memory loss - Harry ( part 2/6 )
[Part 2]
Your POV
Its been 1 week since Harry had his surgery done. I had been back and forth between our house and the hospital to keep track of his progress. The doctors said he was going to be fine and he did well during his surgery. Now I just needed him to wake up. I had been so stressed I noticed I had gained a little bit more weight and my acne was starting up again. But I didn’t worry too much about it, I was just worried about Harry for now.
As I was walking towards his room today, I could hear another girl’s voice in the room……along with Harry’s. He was awake? I got closer and stopped at the door. They were both laughing and giggling. As soon as I heard her laugh, I knew who it was. His ex-girlfriend Emily. I knew they had still kept in touch over the years, but it still surprised me that she had come all this way.
I walked all the way in and they stopped talking when they saw me. I awkwardly waved and said hi. But as I walked closer to Harry, he acted as if he didn’t know who I was. “(Y/N), how are you?” I looked to Emily and smiled politely. “I’m good Emily, how are you?” “Good, good. Just visiting Harry here.” We both looked to him and he smiled. “I’ll let you two be then. It was nice seeing you (Y/N).” “Thank you, bye.”
She walked out and I just stood there. I looked back to him and he was just sitting there silently. “Babe, how are you?” He intertwined his fingers and let out a breath. “I’m good. Feeling fine. Just ready to leave.” As I sat down I texted the boys and let them know he was awake. “How come no one told me you were awake?” “Um….” He scratched his temple and and looked back to me. “I’m sorry but who are you again? (Y/N)….?”
I started laughing because it seemed like he was playing around. But as I laughed, he just sat there with a serious face. I lost the grin and held up my left hand. “Harry, I’m your fiance. We’re getting married, remember?” I pointed to the diamond ring he gave me and he looked at it. I could see his confusion setting in and wrinkles starting to form on his forehead from scrunching. “I’m sorry….I don’t know of this…I have a girlfriend in fact..”
What the hell was he talking about? I was going to ask but then the boys walked in. Harry’s face lit up when he saw them and they all came to hug him. I pulled back and stood in the background watching him interact with them. It seemed like he even forgot our conversation we just had. Louis noticed my separation and came over to sit by me. “What’s wrong (Y/N)? Aren’t you happy?” I gave a weak smile and nodded my head. “Of course I am Lou….it’s just….when I came to see him today…..he says he doesn’t remember me and says he has a girlfriend…..who isn’t me…” I looked to him for an answer and he just shook his head. “No. He’s playing around.” “I don’t think so Lou. He seemed dead serious. You guys came in before I could go any further. But when I first came, Emily was in here talking to him, and he remembered her fine. Why doesn’t he remember me? I mean we’re engaged..”
Louis sat back and stared at Harry. He was all smiles talking to Niall and laughing. “Let me go see what’s on his mind then I’ll call you. Go back home (Y/N), get some rest.” I nodded my head and stood up to leave. Lou hugged and I looked to Harry. But he was too busy to notice me. I decided not to say goodbye to him and just left.
Harry’s POV
I was so glad to see the lads and even more excited that I was going to get to go home tonight. We were all talking but then it got quiet because Lou said out loud that he needed to ask me something. “Harry, who’s your girlfriend?” His question startled me and I let out a short laugh. He knows. “It’s Emily dummy. You know that.” If I thought it was quiet before, it got even more quiet….and serious. All their smiles dropped and they looked confused. “Harry……you guys broke up 2 years ago. You’re engaged to be married to (Y/N).” There that name was again. “No I’m not. I’m with Emily. I don’t know who (Y/N) is.”
I could see Niall shaking his head out of the corner of my eye and it made me mad. “Why do you guys keep telling me that? She’s not my type, why would I be with her?” They all flinched when I said that. Was that so bad to say? (Y/N) was not my type. She was too………curvy. Emily was nothing like her. I’ve always been with Emily, not (Y/N). “I’m not engaged.” “Harry…..” Liam said my name in a hushed whisper, “what do you remember?” “I was out with Emily at a club when I got into a fight with a paparazzi. That’s it.”
“That’s not what happened Haz.” “Then what did?” “You were out with (Y/N)….” I was beginning to get angry with them. “No I was not! I was with Emily. Now can you guys drop this (Y/N) girl?!” They all got quiet and just nodded their head. Soon after the nurse came in and let me go home. Lou drove me home and dropped me off. I walked in expecting to see Emily there, but instead I was greeted by (Y/N).