memory loss - Harry ( part 3/6 )
[Part 3]
Your POV
I stayed up waiting for Harry to come home. I just couldn’t sleep. Then I got a text from Louis saying he’d be outside. I didn’t understand what he meant, but I didn’t care because Harry walked in. I stood up to greet him…..but he didn’t look so happy to see me. “You again…what are you doing in my house?” Did he really not know? “I live with you Harry….Like I said, we’re engaged.” He set his things down and leaned on the counter, clearly frustrated. He rubbed his forehead and took a deep breath. He looked back to me and shook his head. “I’m sorry but I don’t remember that. So I don’t believe that we’re engaged. I’m with Emily. She’s my girlfriend, you’re not.”
That hurt. Him and Emily had been broken up for years, how could he possibly think he’s still with her? “Harry…if you just let me show you..” “NO! No..” It scared me when he raised his voice. I’d only ever heard him do that once, and now this time it was even more scary. He didn’t want to let me show him….he didn’t wait for an explanation. “Can you just please get out?” He pointed to the door.
This is what Louis meant. He knew this was going to happen. I ran upstairs to gather whatever I could. All of our pictures were in this house, all of our memories, well now my memories. I wanted to tear all of them down, break all of them, but I just couldn’t. Because those were the good memories. How could I just destroy those? Maybe he’d come to terms and realize we’re together, but as of now, I guess we’re not. I packed my clothes and stood at my dresser. I held my left hand in front of me and looked at it. I slowly slid the ring off my finger and placed it on the dresser. I guess I wouldn’t be needing that anymore…’s off…
I wanted to cry from the thought of that. The man I was suppose to marry……was no longer the man I wanted to marry. What was I suppose to tell others? I looked at myself in the mirror and squared my shoulders. ‘You can do this. Just go down there and act like it doesn’t hurt you’….I pulled out my phone and texted Lou saying I was coming. I walked downstairs and saw Harry sitting on the couch with an ice bag to his head. I didn’t say anything though. I just walked out.
I ran to Lou’s waiting car. Once inside, I broke down. He drove as fast as he could to his house and walked me inside. He picked me up and carried me to the couch. All I could do was hold onto him and cry. “I’m so sorry (Y/N)….I don’t even know how to handle this…” “I don’t either Lou….I just….I have to tell everyone it’s canceled…something I thought I’d never do….” Lou held me tighter and rocked me back and forth.
I was so glad to have him but yet felt torn. He was Harry’s best friend, how was I going to come between them. As we were sitting there, the other boys came piling in. They each took turns holding onto me and some even crying with me. I knew they all felt bad for me, but I didn’t want them to. After I could calm myself, we all sat in a circle and talked. “What did he say…when you asked him?” I looked to Lou. He looked at the boys then nervously rubbed his ear. I could tell he didn’t want to tell me. “Tell me Lou. I can handle it.” “He, um, said that he was with Emily….” His eyes wandered to Niall and them and I knew there was more to the story. “There’s more, tell me.”
I could see the hurt in his eyes already forming. It was bad….Lou couldn’t talk so Liam did it for him. “No matter what he says (Y/N), you are beautiful.” I already knew what was coming before he even got it out. “He said you’re not his type…….because you’re too curvy….” I could feel my body freeze and my temperature drop. I was too curvy…..meaning I was too fat for him……and Emily…..Emily was the perfect size. This is what I always battled with. It was all true……his ex-girlfriends all looked better than me because they were all skinny. I should’ve known he was lying to me this whole time….because how could he ever love someone like me…..I didn’t blame him.
Niall reached over and grabbed my hand. “(Y/N), you are perfect. You are the most beautiful person ever….” “Stop.” I didn’t want to hear it. I knew the truth. They were just trying to make me feel better. “He’s right…” “Please don’t say that.” “Why? Because it’s the truth? It is Zayn. Emily is skinny and perfect. I never stood a chance.” I was slowly breaking down again. “Harry loves you babe, you guys are engaged..” “We were…….he used to love me….we used to be engaged… we’re nothing…..I’m nothing…..” That was my breaking point. Realizing I was nothing to him now…I cried and cried until I couldn’t cry anymore. All the while the boys sat there and held me, giving me endless compliments and trying to make me feel better. But it just wasn’t working…..I didn’t think I could ever get over this hurt.