithful. You don’t deserve me, I deserve someone who will appreciate me, not just hurt me. So goodbye Louis, I hope you have a nice life.” “(Y/N) no….no don’t go….please! Just stay! We can work this out!!!” That’s all I heard as I walked out of the door. I went to my car and put my things in. He kept trying to pull my hand, but I’d just yank it out of his grip. As soon as I got in the car, I pulled out as fast as I could. He was left in the driveway on the ground, crying….Louis….but I’m not sorry. Just then Zayn called me. “Come pick me up.” I went right over and he jumped in my car with bags and everything. “What happened Zayn?” “Oh nothing, she just basically told me she wants Louis over me. Fucking bitch, I should’ve known. I would’ve taken her back too, but no…this had to happen.” I was heartbroken for him. “Zayn….I’m sorry.” “It’s whatever. How’d yours go?” “Well he said he didn’t want Perrie, but I left him anyways. I have my bags too.” “Good, lets go to Liam’s for the night. Tomorrow we’ll go back ok?” He remembered our promise to go back to Inverness. I smiled at him and said ok.
Lou’s POV:
She walked out….she really left…..and I had no feelings whatsoever. I didn’t know what to do now. Do I go after her? Or do I just let her go? She’s right, she didn’t deserve what happened. I don’t deserve her love. Even though I never got the chance to tell her, I loved her too. But that didn’t matter now..she’s gone for good..
A few days later..
Perrie was over. She told me what happened with Zayn. “You told him what?!” “I said I wanted you Lou. After seeing Zayn again, I realized it was you I wanted, not him……I just said what I was feeling..” I couldn’t believe she had said that. I had no clue she’d do that. This just made everything worse. “What’d Zayn do?” “He threw some things….yelled…and then packed his things and left.” He must’ve left with (Y/N), I had no clue where they were, but I know they left. The boys wouldn’t tell me anything. They wouldn’t even look at Perrie and I. I sat down, just frustrated with everything. Perrie started rubbing my back. “Lou……I meant it when I said I wanted you……we can make this work….we can get through this….” I wanted (Y/N), but she didn’t want me..Perried wanted me….but I didn’t want her. But (Y/N) deserved someone better, and I deserved less…and I guess Perrie was that less…
Your POV:
It’s been about a month since Zayn and I left. We found a house in Inverness and bought it. We moved everything in, with the help of Liam, Harry and Niall. They were glad to be helping, mostly because they knew where we were. They knew what happened and didn’t agree with us, but they accepted it. They all wanted us to stay with them, but we said no. We needed to be alone once again. But every weekend the boys would come up and visit us and spend the night. We had fun together, never mentioning their names. They told us what was going on with them, we’d laugh, and that was it. I was slowly getting over Louis and I could tell Zayn was still struggling a little, but he smiled through it. But the day I knew I was completely through with Lou was when I saw him and Perrie in a magazine. They were front cover, holding hands, walking around London. How dare them…..Zayn saw this and just looked away. Even after everything, they still chose to be together, I couldn’t believe this. All my love left me in that instant. And I knew what little respect Zayn had for Perrie was now gone. “I guess we’re in this together.” “I guess so.” I tried smiling at him but he just nodded. Looking at Zayn, I knew we didn’t need Lou or Perrie. They chose their paths, and now me and Zayn had a chance to choose ours. And we were going to live our lives the way we wanted to, without them.

he leaves you for another girl: Louis part 3
Lou’s POV:
It’s been 3 weeks and I haven’t heard a word about (Y/N) and Zayn. I was really starting to get worried. I called all the other boys and told them they were missing. They didn’t know the real truth about why, I just told them they left letters saying they were leaving. As much as I hated lying to them, I didn’t want them to be mad at me right now. I needed their help finding them. They were at my house everyday, looking on the internet to see if paps had gotten photos of them somewhere, looking at Zayn’s bank records, anything to help find them. But so far, nothing. I hadn’t ate since they left, I was a mess…no words could describe what I was going through. Perrie would show up too to help, but I couldn’t even look at her. I didn’t want nothing to do with her anymore. Although this was not all her fault, I couldn’t stand looking at her. Because I was reminded every time about what we did and it being the reason they were gone.
I’ve sat in my room everyday, praying, crying, but nothing changing. As I sat in there, I’d think about how (Y/N) said she loved me in the letter…….How come she never told me? I looked back and thought about our relationship. Even though we hadn’t been together for a year, she was still the best girl I’d been with. And even though I said she didn’t satisfy me like Perrie did, I take it all back. Without (Y/N) here now, I was realizing she was everything to me and that she did satisfy me. She completed me, and without her, I was shutting down. Each day I could feel myself slipping away. Almost giving up on looking for her, but then trying to keep my spirits up. Hoping she’ll come back and talk to me. We had never had a major fight, but she was a listener, we could work through this…..somehow….
Your POV:
We were in a different city every week. It was exciting to see all these new places, but then remembering why we were here in the first place would ruin it. But Zayn was loving this, so I was too. We’d laugh at stupid things and end up talking about our happiest moments, for a moment, forgetting about what happened. But then we’d see something that would remind us of them and we’d be silent for a moment. Today we were out walking around a park. It was beautiful and peaceful. It was winter so we had our coats on, Zayn had his hood pulled up and sunglasses and I had a beanie on with sunglasses too. Everyday we hoped someone wouldn’t recognize us, and so far it hadn’t happened. As we were walking, I saw a small coffee stand and went to go grab us something. We had been using straight cash this whole time, not wanting the boys to track our accounts. It was Zayn’s idea and he was smart about it. We sat on a park bench and ate and talked. But when we grew silent, I knew we were both thinking the same thing. “Zayn, how long are we going to do this?” By now all the boys had tried calling us, but we didn’t pick up. I assumed they found out what happened by now also. “I love what we’re doing, I mean, this is peaceful, but we can’t do this forever right?” He shrugged. “I know we can’t do it forever, but for the time being, this is better than being back there.” “Zayn, I love you, you know that. But we both know that we’re going to have to go back there and face them. Zayn if there’s anything I’ve ever learned from you, it’s to have strength. You have so much strength that I wish I was like you. You’ve handled everything directed at you, good and bad, even though you explode once in awhile, but you’re learning. I’m learning from you. I want us to be happy, and yes what they did sure as hell broke us, but I think in order for us to move on, we have to face them..” He took what I said into consideration. I could see him working it out in his head. “Yeah I know. I just don’t think I’m ready to do that yet love. I just think I need a little more time. Can we spend a little more time here, I like this place. Like you said, it’s peaceful.” I smiled at that. “Yes of course, I’m ready to leave when you are bro.” “Bro? Ha, what, are you going gangster on me now?” “No ha, I just wanted to make you laugh.” I hadn’t seen him have a genuine smile in a while and I wanted to see that again. He did that now. As we ate, I thought. Truth was, we’ve been having fun, doing things to keep us occupied, that I hadn’t thought much about Lou. I mean the pain was there yes, but I was trying to burry it. And it had work for the time being, but I knew sooner or later we were going back to face them. And when that time came, I would be ready. I had stuff I wanted to tell Louis and Perrie. Stuff I wanted to say before I left for good. No matter what he says, I’m not taking someone back who cheats.
Lou’s POV:
I was in my room sleeping when I heard someone yell. I jumped up and ran downstairs. All the boy were surrounded by the computer looking at something. “What? What happened?” “We found them!” Liam sounded so happy. My face lit up. “Where? How?” They showed me a picture of (Y/N) and Zayn sitting on bench in a park. It must’ve been taken by someone who knew them and posted it. “In Inverness. About 10 hours away from here.” “Great, let’s go.” I started to walk away but Liam stopped me. “Um, actually Lou, you’re not in good shape. How bout we’ll go and then we’ll bring them back?” I thought about what he was saying, but I couldn’t let them go alone. Then they’d find out what happened. “No guys, really, I’m fine. I want to go.” “Yeah well we already made up our minds, you’re staying here buddy.” Niall said. I looked at him like wtf. Why were they doing this? “And what makes you think I won’t just go on my own? I do own a car.” “ We disabled it. Plus we talked to Perrie, she said she’d stay with you to make sure you don’t go.” Of course she would. Jesus. “Who the hell disabled my car?” “Sorry mate.” Harry raised his hand. “Fine whatever, just bring them right back. I swear.” “We will mate don’t worry.” Liam patted me reassuringly. They gathered all their things and took off. I was instantly freaking out. What if they ended up telling them? What was I going to do then? The more I thought about it, the more I freaked out. A little while after they left, I heard a knock on the door. I opened it to see Perrie standing there. “What?” “Lou, you know why I’m here.” I stepped aside and just let her in. “I don’t understand why you said you’d stay? Aren’t you worried the boys are going to find out?” “Louis, they’re going to find out anyways. It’s better they learn without us than having to endure an awkward car drive all the way back don’t you think?” She made a point, but still I was freaking. I sat down and just put my head down. “Perrie, what are we going to do when we see them? We can’t just say sorry.” She sat down next to me. “I know we can’t. In all honesty, I don’t know Lou. We just have to be truthful and hope for the best. And whatever comes to us, comes to us. I don’t think there’s any way we could prepare ourselves for this. Not something as bad as this. But Lou, we both know we love them more than anything, we can’t just let them go.” “Perrie, if we really had loved them so much, then why’d we do this?” I looked at her, waiting for an answer. “I could ask you the same thing.” She was right, this was a two way streak. We both carried this on, we both chose to do this, and yet we both chose to lie. Bottom line, we were both screwed. And by tomorrow, we’d both be facing our fears.
Your POV:
Zayn and I decided to stay at this place for one more day. It was lovely and we decided we’d make trips out here more often. We made all kinds of promises to each other. I didn’t really believe in promises, but in the light of what happened, promises from Zayn made me feel better. I knew he could keep a promise, unlike some of the past people to make me promises. He truly was my older brother and this made our relationship stronger. Sometimes I’d look at him, and see him hurting, but then other times I’d catch him smiling like a 5 year old again. Even though everyone labeled him as the bad boy, he had a kid side to him. You just had to be the right person to see it. Times like this kinda made me wish I had fallen for Zayn instead of Louis, but I knew as soon as I saw Lou, he was the one. And Zayn was my brother, I knew that after I got to know him better. All the boys were, but Zayn the most. Harry would tease us and tell us we just needed to get together, but he didn’t understand. I don’t think anyone did besides us. You know one of those relationships you just can’t explain fully for someone else to understand? You had to experience it in order to know what I was talking about. I would talk about this with Zayn and he’d just say no matter what others say, he’ll always be my older brother. Nothing more. And I accepted that. Right now he was watching kids playing on the swings. We came back to the park to just sit and look at the scenery. The way he looked at them though was like he longed for it. “Zayn, did you and Perrie ever talk about having kids?” He let a small smile appear. “Yeahh actually we did. We said we’d have a family by the time we were 23, 3 boys and 1 girl. And a dog……..Gosh, our kids would of been so beautiful.” His smile faded. “There’s still a chance Zayn….” I truly hoped him and Perrie worked it out. They’d been together so long that they were meant for eachother, no matter what course they ran into. Their love was what inspired me. I wanted a love like theirs. “I don’t know. I don’t think I can forget what’s happened.” “I know, I don’t think I can either. But Zayn, you and Perrie love each other so much. Anyone can see that. You know that. Sure, she made a huge mistake, but that’s what makes love stronger, getting through some of the toughest things together. I think you guys will work it out.” “If you’re saying that about me and Perrie, what about you and Louis?” I looked back to where the kids were laughing and playing. Me and Lou didn’t discuss much about our future together, so I saw no point in having one. “Me and Lou are different from you and Perrie. I don’t think he cares for me the way I care for him. Shoot, I love him and I don’t even think he loves me back. We don’t have the undying love you and Perrie have when you guys look at eachother, we haven’t been together for that long to even know. But after this, this just proves to me that he wasn’t committed.” “Even though I don’t very much care for him right now, you don’t know Lou like I do. He likes you very much. Love? I’m not sure about that, but Lou cares for you. I know it sounds stupid after what’s happened, but he does (Y/N). And he’s never done this before. Maybe he was scared. I’ve never seen him last this long with a girl, maybe he was scared of loving you..” “Yeah but if he was scared why didn’t he just tell me?” “Zayn? (Y/N)?” We heard a familiar voice and I froze. I looked at Zayn and we both turned around at the same time. Standing in front of us were Harry, Liam, and Niall. I stood up slowly, wondering how the hell they had found us. “Why have you guys been ignoring us?? We’ve been worried.” “How did you guys find us?” “Someone took your picture here and posted it. We came as soon as we saw. Now what happened? Why’d you guys leave?” I just looked at Zayn. Lou and Perrie obviously hadn’t told them….
he leaves you for another girl: Louis part 2
Your POV:
My throat was dry, my body frozen in place, and no words escaping my mouth. I couldn’t even cry. There they were, sleeping with each other, as if they were made for each other. I felt someone pulling me back. Zayn. I had zoned out to where I forgot he was here. But when I looked at him, his face mirrored mine. He pulled me out into the hallway and closed the door. Then motioned for me to go downstairs. We walked, in silence, until we got to living room. My legs finally gave out and I collapsed on the floor. That’s when I started crying. I could feel Zayn pick me up and hold me on the couch. I could hear him sniffling so I knew he was silently crying too. “Zayn…..” “Shh..let’s just get out of here.” Zayn went upstairs to gather some of his things. While he did that, I got up and went into the kitchen. I found a pen and a piece of paper and wrote Louis a note.
Deep down, I wish I hadn’t witnessed this. I wish you had cared for me the way I care for you. I don’t understand why this happened, but I know I don’t want the answer. I just want you to know, that I loved you Louis, and you shattered that for me. So please, don’t ever contact me again, or come looking for me. This is goodbye Louis.
I folded the note and placed it on the counter. Zayn came down with a bag and just looked at me. “What are we going to do Zayn?” He looked down at the bag he was holding. “I don’t know, but let’s leave here.” I nodded and followed him to his car. I had stopped crying, but when we got to my flat, as I was packing my bags, I started again. But Zayn was with me every step of the way. I took one last look around and walked out.
We were in the car, just driving, to nowhere specific. I looked over to Zayn. He looked beaten up, I wasn’t the only one hurting, he was too. I couldn’t believe what we had seen. Our partners, sleeping with one another, behind our backs. How long had this been going on? Why would they do that to us? Zayn loved Perrie with all his heart, and she just broke his heart. I loved Louis and he also broke my heart. But what I think hurt the most was that it was our most trusted people we loved who did this to us. I had so many things going through my head, but I needed to talk to Zayn. He was the type to keep things bottled in. And when he did that, he would explode sometime down the line, and I didn’t want him doing that. “Zayn, what are you thinking?” He gripped his hand tighter on the wheel but just stared at the road. I let him take his time answering. “I don’t know what to think right now (Y/N). All I can say is I’m in shock and hurt.” So I asked him again, “What are we going to do?” He just shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know, I figured we’d drive as far away as possible until we get tired. I don’t want to see their faces again.” So we drove.
Lou’s POV:
I woke up in Perrie and Zayn’s room. Shit, I spent the night?! I got up and started to get dressed. Jesus I hope they didn’t come home. I looked out the window and Zayn’s car wasn’t there. Good, maybe they ended up staying out somewhere. I looked at the clock and it was 5am. Perrie was still sleeping so I went downstairs. I went to the kitchen to grab my keys when I saw a note. It had my name on it in (Y/N)’s writing. What the fuck? I opened and started to read, but the first line had me breaking out in sweat. ‘I wish I hadn’t witnessed this…’ Shit, they did come home, and they saw us. Oh my god. I read the rest of the note and by the time I was done, my hands were shaking. She told me she loved me….she never said it to me before. My girlfriend and my best mate just saw me and his girlfriend sleeping together. I had never meant to stay the night, I had told myself over and over again we’d never get caught, but we did. I started panicking. I ran upstairs to wake Perrie up. “Perrie! Wake up!” I pushed her and she jolted awake. “What?!” “They know.” I was shaking the letter in her face. She grabbed it from me and started reading. Her eyes got wider as she went along. By the end, the color had drained out of her face. “Louis…..what have we done?!” She jumped up and put her clothes on. She walked into the bathroom and found a note from Zayn. “Perrie, I hope he was all you wished for. Don’t call me, don’t look for me, and don’t ever come near me. Have a nice life. -Zayn.” She rushed to her closet and opened it. “He took clothes, he’s gone. They’re gone.” I ran out of the room and out to my car. I could hear Perrie shouting at me but I didn’t care. I had to see if she was there. But when I arrived, I saw that she had also taken some of her clothes and was gone. My heart started racing, I started feeling dizzy and cold. I did this. I ruined us. Not only is she gone, but Zayn is too. I tried calling her but she didn’t pick up, and neither did Zayn. They could be anywhere by now, and I had no clue where to start. I sank down to my knees and started praying for the first time in ages. ‘God please, please let me find her. Let me find her and tell her I’m sorry. I’m sorry for everything. I regret it and wish I could take it back. Please God, please. I swear I will do anything to get her back.’ I finally broke down and just cried on the floor. My life was ruined now, and I didn’t know what to do….
Your POV:
We had driven all night, it was now 6am. Zayn was tired so I told him to pull over and find a place to sleep. I had no clue where we were and I don’t think Zayn knew either. But he didn’t seem to care. When my phone rang, it scared me. I looked at the caller id and saw that it was Louis. My head started hurting and my eyes watered, but I just let it ring. “Is it him?” I nodded my head. Zayn grabbed my phone and threw it to the back of the car. His phone then started ringing and he did the same. “Don’t answer anything” I knew he was right. I didn’t want to talk to anyone besides Zayn. But I knew sooner or later people would start looking for us. Zayn didn’t seem to care though, so neither did I. I trust him and I knew he’d take care of me, just like I would take care of him. Zayn finally found a hotel and pulled over. He pulled his hood over his head and put sunglasses on so no one would recognize him. He grabbed our bags and then walked me inside. He paid for one night and then we went up to our room. When we got in, all I wanted to do was sleep. Zayn put our bags down and took off his shoes and sweater. He pulled back the blankets and motioned for me to follow. I did the same and went to lay besides him. He covered me and I just held onto him. Nothing about this felt like it was more than friends because we respected each other. This was just us needing each other and comforting one another. I held tight onto him and he rubbed my head. I started crying again. “Shhh (Y/N), it’s going to be ok. All we need is each other right now. And believe me when I saw, I would never hurt you. Get some sleep, we’ll drive again tomorrow.” I didn’t know how he could be so strong at a time like this. But I knew I had to learn from him and be strong too. “I hope so Zayn……”
Always Harry

he leaves you for another girl: Louis part 1
Your POV:
Louis wasn’t your typical guy. He was very fun to be around, caring, and acted like a 5 year old at times. But that did not stop me from loving him so much. He and I had a fun relationship, never dull, never boring. He kept me entertained and hardly ever made me mad at him. I was a very shy girl, but when I met Louis, he made it a job to break through my shell, and he did. I mean I’m still shy, but not as bad as I was. And we’ve been together for 7 months now. I know it was till early, but I knew he was the one for me. I never said this directly to him, but I had hoped he felt the same as well. I still lived in the states while Lou lived in London. Whenever he had time, he’d fly out to see me. Even if it was just for a night, he’d still come, which I was thankful for. And when he was too tired to fly out and see me, he’d pay to have me flown out. I loved every minute I had with him.
I had a close relationship with all of the boys also. Me and Zayn especially. He is like the big brother I never had but always wanted. During my time with Louis, the boys had seen me break down once, and since Zayn was busy with something, they were the ones who were there for me. Somewhere in the mist of my breakdown, I had expressed how I always wanted an older brother to take care of me and protect me, Zayn immediately took me under his wing and said he’d always protect me no matter what. And I cherished him for that. Lou didn’t mind our relationship because he knew what it was: a brother/sister relationship. I never had feelings for any of the boys. Liam had Danielle, Zayn had Perrie, and Niall had Demi. Harry was still single but he wasn’t my type. Plus I understood the relationship he had with Harry also, even though some fans would like to see him and Harry together, I knew where they stood. I had nothing to worry about. Today all of us were hanging out at Zayn’s. Perrie and him had set up a big dinner and invited all of us. It was great to be with all of them and just laugh. At times Lou would get up to help Perrie when Zayn did not. I would look to Zayn, but he’d just shrug his shoulders. I always found it weird that Lou would rush to her side and Zayn wouldn’t. When Zayn and I had some alone time, I pulled him aside to ask him. “Zayn, has something happened between you two?” “Idk (Y/N), she’s been different lately. I don’t get to spend much time with her as it is, but now she goes off in the middle of the night and doesn’t come hom till the next day. But I don’t ask. I mean I trust her, but it hurts you know? She doesn’t talk to me like she used to.” It hurt knowing Zayn was hurting. “Zayn, I’m here for you, you know that. I don’t like to see you like this.” “I know, thanks love. How bout we go to the movies or something later, something to make me laugh to forget about it for a while?” “Sure, great. I’ll Lou.” We went back to where everybody was. Others were getting ready to leave back home, so we hugged and said our goodbyes. Then it was just Zayn, Perrie, Lou and I. “Me and Zayn are gonna go to a movie. Is that alright love? He’s kinda down.” I whispered this to Lou as Zayn helped Perrie pick up. “Yeahh sure babe. I’ll stay and help her clean up so you guys can go.” “Great thanks babe.” I kissed him on the cheek and left with Zayn.
Lou’s POV:
After Zayn and (Y/N) left it was just Perrie and I. I helped her pick up, not really saying anything. She had picked up the final pieces of trash and had walked into the kitchen. I took this moment to follow her. She was leaning against the counter as if she was waiting for me. I walked over and stood in front of her. She looked up at me with desire in her eyes. That was the look. The look she always gave me when she wanted me. I don’t know how to explain it, but Perrie and I had a connection. When Zayn and Perrie got together a year ago, I tried to avoid it. But as the months went on, I just couldn’t anymore. One day when we were alone, she came onto me. And you know what? I didn’t stop her. I kissed her like I needed her, like I’d been waiting for her. I felt sparks with her and I couldn’t deny her anymore. That was 4 months ago and to this day, we were still sneaking around. I had met (Y/N) in the mist of this relationship and fell for her also. But Perrie understood because she had Zayn. My relationship with (Y/N) was truly the best, but she didn’t satisfy me like Perrie did. Perrie and I hated ourselves for feeling like this towards each other, but we couldn’t hold back. I know how much Zayn loves Perrie, and Perrie knows I have deep feelings for my girl, but yet we still did it.
As I stood in front her, I longed to kiss her. And when I finally did, our bodies melted together like they always did. I felt guilty as hell for what we were doing, but I needed her. We both had agreed not to act suspicious around each other and to not to tell others. It would break their hearts if they knew about this. But we carried on. “(Y/N) said Zayn’s been down lately. What’ve you been doing?” I asked after we kissed. She sighed and looked at the ground. “I just don’t want to sneak around anymore Louis. I mean, why don’t we just tell them? They’ll unerstand won’t they?” “No love, they won’t. Zayn is my best mate, if he knew I was doing this to him, it would ruin everything. I risk us being exposed. Maybe somewhere down the line if both of us break up with them, then maybe we can be together publicly, but until then, this is all we have.” I kissed her again and picked her up. Her legs wrapped around my waist and I carried her up to the room. We did this every chance we got, knowing we could be caught at any moment, but still doing it. I layed her down on the bed and closed the door. I didn’t know when Zayn and (Y/N) were going to be back so we had to hurry.
Your POV:
Zayn and I chose to watch both a comedy and a horror story. We paid for our tickets and went inside. We were going to be there a while so we ordered drinks and foods. I could tell he was already feeling better being out of the house. Knowing I could help made me happy to be here for him. “What?” He had caught me smiling at him. “Oh nothing, just happy you’re happy again.” “Pssh, shut it girl. Let’s go watch our movies.” We laughed like no tomorrow, made jokes about the actors and told each other who would be stupid enough to do some of the things they were doing. He always made fun of me saying I’d be the stupid one of the bunch and in return I said he’d be the ugly brother. But he knew I really didn’t mean it, but we laughed. Then when the horror movie came, he paid attention to it silently. It made me laugh how attentitive he was during these movies. At times he would jump and spill a little popcorn. Then he’d try to make it look like something ran across his feet. He always did this and would make me laugh. “You know, if we were ever in this situation, I’d leave your ass behind and save myself.” The guy in the movie was going back to rescue his sister. “Oh wow thanks Zayn! That’s nice to know I would die.” “Nah I say that because I know you could handle yourself.” “Ha, nice save boy.” He just laughed at me, but I knew in reality he’d come back for me. After 4 hours, the movies were finally done. We left the movies and I teased him about jumping and being scared. “Shut up, no one knows about that ok.” ” Yes sir, aha I’m the only one who gets to make fun of you about that now.” Then we got quiet. “Zayn, you love Perrie right?” “Yes why?” “What does it feel like?” He smiled. “It’s not something you can really explain (Y/N). Everyone’s love is different. What I feel for her though, I still get butterflies in my stomach each time I see her. She’s so beautiful and caring, I fell for her immediately. All I want to do with her is just lay with her day and night, holding her, knowing I’m there for her. But when we’re apart, all I do is think about her, what she’s doing, if she misses me too. It’s like, that person is the one who holds your heart, body and soul. Without them, you’re nothing. There are times when I think I don’t deserve her because she’s so patient with me, but then she tells me she’ll wait for me always. I love her dearly and don’t know what I’d do without her.” I loved hearing him talk about her, you could see he truly did worry about her when they were away from each other, but I couldn’t picture Perrie ever leaving Zayn. “Why did you ask that?” “Hmm, I don’t know. I love Lou, I just don’t know how to tell him yet. I’m waiting for the right time, but I don’t know how.” “There is no real ‘right time’. It’s a matter of you just expressing your feelings to him. I know he’d love to hear that (Y/N). You just need to tell him flat out and see how he reacts. And let me tell you, if he doesn’t say it back, then he doesn’t deserve it. But if he does, then he’s yours forsure. Just tell him babe.” I debated on what he was saying. “Fine, I’ll tell him tonight then.” I was now smiling and couldn’t wait to get home.
We finally arrived back home around 12am. Zayn unlocked his door and we walked in. Lou’s car was still here so we went in looking for him. When we walked in, everything was clean, but there was no Perrie or Louis. “Maybe he decided to stay the night. Prolly in the guest room, c’mon.” We walked up the stairs laughing about the movies. Zayn wanted to check on Perrie first, then he’d walk me to the guest room. I watched him open the door and then just stand there. I couldn’t see over his should, but I could see him tense up. I started walking towards him but he frantically shut the door. “Zayn…..what is it?” He turned to face me and I could anger and worry written all over his face. “Um, let me just drop you off at your house ok.” “No, what’s happening?” I pushed past him and opened the door. Now I knew why he had tensed up. What I saw made me want to punch a wall and cry at the same time. It was Perrie in her bed alright, but Lou was right there with her…..and they were naked. My heart broke at what I was seeing.
Boooo Beeaaar!

Louis Tomlinson imagine ( ej skriven av mig )
#Imagine it’s Christmas and you haven’t seen Louis for ages, because he’d been away with the boys and you couldn’t go with him. You were incredibly happy when he texted you a little message:
‘Babeee! I’m back tomorrow! Can’t wait to see you again xxx’
Normally he sends longer texts, but this time it probably was a short message because he had to catch the plane or something.
Anyway, you woke up this morning feeling so exciting to see Louis again, it’s like a perfect Christmas present, but you didn’t get any other texts from him, so you decide to call him after breakfast with your family.
With a smile on your face you search for Louis’ number in your phone and click the green ‘call’-button.
For some reason he doesn’t pick up.
“Damn”, you mumble. But maybe he can’t reply you already. He sure will later!
Hours pass, and you still haven’t heard anything of Louis. You start to get concerned. You already tried to call him over twenty times today. And text him even more times…
It’s about seven o’clock right now and your family is at your place tonight, this year it was your mum’s turn to cook and invite them here.
Everyone’s feeling really happy, but you feel like crying. Something happened with Louis, you’re very sure. You told your mum about it, but she told you not to worry about him. But hey, you’re not worried anymore, you’re freaking out!
At nine o’clock you give up: Louis is never going to call you back anymore. Something went wrong today. With tears in your eyes you want to walk up the stairs, but someone stops you: it’s your dad.
“Please love, it’s time to open the presents now.”
Reluctantly you walk after him to the living room, where your family’s already waiting for you.
“And because you feel so down today, you’re the first one allowed to open a present”, your annoying nephew says.
“It’s the big one”, your mum says and she points at a very large red box with a golden ribbon on it. Weird. You haven’t seen that one today.
You remove the ribbon and open the box, when suddenly someone shouts:
You almost fell backward when Louis jumps out of the box. You got really scared but at the same time you feel extremely happy. You cry, again. But this time you cry tears of happiness.
“I missed you so much!” Louis says, he hugs you and kisses your forehead. He strikes your hair with his hands and kisses you on your lips softly.
“Do you like your Christmas present, beautiful?” Louis whispers.
“I love you, Louis!” You almost scream.
“I love you more. Merry Christmas.”
“Merry Christmas”, you say, almost breathless