he leaves you for another girl: Louis part 1
Your POV:
Louis wasn’t your typical guy. He was very fun to be around, caring, and acted like a 5 year old at times. But that did not stop me from loving him so much. He and I had a fun relationship, never dull, never boring. He kept me entertained and hardly ever made me mad at him. I was a very shy girl, but when I met Louis, he made it a job to break through my shell, and he did. I mean I’m still shy, but not as bad as I was. And we’ve been together for 7 months now. I know it was till early, but I knew he was the one for me. I never said this directly to him, but I had hoped he felt the same as well. I still lived in the states while Lou lived in London. Whenever he had time, he’d fly out to see me. Even if it was just for a night, he’d still come, which I was thankful for. And when he was too tired to fly out and see me, he’d pay to have me flown out. I loved every minute I had with him.
I had a close relationship with all of the boys also. Me and Zayn especially. He is like the big brother I never had but always wanted. During my time with Louis, the boys had seen me break down once, and since Zayn was busy with something, they were the ones who were there for me. Somewhere in the mist of my breakdown, I had expressed how I always wanted an older brother to take care of me and protect me, Zayn immediately took me under his wing and said he’d always protect me no matter what. And I cherished him for that. Lou didn’t mind our relationship because he knew what it was: a brother/sister relationship. I never had feelings for any of the boys. Liam had Danielle, Zayn had Perrie, and Niall had Demi. Harry was still single but he wasn’t my type. Plus I understood the relationship he had with Harry also, even though some fans would like to see him and Harry together, I knew where they stood. I had nothing to worry about. Today all of us were hanging out at Zayn’s. Perrie and him had set up a big dinner and invited all of us. It was great to be with all of them and just laugh. At times Lou would get up to help Perrie when Zayn did not. I would look to Zayn, but he’d just shrug his shoulders. I always found it weird that Lou would rush to her side and Zayn wouldn’t. When Zayn and I had some alone time, I pulled him aside to ask him. “Zayn, has something happened between you two?” “Idk (Y/N), she’s been different lately. I don’t get to spend much time with her as it is, but now she goes off in the middle of the night and doesn’t come hom till the next day. But I don’t ask. I mean I trust her, but it hurts you know? She doesn’t talk to me like she used to.” It hurt knowing Zayn was hurting. “Zayn, I’m here for you, you know that. I don’t like to see you like this.” “I know, thanks love. How bout we go to the movies or something later, something to make me laugh to forget about it for a while?” “Sure, great. I’ll Lou.” We went back to where everybody was. Others were getting ready to leave back home, so we hugged and said our goodbyes. Then it was just Zayn, Perrie, Lou and I. “Me and Zayn are gonna go to a movie. Is that alright love? He’s kinda down.” I whispered this to Lou as Zayn helped Perrie pick up. “Yeahh sure babe. I’ll stay and help her clean up so you guys can go.” “Great thanks babe.” I kissed him on the cheek and left with Zayn.
Lou’s POV:
After Zayn and (Y/N) left it was just Perrie and I. I helped her pick up, not really saying anything. She had picked up the final pieces of trash and had walked into the kitchen. I took this moment to follow her. She was leaning against the counter as if she was waiting for me. I walked over and stood in front of her. She looked up at me with desire in her eyes. That was the look. The look she always gave me when she wanted me. I don’t know how to explain it, but Perrie and I had a connection. When Zayn and Perrie got together a year ago, I tried to avoid it. But as the months went on, I just couldn’t anymore. One day when we were alone, she came onto me. And you know what? I didn’t stop her. I kissed her like I needed her, like I’d been waiting for her. I felt sparks with her and I couldn’t deny her anymore. That was 4 months ago and to this day, we were still sneaking around. I had met (Y/N) in the mist of this relationship and fell for her also. But Perrie understood because she had Zayn. My relationship with (Y/N) was truly the best, but she didn’t satisfy me like Perrie did. Perrie and I hated ourselves for feeling like this towards each other, but we couldn’t hold back. I know how much Zayn loves Perrie, and Perrie knows I have deep feelings for my girl, but yet we still did it.
As I stood in front her, I longed to kiss her. And when I finally did, our bodies melted together like they always did. I felt guilty as hell for what we were doing, but I needed her. We both had agreed not to act suspicious around each other and to not to tell others. It would break their hearts if they knew about this. But we carried on. “(Y/N) said Zayn’s been down lately. What’ve you been doing?” I asked after we kissed. She sighed and looked at the ground. “I just don’t want to sneak around anymore Louis. I mean, why don’t we just tell them? They’ll unerstand won’t they?” “No love, they won’t. Zayn is my best mate, if he knew I was doing this to him, it would ruin everything. I risk us being exposed. Maybe somewhere down the line if both of us break up with them, then maybe we can be together publicly, but until then, this is all we have.” I kissed her again and picked her up. Her legs wrapped around my waist and I carried her up to the room. We did this every chance we got, knowing we could be caught at any moment, but still doing it. I layed her down on the bed and closed the door. I didn’t know when Zayn and (Y/N) were going to be back so we had to hurry.
Your POV:
Zayn and I chose to watch both a comedy and a horror story. We paid for our tickets and went inside. We were going to be there a while so we ordered drinks and foods. I could tell he was already feeling better being out of the house. Knowing I could help made me happy to be here for him. “What?” He had caught me smiling at him. “Oh nothing, just happy you’re happy again.” “Pssh, shut it girl. Let’s go watch our movies.” We laughed like no tomorrow, made jokes about the actors and told each other who would be stupid enough to do some of the things they were doing. He always made fun of me saying I’d be the stupid one of the bunch and in return I said he’d be the ugly brother. But he knew I really didn’t mean it, but we laughed. Then when the horror movie came, he paid attention to it silently. It made me laugh how attentitive he was during these movies. At times he would jump and spill a little popcorn. Then he’d try to make it look like something ran across his feet. He always did this and would make me laugh. “You know, if we were ever in this situation, I’d leave your ass behind and save myself.” The guy in the movie was going back to rescue his sister. “Oh wow thanks Zayn! That’s nice to know I would die.” “Nah I say that because I know you could handle yourself.” “Ha, nice save boy.” He just laughed at me, but I knew in reality he’d come back for me. After 4 hours, the movies were finally done. We left the movies and I teased him about jumping and being scared. “Shut up, no one knows about that ok.” ” Yes sir, aha I’m the only one who gets to make fun of you about that now.” Then we got quiet. “Zayn, you love Perrie right?” “Yes why?” “What does it feel like?” He smiled. “It’s not something you can really explain (Y/N). Everyone’s love is different. What I feel for her though, I still get butterflies in my stomach each time I see her. She’s so beautiful and caring, I fell for her immediately. All I want to do with her is just lay with her day and night, holding her, knowing I’m there for her. But when we’re apart, all I do is think about her, what she’s doing, if she misses me too. It’s like, that person is the one who holds your heart, body and soul. Without them, you’re nothing. There are times when I think I don’t deserve her because she’s so patient with me, but then she tells me she’ll wait for me always. I love her dearly and don’t know what I’d do without her.” I loved hearing him talk about her, you could see he truly did worry about her when they were away from each other, but I couldn’t picture Perrie ever leaving Zayn. “Why did you ask that?” “Hmm, I don’t know. I love Lou, I just don’t know how to tell him yet. I’m waiting for the right time, but I don’t know how.” “There is no real ‘right time’. It’s a matter of you just expressing your feelings to him. I know he’d love to hear that (Y/N). You just need to tell him flat out and see how he reacts. And let me tell you, if he doesn’t say it back, then he doesn’t deserve it. But if he does, then he’s yours forsure. Just tell him babe.” I debated on what he was saying. “Fine, I’ll tell him tonight then.” I was now smiling and couldn’t wait to get home.
We finally arrived back home around 12am. Zayn unlocked his door and we walked in. Lou’s car was still here so we went in looking for him. When we walked in, everything was clean, but there was no Perrie or Louis. “Maybe he decided to stay the night. Prolly in the guest room, c’mon.” We walked up the stairs laughing about the movies. Zayn wanted to check on Perrie first, then he’d walk me to the guest room. I watched him open the door and then just stand there. I couldn’t see over his should, but I could see him tense up. I started walking towards him but he frantically shut the door. “Zayn…..what is it?” He turned to face me and I could anger and worry written all over his face. “Um, let me just drop you off at your house ok.” “No, what’s happening?” I pushed past him and opened the door. Now I knew why he had tensed up. What I saw made me want to punch a wall and cry at the same time. It was Perrie in her bed alright, but Lou was right there with her…..and they were naked. My heart broke at what I was seeing.