how you two first meet!
All are in his pov
Liam - I was walking through a department store when I heard a cute laugh. I turned around and saw a beautiful girl with light brown hair and fair skin. And when she turned around, her eyes were piercing blue and you could tell she had a perfect light within her. I stopped what I was doing to walk up to her, I couldn’t resist myself. “Hi, excuse me.” She looked from her friend to me and smile. “Hi.” I never did this sort of thing so I didn’t know what to say. “Sorry to bug you but I couldn’t help but notice how beautiful you are. I’m Liam by the way.” I stuck my hand out and she took my hand. “Liam, nice to meet you, I’m (Y/N). And thank you.” I just stood there and smiled at her. I didn’t know what else to say. “Well……thanks for the compliment.” She walked away smiling at me and for the rest of the day I couldn’t stop thinking about her. Later that night, she DM’d me and I instantly replied. We’ve been going out ever since.
Niall - I was in the club partying, drinking, having a good time like usual. I was with the lads on the dance floor when a girl bumped into me. I looked to see who it was and I was instantly sober in that moment. She was a normal girl, but to me, very pretty. She had hair the same color as mine and green eyes. I looked down more and saw that she was curvy and I couldn’t help but love that. She looked up at me with a sorry face. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to.” I shook my head. “No it’s okay darlin. What’s your name?” “(Y/N).” She smiled at me and moved her hair from her eyes. How was that so cute? “I’m Niall.” “I know who you are.” “Well alright then, how bout we dance then?” She let out a nervous laugh and finally accepted it. “Okay Niall.”
Harry - I was the new kid in school and hated it. Everyone looked at me as if I was a freak. I walked into my 3rd period math class and sat as far in the back as I could. While everyone was talking to their friends, I sat there and just stared at the board. I hated started over, I was so not looking forward to this year. Breaking me from my trance was a light tap on my shoulder. I turned and found a girl sitting down next to me. When had she come over? She was different. Her hair black, her eyes hazel, and her smile lovely. Why was she talking to me? “Hi, sorry to bug you, but I wanted to come over and introduce myself. I know you’re new and everything and I just wanna say I’ve been there. I’m (Y/N) by the way.” She smiled at me and I couldn’t help but let a smile slip. It was the first time I’d smiled since starting here. It was nice of her to do this. “Thanks (Y/N), I’m Harry.” “Harry, nice to meet you. If you want we could be partners? I’m really good at math I might add.” I could feel my heart rate picking up. This was literally the cutest thing ever. “Sure, I’d like that, thanks love.” Now I can honestly say I was looking forward to this year.
Zayn - I went to Starbucks to get usual fill on coffee. I always ordered the same thing and most of the people there knew my order, but today there was a new girl. I didn’t notice her at first but when she asked me a question it caught me off guard. “How do you like it?” What? “Excuse me?” I didn’t know what she was referring to. She shook her head and looked down embarrassed. “I’m sorry, let me rephrase that. How would you like your coffee done?” Oh..that…right. “Just two sugars please.” “Coming right up.” I went and sat down to wait for it. I watched as she made my drink. You could tell she was nervous but it was appealing. I watched as she moved with grace and elegance. She was something. Her hair was pulled back into a messy bun and her makeup around her brown eyes done lightly, just the way I liked it. “Zayn? Your coffee.” I walked up and took it from the counter. She watched as I took a sip. “Is it okay? I can make you another if it’s not.” It was perfect. “It’s great love, no need for that. You can breathe now.” She let out a deep sigh and laughed. “Thank you sir.” “Sir? No one’s ever called me that.” “I’m sor..” “No no it’s okay. How bout we go out sometime…” I looked at her nametag, “(Y/N)?” I could see her start to blush and it made me like her even more. “Sure, lemme give you my number and you can just call me.” She wrote her number on my hand I left.
Lou - I was playing football when I badly injured my shoulder. It felt like it had popped out of place and I had to be escorted off the field. I was pissed. They took me to a medic in the locker room and left me there. This girl came from a room to asses me. “Mr. Tomlinson, how does it feel?” She looked to be my age so why was she referring to me as mister? Whatever. “It fuckin hurts like hell.” She just nodded her head and told me to remove my shirt. I did and she began to apply pressure to my shoulder in different places, asking me where it hurt most. When she pushed on my shoulder blade, I yelled. “Ouch! What the fuck!?” I turned to glare at her and could see her start to laugh. “Don’t worry, I was waiting for that reaction.” “You think this is funny?” “I’m just trying to help you, do you want my help or not?” She stood there with her hands on her hips just staring down at me. It was then that I really looked at her. You could tell she was the authoritative type, but it was sexy. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail with her bangs falling freely on her face. She had a little pixie face with sort of big eyes, but it went well with her. I figured I should be nice to her. “Yes.” “Alright then.” I looked at her nametag and saw her name. “(Y/N), sorry.” “It’s okay, that’s the usual way patients treat me. No big deal.” “Well they shouldn’t.” She stopped and smiled at me. “Thank you.”