memory loss - Harry ( part 4/6 )
[Part 4]
Your POV
The next morning I woke up with a massive headache. My head was still pounding and my eyes puffy. I did not want to get out of bed, but I knew I had to. I walked downstairs and found Lou’s note on the counter. ‘Went out to get us breakfast, be back soon!’ I smiled at his note. Last night he didn’t want to leave me alone, but I needed to be alone, so I told him I’d be fine. I went back upstairs and took a quick shower. I knew I had to start calling everyone and telling them….I was just dreading it already.
I got out of the shower and Lou had returned. We sat and ate breakfast, but I ate very little because my stomach was hurting. It was his turn to go shower so I sat in my room and got out my phone. I stared at it not knowing what I was going to tell everyone. What was I going to say? The first person I called was my best friend. She yelled when I told her and I told her the whole reason why. She ended up crying with me and comforting me through it all. I loved her dearly and knew this was what I was going to have to deal with the whole day. My mother was the hardest to tell. She did not understand why we had called it off because I didn’t tell her the truth. I just said we had decided to go separate ways and she would not take it. My father was even more infuriated because his little girl was hurt. But I lied through my words and told them I was fine.
But I wasn’t. Each phone call I made, I was slowly dying inside. It was the same questions over and over again and anger along with it. I didn’t blame them. It was last minute and confusing for everyone. I had to call our vendors and wedding planner and just everything. After I was finally done, I broke down again. I could hear Louis come into my room and felt him sit down next to me. “You told everyone?” I wiped my eyes and nodded at him. “It’s done. It’s canceled.” I could see the hurt in his eyes as well. Louis was the most excited for us to get married because he helped a lot with it, but now it wasn’t going to happen. “Thank you for everything…really. I don’t know what I’d be doing right now if it weren’t for you. So thank you.”
“I’m here for you (Y/N). You don’t have to go through this alone. I’m just sorry this has happened to you babe..” “I know, me too. But…..I guess life will go on huh?” I gave him a weak smile and he returned the favor. “I hate to leave you, but I have to go to the studio. Are you going to be okay here?” “Yeahh, go ahead. I’ll be here when you get back.” “Okay, I’ll see you for dinner.” He left and I sat there alone. I didn’t know what I was going to do now…..but I knew I couldn’t sit here and dwell.
Harry’s POV
I woke up on the couch with a bag of water on my head. I was confused until I remembered I had put ice in it the night before. I got up and looked around. There was no one here and no sound at all. I reached for my phone and called Emily asking her to come over. She accepted so I decided to go take a shower.
As I walked into my room, I noticed there was a woman’s touch to the room. I didn’t remember it being like this at all. I walked over to my closet and opened it, but half of it was filled with clothes for a girl….maybe they’re Emily’s? But as I got to the end of it, I sat a hanger with a white bag covering what was beneath it. I hesitated before unzipping it and seeing what it was. It was a wedding dress. I could feel my eyes widen and confusion set in. I don’t remember proposing to Emily….and then another thing caught my eye. I walked over to my dresser and picked up the ring that layed there.
It was an engagement ring and I knew where I had seen it before. (Y/N) had it on when she came to see me. I set it back down and rubbed my face. Had I really been engaged to her? No, I couldn’t have. Just then my phone started ringing. I looked and saw it was my mother. But as soon as I answered it, she was yelling. “What has happened?! Why is the wedding canceled?!” “What wedding?” “Harry Styles you better be kidding. The wedding, yours and (Y/N)’s! I just got a call from her mother. Is it true?” “Mum, I don’t know what you’re talking about..” “So then it’s true. You don’t remember (Y/N)?” Even my mother believed this? I was shaking my head as I talked to her. “No mum, I’m with Emily, remember?” I could hear her go silent and then take a deep breath. “Harry, you and Emily broke up years ago, you’re not with her.” I couldn’t take it any more.
I hung up on her but no sooner had I done that, my phone went off again. This time it was another member of my family, calling about the same thing. Everyone continued to call me and complain to me about the wedding. I ended up shutting off my phone just to ignore everyone. But as I sat there and looked at the wedding dress, I was beginning to believe I had been engaged. But I just couldn’t grasp the idea of it.
Emily came over right after I got out of the shower and I held onto her like I hadn’t seen her in forever. “Um, Harry…” I realized I was squeezing her so I stepped back and apologized. “Sorry..” “It’s okay. Where’s (Y/N)?” I scratched my head and looked down. “Can I ask you something?” “Sure.” “Are we…….are we together?” Her face broke out in laughter and she smacked my arm. “Gods no. You’re engaged Harry….to (Y/N). Don’t you remember?” There it was. She confirmed what I was trying so hard to avoid. I was engaged to (Y/N).
memory loss - Harry ( part 3/6 )
[Part 3]
Your POV
I stayed up waiting for Harry to come home. I just couldn’t sleep. Then I got a text from Louis saying he’d be outside. I didn’t understand what he meant, but I didn’t care because Harry walked in. I stood up to greet him…..but he didn’t look so happy to see me. “You again…what are you doing in my house?” Did he really not know? “I live with you Harry….Like I said, we’re engaged.” He set his things down and leaned on the counter, clearly frustrated. He rubbed his forehead and took a deep breath. He looked back to me and shook his head. “I’m sorry but I don’t remember that. So I don’t believe that we’re engaged. I’m with Emily. She’s my girlfriend, you’re not.”
That hurt. Him and Emily had been broken up for years, how could he possibly think he’s still with her? “Harry…if you just let me show you..” “NO! No..” It scared me when he raised his voice. I’d only ever heard him do that once, and now this time it was even more scary. He didn’t want to let me show him….he didn’t wait for an explanation. “Can you just please get out?” He pointed to the door.
This is what Louis meant. He knew this was going to happen. I ran upstairs to gather whatever I could. All of our pictures were in this house, all of our memories, well now my memories. I wanted to tear all of them down, break all of them, but I just couldn’t. Because those were the good memories. How could I just destroy those? Maybe he’d come to terms and realize we’re together, but as of now, I guess we’re not. I packed my clothes and stood at my dresser. I held my left hand in front of me and looked at it. I slowly slid the ring off my finger and placed it on the dresser. I guess I wouldn’t be needing that anymore…’s off…
I wanted to cry from the thought of that. The man I was suppose to marry……was no longer the man I wanted to marry. What was I suppose to tell others? I looked at myself in the mirror and squared my shoulders. ‘You can do this. Just go down there and act like it doesn’t hurt you’….I pulled out my phone and texted Lou saying I was coming. I walked downstairs and saw Harry sitting on the couch with an ice bag to his head. I didn’t say anything though. I just walked out.
I ran to Lou’s waiting car. Once inside, I broke down. He drove as fast as he could to his house and walked me inside. He picked me up and carried me to the couch. All I could do was hold onto him and cry. “I’m so sorry (Y/N)….I don’t even know how to handle this…” “I don’t either Lou….I just….I have to tell everyone it’s canceled…something I thought I’d never do….” Lou held me tighter and rocked me back and forth.
I was so glad to have him but yet felt torn. He was Harry’s best friend, how was I going to come between them. As we were sitting there, the other boys came piling in. They each took turns holding onto me and some even crying with me. I knew they all felt bad for me, but I didn’t want them to. After I could calm myself, we all sat in a circle and talked. “What did he say…when you asked him?” I looked to Lou. He looked at the boys then nervously rubbed his ear. I could tell he didn’t want to tell me. “Tell me Lou. I can handle it.” “He, um, said that he was with Emily….” His eyes wandered to Niall and them and I knew there was more to the story. “There’s more, tell me.”
I could see the hurt in his eyes already forming. It was bad….Lou couldn’t talk so Liam did it for him. “No matter what he says (Y/N), you are beautiful.” I already knew what was coming before he even got it out. “He said you’re not his type…….because you’re too curvy….” I could feel my body freeze and my temperature drop. I was too curvy…..meaning I was too fat for him……and Emily…..Emily was the perfect size. This is what I always battled with. It was all true……his ex-girlfriends all looked better than me because they were all skinny. I should’ve known he was lying to me this whole time….because how could he ever love someone like me…..I didn’t blame him.
Niall reached over and grabbed my hand. “(Y/N), you are perfect. You are the most beautiful person ever….” “Stop.” I didn’t want to hear it. I knew the truth. They were just trying to make me feel better. “He’s right…” “Please don’t say that.” “Why? Because it’s the truth? It is Zayn. Emily is skinny and perfect. I never stood a chance.” I was slowly breaking down again. “Harry loves you babe, you guys are engaged..” “We were…….he used to love me….we used to be engaged… we’re nothing…..I’m nothing…..” That was my breaking point. Realizing I was nothing to him now…I cried and cried until I couldn’t cry anymore. All the while the boys sat there and held me, giving me endless compliments and trying to make me feel better. But it just wasn’t working…..I didn’t think I could ever get over this hurt.
memory loss - Harry ( part 2/6 )
[Part 2]
Your POV
Its been 1 week since Harry had his surgery done. I had been back and forth between our house and the hospital to keep track of his progress. The doctors said he was going to be fine and he did well during his surgery. Now I just needed him to wake up. I had been so stressed I noticed I had gained a little bit more weight and my acne was starting up again. But I didn’t worry too much about it, I was just worried about Harry for now.
As I was walking towards his room today, I could hear another girl’s voice in the room……along with Harry’s. He was awake? I got closer and stopped at the door. They were both laughing and giggling. As soon as I heard her laugh, I knew who it was. His ex-girlfriend Emily. I knew they had still kept in touch over the years, but it still surprised me that she had come all this way.
I walked all the way in and they stopped talking when they saw me. I awkwardly waved and said hi. But as I walked closer to Harry, he acted as if he didn’t know who I was. “(Y/N), how are you?” I looked to Emily and smiled politely. “I’m good Emily, how are you?” “Good, good. Just visiting Harry here.” We both looked to him and he smiled. “I’ll let you two be then. It was nice seeing you (Y/N).” “Thank you, bye.”
She walked out and I just stood there. I looked back to him and he was just sitting there silently. “Babe, how are you?” He intertwined his fingers and let out a breath. “I’m good. Feeling fine. Just ready to leave.” As I sat down I texted the boys and let them know he was awake. “How come no one told me you were awake?” “Um….” He scratched his temple and and looked back to me. “I’m sorry but who are you again? (Y/N)….?”
I started laughing because it seemed like he was playing around. But as I laughed, he just sat there with a serious face. I lost the grin and held up my left hand. “Harry, I’m your fiance. We’re getting married, remember?” I pointed to the diamond ring he gave me and he looked at it. I could see his confusion setting in and wrinkles starting to form on his forehead from scrunching. “I’m sorry….I don’t know of this…I have a girlfriend in fact..”
What the hell was he talking about? I was going to ask but then the boys walked in. Harry’s face lit up when he saw them and they all came to hug him. I pulled back and stood in the background watching him interact with them. It seemed like he even forgot our conversation we just had. Louis noticed my separation and came over to sit by me. “What’s wrong (Y/N)? Aren’t you happy?” I gave a weak smile and nodded my head. “Of course I am Lou….it’s just….when I came to see him today…..he says he doesn’t remember me and says he has a girlfriend…..who isn’t me…” I looked to him for an answer and he just shook his head. “No. He’s playing around.” “I don’t think so Lou. He seemed dead serious. You guys came in before I could go any further. But when I first came, Emily was in here talking to him, and he remembered her fine. Why doesn’t he remember me? I mean we’re engaged..”
Louis sat back and stared at Harry. He was all smiles talking to Niall and laughing. “Let me go see what’s on his mind then I’ll call you. Go back home (Y/N), get some rest.” I nodded my head and stood up to leave. Lou hugged and I looked to Harry. But he was too busy to notice me. I decided not to say goodbye to him and just left.
Harry’s POV
I was so glad to see the lads and even more excited that I was going to get to go home tonight. We were all talking but then it got quiet because Lou said out loud that he needed to ask me something. “Harry, who’s your girlfriend?” His question startled me and I let out a short laugh. He knows. “It’s Emily dummy. You know that.” If I thought it was quiet before, it got even more quiet….and serious. All their smiles dropped and they looked confused. “Harry……you guys broke up 2 years ago. You’re engaged to be married to (Y/N).” There that name was again. “No I’m not. I’m with Emily. I don’t know who (Y/N) is.”
I could see Niall shaking his head out of the corner of my eye and it made me mad. “Why do you guys keep telling me that? She’s not my type, why would I be with her?” They all flinched when I said that. Was that so bad to say? (Y/N) was not my type. She was too………curvy. Emily was nothing like her. I’ve always been with Emily, not (Y/N). “I’m not engaged.” “Harry…..” Liam said my name in a hushed whisper, “what do you remember?” “I was out with Emily at a club when I got into a fight with a paparazzi. That’s it.”
“That’s not what happened Haz.” “Then what did?” “You were out with (Y/N)….” I was beginning to get angry with them. “No I was not! I was with Emily. Now can you guys drop this (Y/N) girl?!” They all got quiet and just nodded their head. Soon after the nurse came in and let me go home. Lou drove me home and dropped me off. I walked in expecting to see Emily there, but instead I was greeted by (Y/N).
Niall <3
memory loss - Harry ( part 1/6 )
Part 1]
Your POV
“You know you’re beautiful.”
I was standing in front of my mirror, picking out every flaw I saw on my body when Harry walked in. I pulled my shirt back down and smiled at him. He walked over and sat on our bed and motioned for me to sit on his lap. I sat down on him but didn’t put all my weight on him. This was something I struggled with:my weight. I did this everyday. I would look in the mirror, turning at every possible angle to see how bad I looked. Which is why I never understood why Harry chose me, but he did.
“Why do you do this to yourself babe?” I looked down and played with my hands. “All of your ex-girlfriends are beautiful and skinny……and I’m just……blah.” I got up and went back to staring at my body. I could hear him getting up and felt his warm body behind mine. He wrapped his arms around me and held me close. “You, my darling, are not blah. I love your body, I love that you’re not skinny, and you are beautiful. You are the most beautiful person I’ve ever met. How many times do I have to tell you that to make you see what I see?”
We’ve been together for 2 years now, engaged and everything. I was still taking it all in and struggling with the constant hate I was receiving, but through it all, Harry has been by my side sticking up for me and telling me how beautiful I am. And although I so badly wanted to believe it, I just couldn’t. I wasn’t a size 0, my face wasn’t beautifully sculpted from the gods. No, I was round and had extra meat on me. But yet he still asked me to marry him. I turned around in his arms and buried my head in his chest. “I love you Harry Styles.” He kissed my head and squeezed me tightly. “I love you too future Mrs. Styles.”
I lifted my head and smiled at him. I loved hearing that and he loved saying that. “I can’t wait.” “Me neither babe.” Our wedding was in 2 months and each day that passed I got more and more nervous for it. I was going to commit my life to the one and only Harry Styles, and I was totally looking forward to it. “Let’s go out. Celebrate.” “Celebrate what?” “Does there have to be a reason? Let’s just go out. Get pretty and we’ll leave.” He kissed me again and left the room.
I pulled out Harry’s favorite outfit that I had and put it on. I didn’t like it because it hugged my body tightly and showed off way too many curves, but he loved it, so I wore it.
We went out to his favorite club and met up with the boys along with way. Of course there were fans and paparazzi already outside of the club so we were bombarded with flashing light and screaming. Harry held me close the shielded me from the blinding light. We finally made it into the club and proceeded to get drinks and dance. Niall was always fun to party with and Louis as well. Liam went off somewhere and Harry was by my side the whole night. He repeatedly told me how beautiful I looked tonight and gave me kisses every chance he got. I loved it.
When it came time to leave, Harry was a little wasted along with Niall and Louis. I was helping Harry walk while Liam and Zayn helped Niall and Lou. Paparazzi were constantly taking pictures of them and shouting things to us. Harry was whispering how much he loved me in my ear when we both heard something that stopped us. “(Y/N) is the fattest girl! You can do better Harry!” I could feel Harry tense up and turn to face the pap who said that. He let go of my body and walked over to the person. “Harry….” I went to go grab him but he held his hand up and got in the guy’s face.
“Wanna say that again?” “Sure. (Y/N). Is. A. Fat….” The guy didn’t get to finish his sentence because Harry punched him in the face. I didn’t see it coming so I screamed at Harry when it happened. I turned to Zayn for help and he was already walking over to Harry. But when I turned back to see Harry, the guy was rearing back to punch him….and Zayn didn’t reach him in time. The guy punch Harry really hard in the head and Harry just knocked out. Zayn caught him and slapped him a couple of times to try and wake him up, but he wouldn’t. I rushed over and shook him, but nothing was working. I could hear sirens approaching and people scattering to leave.
I stayed with Harry until the paramedics came to check on him and told us that they needed to take him to the hospital. I went with him and Zayn and Liam said they’d meet us there with the boys. In the ambulance I could see a bruise forming on his forehead and blood spilling out. I was scared. I needed Harry to be okay. I needed him to wake up and laugh about this, but when we got to the hospital, the doctor said he was suffering from trauma to his frontal lobe of his brain.
As soon as I heard that I cried. Harry needed surgery and all we could do was wait until he woke up to see how he was going to be.
för söt!!

Perrie! Xx


Trevlig Helg!

sexy bastard

memory loss - Niall ( part 3/3 )
Your POV
3 Months Later
My headaches had finally started to go away. I was still dealing with getting over the crash, but really I was just happy I was okay. Plus it helped that Niall’s been here with me to help me through it all. Everyday he told me how much he loves me and it made me realize that my suspicions of him cheating on me were dumb. This boy clearly loves me, so I don’t need to worry anymore.
We were out taking our daily walk down our street one day. We were holding hands and reminiscing about how we first met. He was all smiles and affectionate that I hadn’t even realized the girl that stopped in front of us. I almost ran into her but Niall pulled my hand back at the last moment. That’s when I looked up and saw her. “I’m sorry, I didn’t see you there.” I gave a polite smile but her eyes were just glued to Niall. I dealt with this a lot since he was famous, so it never really bothered me.
But I could feel Niall’s hand tighten around mine and his face was stoic. I looked back to the girl and she was still staring at him, only this time she had tears in her eyes.“Love, are you okay?” I went to touch her but she flinched and finally looked at me. “This is who you stopped seeing me for?” She was looking at me, but the question was directed at Niall. I could feel my face scrunch up and confusion set in. I looked at her again and realized I had seen her before, but I couldn’t place where. And as I was trying to remember, I realized also that Niall hadn’t said anything yet.
“Babe…” He broke his concentration on her and looked at the ground. “What is she saying?” I was waiting for him to reply, but instead she did. “What I’m saying, whoever you are, is that Niall and I were together and then he all of a sudden leaves me and never calls again.” My hand lost grip and I let it fall from Niall’s hold. “What? No…” I looked to Niall but he was just standing there with his hands in his pockets.“Niall….please tell me this isn’t true.” “Oh it’s true honey. We’ve been seeing each other for well over 6 months until 3 months ago.”
3 months ago……that’s when I had my accident…..wait. Now I knew where I recognized her from. I saw her with a guy. I looked to Niall and remembered it was him who I saw with her. I gasped and backed away from him. “That’s why. That’s why I ran, that’s why I got hit……I found out…” By now he was walking towards me trying to calm me down. “(Y/N), please…” I stopped and stared at him, then her. “You’re not denying it, so I’m guessing it’s true….what I saw…what she’s saying…it’s all true, isn’t it?” He pulled my face so I wouldn’t be looking at her anymore. “(Y/N), please don’t do this. I love you babe.” I pushed his hands off of me and glared at him.“Obviously not Niall, not since you’ve cheated on me and almost got me killed! What the fuck is wrong with you? How could you?!” I was shaking now and my voice trembling. I needed to get away from him, so I ran.
I ran to the closest place I could think of. Liam’s flat. I stood there out of breath, knocking on his door loudly, hoping he’d answer. He finally did. “Liam..” I couldn’t catch my breath but he took one look at me and let me in. “(Y/N)….what happened?” He brought me a glass of water and sat down on the coffee table across from me. I downed the drink and concentrated on breathing right. “Did he tell you….” That’s when I broke down. Liam knew…..he knew this whole time and didn’t say anything.“No! The girl he was cheating with told me! And now it seems that you knew, everyone knew except me, is that it?” “No no no no…” I sobbed into my hands and covered my face. “(Y/N), we told him to tell you…..but he was scared you’d leave him..” “Damn right I would! And that’s what I’m going to do now.” I got up to leave but he pulled me back down. “Just wait (Y/N). Talk to him. Let him explain to you.”“Explain what?! That he cheated on me and then just because I get in an accident and forget all about it that it’s okay? Hell no Liam. That’s cruel and undeserving. He can’t get away with it.” “I know what he did was wrong, but (Y/N) he truly does love you babe. Just think about this thoroughly before you choose to do something that’s isn’t right….”
I looked at him and could tell he was doing his all to keep me from leaving Niall. I had to go back to the house anyways to get my things, so I’d have to face Niall either way. I left and headed back to our flat. When I opened the door, there Niall was, sitting on the couch, patiently waiting for me to get home. When he heard the door close he stood up and immediately turned red and nervous. “(Y/N)……” I ignored him and walked back to our room and start gathering my things. I pulled out my suitcase and started throwing my clothes in there. “Please don’t do this babe…please…” I hadn’t even heard him come in but he was right next to me when I turned around.“Why shouldn’t I Niall? You think you deserve me? You think I can move on forget that this didn’t happen? No.” He grabbed my wrist and made me stop packing.
“I love you, I do princess. You know that. That night of your accident I realized what a huge mistake I had made and I stopped it. I stopped everything because in that moment I thought I lost you for good. And it hurt to even think that. You are my everything now babe, I never want to lose you. Yes I made a mistake, but I learned from it. And I promise you it won’t ever happen again because you are the girl for me and the only girl I’ll ever want from this day forward. Please believe me when I say this. I am so sorry for not telling you. I just didn’t want to lose you (Y/N). So please, don’t leave me..” His voice trembled on the last words and I could tell he was trying to hold back his tears. I loved him, I really did. But I didn’t think I could ever forget about this. He cheated on me once, why wouldn’t he do it again.
I stood there and contemplating on whether or not I should leave him. The look in his eyes told me he was very scared that I was going to leave. I’ve never seen Niall this scared about anything. “Fine…” He let go of my wrist and slowly turned around and started walking away. “Wait.” It hurt to see him like this, and I knew I was the only one who make him happy, and he was the only one who could make me happy. I needed him. “I’ll stay.”
His eyes lit up and he turned around and came to hug me. “Thank you so much princess, thank you.”
let's go crazy, crazy, crazy now that we have seen this!

God morgon bloggen!!

Niall short imagine
Niall sees you and a guy together.
You: niall this is Mike.

memory loss - Niall ( part 2/3 )
[Part 2]
Niall’s POV
It’s been a month since (Y/N) got hit by that car. The cops never found who it was, but I wasn’t concerned too much for that. (Y/N) still hasn’t woken up. I was beginning to think I lost her for good. But I knew I was the one who caused this. If I had been more careful, she wouldn’t of seen me and that girl together. I hated myself now for doing that to her, she didn’t deserve it at all, but I was stupid. And now she’s in here because she was trying to get away from me but I just wouldn’t let her go.
I held her hand and spoke to her. “I’m so sorry (Y/N). I’ll stop it. I’ll stop everything, it’s not worth losing you. It’s not…I just miss you….I need you to come back to me babe. I love you.”
The doctors said she’d eventually wake up, but they couldn’t say an exact time. So I practically lived at this hospital. The boys would bring me clothes and the nurses would let me shower in her bathroom. I made sure I was here 24/7. I needed to be here when she woke up so I could explain things to her.
1 weeks later..
I was slowly falling asleep in the chair beside her bed when I heard a moan come from her. I cracked open my eyes and could see her eyes twitching beneath her eyelids and her mouth moving. I edged closer to her and whispered to her. “(Y/N)? Are you awake?” She moved around and then she remained still. I checked to see if she was still breathing just to make sure, and she was. I stayed up for another hour to see if she would open her eyes, but it didn’t happen.
I ended up falling asleep and waking up the next morning. Only this time when I opened my eyes, hers were staring right at me. “Niall?” “Princess… are you feeling?” She put her hand up to her head and lightly touched the bump there. “This hurts, but other than that I feel fine. That car didn’t damage me much.” I closed my eyes, thankful she knew already why she was in here. “Babe, I am so sorry, you have to believe me.” She gave me a confused look and laughed. “What are you apologizing for Niall? It was my fault.”
My mouth hung open. Why was she saying it was her fault? “(Y/N)….I was…” “No Niall, it was my fault. I was running and not paying attention.” “So you remember?”She laughed again and grabbed my hand. “Yeahh, I was doing my daily run and I didn’t look before I crossed the street. My fault.” I could feel the color drain from my face, but my heart eased because she didn’t remember seeing me with that girl. “What’s wrong Ni?” I gave my head a shake to clear my mind. “Nothing babe, nothing. I’m just glad you’re awake now.” She opened her arms and I got up and held onto her.
In my heart I was glad she didn’t remember, but in my mind……I knew I should tell her the real reason why she got hit by that car. After I hugged her, I went out and found her doctor to let him know she was awake. They gave her the okay to go home today, so we gathered her things and went back home. I called her friends and the boys and they all came over. I stood with the boys as (Y/N) talked amongst her friends like nothing happened. “So she doesn’t remember it?” Liam was confused about the whole thing, as was the rest of the boys. “Nope. She thinks she was out for her daily run when she didn’t see the car….” “Niall, you should tell her the truth…” Zayn shook his head at me and took another drink from his beer. I watched her as she smiled and knew that I didn’t have the heart to. “I can’t Zayn….I know it’s wrong….but what if she doesn’t want me after I tell her?” “You were the one cheating on her, if she chooses that, it would be acceptable. But the longer you keep this from her, the more it’s going to hurt when she finds out.” Harry was right. “And you’re a terrible liar.” Lou gave me a sarcastic glance and went back to looking at (Y/N). They were all right. I sucked at this, but I didn’t know if I had it in me. Because what if I really did lose her? What if she left me after I told her? After seeing her get hurt, I knew I didn’t ever want to lose her. So I couldn’t, I just couldn’t tell her.
kill me now

Holy shit

the way that you flip your hair

one way or another....

memory loss - Niall ( part 1/3 )
[Part 1]
Your POV
I was standing here watching Niall from afar. What I was witnessing, I had never wanted to see. I had my suspicions for months now and followed him out of the house today. And now I knew…..he was secretly meeting with another girl at an abandoned house near ours. I was across the street and could see clear as day what they were doing. It pained me to see this, but I was too hurt to even go and confront him.
I walked back down the alley that went to our house and headed home. He was smooth, I had to admit it. But why? I got the house and just sat on the couch. No tears, no shaking, nothing. I just wondered why he was doing this to me. I’ve been the best girlfriend I could be and he doesn’t appreciate it. It’s been hours now and he still wasn’t coming home. I was getting ready to walk out the door to go to him, but then he walked in.
His face gave nothing away, he was his normal self. I stood in the living room and waited. “Hey princess, what’s up?” He came over and kissed me on the cheek and flopped down on the couch as if he were tired. I just wanted to get this over with so I just blurted it out. “You’re cheating on me.” He stopped smiling and stood up to face me. “What?” “I saw you Niall. You’re cheating on me.” “(Y/N) no I’m….” “Don’t play dumb Niall. I know what I saw and I’m leaving now.”
As I opened the door, Niall grabbed my elbow forcefully and pulled me back. “Stop…”“Let go!” I pulled as hard as I could and almost fell from him losing his grip. I ran to get away from him because he had started to come after me. I was looking back at him when I hit the street, I didn’t hear the car coming down the road, and it was too late when I finally did.
Niall’s POV
It was like it was all in slow motion. (Y/N) was running, looking back at me, and the next moment she was hit by a car and now lying unconscious on the pavement. I stopped like an idiot, thinking if I closed my eyes and opened them, it’d all just be a fragment of my imagination. But it wasn’t. When I opened them, she was still lying there, not moving. I ran over to her and rolled her body over. Her head had a gaping wound that was bleeding uncontrollably. I ripped her shirt and used it to apply pressure.
By now others had seen what happened and were gathering around us. “Someone call 911!” I shouted to no one in particular, but soon I heard sirens. The whole time I was watching (Y/N), hoping for any type of movement, but nothing happened. “Stay with me babe, please stay with me.” The EMTs came and took over. I stood on shaky legs as I watched them perform CPR and put an oxygen mask on her. Then they started to load her in the van. “Wait! I need to go with her. I’m her boyfriend.” They let me on and we were off to the hospital.
“Is she going to be okay?” I was holding her hand but it felt so cold. “Her pulse is very low but she’s still beating.” I wanted to cry, but I knew I had to be strong for the both of us. So I just held her hand while trying to warm it up. I needed her to wake up so I could apologize. Apologize for everything, and let her know that I love her….so please wake up (Y/N)…
memory loss - Liam ( part 3/3 )
Part 3]
Your POV
“Yes, yes you can (Y/N). I know you can. You wanna know why?” I slowly nodded my head. “Because I believe in you. I’ve known you 10 years and I know what you’re capable of. And this……this is just a bump in the road. I love you and I”m not giving up on us.”
I smiled at what he was saying. If truly believed I could do this…..then I would try with all my power, but as I looked back down at the picture, I just couldn’t recall anything. The picture was of us holding hands and laughing at the person who was taking it. My head was still hurting so that didn’t help, but I tried concentrating really hard. I picked up the next picture and it was me being silly. I laughed at that, I knew I was like that. So why was it so hard to remember Liam and the boys. The next one was of me and the 4 boys in a line and they were holding me up. It was my 23rd birthday and they were all smiling. I don’t even remember turning 23, how sad is that.
I looked back up at Liam and he was just looking at the pictures with me, hoping I would remember something. “Maybe I need to watch something or I don’t know, something that’ll help a bit more.” “Sure love.” He pulled out a dvd and went over and put it in. He came back and sat down with me and pressed play. I came onto the screen and I was smiling. And then Liam came into the picture. He picked me up and kissed me. And I kissed back. I looked over to him and he smiled shyly at me. I looked back at the screen and could hear whoever was holding the camera joking with us. “You guys might as well get married now.” “Oh Harry stop it. We will…..soon.” I could see my eyes light up when Liam said that. I guess I was shocked he said that. But I had no clue. The video ended and I just sat there. “I’m sorry Liam, nothing’s happening.”
“It’s okay love, I didn’t expect something to happen today. It’ll take time.” “Thank you for understanding and not getting mad at me. I guess we were really in love….”“Yeahh, yeahh we were. I still am, I just hope you get back to that point…” He looked down and rubbed his face. I could tell he was tired. “Liam, go home. Get some rest, I’ll call you if anything happens.” “Okay, bye love.” “Bye.” He kissed my forehead and then left. I sat there with all the things and just looked through them.
I hated the fact that I loved this boy, but couldn’t right now. As I looked at our pictures, I could tell I was really happy with him. And he was happy with me. If we’ve been together 10 years, why haven’t we gotten engaged yet? I looked at the pictures until my eyes became drowsy. I decided to put them away and I would try again tomorrow. I turned out the lights and went to sleep fast. As I slept, I dreamed about Liam. We were in a park, a national one, with a waterfall and everything. He was chasing me. I was laughing at him and he had a bright smile on his face. He finally caught me and pulled me down to the ground on top of him. “I love you (Y/N).” I could feel my heart start to race as he said that. It was like I was hearing it for the first time. “I love you too Liam.”
I woke up in the middle of the night because I knew I had seen that place before. I jumped out of bed and got the box of pictures on the chair. I sat there until I found the one I wanted. This picture was of Liam and I infront of that waterfall from the dream. I was wearing the same clothes and Liam was too. Oh. My. God. I remembered something! I almost leaped with joy. I had to call him. It was like 3 in the morning, but I didn’t care. He picked up right away and came as soon as he could.
“What happened?” He still looked sleepy but when I spoke, his face lit up. “I had a dream Liam. It was of us at this waterfall,” I showed him the picture. “You were chasing me in the grass and then you told me you love me. I dreamed it and then remembered I had seen it from somewhere before, and then I found the picture! I remembered something Liam! Isn’t that great?” His face broke out in a smile and he ran to me and engulfed me in a big bear hug. “Hmmm, that was the first time I told you I love you. Gosh (Y/N), thank god you remembered something. I’m so happy babe.” He set me down and smile at me. “It’s just a start, but I mean I’m going to keep trying Liam. For us..because I know how much you love me and well I loved you too, so I want to go back to that.” He ran his hand through my hair and cupped my cheek. “No matter how long it takes, I will be here for you, helping you with whatever I can. I’ll wait (Y/N).” “Thank you Liam.”
It took me about a whole year to remember the most part of our relationship, but I did it. And Liam kept his word, he stayed by my side no matter what. And I knew I had fallen in love with him again and I was thankful for him. Everything was getting better and I knew it would just keep getting better.
memory loss - Liam ( part 2/3 )
[Part 2]
Liam’s POV
I sat there in a dull state as the doctor explained to me that this kind of thing is rare, but it happened to (Y/N)…..why? Out of all the people in the world, why did it have to happen to her? I walked out because I was so frustrated. I sat there for 3 hours talking to her, telling her our memories, anything to get her to remember me, but she didn’t. I wanted to yell, scream, hit something, anything, but instead I chose to walk out.
Why didn’t I just listen to her at the restaurant? Why didn’t I just stay by her side? None of this would’ve happened if it weren’t for my choices. I sat in the waiting room and put my head down, not wanting others to see me crying. It was hard, taking all of this in. What if she never remembers? What if she doesn’t want to be with me because she doesn’t believe me? 10 years of a relationship and it’s all gone in one moment. Just then the boys came in and surrounded me.
“How is she Liam?” I looked up and met Niall’s gaze. They didn’t know yet, they just knew she had been shot. I looked at each of them and broke down even more. I was barely able to get my words out because I kept gasping for air. “She doesn’t…….remember me………….nothing…” I could feel someone tightening their grip on my shoulder and someone else rubbing my back. “What? Why?” “I don’t know, the bullet hit a nerve or something, it’s just all bad…” “Well what does she remember?” “Everything before me……we’ve been together for 10 years guys….how does that just go away?”
It hurt so much to talk about this. I didn’t know what I was going to do. I didn’t know where to start, but I knew there had to be a way to get her to remember. The doctor said her memory may come back, but then again it may not. She only remembers her life before me and I can’t even remember what her life was like before me. I met her when she moved to London because she was escaping from her life back home, so I don’t know much about her life back then. She never wanted to talk about it.
“Liam, listen.” Harry got down to my level and made me look at him. “Show her, tell her everything, make her believe it. Something has to trigger her memory. Something, anything. Go home. Get some rest. Gather everything you can and then come back.” I put my head back down and thought about it. Would it even be worth it? But at this point, I had no other choice. “Okay, thanks for being here lads.” I got up and hugged each of them. As I left, they were each going into her room to see her, but I knew if she had forgotten me, she would’ve forgotten them too.
I hung my head and walked out. As I drove I thought about all the things I could show her. Being with her for so long we had a lot of memories. I got home and immediately pulled out all our photo albums, videos, the things she liked, everything. I sat down and started looking at the pictures. Our first ever picture was on our 4th date. She was skeptical about me at first, but after that date, she finally decided she was going to be my girlfriend, and I was so happy in that moment. We looked so young, god how time changes everything. We were more mature now, more loving, more in love with each other and our lives. I cried seeing that picture, she made me so happy, and now she was making me so sad. I didn’t think I’d ever experience that with her.
I packed all the things in a bag and headed upstairs to take a shower. I needed to relieve some stress and get sleep. Tomorrow I would go to the hospital and hopefully everything worked out.
Your POV
These 4 boys came into my room and I knew none of them, but they all told me we’ve been friends for so long. So I began to feel bad because they were asking me things I didn’t know the answer to. I wanted to cry from frustration. I couldn’t remember anything. The last thing I remembered was moving to London when I was 19 and that was it. Nothing after that, but I knew why I had moved here, but I didn’t want to relive that. Why couldn’t I have forgotten about this instead of my last 10 years? I hated everything right now. But these boys being here brought a sort of calmness to my mood.
Even though they knew I didn’t remember these things, they still talked to me as if nothing happened and I laughed at their jokes. I was hoping for some sort of clarity to happen at any moment, but it never did. They stayed for hours and all along I was trying to remember their faces. It was just so hard it was making me tired. I told them I was getting tired and they said goodbye then left. I put my head down and instantly fell asleep. It felt like I only slept for 30 minutes when I was woken up by someone knocking on my door. “Come in.” I sat up and looked at who it was. It was that man, Liam. He smiled at me and came to sit down by me.
“Hey love, how are you?” “I’m good Liam, how are you?” He looked down and shook his head but looked back up and smiled. “Better. But I brought some things for you.” He began to pull out all these things and laid them all out on my bed. “What is this?”“All of our memories.” I looked at him then to the pictures. I took one look and instantly got a headache. “I’m sorry Liam….I can’t….”
Gilla @they don't know about us- 8 maj" på facebook!!!!!!!
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Memory loss - Liam ( part 1/3 )
[Part 1]
Your POV
“Liam!” I was moving around the kitchen making his breakfast when I noticed he wasn’t in here yet. “Liam!” “Coming.” He came around the corner from a fresh shower and kissed my cheek. “Thanks love.” “Your welcome.” This was our morning ritual. We’ve been together for 10 years, and I loved every moment of it. When I met him, I was in a dark place, but he helped me through so much, and for that….I owe him my life and undying love. I thanked him for everyday that he was in my life and he’d just smile at me. One direction was still together and stronger than ever. He was gone a lot, but we knew where we stood.
Today he was getting ready to leave for tour for 3 months before coming home for a break. I missed him like hell each time he left, but I counted the days til he returned to my arms. Each time before he left, we went out and had a lunch, just the two of us, to spend what little time we have together and cherish it.
Today we were going to Olive Garden. I know, not a fancy place, but it was my favorite place and Liam liked it as well. It was comfort food to me and he knew I loved it. We went and had lunch, talking about what would be happening on tour and how excited I was for him. It was nice knowing Liam enjoyed what he did, because I would rather have him happy than sad doing a crappy labor job. “Li, you know I love you right.” He gave me his puppy dog look and thought I was going to say something bad. “Really Liam, I love you more than anything.” “I love you too (Y/N). And I will love you til my dying day.” We kissed, but no sooner had I pulled away from his lips, we heard a loud commotion.
I looked to where the sound was coming from and could see people running towards our direction. Liam jumped up and came over to my side. The people running had tears streaming down their faces and looked scared. Then I saw why. There were two guys, masked, holding guns and pointing them at us. I got up and stood behind Liam and pulled him to walk back with me. But he wouldn’t budge. “Liam, move back…”“Go babe, I’ll be right there.” I knew he was courageous, but he did not need to do this now. “Liam…” “Go (Y/N). Trust me.”
I let go of him, not wanting to, and walked back to where everyone else was huddled up. Liam stood there and faced the two men. “Get on the ground!” We did as said, but Liam didn’t. “C’mon guys, think about what you’re doing. You don’t need to do this.” He slowly started walking towards them but they stopped him. “Stop or I’ll shoot!” He stopped and held his hands up. One of the guys walked up to Liam while the other left to look around. The guy put his gun in Liam’s face and made him get down on his knees. By now I was freaking out. I didn’t want to sit here and witness my boyfriend get killed.
I slowly started inching my way over to a table while Liam and the guys spoke quietly. I reached over and grabbed knife without him noticing. When I looked back though, the gun was now positioned by Liam’s throat and the guy was yelling at him. I stood up and held the knife behind my back, I thought I was going to kill this guy, but I didn’t get the chance to. As soon as I took one step, I heard a loud pop and felt an insane amount of pain in my head. I could hear a loud ringing in my ears and could feel my legs give out beneath me. I hit the floor and choked for air. My vision was going in and out and I could see everyone running around me, but I could feel his touch. Liam’s face came into my view but I couldn’t hear what he was saying. I couldn’t hear anything but this ringing, but even that didn’t last long. The pressure in my head just kept getting worse, and eventually I blacked out.
3 days later..
All I could see was blackness. But I could hear. I could hear beeping sounds surrounding me and someone talking. I moved my head and found I could open my eyes. When I did, it was like it was a whole new world. It was so bright, so fuzzy, but I recognized where I was. A hospital. I looked around and found the source of the voice. It was a man, tall, lean, brown hair, brown eyes, and he was talking frantically on a phone. When I coughed, he turned to me and his eyes lit up. He hung up his phone and ran over to me. “(Y/N)! You’re awake, oh babe!” He hugged me but I didn’t move. He pulled back and looked at me only to smile. Who was he?
“How do you feel babe?” There that word was again, babe…..why was he calling me that. “Um, I feel okay I guess. Why am I in here?” “You were shot in the head, but you made it love. You made it.” He hugged me again but still I just layed there. This time when he pulled back, his face was a little sad. “What’s wrong (Y/N)?” How did I say this in a nice way? “I, um……….I don’t know who you are to be honest…” If I thought he looked sad before, his face fell even more. His eyes watered and his lip trembled. “You…… don’t know who I am?” I slowly shook my head, keeping eye contact with him until someone else walked in. A doctor. “(Y/N), you’re awake. How are you feeling?” I was going to speak when the man did before me. “She doesn’t remember me.”
Twitter, Instagram m.m
One Direction –@onedirection Instagram: 1dagram
Members of One Direction:
- Harry Styles –@harry_styles Instagram:harrystyles
- Liam Payne –@Real_Liam_Payne Youtube: Liam Payne Google +: Liam Payne
- Louis Tomlinson –@Louis_Tomlinson Instagram: louist91
- Niall Horan – @niallofficial Instagram:nialler1993
- Zayn Malik – @zaynmalik
Louis’ family/friends
- Johanna – Mother –@JohannahDarling
- Dan Deakin - Jay’s boyfriend - @drdeakin
- Mark Tomlinson - Father - @tavtommo
- Lottie Tomlinson – Sister - @LottieTommo Instagram:lottietommo123
- Felicite Tomlinson -Sister - @ftomlinson_
- Daisy Tomlinson - Sister -@tommodaisy
- Phoebe Tomlinson - Sister -@tommophoebe
- Keith Tomlinson (not 100% sure) - Grandad - @iankeithtom
- Stanley Lucas – Best friend - @stanley_lucas
- Eleanor Calder - Girlfriend - @EleanorJCalder Instagram: eleanorj92
Zayn’s family/friends
- Danny Riach - Best friend - @DannyRiach
- Anthony Riach - Best Friend - @AnthonyRiach
- Doniya Malik - Sister - @DoniyaElisha
- Waliyha Malik - Sister - @waliyha98
- Jawaad - Cousin - @Jawaad_S
- Aroosa Malik - Cousin - @Aaroosa_M
- Fahed Hussain - Friend - @Fahed_H
- Melissa Steel - Friend -@melissasteel
Liam’s family/friends
- Ruth Payne– Sister - @RuthPayne0990
- Nicola Payne - Sister - @nicolapayne2788
- Andy Samuels – Best friend - @andysamuels31 Instagram:andy_samuels
- Danielle – Friend –@daniellepeazer Instagram: DCP1006 Official Website:
- Marius/Maz – Friend –@mazzi_maz Instagram: mazzi_mazzi
Niall’s family/friends
- Greg Horan - Brother - @greghoran87
- Robert Horan - Cousin - @obbie30
- Aoife Horan - Cousin - @aoifehoran
- Emma Horan - Cousin -@_Emma_Horan_
- Martin Devine - Cousin - @devinemartin
- Stephen Devine - Cousin - @deodevine
- Katie Horan - Cousin - @katiehoran
- Sean Cullen - Best Friend - @SeanCullen95
- Darragh Daly - Friend -@_DarraghDaly
- Dylan Hayes - Friend -@TheRealDylanH
- Ali McGinley - Friend -@AliMcGinley1 Instagram:alimcginley1
- Amy Green - Friend - @AmyGreen92(NO INSTAGRAM)
Harry’s family/friends
- Anne Cox – Mother –@AnneFoxyCoxy Instagram: aconed
- Des Styles - Father - @desstyles
- Gemma Styles – Sister –@GemmaAnneStyles
- Robin Twist– Stepfather –@robintwist
- Matt Selley – Cousin – @matty1dir
- Ben Selley – Cousin –@concept_ben
- Ella Selley – Cousin – @Ella1D
- Mike Selley - Uncle - @Mike_Selley
- Dee Selley – Aunt – @Dee_Selley
- WIll Sweeny - Friend - @WillSweeny
- Ashley Sherlock - Friend - @ash_sherls
- Ellis Calcutt - Friend - @EllisCalcutt
- Alice Fagan - Friend - @Alicefagan193
- Simon Cowell – Head of SYCO/Uncle Si/ XFactor Mentor – @SimonCowell
- Josh Devine - drummer in the 1D band - @joshdevinedrums Instagram: joshdevinedrums
- Sandy Beales - bassist in the 1D band - @sandybeales
- Dan - guitarrist in the 1D band - @guitarmandan
- Paul Higgins - Head of Security/Tour Manager - @paulyhiggins
- Preston Mahon - Security - @prestonmahon
- Jon Shone Keys - musical director - @jonshonekeys
- Lou Teasdale - Hair/Makup/Friend/mother of baby Lux - @louteasdale Instagram:louteasdale
- Mike Navarra - Publicist - @mikenavarra
- Helene Horlyck - vocal coach - @helenehorlyck
- Caroline Watson - stylist - @carolinewatson_
- Andy Davies - Security - @greenstreet51