memory loss - Niall ( part 2/3 )
[Part 2]
Niall’s POV
It’s been a month since (Y/N) got hit by that car. The cops never found who it was, but I wasn’t concerned too much for that. (Y/N) still hasn’t woken up. I was beginning to think I lost her for good. But I knew I was the one who caused this. If I had been more careful, she wouldn’t of seen me and that girl together. I hated myself now for doing that to her, she didn’t deserve it at all, but I was stupid. And now she’s in here because she was trying to get away from me but I just wouldn’t let her go.
I held her hand and spoke to her. “I’m so sorry (Y/N). I’ll stop it. I’ll stop everything, it’s not worth losing you. It’s not…I just miss you….I need you to come back to me babe. I love you.”
The doctors said she’d eventually wake up, but they couldn’t say an exact time. So I practically lived at this hospital. The boys would bring me clothes and the nurses would let me shower in her bathroom. I made sure I was here 24/7. I needed to be here when she woke up so I could explain things to her.
1 weeks later..
I was slowly falling asleep in the chair beside her bed when I heard a moan come from her. I cracked open my eyes and could see her eyes twitching beneath her eyelids and her mouth moving. I edged closer to her and whispered to her. “(Y/N)? Are you awake?” She moved around and then she remained still. I checked to see if she was still breathing just to make sure, and she was. I stayed up for another hour to see if she would open her eyes, but it didn’t happen.
I ended up falling asleep and waking up the next morning. Only this time when I opened my eyes, hers were staring right at me. “Niall?” “Princess… are you feeling?” She put her hand up to her head and lightly touched the bump there. “This hurts, but other than that I feel fine. That car didn’t damage me much.” I closed my eyes, thankful she knew already why she was in here. “Babe, I am so sorry, you have to believe me.” She gave me a confused look and laughed. “What are you apologizing for Niall? It was my fault.”
My mouth hung open. Why was she saying it was her fault? “(Y/N)….I was…” “No Niall, it was my fault. I was running and not paying attention.” “So you remember?”She laughed again and grabbed my hand. “Yeahh, I was doing my daily run and I didn’t look before I crossed the street. My fault.” I could feel the color drain from my face, but my heart eased because she didn’t remember seeing me with that girl. “What’s wrong Ni?” I gave my head a shake to clear my mind. “Nothing babe, nothing. I’m just glad you’re awake now.” She opened her arms and I got up and held onto her.
In my heart I was glad she didn’t remember, but in my mind……I knew I should tell her the real reason why she got hit by that car. After I hugged her, I went out and found her doctor to let him know she was awake. They gave her the okay to go home today, so we gathered her things and went back home. I called her friends and the boys and they all came over. I stood with the boys as (Y/N) talked amongst her friends like nothing happened. “So she doesn’t remember it?” Liam was confused about the whole thing, as was the rest of the boys. “Nope. She thinks she was out for her daily run when she didn’t see the car….” “Niall, you should tell her the truth…” Zayn shook his head at me and took another drink from his beer. I watched her as she smiled and knew that I didn’t have the heart to. “I can’t Zayn….I know it’s wrong….but what if she doesn’t want me after I tell her?” “You were the one cheating on her, if she chooses that, it would be acceptable. But the longer you keep this from her, the more it’s going to hurt when she finds out.” Harry was right. “And you’re a terrible liar.” Lou gave me a sarcastic glance and went back to looking at (Y/N). They were all right. I sucked at this, but I didn’t know if I had it in me. Because what if I really did lose her? What if she left me after I told her? After seeing her get hurt, I knew I didn’t ever want to lose her. So I couldn’t, I just couldn’t tell her.