memory loss ( harry part 5/6 )
[Part 5]
Harry’s POV
“But I’m with you..” Emily slowly started shaking her head. She put down her purse and pulled me down my hallway. “Look at this Harry, this is your life.” She turned on the light and I could see what she was talking about. On the walls were countless pictures of me and (Y/N), along with many other people. But there she was, in every picture, with me. We were both smiling and happy. But looking at this, I just couldn’t remember any of it. “The last thing I remember Emily, is being with you.”
I looked at her and I could see her struggling to keep her frustration down. “Harry, we broke up 2 years ago. We’re still friends, but we don’t have feelings for eachother like that anymore. You moved on, I moved on, we’re done.” I felt a pang in my chest and I could feel my throat constricting. In reality it was hard to accept that, but looking at these pictures, it was all true. “But she’s not my type….” “Harry, you’ve always said you wouldn’t date a curvier girl, but then you met (Y/N), and none of that mattered anymore. Don’t go back to being like that, she’s a wonderful person. You asked her to marry you. You guys were made for eachother.”
She looked at me hoping I could see what she sees, but it only made it harder for me. “Thank you for coming over.” “No problem. But I’m going to leave this to the boys now. You need to get back to the way you were Harry.” And with that she left. I stood there still looking at the pictures. I looked more closely at how I looked with her, and I could see that in every picture, I had a smile on my face. I shook my head and headed back into the living room. I turned back on my phone and saw that I had over 30 messages from friends and family. All asked the same thing: what happened to the wedding.
I guess she canceled it. All I could think about was the wedding dress in my room and the engagement ring along with it. I must’ve really been in love with this girl..Just then my doorbell rang. I went to answer and saw Louis standing behind the door. “Hey, mind if we talk?” I nodded my head and walked into the living room and sat. Lou didn’t sit though, he paced in front of me. I could tell he wanted to get something off of his chest and it bothered me to see him like that. “Harry…..I don’t even know where to begin, but you need to get your memory back. This is killing all of us….especially (Y/N).”
There was hurt in his eyes. You could see that he wanted to cry but was holding it back. I didn’t know how to respond though. How was I suppose to just remember everything, and it all go back to normal?It didn’t work like that. Then Lou disappeared down the hall and came back holding a dvd in his hand. He didn’t say a word, just went over to the tv and slipped the disc in the dvd player. Then my face came on the screen and someone was talking to me. It was the boys. “How do you feel Haz?” My face lit up and I smiled nervously. “I’m happy, but ready to do this.” “And what are you going to do today?” My smile widened even more. Just looking at it hurt my cheeks. “I’m going to ask the most amazing girl to marry me. So hopefully she says yes.” I put a thumbs up and then I could see Niall come out of the frame and hug me. Then Lou, Zayn and Liam. They were all happy for me.
Then it cut to me and (Y/N) walking through open grass and a beautiful barn in the back. I didn’t recall the place at all. But as we walked, I could tell by my face that I was starting to sweat. Then I turned to her and got down on one knee. Her face already turned to pure joy when she saw me pull out a little black box. Her hand came up to her mouth and tears started to form. “(Y/N) (Y/L/N), you and I have been through so much together. Through laughs, tears, fights, but through it all, we made it and we’re stronger than ever. I love you babe, and I will only want you in my life, and I want that to be forever. So will you do the honor of becoming my wife and making me the happiest man on earth?”
As I watched I could feel my heartbeat rising. Seeing this, seeing my love for her show so much, broke my heart. I said horrible things about her. Things that I clearly changed my mind about from watching this. “Yes Harry Styles, I would love nothing more than that.” I could see a tear forming in Lou’s eye from the corner of mine and I almost got choked up. He shut it off after that and looked at me. “Do you believe it now?” I was still speechless. I said nothing. Lou took that as a no and just walked out.
I sat there and thought about everything. I was engaged. I was in love. (Y/N) is my fiance. Why can’t I remember any of it? I walked upstairs and flopped down my bed, intending to take a nap. But when I hit the pillow, I felt something hard underneathe it. I reached under and felt a hard cover. I pulled it out and found that it was a journal. I sat up and opened it. On the first page read ‘(Y/N)’s Thoughts’. I knew it was wrong of me, but I needed to see what was in here. And what I read broke my heart.
Your POV
3 weeks later
I hadn’t realized how much weight I lost until Liam said something. “What’ve you been doing?” “What are you talking about?” His eyes were filled with concern. “You’ve lost weight like crazy (Y/N). Don’t tell me this is because of Harry.” I looked down at myself and could see what he was talking about. My sweats hung loosely on my hips and my shirt now huge on me. I looked back on the past 3 weeks and couldn’t really remember the last time I’d ate. “I’ve just been busy Liam.” I tried to get away from his look, but he pulled me back to him. “You need to eat.” “I will, I promise.” His look told me he didn’t believe me, but he let it go.
I walked upstairs and looked at myself in the mirror. I no longer had curves. Gone was my stomach, my huge thighs, my round face, everything was just different. I hadn’t meant to do this on purpose, but it just happened. Ever since canceling the wedding, I’d just been keeping myself busy and not eating enough. I needed to be doing something all the time and I guess it just slipped my mind. But this is the kind of girl Harry liked……but I knew I didn’t like myself like this.