memory loss - Harry ( part 1/6 )
Part 1]
Your POV
“You know you’re beautiful.”
I was standing in front of my mirror, picking out every flaw I saw on my body when Harry walked in. I pulled my shirt back down and smiled at him. He walked over and sat on our bed and motioned for me to sit on his lap. I sat down on him but didn’t put all my weight on him. This was something I struggled with:my weight. I did this everyday. I would look in the mirror, turning at every possible angle to see how bad I looked. Which is why I never understood why Harry chose me, but he did.
“Why do you do this to yourself babe?” I looked down and played with my hands. “All of your ex-girlfriends are beautiful and skinny……and I’m just……blah.” I got up and went back to staring at my body. I could hear him getting up and felt his warm body behind mine. He wrapped his arms around me and held me close. “You, my darling, are not blah. I love your body, I love that you’re not skinny, and you are beautiful. You are the most beautiful person I’ve ever met. How many times do I have to tell you that to make you see what I see?”
We’ve been together for 2 years now, engaged and everything. I was still taking it all in and struggling with the constant hate I was receiving, but through it all, Harry has been by my side sticking up for me and telling me how beautiful I am. And although I so badly wanted to believe it, I just couldn’t. I wasn’t a size 0, my face wasn’t beautifully sculpted from the gods. No, I was round and had extra meat on me. But yet he still asked me to marry him. I turned around in his arms and buried my head in his chest. “I love you Harry Styles.” He kissed my head and squeezed me tightly. “I love you too future Mrs. Styles.”
I lifted my head and smiled at him. I loved hearing that and he loved saying that. “I can’t wait.” “Me neither babe.” Our wedding was in 2 months and each day that passed I got more and more nervous for it. I was going to commit my life to the one and only Harry Styles, and I was totally looking forward to it. “Let’s go out. Celebrate.” “Celebrate what?” “Does there have to be a reason? Let’s just go out. Get pretty and we’ll leave.” He kissed me again and left the room.
I pulled out Harry’s favorite outfit that I had and put it on. I didn’t like it because it hugged my body tightly and showed off way too many curves, but he loved it, so I wore it.
We went out to his favorite club and met up with the boys along with way. Of course there were fans and paparazzi already outside of the club so we were bombarded with flashing light and screaming. Harry held me close the shielded me from the blinding light. We finally made it into the club and proceeded to get drinks and dance. Niall was always fun to party with and Louis as well. Liam went off somewhere and Harry was by my side the whole night. He repeatedly told me how beautiful I looked tonight and gave me kisses every chance he got. I loved it.
When it came time to leave, Harry was a little wasted along with Niall and Louis. I was helping Harry walk while Liam and Zayn helped Niall and Lou. Paparazzi were constantly taking pictures of them and shouting things to us. Harry was whispering how much he loved me in my ear when we both heard something that stopped us. “(Y/N) is the fattest girl! You can do better Harry!” I could feel Harry tense up and turn to face the pap who said that. He let go of my body and walked over to the person. “Harry….” I went to go grab him but he held his hand up and got in the guy’s face.
“Wanna say that again?” “Sure. (Y/N). Is. A. Fat….” The guy didn’t get to finish his sentence because Harry punched him in the face. I didn’t see it coming so I screamed at Harry when it happened. I turned to Zayn for help and he was already walking over to Harry. But when I turned back to see Harry, the guy was rearing back to punch him….and Zayn didn’t reach him in time. The guy punch Harry really hard in the head and Harry just knocked out. Zayn caught him and slapped him a couple of times to try and wake him up, but he wouldn’t. I rushed over and shook him, but nothing was working. I could hear sirens approaching and people scattering to leave.
I stayed with Harry until the paramedics came to check on him and told us that they needed to take him to the hospital. I went with him and Zayn and Liam said they’d meet us there with the boys. In the ambulance I could see a bruise forming on his forehead and blood spilling out. I was scared. I needed Harry to be okay. I needed him to wake up and laugh about this, but when we got to the hospital, the doctor said he was suffering from trauma to his frontal lobe of his brain.
As soon as I heard that I cried. Harry needed surgery and all we could do was wait until he woke up to see how he was going to be.