he says something he regrets ( not by me ) Harry part 1
Your POV
You ever had that day or week where you just wanted to sit and do nothing? Well that’s how I was right now. I hate being on my period and worse of all, Harry never knew how to handle me while I was on it. He would try to avoid me as much as possible and I didn’t blame him. I didn’t want to fight with him or say something stupid and make him mad. Cuz as it was, I was already mad. So I’d just stay in my room all day sometimes to cope with the pain. He’d just go out with the boys and have fun. Sometimes I got jealous because he wouldn’t even bother to ask me if I wanted to go, but then again I knew I wouldn’t go anyways. But after it’s done, he comes back to me and treats me the same. Being together for only a year, I think he still has to get use to me on my monthly. But I know that when I did cry, he was there for me and would comfort me. But today just wasn’t his day I guess.
I was sitting in my room in my pajamas and I think it was like 3pm. I didn’t care, I was on my period. I didn’t want to do shit, and it was the first day, so I was cramping like hell. But Harry of course didn’t know I had started because he was gone the night before. He came into the room and jumped on the bed. “(Y/N) why are you still in bed? It’s late afternoon, get up!” He was excited for something, but all I could think about was the pain I was going through. “Harry, no I’m not feeling good babe.” His face kind of fell. “So you’re just going to sit in bed all day?? I wanted you to go to dinner with me and the boys tonight. Can you please get up and get ready?” “That’s great babe and I really want to go but….” He cut me off before I could finish explaining to him and just started being mean. He wasn’t yelling but he was still mean. “Why do you do this? Why can’t you ever go anywhere with me?” “Harry I’m on…” “No, you’re fuckin boring (Y/N), I don’t know why I’m with you. I’ll just go with the boys by myself like I’ve been doing since my girlfriend doesn’t want to do shit.” I could feel my heart start racing and my face turn red. Harry has never said anything like that to me and it hurt. I was sitting here trying to explain to him why I was in bed and he just said he doesn’t know why he’s with me? Fuck that. I jumped up and caught his arm as he was trying to leave. “Harry Styles! You’re a freakin asshole! You won’t even let me finish explaining why I’m in bed! But no, you don’t want to listen. So you know what fine! If you don’t know why you’re with me and I’m boring………get the hell out of my house and don’t ever come back. And I mean it Styles, stay the fuck away from me.” I was letting everything out because I was infuriated. He had no excuse to say those words to me and I didn’t deserve it. His face was just in shock. But he didn’t say anything, he walked towards the door and I followed him. He opened the door and walked out. As he was walking down the sidewalk, I yelled at him. “And for your information, I’M ON MY PERIOD YOU ASS!!” And I slammed the door hard to show him how pissed I was. I hope he learned his lesson not to mess with me on days like this.
Harry’s POV
As she said those words, it dawned on me why she was so mad. What the hell did I do? I should’ve known when I walked in and she was still in bed. I’ve been with her for a year and I still wasn’t use to this. But damn, she pissed me off sometimes, never wanting to go anywhere with me. But I was just a guy, I didn’t understand. I should’ve tried to understand but things just go out of hand. Now I was walking back towards my house, with a guilt feeling in the pit of my stomach. Had we just really broken up? Over that? Sure I said something stupid, but did she really need to do that? I know, I sound like an ass, but maybe she’s right, maybe I am an ass. But that didn’t change the way I felt about her. She really broke up with me……I couldn’t wrap my head around that, but I knew I had to fix it. I went out to dinner with the boys as planned, but they knew something was up as soon as I sat down. I was still thinking about what had happened with (Y/N) and I was mad. “What’s wrong mate?” Liam asked. I just shook my head and stared at my menu. They all just sat there and looked at me, waiting for me to answer. I finally gave in and answered. “(Y/N) broke up with me….” “What? Why?” “I um….I said some things…” “Like what Harry? She’s a nice girl, you must’ve said something bad.”“Thanks captain obvious. Yes I did. I told her she was boring and that I didn’t know why I was with her…but I didn’t mean for that to slip out, so then she told me to get out and stay away.” “Well…don’t you feel stupid now. You need to fix it Harry. You know that girl loves you.” I just nodded my head. I knew she loved me and I loved her, we should be able to make it through this, but the look in her eyes told me she was very mad at me. “I don’t know….I have to give her time I guess, and then I’ll try.” “Why not go tomorrow, what the hell are you waiting for?” I didn’t want to say it, but oh well. “She’s on her monthly, so whatever I say she’ll be mad at.” They all cringed and I tried not to laugh. “Okay, TMI. Now we know. Let’s move past this.” “Thank you.” They all dropped it and we ate. But I was still thinking about what I was going to say to her. What do you say to a girl after you basically told them they were boring to you? I didn’t know, but I had to think of something soon.