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Perrie Edwards!
Niall <3
för söt!!

Perrie! Xx


Trevlig Helg!

sexy bastard

let's go crazy, crazy, crazy now that we have seen this!

God morgon bloggen!!

kill me now

Holy shit

the way that you flip your hair

one way or another....

memory loss - Liam ( part 3/3 )
Part 3]
Your POV
“Yes, yes you can (Y/N). I know you can. You wanna know why?” I slowly nodded my head. “Because I believe in you. I’ve known you 10 years and I know what you’re capable of. And this……this is just a bump in the road. I love you and I”m not giving up on us.”
I smiled at what he was saying. If truly believed I could do this…..then I would try with all my power, but as I looked back down at the picture, I just couldn’t recall anything. The picture was of us holding hands and laughing at the person who was taking it. My head was still hurting so that didn’t help, but I tried concentrating really hard. I picked up the next picture and it was me being silly. I laughed at that, I knew I was like that. So why was it so hard to remember Liam and the boys. The next one was of me and the 4 boys in a line and they were holding me up. It was my 23rd birthday and they were all smiling. I don’t even remember turning 23, how sad is that.
I looked back up at Liam and he was just looking at the pictures with me, hoping I would remember something. “Maybe I need to watch something or I don’t know, something that’ll help a bit more.” “Sure love.” He pulled out a dvd and went over and put it in. He came back and sat down with me and pressed play. I came onto the screen and I was smiling. And then Liam came into the picture. He picked me up and kissed me. And I kissed back. I looked over to him and he smiled shyly at me. I looked back at the screen and could hear whoever was holding the camera joking with us. “You guys might as well get married now.” “Oh Harry stop it. We will…..soon.” I could see my eyes light up when Liam said that. I guess I was shocked he said that. But I had no clue. The video ended and I just sat there. “I’m sorry Liam, nothing’s happening.”
“It’s okay love, I didn’t expect something to happen today. It’ll take time.” “Thank you for understanding and not getting mad at me. I guess we were really in love….”“Yeahh, yeahh we were. I still am, I just hope you get back to that point…” He looked down and rubbed his face. I could tell he was tired. “Liam, go home. Get some rest, I’ll call you if anything happens.” “Okay, bye love.” “Bye.” He kissed my forehead and then left. I sat there with all the things and just looked through them.
I hated the fact that I loved this boy, but couldn’t right now. As I looked at our pictures, I could tell I was really happy with him. And he was happy with me. If we’ve been together 10 years, why haven’t we gotten engaged yet? I looked at the pictures until my eyes became drowsy. I decided to put them away and I would try again tomorrow. I turned out the lights and went to sleep fast. As I slept, I dreamed about Liam. We were in a park, a national one, with a waterfall and everything. He was chasing me. I was laughing at him and he had a bright smile on his face. He finally caught me and pulled me down to the ground on top of him. “I love you (Y/N).” I could feel my heart start to race as he said that. It was like I was hearing it for the first time. “I love you too Liam.”
I woke up in the middle of the night because I knew I had seen that place before. I jumped out of bed and got the box of pictures on the chair. I sat there until I found the one I wanted. This picture was of Liam and I infront of that waterfall from the dream. I was wearing the same clothes and Liam was too. Oh. My. God. I remembered something! I almost leaped with joy. I had to call him. It was like 3 in the morning, but I didn’t care. He picked up right away and came as soon as he could.
“What happened?” He still looked sleepy but when I spoke, his face lit up. “I had a dream Liam. It was of us at this waterfall,” I showed him the picture. “You were chasing me in the grass and then you told me you love me. I dreamed it and then remembered I had seen it from somewhere before, and then I found the picture! I remembered something Liam! Isn’t that great?” His face broke out in a smile and he ran to me and engulfed me in a big bear hug. “Hmmm, that was the first time I told you I love you. Gosh (Y/N), thank god you remembered something. I’m so happy babe.” He set me down and smile at me. “It’s just a start, but I mean I’m going to keep trying Liam. For us..because I know how much you love me and well I loved you too, so I want to go back to that.” He ran his hand through my hair and cupped my cheek. “No matter how long it takes, I will be here for you, helping you with whatever I can. I’ll wait (Y/N).” “Thank you Liam.”
It took me about a whole year to remember the most part of our relationship, but I did it. And Liam kept his word, he stayed by my side no matter what. And I knew I had fallen in love with him again and I was thankful for him. Everything was getting better and I knew it would just keep getting better.
memory loss - Liam ( part 2/3 )
[Part 2]
Liam’s POV
I sat there in a dull state as the doctor explained to me that this kind of thing is rare, but it happened to (Y/N)…..why? Out of all the people in the world, why did it have to happen to her? I walked out because I was so frustrated. I sat there for 3 hours talking to her, telling her our memories, anything to get her to remember me, but she didn’t. I wanted to yell, scream, hit something, anything, but instead I chose to walk out.
Why didn’t I just listen to her at the restaurant? Why didn’t I just stay by her side? None of this would’ve happened if it weren’t for my choices. I sat in the waiting room and put my head down, not wanting others to see me crying. It was hard, taking all of this in. What if she never remembers? What if she doesn’t want to be with me because she doesn’t believe me? 10 years of a relationship and it’s all gone in one moment. Just then the boys came in and surrounded me.
“How is she Liam?” I looked up and met Niall’s gaze. They didn’t know yet, they just knew she had been shot. I looked at each of them and broke down even more. I was barely able to get my words out because I kept gasping for air. “She doesn’t…….remember me………….nothing…” I could feel someone tightening their grip on my shoulder and someone else rubbing my back. “What? Why?” “I don’t know, the bullet hit a nerve or something, it’s just all bad…” “Well what does she remember?” “Everything before me……we’ve been together for 10 years guys….how does that just go away?”
It hurt so much to talk about this. I didn’t know what I was going to do. I didn’t know where to start, but I knew there had to be a way to get her to remember. The doctor said her memory may come back, but then again it may not. She only remembers her life before me and I can’t even remember what her life was like before me. I met her when she moved to London because she was escaping from her life back home, so I don’t know much about her life back then. She never wanted to talk about it.
“Liam, listen.” Harry got down to my level and made me look at him. “Show her, tell her everything, make her believe it. Something has to trigger her memory. Something, anything. Go home. Get some rest. Gather everything you can and then come back.” I put my head back down and thought about it. Would it even be worth it? But at this point, I had no other choice. “Okay, thanks for being here lads.” I got up and hugged each of them. As I left, they were each going into her room to see her, but I knew if she had forgotten me, she would’ve forgotten them too.
I hung my head and walked out. As I drove I thought about all the things I could show her. Being with her for so long we had a lot of memories. I got home and immediately pulled out all our photo albums, videos, the things she liked, everything. I sat down and started looking at the pictures. Our first ever picture was on our 4th date. She was skeptical about me at first, but after that date, she finally decided she was going to be my girlfriend, and I was so happy in that moment. We looked so young, god how time changes everything. We were more mature now, more loving, more in love with each other and our lives. I cried seeing that picture, she made me so happy, and now she was making me so sad. I didn’t think I’d ever experience that with her.
I packed all the things in a bag and headed upstairs to take a shower. I needed to relieve some stress and get sleep. Tomorrow I would go to the hospital and hopefully everything worked out.
Your POV
These 4 boys came into my room and I knew none of them, but they all told me we’ve been friends for so long. So I began to feel bad because they were asking me things I didn’t know the answer to. I wanted to cry from frustration. I couldn’t remember anything. The last thing I remembered was moving to London when I was 19 and that was it. Nothing after that, but I knew why I had moved here, but I didn’t want to relive that. Why couldn’t I have forgotten about this instead of my last 10 years? I hated everything right now. But these boys being here brought a sort of calmness to my mood.
Even though they knew I didn’t remember these things, they still talked to me as if nothing happened and I laughed at their jokes. I was hoping for some sort of clarity to happen at any moment, but it never did. They stayed for hours and all along I was trying to remember their faces. It was just so hard it was making me tired. I told them I was getting tired and they said goodbye then left. I put my head down and instantly fell asleep. It felt like I only slept for 30 minutes when I was woken up by someone knocking on my door. “Come in.” I sat up and looked at who it was. It was that man, Liam. He smiled at me and came to sit down by me.
“Hey love, how are you?” “I’m good Liam, how are you?” He looked down and shook his head but looked back up and smiled. “Better. But I brought some things for you.” He began to pull out all these things and laid them all out on my bed. “What is this?”“All of our memories.” I looked at him then to the pictures. I took one look and instantly got a headache. “I’m sorry Liam….I can’t….”