he leaves you for another girl: Louis part 5 ( last part )
6 months later
Your POV:
I loved living in this place. No one bothered us, there were hardly any paps, and most of all: it was peaceful. I know I’ve said this many time before, but it truly was. I’d go outside just to breathe because I knew it would clear my mind. 6 months past and I still hadn’t seen or talked to Lou. I didn’t hear anything more about him and Perrie, but then again I avoided anything that had to do with him. I can finally say that after 6 months, I was over him. And I was glad. My life was finally falling back into place. I found a job waitressing at a cafe, I enrolled in college, and I was living. Since then, Lou left One Direction. It was just Zayn, Harry, Niall and Liam left. They still toured and made music and I was glad they were still going strong. But you could see it hurt them not having him. I would ask Zayn how he was dealing and he wouldn’t want to confess, so I’d just leave him. But finally one day I got him to.
“So what’s been on your mind? You’ve been kind of distant lately.” He looked down and started playing with his hands. “Um, Perrie contacted me….” My eyes lit up. I was happy but then again worried. Why would she? “And?” “And she asked me to come back.” I was stunned. I was happy that she came to her senses, but I knew Zayn was torn over his feelings. “What’d you say?” He sighed. “I just said I didn’t know how I felt about her and I needed time to think.” “Did she sound genuine?” “I mean, yeahh I guess. I wasn’t really paying attention. I was just trying to process what was happening.” He finally looked up and met my eyes. “What should I do?” “Well Zayn how do you feel about her?” “Well we were together for 2 years, of course I still love her…..I just don’t know if she deserves a second chance. I mean hell, she basically chose my friend over me. That crushed me. I tried getting over her but I couldn’t. No matter what I do, I just can’t. But I just don’t know if I should go back. What if she does this again?” He truly was torn. I could see the love he had for in his eyes. He still loved her and you could not fight true love. “Zayn, Perrie messed up. But she’s realized that now and knows that you’re the one for her. You guys truly love each other, and true love always finds a way to live. I can see it in your eyes you want her back. You’re never going to truly know until you give her that chance. Because if you don’t, you’re going to sit here and wonder ‘what if’. And I don’t want you beating yourself up over that. Go to her Zayn. Get your happiness back.” He took what I said into consideration and nodded his head. Then he whispered, “What about you though?” I didn’t know exactly what he meant. “What do you mean?” “I mean if I go back, you’re going to be here alone. What are you going to do?” I smiled at his worry. “Zayn, I’ll be fine. I’ve got my job and school. I have enough things to keep me busy. Go. Be with the girl you love and be with the boys fully. I know they miss you.” “Are you sure you’ll be alright?” “Yes Zayn, don’t worry bro.” He finally smiled and relaxed. “Now go pack and surprise that girl.” “I will, thanks (Y/N).” He kissed my forehead and left. I was happy for him. I hated seeing him sad. Over the months, I found it in me to forgive Perrie for what she did. And surprisingly, I forgave Louis too. I didn’t want to dwell on something that happened in the past, so I let it go. And I felt better.
The next day Zayn had all his things packed into the car and was ready to go. “You won’t have a car (Y/N). I can take a taxi.” “No, really Zayn I’m fine. I can walk wherever I need to go. Just go.” I smiled at him to reassure him. “Ok, bye sis.” “Bye bro.” We hugged and he left. I stood there and watched as the car left my sight. To be honest, I was sad he was leaving, but he needed his happiness. He promised he’d keep in touch and I knew he would.
6 more months later
Zayn and Perrie were happily back together and I was happy for them. Everywhere I went, I’d see pictures of them in magazines saying how happy they were to be back together. I’d smile and move on with my things. I still worked, I still went to school, and I still lived in the house we had bought. It was big for just me, but I liked it. Zayn paid for me to keep it and I was grateful for that. Him and the boys would come up any chance they had and visit with me. One time Perrie even came. It was sort of awkward, but I hugged her to let her know I forgave her. She cried and I cried, but we moved on after that. It was refreshing to know we were ok. And once she tried to talk to me about Louis, but I just quickly changed the subject, not wanting to hear about it. She understood and would talk about something else.
Right now the boys were on the world tour. In the magazines I noticed that Lou was now back with the group and I was happy for that. They weren’t One Direction without him. They invited me to their show in London, but I had no time to go. I told them I was sorry and they said they’d come up when they were done. So I was happy for that.
One day I was at work and we were so busy I hardly saw the people I was taking the order from, but when I heard one voice, I knew instantly who it was. “I’ll just have tea love.” My hand froze as I was about to write down his order. I hadn’t heard that voice in a year but I knew it was Louis before even looking up. When I saw him I just didn’t know what to say. He was just staring at me waiting for me to say something. “Um….uh….ok.” I left before he could say anything. I told one of my coworkers to take over my side so I could avoid him. I kept myself busy with whatever I could do to not go over by his table. Sure I was over him, but that didn’t mean I was ready to see him again…..I didn’t notice he had left until my co worker came over with a piece of paper in her hand. “He said to give this to you.” She handed it to me and left. I looked down to see his writing on his recept. ‘(Y/N), please call me when you have the chance. -Louis xx’ I stuffed it in my pocket and just kept moving.
When I got home later I was cleaning out my pockets and found the paper. I sat down and just looked at it. Should I call him? I sat there and asked myself that a million times. I finally decided to call him and get it over with. “(Y/N)?” He answered on the first ring. “Hi Louis.” My voice was shaky but I continued. “You said to call so I called.” “I noticed. Um I was going to ask you if I could meet you somewhere so we can talk. If that’s alright with you.” I thought about this. But just decided I didn’t want to go anywhere. “You can come to my house.” “Ok cool.” I gave him my address and hung up. I text Zayn to see where they were and he said he was still in London. What the hell? Then I heard a knock on the door. I opened it and saw Louis for the second time today. I stepped aside so he could come in and closed the door. He looked around and then just sat down on the couch. He patted the seat next to him and motioned for me to do the same. I awkwardly sat next to him and face him. “You’re probably wondering why I’m here.” I just nodded my head. “Well I know it’s been like a year since I’ve talked to you, but I just figured now was a better time.” I didn’t know what he meant by that but he continued. “(Y/N) I just wanted to come here to say I’m sorry. I’m sorry for what I did to you and I’m sorry for anything else I’ve done to you. You have to believe me when I say I never meant to hurt you. I loved you too.” My eyes watered at that. He had loved me… “And I know words cannot expressed my feelings right now, but I just had to see you and let you know. After I saw Perrie and Zayn back together, I was happy to see that. I guess I was kinda hoping we could be like that too, but there’s probably not a chance huh?” I realized what he was asking and instantly knew my answer. “No Lou, there isn’t. And I appreciate what you’re saying, but I’ve got my life here now and I’m happy. I truly am. I moved on, I think it’s time you do that same.” He looked down and nodded. “I forgive you Louis, it’s time you forgive yourself and live your life. I’m fine here and I like it here. Find someone who will make you happy again. But this time, make sure you let her know how you feel and don’t let her down ok?” He gave a little smile at that. Then looked back at me. “Thank you…..for forgiving me. You’re stronger than I ever will be. And I will, I promise. I won’t make the same mistake twice.” He got up to leave and I walked him to the door. “Can I have one last hug?” “Sure.” He hugged me and we just stood there for awhile like that. It was just like old times, but things were different now. “Bye Louis.” When he pulled back his eyes were watery. “Bye (Y/N).” Then he left. I let out a big sigh after that. It was finally over, we finally faced each other again. And I couldn’t help but feel so much better. I did want to see him happy, it just wasn’t with me.
Over the next few weeks the boys all came up and spent the night. And they would do this every weekend after the tour was done. Slowly, Louis would come too. And I welcomed him. We maintained a friendship and still spoke to each other. He had finally found another girl, Eleanor was her name, and I could see how happy he was with her. So I was grateful for that. And after that, everything was just fine. I lived my life and he lived his, happily.