you break up - Zayn ( part 2/4 )
Your POV
3 days later..
I ended up staying at a hotel and holed up in the room. I was deeply saddened by what had happened, but it was for the best. He hadn’t tried calling or anything. The only person to call was Harry. But I didn’t know if he should get involved in this, so I never answered. After laying in bed for so long, I knew I had to get up and go somewhere. I got dressed and put on some light makeup and left. I was hungry and thirsty so I stopped at a Starbucks and sat down. I had on a beanie and hoped my face was covered from anyone who would notice me, but it didn’t work. No sooner had I sat down with my order Harry walked in. He didn’t see me at first so I was trying to hide from him, but he walked to a table before me and saw me.
“(Y/N)?” I gave up and looked at him. I gave him a weak smile and said hi. His face looked worried as he walked to my table. “Hun where have you been?” I didn’t know if he knew what happened, so I lied. “I’ve been around..” He sat down and gave me a sarcastic look. “(Y/N)…Zayn told me, so don’t lie to me. Where have you been.” He was demanding now. My shoulders fell and I gave in. “I’ve been staying at a hotel here in town.” He shook his head. “Babe, you need to stay with someone. You can’t be by yourself. Especially after what happened.” “I know Harry, I just…don’t have anywhere to go.” “Yes you do. You have all of us. You know we all care about you. But since I’m the only one who knows right now, come stay with me.” I started to shake my head. “(Y/N) don’t argue with me. You’re staying with me and that’s that.”“But….I don’t want to get between you and Zayn.” He just shrugged his shoulder. “Fuck him. After he told me what happened I kicked him out. I haven’t talked to him since. So I really don’t care. I’ve been trying to reach you, why do you think I’ve been calling love.” “I just didn’t want you to be involved.” “Well, too late. I’m involving myself, so you’re living with me.”
There was no way he was going to let this go so I agreed. “Thanks Harry..” He looked at me sympathetically. “I just can’t believe he did this to you.” I looked down. “You and I both.” “Well hey, I’m glad you’re pregnant. I can’t wait to be an Uncle!” I smiled at that. It was true, he would be a great uncle. “You’ll be great Harry don’t worry.”“Shoot, I know I will. But for real (Y/N)……you’re going to get through this okay. You don’t need Zayn when you have the rest of us okay?” I wanted to cry. He was so caring it was a shame he didn’t have a family of his own by now. “Thank you Harry. I guess the other boys will find out when I move in huh?” “Yeahh but it’s better they know, so it’s going to be okay. They’ll be happy too.” I hoped so, I didn’t want their relationship with Zayn to change because of me, especially Niall’s. But then again, I didn’t do anything, it was all Zayn.
3 months later..
I moved in with Harry and things were looking better for me. I went to my regular doctor’s appointments and took care of whatever I needed to do. Each time I went, a different boy went with me. I think they were more excited than I was for the baby. They all smiled each time we saw the baby on the screen. We didn’t know the sex yet, I didn’t want to find out. I wanted it to be a surprise. So the boys were making up the nursery for me and choosing neutral colors suitable for a boy or girl. It was funny because I could hear them in there yelling at each other each time they worked on it. Each one wanted to put their own style into it and they’d clash. But I told them to do whatever they wanted.
But even though their happiness brought me joy, Zayn still hadn’t come around. The boys said they hadn’t heard from him and stopped talking to him. I could see Niall struggling with it but he would just tell me he was okay. I felt bad for him, it was hardest on him. Each time I told him to go talk to him he’d shake his head. ‘He chose this (Y/N), it’s for the best’ was all he’d say. I still had 6 months to go, so hopefully he came around eventually, not for me, but for the boys because I knew they missed him.
Zayn’s POV
6 months later..
As I was walking out around town, I’d see things that reminded me of (Y/N). Especially when I saw her picture in a magazine showing her baby bump, I’d stop and stare. The headlines said they thought it was Harry’s baby, but I knew it wasn’t. It was mine.……but I fucked up. It’s been almost 6 months and I hadn’t talked to any of them since then. I’m not going to lie, I missed the boys like hell, but I especially missed her. I was still in denial about the baby, but then again, it’s a baby. Something she and I made and brought into this world. How could I be foolish enough to tell her to get rid of it. I always thought about her, but I was too scared to call her. I was afraid she’d just hang up on me. But this was all my fault.
I’ve been alone ever since then and not handling myself well. I tried to stay holed up in my house with liquor so I wouldn’t run into anyone, but 9 months later, that was getting old. And seeing these pictures of her stomach growing was my only way of knowing she was okay. It seemed like she was. In each picture she was smiling and so were the boys. I wonder what it is. I wonder if she’ll let me know when she has it. Will she come back to me once it’s born. All these questions ran through my head even though I knew they shouldn’t. But I could only hope and pray things did change between us, but I knew they wouldn’t unless I apologized. But I just wasn’t ready yet.
Your POV
I was making dinner for the boys while they were watching tv. Since it was close to my due date, they’d all been hovering over me making sure I’m okay and ready to go. I laughed each time. They were the big brothers I never had and they were very protective. I wasn’t used to it, but I sure as hell liked it. I was being treated like a princess. I went in and sat with them to discuss baby names. “If it’s a girl I think you should name her Zoe. I like that name.” Niall was daydreaming already about this.“And if it’s a boy?” “Pssh, it’s going to be a girl don’t worry.” I laughed at him. “I think if it’s a boy you should name him Damen. It’s from your favorite tv show.” Louis was right, Damen from the vampire diaries was my favorite. “So is Jeremy.” Liam chimed in. “Jeez, you guys do sure know a lot about me. But that’s true, I do like the way Jeremy and Damen sound. I like Zoe too Niall.” “Thank you.” “Harry, what about you?”
He was thinking hard when I felt something. I looked down at my pants and saw they were wet and they just kept getting wetter. I gasped and held my stomach.“Guys……” They all stopped what they were doing and jumped up. “IT’S TIME!” Niall was jumping up and down. Liam and Harry pulled me up and held me up. “Oh my god.” “Quick, Louis get the car ready and Niall get the hospital bag for her.” They ran off in different directions as Liam and Harry put my shoes on and called the hospital. I couldn’t believe it. My baby was finally here! I was so excited now…but there was also a sadness because Zayn wouldn’t be able to be there. “Let’s go!” Louis yelled. The boys scrambled to get me in the car and to the hospital. “You ready for this (Y/N)?” I looked at them and smiled. “Ready as I’ll ever be.” And with that I was hauled off into the ER.