christmas image that is not made by me 2

Harry:  You laughed as Harry fiddled with the lights and gave barely audible curses. It was no secret that Harry wasn’t there handiest man around, but he wanted to make your first Christmas together, the most memorable one even if that meant hanging lights at night in the freezing cold. “Harry, need any help?” you asked taking a break from decorating your house for Christmas.  “No, I’m okay…” He moaned, trying to balance the lights in one of his hands and stable himself on the ladder with the other. You went back inside your warm house, but periodically looked out the window to check on your clumsy boyfriend. Wanting to reward your boyfriend for all of his hard work you decided to bring him hot chocolate. You made the hot chocolate and went outside to see Harry was making his way down the ladder. “Babe, I have a surprise!” you exclaimed as you held out the mug topped with whipped cream. With a smile on his face Harry made his way over to you and accepted the mug happily. Just as he put the cup to his lips a few flakes of snow fell, the first snow flurry of the year. This made you extremely happy„ Christmas just wasn’t Christmas without snow! Without any words, Harry put his arm around you then leaned in for a quick kiss. “It’s officially Christmas.” He whispered to you. You took a look at the house, which was far from perfect, but suddenly felt the happiest you’ve felt in a while.

Louis:   You took a look around you to see that your living room had truly been transformed into Santa’s workshop. Your floor had been covered in a layer of wrapping paper, bows, and boxes. Meanwhile your coffee table and the remainder of free spaces were taken up by gifts. You turned around only to see Louis come down the hall with a slightly frazzled expression.  “Well someone’s been a busy elf” he joked coming up next to you and kissing you on the cheek. “Well Christmas is tomorrow Lou, want to help?” Seeing the tired expression growing on your face he agreed. Both you and Louis worked persistently until almost all of the presents were wrapped. As you “wrapped” things up, Louis began to joke and stick bows to your face. Quoting a really awkward coffee commercial he turned to you and said “you’re my present this year” simultaneously putting another bow on you. You laughed and playfully pushed him. He rebounded, and brought you into his arms. “This Christmas is going to be the best one yet.” You mumbled into him. “I can’t wait” He added kissing your forehead.



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