he leaves you for another girl: Niall part 2
His POV:
I watched as (Y/N) and Zayn walked out of the room. I stared at my cell phone in my hand. Stupid me, why did I have to leave my phone at home. I was going to tell (Y/N) when I got home. But I guess that thought is ruined. Sad thing is, I was torn. I love (Y/N), but on the other hand i’m falling in love with Tiffany. I didn’t know whether or not I wanted to start new with Tiffany, or continue my relationship with (Y/N). But if i fell in love with Tiffany, didn’t that mean I really didn’t love (Y/N)? I looked over to where Tiffany was sitting. She just smiled at me. I walked over to her and sat down next to her. She wrapped her arms around me and put her head on my shoulder. “It’s going to be ok Ni. You’ll see. We’re better together babe.” I just nodded my head. When she said it, it made everything seem ok. But deep down, I just knew it wasn’t going to be.
Your POV:
Zayn walked me back out to where the boys were. They were all sitting around talking, and looked up when we walked back in. They immediately got up and rushed over to me. They all started saying sorry and apologizing at the same time. It was overwhelming, and I was starting to get a headache. I held my hands up and they stopped talking. “(Y/N), do you want a ride home?” Harry asked. I started to say no, but remembered I had driven Niall’s car here. I figured I should leave him it since it was his. “Yeahh, please.” It turns out, all of them wanted to go too. But it didn’t bother me, having them there with me meant a lot to me. It was their friend who did this, but they were with me instead of Niall. We arrived at Niall’s flat and Harry turned off the car. I just sat there staring at the house, not wanting to do this. “(Y/N), do you want us to go and get your stuff?” Liam asked. I shook my head. “No, but can you guys come in with me?” They all said yes and walked me inside. As soon as it got inside, it hit me. I was packing my things because Niall wanted someone else. Tiffany. I fell down to the floor and just started crying. All the boys surrounded me and held me the best 4 guys could. It was Louis’ shoulder i was crying on when my vision finally cleared. I was sobbing so hard that my words came out in gasps. “How……..why…….would….he….do….this….to…me?” They all hugged me tighter until my sobbing calmed down a little. When I was finally taking slower breaths, they stood me up and walked me over to the couch. Zayn and Louis sat besides me while Harry and Liam sat on the floor in front me, each holding my hand. “Why” was all I could get out. They just looked at eachother to see who should answer. It was Liam who fianlly answered. “(Y/N), we don’t know why. When we found out, we all encouraged him to stop. It was wrong of him. All he had to say was he didn’t know what to do. We love you (Y/N) and wanted to tell you, but Niall kept saying he was going to tell you.” “How long has this been going on then?” “About 6 months.” I started shaking and crying again. 6 months. For the past 6 months everything Niall was saying had been a lie to me. The ‘i love yous’ and ‘we’ll always be together babe’ meant nothing now. He promised nothing would come between us. But aparently he forgot to mention this girl. My heart was shattered, broken, with all the pieces left at Niall’s feet in that room. Louis brought me back to reality when he said, “um, Niall told us about your past (Y/N). About the um, cutting.” I just looked at him. I didn’t think Niall told anyone about that. But apparently he told the boys. they were all looking at me concerned. I didn’t like that look. They all thought I was going to fall back into my old ways.
“You guys, i’m not going to do that…I’ll handle it some other way.” “(Y/N), please just promise us you wont do that.” Harry said. They were all waiting for an answer. I looked at them blankly and just said i promise. But I knew deep down I wasn’t going to be able to keep that promise. “Now please just help me pack ok?” I gave them a weak smile. they all just nodded and got up. I stayed on the couch while they went upstairs. I didn’t have any energy left in me to walk up those stairs. I know that if I did, I would break down again. I wouldn’t be able to pack my things, because Niall and I made this place our home. Everything here, we bought together, all the memories this house had broke me. I wouldn’t be able to feel that way again. Not ever. I guess he didn’t realize the damage he was doing when he starting seeing that girl. I felt beat down and really lonely, knowing I had nowhere to go. Liam walked down the stairs with a box in his arms. “Li, where am I gonna go?” My voice was barely a whisper, I had just got done crying again, so I’m surprised he heard me. He set the box down and walked over to me. He took my hands into his and rubbed them. “How about this, you’re going to stay with anyone of us you want, and we’ll take care of you ok? Because we owe you that much and we care about you. So please say you’ll stay ok?” I just nodded my head. Thankful I had these boys to lean on. I thought about what he was saying and decided I wanted to stay with Liam. Liam and I were close and I knew he’d watch over me. Because I knew I was going to need watching. “Can I stay with you Li?” A smile spread over his face and he said yes. The boys packed everything for me. I was thankful for them and when everything was done, they all piled the things in Harry’s car. They had all walked out. I was still standing in the living room, taking one last long look around the place. On the mantel, there was a picture of me and Niall. Our first picture together. I went over and picked it up, just staring at it. Crying again. I just let the frame slip out of my hands and it shattered on the floor. I walked over to the door, and left my key on the table beside the door. I hesitated closing the door, but I knew it was for the best.