he leaves you for another girl: Louis part 3
Lou’s POV:
It’s been 3 weeks and I haven’t heard a word about (Y/N) and Zayn. I was really starting to get worried. I called all the other boys and told them they were missing. They didn’t know the real truth about why, I just told them they left letters saying they were leaving. As much as I hated lying to them, I didn’t want them to be mad at me right now. I needed their help finding them. They were at my house everyday, looking on the internet to see if paps had gotten photos of them somewhere, looking at Zayn’s bank records, anything to help find them. But so far, nothing. I hadn’t ate since they left, I was a mess…no words could describe what I was going through. Perrie would show up too to help, but I couldn’t even look at her. I didn’t want nothing to do with her anymore. Although this was not all her fault, I couldn’t stand looking at her. Because I was reminded every time about what we did and it being the reason they were gone.
I’ve sat in my room everyday, praying, crying, but nothing changing. As I sat in there, I’d think about how (Y/N) said she loved me in the letter…….How come she never told me? I looked back and thought about our relationship. Even though we hadn’t been together for a year, she was still the best girl I’d been with. And even though I said she didn’t satisfy me like Perrie did, I take it all back. Without (Y/N) here now, I was realizing she was everything to me and that she did satisfy me. She completed me, and without her, I was shutting down. Each day I could feel myself slipping away. Almost giving up on looking for her, but then trying to keep my spirits up. Hoping she’ll come back and talk to me. We had never had a major fight, but she was a listener, we could work through this…..somehow….
Your POV:
We were in a different city every week. It was exciting to see all these new places, but then remembering why we were here in the first place would ruin it. But Zayn was loving this, so I was too. We’d laugh at stupid things and end up talking about our happiest moments, for a moment, forgetting about what happened. But then we’d see something that would remind us of them and we’d be silent for a moment. Today we were out walking around a park. It was beautiful and peaceful. It was winter so we had our coats on, Zayn had his hood pulled up and sunglasses and I had a beanie on with sunglasses too. Everyday we hoped someone wouldn’t recognize us, and so far it hadn’t happened. As we were walking, I saw a small coffee stand and went to go grab us something. We had been using straight cash this whole time, not wanting the boys to track our accounts. It was Zayn’s idea and he was smart about it. We sat on a park bench and ate and talked. But when we grew silent, I knew we were both thinking the same thing. “Zayn, how long are we going to do this?” By now all the boys had tried calling us, but we didn’t pick up. I assumed they found out what happened by now also. “I love what we’re doing, I mean, this is peaceful, but we can’t do this forever right?” He shrugged. “I know we can’t do it forever, but for the time being, this is better than being back there.” “Zayn, I love you, you know that. But we both know that we’re going to have to go back there and face them. Zayn if there’s anything I’ve ever learned from you, it’s to have strength. You have so much strength that I wish I was like you. You’ve handled everything directed at you, good and bad, even though you explode once in awhile, but you’re learning. I’m learning from you. I want us to be happy, and yes what they did sure as hell broke us, but I think in order for us to move on, we have to face them..” He took what I said into consideration. I could see him working it out in his head. “Yeah I know. I just don’t think I’m ready to do that yet love. I just think I need a little more time. Can we spend a little more time here, I like this place. Like you said, it’s peaceful.” I smiled at that. “Yes of course, I’m ready to leave when you are bro.” “Bro? Ha, what, are you going gangster on me now?” “No ha, I just wanted to make you laugh.” I hadn’t seen him have a genuine smile in a while and I wanted to see that again. He did that now. As we ate, I thought. Truth was, we’ve been having fun, doing things to keep us occupied, that I hadn’t thought much about Lou. I mean the pain was there yes, but I was trying to burry it. And it had work for the time being, but I knew sooner or later we were going back to face them. And when that time came, I would be ready. I had stuff I wanted to tell Louis and Perrie. Stuff I wanted to say before I left for good. No matter what he says, I’m not taking someone back who cheats.
Lou’s POV:
I was in my room sleeping when I heard someone yell. I jumped up and ran downstairs. All the boy were surrounded by the computer looking at something. “What? What happened?” “We found them!” Liam sounded so happy. My face lit up. “Where? How?” They showed me a picture of (Y/N) and Zayn sitting on bench in a park. It must’ve been taken by someone who knew them and posted it. “In Inverness. About 10 hours away from here.” “Great, let’s go.” I started to walk away but Liam stopped me. “Um, actually Lou, you’re not in good shape. How bout we’ll go and then we’ll bring them back?” I thought about what he was saying, but I couldn’t let them go alone. Then they’d find out what happened. “No guys, really, I’m fine. I want to go.” “Yeah well we already made up our minds, you’re staying here buddy.” Niall said. I looked at him like wtf. Why were they doing this? “And what makes you think I won’t just go on my own? I do own a car.” “ We disabled it. Plus we talked to Perrie, she said she’d stay with you to make sure you don’t go.” Of course she would. Jesus. “Who the hell disabled my car?” “Sorry mate.” Harry raised his hand. “Fine whatever, just bring them right back. I swear.” “We will mate don’t worry.” Liam patted me reassuringly. They gathered all their things and took off. I was instantly freaking out. What if they ended up telling them? What was I going to do then? The more I thought about it, the more I freaked out. A little while after they left, I heard a knock on the door. I opened it to see Perrie standing there. “What?” “Lou, you know why I’m here.” I stepped aside and just let her in. “I don’t understand why you said you’d stay? Aren’t you worried the boys are going to find out?” “Louis, they’re going to find out anyways. It’s better they learn without us than having to endure an awkward car drive all the way back don’t you think?” She made a point, but still I was freaking. I sat down and just put my head down. “Perrie, what are we going to do when we see them? We can’t just say sorry.” She sat down next to me. “I know we can’t. In all honesty, I don’t know Lou. We just have to be truthful and hope for the best. And whatever comes to us, comes to us. I don’t think there’s any way we could prepare ourselves for this. Not something as bad as this. But Lou, we both know we love them more than anything, we can’t just let them go.” “Perrie, if we really had loved them so much, then why’d we do this?” I looked at her, waiting for an answer. “I could ask you the same thing.” She was right, this was a two way streak. We both carried this on, we both chose to do this, and yet we both chose to lie. Bottom line, we were both screwed. And by tomorrow, we’d both be facing our fears.
Your POV:
Zayn and I decided to stay at this place for one more day. It was lovely and we decided we’d make trips out here more often. We made all kinds of promises to each other. I didn’t really believe in promises, but in the light of what happened, promises from Zayn made me feel better. I knew he could keep a promise, unlike some of the past people to make me promises. He truly was my older brother and this made our relationship stronger. Sometimes I’d look at him, and see him hurting, but then other times I’d catch him smiling like a 5 year old again. Even though everyone labeled him as the bad boy, he had a kid side to him. You just had to be the right person to see it. Times like this kinda made me wish I had fallen for Zayn instead of Louis, but I knew as soon as I saw Lou, he was the one. And Zayn was my brother, I knew that after I got to know him better. All the boys were, but Zayn the most. Harry would tease us and tell us we just needed to get together, but he didn’t understand. I don’t think anyone did besides us. You know one of those relationships you just can’t explain fully for someone else to understand? You had to experience it in order to know what I was talking about. I would talk about this with Zayn and he’d just say no matter what others say, he’ll always be my older brother. Nothing more. And I accepted that. Right now he was watching kids playing on the swings. We came back to the park to just sit and look at the scenery. The way he looked at them though was like he longed for it. “Zayn, did you and Perrie ever talk about having kids?” He let a small smile appear. “Yeahh actually we did. We said we’d have a family by the time we were 23, 3 boys and 1 girl. And a dog……..Gosh, our kids would of been so beautiful.” His smile faded. “There’s still a chance Zayn….” I truly hoped him and Perrie worked it out. They’d been together so long that they were meant for eachother, no matter what course they ran into. Their love was what inspired me. I wanted a love like theirs. “I don’t know. I don’t think I can forget what’s happened.” “I know, I don’t think I can either. But Zayn, you and Perrie love each other so much. Anyone can see that. You know that. Sure, she made a huge mistake, but that’s what makes love stronger, getting through some of the toughest things together. I think you guys will work it out.” “If you’re saying that about me and Perrie, what about you and Louis?” I looked back to where the kids were laughing and playing. Me and Lou didn’t discuss much about our future together, so I saw no point in having one. “Me and Lou are different from you and Perrie. I don’t think he cares for me the way I care for him. Shoot, I love him and I don’t even think he loves me back. We don’t have the undying love you and Perrie have when you guys look at eachother, we haven’t been together for that long to even know. But after this, this just proves to me that he wasn’t committed.” “Even though I don’t very much care for him right now, you don’t know Lou like I do. He likes you very much. Love? I’m not sure about that, but Lou cares for you. I know it sounds stupid after what’s happened, but he does (Y/N). And he’s never done this before. Maybe he was scared. I’ve never seen him last this long with a girl, maybe he was scared of loving you..” “Yeah but if he was scared why didn’t he just tell me?” “Zayn? (Y/N)?” We heard a familiar voice and I froze. I looked at Zayn and we both turned around at the same time. Standing in front of us were Harry, Liam, and Niall. I stood up slowly, wondering how the hell they had found us. “Why have you guys been ignoring us?? We’ve been worried.” “How did you guys find us?” “Someone took your picture here and posted it. We came as soon as we saw. Now what happened? Why’d you guys leave?” I just looked at Zayn. Lou and Perrie obviously hadn’t told them….