he blows you off - Zayn part 1
Your POV
Have you ever been in love with a famous person, to the point where you knew you really loved them, but they never noticed you? This is how I feel about Zayn Malik. I know I sound like any other fan, but I do truly love him. I’ve never got to actually sit down and talk to him, but I’ve met him. And he’s the shyest, sweetest person I’ve ever met. I wish I could sit down with him and get to know him on a deeper level. But like all other fans, I’ll probably never get the chance to. I can only sit here and daydream about meeting him and actually dating him. Or just talk. That’s all I want to do is talk. But I gave my hopes up.
2 months later..
I was walking down Rodeo Dr for my birthday. It was my first time ever being to LA, and I was so excited. I had already seen a lot of celebrities, but too shy to go up to them and ask for pictures. I was all by myself because I had escaped here without my parents knowing. I was walking out of Michael Kor’s when I bumped into someone. My bag fell down and all my stuff fell out. “Oh, I’m so sorry.” I bent down to start gathering everything, he did as well. “No, it’s okay….” I got back up and saw who I had run into. It was freakin Zayn. I stood there kind of flustered because he was just looking at me. “Um…….thank you…..” He gave me a smile. “No problem. What’s your name?” I stood there with my mouth open looking like a retard before I could answer. “Um, (Y/N), it’s (Y/N).” He kind of laughed. “Well (Y/N), it was nice meeting you.” He started walking away, but for some miraculous reason, I suddenly had confidence. “Wait Zayn…” He stopped and turned back around. “Um, would you like to go to dinner with me?” He slowly walked back to me with a surprised look on his face. “Are you asking me out on a date (Y/N)?” What the fuck….was I? Yes, yes I was. “Yess……if you don’t want to I understand….” He just kept looking at me. Wow, I felt like an idiot. “Um, I’m sorry I asked, I’ll just leave you now..” I started to walk away but he grabbed my arm. “No wait….it’s just no one’s ever asked me on a date before, so I’m just surprised.” Really? He never got asked that? “So…..” Was he saying yes or no? I was totally confused. “My answer is yes, yes I would like to. When?” I told him a time and place and gave him my number. He said he’d pick me up and we’d go.
I walked away feeling like a different person. To think that me, (Y/N), from a nowhere city, just asked Zayn Malik out on a date, and he said yes….what a great birthday present! I rushed back to my hotel room to get ready. We weren’t really going to a fancy place, but then again, everything on Rodeo Dr was fancy. So I wore a dress and heels, curled my hair and put on light makeup. I was ready when Zayn came to get me. He walked me to the car and let me in. Then got in and drove. I had butterflies in my stomach the whole time. What was I suppose to talk about? Now that I had him, I didn’t know what to say. But he’d look over at me and smile. That smile melted my heart. ‘Just relax, just be yourself’. I had to tell myself this over and over again.
We finally arrived at the restaurant and he let me out. There were valet people and they took Zayn’s keys. He opened the door so I could go in and I was instantly hit with embarrassment. These were all really fancy people, and I felt so out of place. Zayn saw the look on my face and put his hand on my lower back, encouraging me to move forward. It made me feel better in an odd way. Our waiter took us to a table and left. “So (Y/N), what’ll it be?” I looked at the menu and didn’t see a damn thing I knew. And holy fuck, the prices were outrageous. I had second thoughts about this. “Um, maybe we should go somewhere else..” He got a confused look on his face. “What? Why?” “Um, it’s very expensive…” He actually got a hurt look on his face. Had I offended him? “Babe, it’s fine. I’m paying.” “Yeahh that’s the point, I don’t feel right with you doing that.” “Well, if you didn’t already know, I’m a gentlemen, and I’m going to pay no matter what. So choose.” Can you say demanding? Okay…..I picked something I didn’t even know so he wouldn’t be hurt. Then we sat there. It was awkward because he was just looking at me, so I figured I should say something. “So Zayn, tell me. How are you?” Jeez I was stupid. He gave a nervous laugh. “Um, I’m good…..how are you?” “Oh you know, not nervous at all. But I guess this is a good birthday present for me.” His eyes widened. “It’s your birthday? Why didn’t you tell me? Happy Birthday!” I smiled at that. “Thank you. So what’s it like? Being you?” He seemed to be deep in thought. “Its um, a little overwhelming at times, but you guys keep us going.” That kind of hurt. To him, I was just another fan……wow. But I couldn’t let that hurt show. “So you love your life?” “Uhh, yeahh I guess so. Why are you asking?” “Nothing, just conversing I guess.” Well this was freakin awkward….”Do you always ask deep questions on a first date?” No, I guess I didn’t. But this was Zayn, I did say I wanted to get to know him on a deeper level. “Yes. Let’s me know who I’m dealing with.” “Hmmm. Excuse me will you?” I nodded and he got up to use the bathroom I assume. 3 minutes went by and he never came back. We were seated by the window and I could see Zayn getting into his car and leaving.
What?! He was leaving?? What the fuck……wow. That hurt…just because I was asking questions? It wasn’t like he was talking! “Ma’am, the gentlemen that just left said you’d pay.” I looked at him in anger. My whole view on Zayn Malik just completely did a 360. Zayn was not the person I thought he was and this is just plain rude. Gentlemen my ass. Fine, I’ll pay his fuckin bill, but that didn’t change anything. I couldn’t believe this. Happy freakin Birthday to me.