Niall kiss you story - Del 4 ( sista delen )
Your POV:
Niall and I had been on several dates now. He was such an amazing person and he just kept surprising me on each date. But he never asked me to be his girlfriend so I was kinda worried about that. But he took me places I had never even seen. And one of them was the London Eye. I finally got to see that! I was so happy that day. But something of course had to ruin it. Remember when I said I moved here to get away from my problems in America. Well they followed me here.
When Niall and I were out on our date today, I couldn’t help but notice some people looking familiar to me. Niall was holding my hand and walking me through a museum. But sometimes I would walk past people and recognize them. But when I finally saw one person, I knew why these people looked familiar. Standing at the end of the hall was none only than Zac. Zac was here, and these people were his family. That’s why I knew them. Oh my god, what is he doing here. Niall could feel me freeze and looked over at me. “Babe, is something wrong?” I started stuttering. I didn’t think I could handle seeing Zac, not here, not with Niall. “I…um…can we just go please.” I started pulling him away from me, but Zac noticed me by then. He walked over to where we were. “Ashlynn?” Niall stopped and looked at him, then looked at me. I put a fake smile on my face and said, “Hi Zac.” “Wow, you’re really here. I had heard that you moved here but I didn’t believe it. How are you?” Why was he asking me this? Back home he’d been such a jerk and now he was nice? But then I saw him look at Niall and me holding hands. Oh, that was why. What a jerk! “Yes I did, and I was just leaving thank you.” “Hey wait,” he put a hand on my shoulder, “we should get together while im here for a few days.” “Sure, I still have your number bye.” I lied. I didn’t still have it and no way was I calling him. I walked so fast out of there I basically pulled Niall along. But he didn’t say a word to me until we got out of the building. “Um, Ashlynn, is there something I should know?” “Can we go get something to eat and I’ll tell you okay?” “Ok.” We got into his car and he drove us to a pizza place. I really didn’t expect to tell Niall this early, but I guess he deserves to know. Shit, after this he may want to leave.
We arrived at the place and got out, placed our orders and sat down. And he just looked me, waiting. I sighed really loud and just got on with it. “When I told you the reason I moved here, I only gave you half of the story. But what I told you was true, it’s just I left out some things. Well here goes nothing……um. I’m an only child, and my parents are so invested in their jobs, that they’re rarely home and they don’t even notice me. I could’ve been gone for a week and they wouldn’t of said anything. So I felt alone and not loved. So I wanted to get away from them, so of course they said yes to me coming over here, they could care less. They havent callled me once since I’ve been here. But also, that guy back there, I dated him.” I looked at him and could see realization in his eyes. “Yeahh, um we were together all 4 years of high school. I loved him, thought he loved me too, but then on graduation night, he broke up with me in front of all his friends. So everyone laughed at me and everywhere I’d go, I was the joke of the town. I didn’t want to be in that town anymore, so I got away, I came here and started all over. And….that’s when I met you.” He hadn’t said a word since we got here. I was waiting for him to say something when our number was called. He got up to go get it and then came back and just sat down. “So, all I have to say is why didn’t you just tell me in the first place?” “I don’t know, I guess I was scared you’d leave or something.” He just laughed. “Ashlynn, I don’t care about what happened back in America with that guy. All I ask for is honesty, so maybe next time I run into one of your ex’s I can punch him.” I laughed at that. “I know, I’m sorry Niall. I understand if you don’t want to see me anymore.” “What? you think this is going to change my mind about you? Well it’s not, if anything, I see you as a stronger person. You were the bigger person and came out here on your own to start over. How many people can really say that? Just because that happened in the past doesn’t mean it should still affect you babe. He was an ass, he’s the past, I don’t care. Your parents are asses too, I don’t care. All I care is that you’re here with me now, and we’re eating.” He pointed at the pizza and laughed. I felt so relieved that he was taking this easily. “Thanks Ni, you don’t know how happy you make me.” “I’m happy when I’m with you too Ashlynn. In fact, I have a question for you babe.” He wiggled his eyebrow at me. All I could do was laugh. “So, we’ve been dating awhile now, you know who I am and my lifestyle and you’re ok with it, and now I know all of you. So I was wondering if you’d like to be my girlfriend?” I was so filled with joy that he had asked me that I wanted to clap and jump up and down. But I tried to remain calm, but I did smile. “Yes Niall, of course. Gosh for a second there I was thinking you were never going to ask me ha.” “I was making you wait ha. Just kidding, I was just waiting for the right time. But seriously babe, don’t let stuff like that affect you here ok? All you need is me now.” He gave me the cheesiest smile and I couldn’t agree with him any more.