Niall kiss you story - Del 2
Niall’s POV:
As soon as the director yelled action, the song started playing. So I started singing and looking into the camera while Ashlynn walked around me, dragging her hand across my chest and back. She stopped in front of me and smiled at me. When my line ended, I smiled at her and put my hand underneath her chin. Slowly I raised her chin and then kissed her. It was slow and passionate, and honestly, the beg kiss I’d ever had. She was a great kisser, and when the director yelled cut, we kept going for a little bit then stopped. When we stopped she just looked up at me and smiled. “Not a bad kisser, nice start Niall.” She walked away, leaving me astonished. Did she seriously just say that then walk away? She disappeared into another room, and it was then that I saw Zayn walking up to me. “Well Horan, how was that?” He was already laughing at me. ”Mate…..I think I found my soul mate.” I was still frozen where I was, and Zayn continued to laugh at me. I was serious though, Ashlynn was a great girl all around. Before I was thinking I was running after where she had gone.
Your POV:
The kiss with Niall had been wonderful. I hadn’t kiss someone in so long, that I was scared I forgot. But with him, it seemed to just come back to me, or better yet like Niall and I had kissed before and were used to it. Hmm..he’s cute. I walked away because I was scared I’d say something next, but I could hear someone running behind me. When I turned around, it was Niall. “Yes??” “I just um, I um……..I was wondering if you’d like to go out with me sometime?” The smile he gave me made me smile in return. Well, who could turn down him, he’s already made me laugh so I guess I could. “Sure, I’d like that.” “Really!?” I laughed at the outburtst. “Oh, um okay, cool. Well can I have your number so we can set up a date?” “Sure.” He gave me his phone and I put my number in. “Ok, well i’ll text or call you k?” “Ok, looking forward to it.” With that he walked away. They still had other scenes to shoot, but I was done. So I went back to the dressing room, thinking about Niall, smiling like a dumbass to myself. But I was happy. I changed and grabbed my helmet and started heading out to my bike. I laughed to myself because Niall likes my bike. Most guys are intimidated by it, no one’s ever said that to me. He certainly is different, but that’s what I liked about him.
Niall’s POV:
After I walked back from getting Ashlynn’s number, all the boys were standing there in studio just looking at me with smiles on their faces. “What?” “Go Niall, getting a girl’s number. Didn’t think you had it in you to be honest.” Zayn said. “Oh shut up. It was actually very easy, she said yes to a date.” I stuck my tongue out at him. The others just laughed. “So, what are you guys going to do?” “Idk yet, I just got her number and said i’d call her.” “Well come up with something soon mate, girls don’t like to wait.” Harry said. We all continued with the video and wrapped up late at night. I had been thinking the whole time as to what I could take her to do, and I figured I’d just take her to my favortie place. The Zoo! As soon as I got home I found her number and called her. She answered on the second ring. “Hello?” “Hey Ashlynn, its Niall.” “Oh hey Niall. What’s up?” “I was just calling to see what you’re going to be doing tomorrow night? Are you free?” I hope she says yes. “Yes, actually I am.” “Ok well I’ll pick you up around 6 then, is that ok?” “Perfect Niall.” “Ok, can I have your address?” She gave me her address and I wrote it down. We hung up after that. I was really excited now. I just hoped I didn’t bore her tomorrow.
Your POV:
The next day all I could think about was my date tonight with Niall. I didn’t know where we were going, but I’m sure anywhere with Niall is going to be fun. Around 3 I started getting ready. I showered and blow dryed my hair straight. I put on a little bit of make up, just mascara and eye liner. When it came to the clothes, I chose to wear something casual yet classy. I wanted to be comfortable in case we were going to be walking around. After I put on my clothes, I heard the door bell ring. I looked at the clock. 6 o’clock, right on time. Hm, he’s good. I ran downstairs and opened the door. There he was with his hands in his pockets, looking handsome as ever. I was glad he was also wearing casual clothes, because I would of felt stupid. “Hey.” He smiled at me. “Hey, I’m all ready.” I beamed at him. “Great, let’s get going then.”