he says something he regrets ( not by me ) Niall part 2

Your POV
It’s been 2 weeks since I’ve talked to Niall. He’s been calling nonstop, actually getting pretty annoying. I just didn’t know what to say to him. If I couldn’t make him happy, why talk to him? I got up and went to the bathroom mirror. Since then, I haven’t really been eating anything and I’ve been working out like crazy. But as I looked at myself now, I didn’t like what I saw. My face was pale, bags under my eyes, and my bones were starting to stand out. I always liked having extra meat on my bones because I never cared what others said. But when Niall said that, it just affected me. It’s funny how one person can change your view on a certain thing. And what’s funny is he was the one who always stuck up for me when people called me fat. But I didn’t know what to believe anymore. But seeing this now, my body didn’t deserve this and neither did I. I promised myself in that moment I would stop. I would eat normal again and just stop working out. If someone really loved me, they’d love me no matter what. Whether I’m skin and bones or curvy and full of life. It felt great saying that to myself. I didn’t need Niall to make myself feel better. He could suck it.

Niall’s POV
(Y/N) hasn’t answered any of my calls and she won’t answer her door when I go over there. She never gave me a spare key to her house because she’d just go to mine. But of course that stopped 2 weeks ago. I don’t know how many times I’ve gone over that night in my head. I told the boys what happened and they even tried contacting her, but she just wouldn’t listen to anyone. My heart broke because this was all my fault. She thought she wasn’t good enough for me. I didn’t want skinny, I wanted her. And as I would be out walking, I’d see her picture on the front of some magazines. Paps got word of what happened and it was all over. A recent picture of her though caught my eye. She looked like she was starving herself, like she hadn’t ate in weeks. I hated seeing her like this. She needed to know how much I really regretted saying that to her. But how could I do that if she wouldn’t listen to me?
The boys and I had an interview in 20 minutes and I just didn’t feel like doing it. But I had to. I knew I wasn’t going to be myself in this interview, but I had to push through it. And what was worse was I knew they’d ask me questions about (Y/N). Everyone had been and I’d just been brushing them off. I wasn’t ready to accept we weren’t together anymore. So when we got to the interview, of course they asked, I answered and was done. We left and I didn’t say a word.

Your POV
I was sitting on my couch watching tv when I got a text from Zayn. ‘Go to channel 3 and just watch.’ Zayn was Niall’s best mate and I know it took a lot for Zayn to reach out to someone unless it was important. So I flipped through my channels until I got to 3. On tv were the boys in an interview. I immediately looked at Niall. He didn’t look like he wanted to be there, especially since Zayn kept patting him on the back and rubbing his back. He’d answer whatever question was thrown at him, but he wasn’t his usual cheery self. And I kind of felt bad. They were seriously grilling him about what happened between us. At one point they showed a recent picture of me. I hadn’t even known they took one. But it showed how much weight I had lost and I did not look good. And when Niall saw it, he had a pained look in his face. ‘So Niall, what do you have to say about this whole situation?’ I turned up the volume more so I could hear exactly what he was going to say. He took a while to answer, but he finally did. He looked directly into the camera as he said this….’Yes, I agree that what I said was completely wrong and hurtful. And I lost the one person who cared most for me because of something that slipped out of my mouth. But all I can do is apologize and say that I’ve learned my lesson. And to everyone watching, think before you speak. because anything you say could either break a person or make them happy. I chose to say something stupid and in the end lost everything. Make a better choice than I did because you hardly ever get a second chance. Calling a girl fat or indicating anything like that will ruin their whole persona. So don’t ever do that. And (Y/N) if you’re watching, I truly am sorry and I miss you babe. That’s all.’ He put his head down and didn’t talk the rest of the interview. My heart was racing and my eyes watering. I’ve been avoiding him because I didn’t want to hear his apology, but hearing it on national tv, that was something else. he admitted in front of everyone what he did and how wrong he was. And apologized to me not even knowing if I’d be watching. I gave it to him, that took guts. I knew Niall was getting hate for what he did and I know I didn’t want him going through that. But should I give him a second chance?? I got another text from Zayn. ‘Do you believe him now?’ It’s not that I didn’t believe him, it’s just I was hurt. He was right, calling a girl fat ruins their whole persona. And he ruined mine. But I loved Niall and I didn’t like seeing him hurt. ‘Where is he?’ He texted back right away. ‘At the starbucks on the corner from his flat.’ ‘K thanks.’ That starbucks was where Niall and I first met. I gathered my things and got in my car. I drove as fast as I could over there and ran inside. I looked until I spotted him sitting in a corner away from everyone. He was just looking down at his coffee and stirring it. I walked up to his table and just stood there, waiting for him to notice me. It took him about 30 seconds, but when he finally looked up, his whole face lit up. “(Y/N)? What are you doing here?…..I mean, I’m glad…..but…” “I saw the interview.” His face kinda fell. “Oh yeahh, that.” Now he didn’t seem too happy. “Are you here to throw that back in my face?” What? No. “No Niall, I came here to let you know I accept your apology.” He stopped stirring and looked up at me. “What? Really…..I mean….I hurt you babe….are you sure??” “Niall yes, stop rambling. Yes you hurt me, but I love you. I won’t let that affect our relationship babe. So if you’d still have me….I’d like to have you back…” He was nodding his head. “On one condition.” “What?” “You eat whatever you want and be yourself. No matter what. I don’t like you skinny, I want you to go back to the old you, the girl I fell in love with.” I smiled at that. “I will Nialler.” He smiled and jumped up to hug me. He held on so long but I didn’t care. I missed this. “I love you (Y/N) and I’m so sorry.” “I love you too Ni, and it’s ok. Just don’t hurt me again.” “I promise babe.”



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