he blows you off - louis part 1
Your POV
5 months, I am 5 months pregnant. And Lou and I couldn’t be more excited. We only had 4 more months to go and tomorrow we were going to the doctor’s to find out the sex of the baby. Lou was at the studio today so I kept leaving him text messages reminding him about tomorrow in case he forgot. He was always talking about how he wanted a boy, but I wanted a girl. But no matter what we had, I would be happy with and I know he would too.
So when Lou didnt’ show up for the appointment the next day, I was worried. He never missed doctor appointments. And he especially didn’t want to miss this one. So why was he?
“Where’s Louis today (Y/N)?” Dr. Stebens asked me. “I, um, he was suppose to be here. But I don’t know.” “Well do you want to wait for him? Or just go ahead and find out?” “Um, let’s wait 10 more minutes and then if he’s not here we can continue.”
The minutes passed, I called him, no answer. He wasn’t coming. What could possibly be keeping him? He wasn’t working today, so what the hell. “Are you ready hun?” I had zoned out that I barely heard her. I guess I had to. I couldn’t wait for him all day. “Yes.” She lifted my shirt and spread the jelly on my stomach. It was cold and felt weird. But I was excited. I just wish Lou were here with me to find out….She put the tool on my stomach and started moving it around. The sonogram came on and I could see our baby. A smile broke out on my face every time I saw this. “Ok (Y/N), ready?” I nodded my head eagerly. “Yes.” “Okay well hun, looks like you’re going to be having a baby boy!” I wanted to cry, from joy, from sadness, just cry. I was happy, but deep down, sad. Because I know Lou wanted a boy, and he wasn’t here with me to find out he got his wish. I asked her for the picture and then left.
As I was walking out of the office, I saw Zayn across the street at a restaurant. I hobbled my way over there and walked in. “Hey Zayn.” He got up and rushed over to me. “(Y/N), you’re not suppose to be walking around like that! Sit down.” Jeez, these boys were really over protective. Ever since they found out I was pregnant, they wouldn’t let me do anything. “I’m fine Zayn, thanks though.” He sat across from me and signaled for the waiter. “So what’s up love? Where were you?” I pulled out the sonogram picture and slid it across to him. His eyes widened as he looked at it. “Did you guys find out?!” I nodded. “Well, I found out, Lou wasn’t there.” He got a confused look on his face. “Wtf, why not?” “I don’t know, he just didn’t show.” “Well that’s not like him. But screw him, what’s the news babe?” I thought Lou would be the first to find out, but I hadn’t expected to see Zayn, but he was my best friend, so he deserved it. “Guess.” He smiled. Him and the boys all had the bets on what the baby would be. Zayn was betting on a boy. “A boy?” I just smiled and nodded my head. His eyes lit up and he jumped up. “Are you serious?!” He came over and hugged me. “Yes.” “Aw babe, congrats!!! How does Lou feel?” He sat back down. “Well, he doesn’t know. You’re the first.” “Hmm, I found out before Louis Tomlinson, nice.” He gave a devilish grin. “So you don’t know where he is?” By now Zayn was staring out at the window. “Nope, but I think I have a guess now.” I followed his stare and saw what he was looking at.
Across the street, at the ice cream stand next to the doctor’s, was Lou……and Eleanor. What the actual fuck? I immediately stood up and started to walk out. I could feel Zayn pulling my arm and telling me to put my weight on him. He was trying to help me walk faster, but only making it worse. I rushed across the street as fast as I could and finally reached them. Their backs were to us so I yelled.“Louis!” His head snapped up and he turned around. He started stuttering. “Hhhii b-b-babe. What are you doing here?” “What am I doing here, what the fuck does it look like?” I pointed to the doctor’s office. “I went to our appointment that you did not show up to!” “I, um…….I,..” But he didn’t get anything out. Then I looked at Eleanor, she was just standing there smiling. “You know what Louis, fuck you. You wanna ditch me and your child so you can hang with slut bag over here fine. We’re done.” I turned around and started walking back towards my car. “(Y/N)! Wait!”“Zayn, get me out of here.” I whispered to him. I knew i wouldn’t be able to drive because I was so mad….and hurt. He chose to hang out with Eleanor over finding out the sex of his baby. What an ungrateful jerk.
he blows you off - Zayn part 3 (last part)
Zayn’s POV
After I left (Y/N)’s hotel, I felt a little better about the night. I knew I needed to make it up to her and I was looking forward to tomorrow night. Because she really was a catch. If she really was like this then I knew I was going to like her, I just needed to get to know her more.
The next day came and I was getting ready for dinner. I put on a tux because we were going to another fancy restaurant. I had already called and made reservations so it’d be ready. I arrived at the place 15 mins before just to be sure and let her know I was up to this. The host sat me down and gave me a menu. I kept looking at my watch, watching the time. But as I did that, it went by slower. 15 minutes passed and she hadn’t arrived yet. I figured I’d give her 10 more minutes before I started calling her. 10 minutes rolled by and she wasn’t there. I felt embarrassed so I pulled out my phone and called her. But she didn’t answer. I texted her, called her again, nothing. I sat there and just looked at my phone. Then it came to me….was she standing me up? Like I did to her? Wow…
Your POV
I was sitting in my hotel room eating popcorn and watching a horror movie. I looked at the time and saw Zayn should’ve already been at the restaurant, but…oh well! I wasn’t planning on showing up. He needed a taste of his own medicine. Inside I was laughing, taking pride in myself, but then also I was thinking. Did I really need to do that?? Two wrongs don’t make a right, but I felt like I needed to do that. But it was already too late to go down there.
You know how in scary movies they have that suspenseful music on that tells you something is going to happen….like it goes all quiet, then something pops out of nowhere and scares the shit out of you? That’s what happened to me. I was sitting there, all into the movie, it was quiet, so I knew something was going to happen, and just when someone was going to pop out, I heard a loud banging on my door. It felt like I was going to have a heart attack I was so scared! It was fuckin perfect timing, but who the hell was it. I paused the movie and went to answer it. I looked through the peephole and saw Zayn standing there, looking mad. Hmm, should I answer it?? Might as well…
I opened the door and faced him. He was in a tux and looking fine, and here I was in some dirty pj’s and my hair up. Oops. “Well, don’t you look nice.” I smiled at him but his face never changed. He just walked in and started pacing back and forth. “You think this is funny don’t you?” I closed the door and walked over to him.“What are you talking about?” He stopped in front of me, pointing his finger at me. “You! You stood me up, for what? To get me back? Is this suppose to mean something to you?” So he figured it out. Good job Zayn. “Yes, yes it was. Because you know what, anyone who leaves a girl like is an 100% an asshole! So why in the hell would I forgive you for that?! Do you think you deserved forgiveness? Cuz I don’t.” He looked hurt. I felt kind of bad. “All you had to do was tell me you didn’t want to see me anymore. All you had to do was tell me the truth. But no, you wanted to get me back. Well good job (Y/N), you won.” He threw his hands up and started walking past me. Should I stop him? Ugh, I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and ran to block the door. “No wait.” He stopped but didn’t say a word. “I’m not sorry for what I did. But I know now it wasn’t the best thing to do. But you have to understand Zayn, that hurt me. And I felt you needed to feel some pain too. I didn’t think you would care enough to come back over here.” “Do you really think that low of me? Of course I felt pain that night! I felt pain because I regretted what I did. Why do you think I came back for you? Because did you ever get it through your head that maybe I like you? No you didn’t, because all you could think about was revenge.”
What he was saying was true. I never thought he’d like me, so I was hurt more. But…..I didn’t know what to say in return. We just stood there looking at each other. I didn’t know whether to let him leave, or to talk to him and work things out. But he spoke. “Look, I’m sorry things are happening the way they are between us. But I do like you, and I do wanna try this again…if you want. If you don’t you need to be honest with me now. Tell me the truth.” I thought about it. Could I really have something with Zayn? He said he likes me, but how long will that last? This was probably the only chance he was going to give me, so I better take it. “Yes, I would like to.” He looked relieved. “Okay, well….I’ll call you tomorrow and set everything up…again.” I smiled and hugged him. He was hesitant, but hugged me back. “Thank you Zayn.” “Just don’t lie okay.” “I won’t.”
And I didn’t. Zayn and I went out the next day and I enjoyed it. It was a good first date. Well second, if you counted the night he left me, but I tried not to think about that. And I did end up falling for Zayn, and we lasted for 8 months, but then knew we were just better off friends. But breaking up never affected our relationship. And I was happy with that.
he blows you off - Zayn part 2
Zayn’s POV
I know what I just did was an ass move, but I needed to get out of there. (Y/N) was kind, too kind. She was scaring me with her questions. And the reason they were scary, is because no one’s ever asked me that. Everyone assumed I just wanted to talk about my music, never my day or anything. But she did. I guess you could say I ran from it because it was shocking. I didn’t know how to handle it. So I ran. And I didn’t look back.
But as I drove home, I thought about it. I just ditched a girl on her birthday, in front of people. I couldn’t begin to imagine what she was feeling. This girl who was so nice to me, and I was just a jerk. I was almost to my house when I slammed on the brakes and turned back around. I picked her up, which meant she was walking now and it was cold. Probably going to rain, I needed to find her. On top of that, I needed to apologize for what I had just done.
As I was driving, rain started pouring. Great, I’m an even bigger asshole now. Ugh, I just needed to find her. But what was I going to say.
Your POV
I was walking back to my hotel when it started to rain. Great, just what I needed. Could this night get any worse? I had no hood or umbrella so I was just soaking wet. I was almost 4 blocks away from the hotel when someone pulled up next to me. I looked over saw that it was Zayn. The window was rolled down and he was yelling at me.”(Y/N) please get in the car!” But I wouldn’t listen. Why would I get in the car with someone who just blew me off? No. “(Y/N) c’mon, please. I’m sorry, just get in the car. It’s raining!” But I kept walking. He stopped the car and jumped out. He came and ran in front me and grabbed me by the shoulders. “Listen to me! Just please get in the car and I will explain everything…..please.” I just stood there and looked at him. He was standing in the rain with me, begging for me to get in the car. Maybe he did have a good explanation, it better be a good one Malik.“Fine.” He let out a relieved sigh and opened the door. I got in and he ran around to the driver’s side. I did not feel bad at all for getting his seat wet. It could soak for all I care.
He drove me the rest of the way to my hotel and when he stopped I immediately jumped out. But he turned off the car and ran after me. “(Y/N)! Wait!” But I didn’t, I ran up to my room and shut the door. I slid down the door and began to cry. It was my first time breaking down tonight, but I needed to get it out. Zayn never came knocking so I didn’t think he’d be there. But as soon as I could catch my breath, I heard a knock on the door. I debated on whether or not to open it, but figured I should. I slowly opened it to see a huge teddy bear in front of me. The bear moved down and there was Zayn’s face. “Happy Birthday..” He held the bear out to me and I hesitantly took it. “Can I come in?” I just nodded my head and he walked in. I closed the door and held onto the bear. Secretly I’d always wanted one of these, but didn’t want him to see that. I walked over and sat on the bed and just stared at the wall. I could feel the bed sink and knew he sat next to me. “(Y/N), I’m sorry for what I just did.” “Then why’d you do it?” “I ran because……I was scared.” This confused me. I finally looked at him and could see his sad face. “What?” “I was scared because of you.” He finally looked at me. “You’re something else. You asked me out, you asked me how my day was, you asked me about my life….No girl’s ever done that to me…so I was just taken back by it. I mean I like it, but I just didn’t know what to do….so I ran…like I do with everything else that scares me….And I know I should’ve just talked to you, but I didn’t want you to think I was girly or something…talking about my emotions…But I apologize for what I did. You did nothing to deserve that, and plus it’s your birthday..I bet I ruined it..I’m sorry.” Wow….he really needed to fix his problem of running then. But it was nice that he told me. But it didn’t really change my view about him now, I think this scarred me. “I accept.” “You do?” “Yes.” He let out a huge breath and hugged me. I awkwardly put my hand on his and patted. I didn’t know what to do.
“So does this mean you’ll give me a second chance?” I thought about it, but didn’t think he deserved it…..but you know what? I had something else planned for him.“Sure Zayn.” “Ok, this time I’m gonna ask you out…..So (Y/N), will you go to dinner with me?” I faked a smile. “Yes Zayn, I will.” He smiled back and hugged me again. “Ok, I’ll pick you up tomorrow then.” “Oh no, that’s ok. I’ll meet you there.”“Ok, thanks (Y/N). And Happy Birthday again.” “Thank you Zayn…I’ll see you tomorrow.” And he left. I felt bad for what I was about to do, but I think he needed to know what it felt like to be blown off.
he blows you off - Zayn part 1
Your POV
Have you ever been in love with a famous person, to the point where you knew you really loved them, but they never noticed you? This is how I feel about Zayn Malik. I know I sound like any other fan, but I do truly love him. I’ve never got to actually sit down and talk to him, but I’ve met him. And he’s the shyest, sweetest person I’ve ever met. I wish I could sit down with him and get to know him on a deeper level. But like all other fans, I’ll probably never get the chance to. I can only sit here and daydream about meeting him and actually dating him. Or just talk. That’s all I want to do is talk. But I gave my hopes up.
2 months later..
I was walking down Rodeo Dr for my birthday. It was my first time ever being to LA, and I was so excited. I had already seen a lot of celebrities, but too shy to go up to them and ask for pictures. I was all by myself because I had escaped here without my parents knowing. I was walking out of Michael Kor’s when I bumped into someone. My bag fell down and all my stuff fell out. “Oh, I’m so sorry.” I bent down to start gathering everything, he did as well. “No, it’s okay….” I got back up and saw who I had run into. It was freakin Zayn. I stood there kind of flustered because he was just looking at me. “Um…….thank you…..” He gave me a smile. “No problem. What’s your name?” I stood there with my mouth open looking like a retard before I could answer. “Um, (Y/N), it’s (Y/N).” He kind of laughed. “Well (Y/N), it was nice meeting you.” He started walking away, but for some miraculous reason, I suddenly had confidence. “Wait Zayn…” He stopped and turned back around. “Um, would you like to go to dinner with me?” He slowly walked back to me with a surprised look on his face. “Are you asking me out on a date (Y/N)?” What the fuck….was I? Yes, yes I was. “Yess……if you don’t want to I understand….” He just kept looking at me. Wow, I felt like an idiot. “Um, I’m sorry I asked, I’ll just leave you now..” I started to walk away but he grabbed my arm. “No wait….it’s just no one’s ever asked me on a date before, so I’m just surprised.” Really? He never got asked that? “So…..” Was he saying yes or no? I was totally confused. “My answer is yes, yes I would like to. When?” I told him a time and place and gave him my number. He said he’d pick me up and we’d go.
I walked away feeling like a different person. To think that me, (Y/N), from a nowhere city, just asked Zayn Malik out on a date, and he said yes….what a great birthday present! I rushed back to my hotel room to get ready. We weren’t really going to a fancy place, but then again, everything on Rodeo Dr was fancy. So I wore a dress and heels, curled my hair and put on light makeup. I was ready when Zayn came to get me. He walked me to the car and let me in. Then got in and drove. I had butterflies in my stomach the whole time. What was I suppose to talk about? Now that I had him, I didn’t know what to say. But he’d look over at me and smile. That smile melted my heart. ‘Just relax, just be yourself’. I had to tell myself this over and over again.
We finally arrived at the restaurant and he let me out. There were valet people and they took Zayn’s keys. He opened the door so I could go in and I was instantly hit with embarrassment. These were all really fancy people, and I felt so out of place. Zayn saw the look on my face and put his hand on my lower back, encouraging me to move forward. It made me feel better in an odd way. Our waiter took us to a table and left. “So (Y/N), what’ll it be?” I looked at the menu and didn’t see a damn thing I knew. And holy fuck, the prices were outrageous. I had second thoughts about this. “Um, maybe we should go somewhere else..” He got a confused look on his face. “What? Why?” “Um, it’s very expensive…” He actually got a hurt look on his face. Had I offended him? “Babe, it’s fine. I’m paying.” “Yeahh that’s the point, I don’t feel right with you doing that.” “Well, if you didn’t already know, I’m a gentlemen, and I’m going to pay no matter what. So choose.” Can you say demanding? Okay…..I picked something I didn’t even know so he wouldn’t be hurt. Then we sat there. It was awkward because he was just looking at me, so I figured I should say something. “So Zayn, tell me. How are you?” Jeez I was stupid. He gave a nervous laugh. “Um, I’m good…..how are you?” “Oh you know, not nervous at all. But I guess this is a good birthday present for me.” His eyes widened. “It’s your birthday? Why didn’t you tell me? Happy Birthday!” I smiled at that. “Thank you. So what’s it like? Being you?” He seemed to be deep in thought. “Its um, a little overwhelming at times, but you guys keep us going.” That kind of hurt. To him, I was just another fan……wow. But I couldn’t let that hurt show. “So you love your life?” “Uhh, yeahh I guess so. Why are you asking?” “Nothing, just conversing I guess.” Well this was freakin awkward….”Do you always ask deep questions on a first date?” No, I guess I didn’t. But this was Zayn, I did say I wanted to get to know him on a deeper level. “Yes. Let’s me know who I’m dealing with.” “Hmmm. Excuse me will you?” I nodded and he got up to use the bathroom I assume. 3 minutes went by and he never came back. We were seated by the window and I could see Zayn getting into his car and leaving.
What?! He was leaving?? What the fuck……wow. That hurt…just because I was asking questions? It wasn’t like he was talking! “Ma’am, the gentlemen that just left said you’d pay.” I looked at him in anger. My whole view on Zayn Malik just completely did a 360. Zayn was not the person I thought he was and this is just plain rude. Gentlemen my ass. Fine, I’ll pay his fuckin bill, but that didn’t change anything. I couldn’t believe this. Happy freakin Birthday to me.
he blows you off - Harry part 3 ( the end )
Note: Last part! Zayns will be next
Harry’s POV
Last night, after I saw how mad Louis was at me, I immediately sobered up. I saw who I was with and got disgusted. Taylor, out of all people. I left her at the club and went home. I sat here thinking about what I had just done. In my confused state, I had remembered what happened between (Y/N) and I. And in that moment, I immediately regretted it. But what I had also realized was that I was in love with this girl, and I had just hurt her badly. That’s why I didn’t go after her. She didn’t deserve what happened and I didn’t deserve her.
She’ll never know how much I care for her because I don’t want her to know..After she left, I just sat on my couch. Looking down at my hands, knowing what just happened. She told me she loves me, and I didn’t respond. She shouldn’t love me after this. But the thing is, I still love her. I just don’t want to hurt her anymore….
Your POV
3 months later..
I moved back to the states. I didn’t want to be near Harry, but being in the states didn’t help any. Everywhere I went I saw his face. News of our breakup had spread, along with the news of Taylor also. I tried to ignore it, but how could I ignore the one person I loved. Fans of both One Direction and Taylor’s would send me hate. They were a constant reminder that Taylor was better than me. Even though I didn’t know if Harry and her were dating, they still compared me to her. The only person I could really cry to was Lou. I felt bad because I felt like I was bugging him, but I needed to vent, I needed to cry to someone. I thought I could get over him, but it was just so hard.
Harry’s POV
I was sitting in my living room when Lou burst through my door. It scared the crap out of me and I jumped. But by the look on his face, he’d meant to scare me.“Lou….what’s wrong?” He was pacing back and forth in front of me. I don’t think I had ever seen him so mad. He stopped abruptly in front me and stared at me. “Listen to me Harry Styles cuz I’m only going to say this once. Do you know what it feels like to have a good friend of yours call you crying because of the hate she’s getting? Crying because she doesn’t know what to do with herself? Crying because she’s constantly compared to Taylor because of what you did? No, you don’t! And you never bothered to call and let her know the truth. You never called to tell her that you love her because you’re a selfish bastard..That night she left, you what happened. I told her to go over and talk to you because she was sitting there comparing herself to Taylor when she shouldn’t have. I was the one who had to tell her she was nothing compared to that girl, and I’m not even her boyfriend! You need to do something Harry, give her some closure or something. But fix this!” He was talking so fast that I could barely keep up, but I knew who he was talking about….After I heard (Y/N) had moved, I expressed to Lou how I had felt. He told me to call and tell her, but I was too scared. But I didn’t know about the hate. I never truly let her know how beautiful she was, and me not telling her made it worse. I couldn’t let her keep thinking Taylor was better than her. I could hear Lou talking again but wasn’t really listening. “Are you hearing me Styles!?” I looked up at him. “Where is she?” “She’s in California.” I got up and started to gather some of my things. “Book me a ticket out there as fast as you can.” Lou’s face turned to pure happiness when I said that. He cared for (Y/N), but as a friend, I knew that. He walked off and I went upstairs to grab a suitcase.
Your POV
I was sitting at home watching Pitch Perfect so I could laugh. I heard the doorbell ring and I jumped up to watch it. I skipped to the door because I was feeling good. But when I opened the door to see Harry, my smile fell. He looked so serious and that scared me. “Um….Harry?” “Hey (Y/N), how are you?” I looked around outside to see if this was just some prank, but none of the other boys were with him. “Um, I’m fine. How are you?” “Mind if I come in?” All I could do was nod my head. He walked in and looked around. I hadn’t decorated much and the place looked lonely, I was wondering if he was getting that vibe. I walked over and paused the tv. He sat down and looked up at me. “Can we talk?” My heart started racing. Feelings were coming back that I didn’t want to experience. But I couldn’t stop it. “Suree….”I sat down and waited. He gave a nervous laugh and then began. “(Y/N), um, the way we left things…….it wasn’t right….that night after you left…I realized something.” All I could do was look at him. I didn’t know where he was going with this. He looked me in the eyes. “I realized……that I love you…..” My eyes widened at that. But he continued. “But….I didn’t tell you that, because I knew I had hurt you. And that I didn’t deserve your love after that. That’s why I let you walk out…….but (Y/N) I regret it. I know what I did was very ignorant.” There was a huge lump forming in my throat. I couldn’t speak to him. I was just in shock. Harry loves me….or loved me….I didn’t know anymore. “And, all the comparisons you’re getting. Babe, I’ve never told you this, but you’re everything to me. Still are. You’re the most genuine person I know. Your beauty comes from within and it shines. That’s what drew me to you. You have the softest eyes, a contagious smile, a respectable personality anyone would want in their life. That is why I love you. Your beauty is something that should never be compared. You are one of a kind, you’re my one of a kind. And I don’t want you to think you’re inferior to anyone. Because you’re not. And I’m sorry I didn’t make you feel like that or let you know, but I’m telling you this now, because I love you babe.” By now tears were falling down. He’s right, he never expressed that to me, but I was glad he was now. It made me feel better about myself. No one could make me feel like that, only Harry Styles could. And I still loved him….”Say something (Y/N)….” He was back to being nervous again. I was getting choked up. But I managed a few words. “I love you Harry.” He released a huge sigh and came over to me. He picked me up and put my in his lap and put my head on his chest and held me, tightly. It felt good to be in his arms again. “I’m so sorry (Y/N)..” I lifted my head and looked at him. My only answer was a kiss. A kiss that was slow and passionate to show him I had forgiven him. “Thank you….I don’t deserve this…but thank you.” “No, thank you Harry.”
he blows you off - Harry part 2
Lou’s POV
After I saw (Y/N) run out of the club, I went back to see what had made her cry. Harry was there, dancing with Taylor, obviously drunk. He probably didn’t even realize what he was doing, or what he just did. This made me mad though, here (Y/N) was comparing herself to Taylor and he just proved himself to her. I walked over to Harry and pulled him away from her. “What the hell man?!” His eyes were barely open and I doubt he knew it was me. “what….” “Do you not realize what you just did?” He still had a confused look on his face. Fuck this. I let go of him and ran after (Y/N).
Your POV
I didn’t live with Harry so I had no reason to go to his house. I just hailed a cab to mine. I cried the whole way, not believing what just happened. ‘He’s drunk, he’ll apologize in the morning’. But still, it hurt. It hurt knowing he’d choose her over me……this made me cry even more. Good thing I never told him how I feel about him. Because this would hurt even more. I paid the taxi and ran into my house. But I just sat in the darkness. I didn’t want any lights on, because if I turned them on, I’d see his picture on my wall. Instead, I laid my head down on the couch and just cried. I hadn’t realized I left my door open until I felt someone wrap their arms around me. I opened my eyes to see Louis there. “Lou…what are you doing here?”“You didn’t deserve what happened, and it was partly my fault. I’m sorry (Y/N).” I sat up and laid my head on his shoulder. “Lou it’s not your fault. It was his decision, not ours.” “But (Y/N), you know he’ll just forget about this in the morning….” “I know, but its just…..he still chose her over me you know…how can I let that go?” “I know…but babe..” he grabbed my face and made me look at him. “Believe me when I say this, and anyone will tell you the same, you are so much better than Taylor. You’re a better person, a better girlfriend, a better girl overall compared to that girl. You are you. You are the girl Harry fell for. And you fell for him. You have to know your feelings will overpower you and get you through this.” He made a point, but I just couldn’t get past it. “But Lou……I love him…..but I don’t think he feels the same…” “You don’t know that. The side of Harry you saw tonight was not him and you know that. You need to talk this out with him, and if you find out in the end that he doesn’t feel the same, then you know for yourself. But either way, the lads and I will be here for you. You can always count on us.” I smiled at that. I did need to talk to Harry, I just didn’t know how to bring it up..”Lou…will you stay with me tonight? I think I’ll need your encouragement in the morning again…” “Sure babe.” I laid my head down in his lap and fell asleep knowing I was protected in that moment.
But when dawn came, I felt my sadness again. Lou was already up making me breakfast. I needed to shower before I went over to Harry’s because I knew I looked like shit. So I did, and then ate with Lou. “Remember, just be straightforward with him, don’t sugarcoat anything. Tell him how you feel, about last night, whatever, just express it (Y/N). He needs to know.” I nodded my head and was mentally preparing myself. After I ate he dropped me off at Harry’s. “I’ll be right here waiting ok.” It made me feel better Lou was going to be here if I needed him, especially if I came out crying. I walked up to Harry’s door and knocked. I didn’t know if he’d be awake, he probably had a hangover. This was going to be hard. I could hear footsteps a few moments later then his lock unlatching. He opened the door and surprisingly looked okay. “Hey….can I come in?” “Sure.” He let me through and I just stood there awkwardly. “Harry, we need to talk.”“Okay…” He pointed to the living room and we sat. Why was this boy not hungover? I positioned myself so I was facing him, but also facing the door incase I needed to run. I was nervous as hell, but I knew I needed to do this. “Harry….um, do you remember anything from last night?” He looked down at his hands. “Bits and pieces.” He never looked at me. “Do you remember what you said to me?” He finally looked at me and nodded his head. In that moment my heart broke a little more. “And you didn’t bother to come after me?” “Look (Y/N)……” “You don’t care do you?” My heart was racing as I waited for him to answer. His eyes never left mine and I did not see any guilt in his eyes. And when he didn’t answer, I knew his answer….he didn’t. My heart broke completely, into pieces, in Harry’s presence. 4 months of my time wasted….for what? To be the rebound girl? “I loved you Harry Styles…..” My voice broke when I said that. But I had to let him know, because I knew in this instance, I would not be seeing him again. He looked down and never looked back up. My tears were just falling and this boy had nothing to say for himself. I couldn’t stand to even look at him anymore. I got up and just walked out. Walked out of his life, walked out leaving my heart shattered at his feet. He didn’t care, and that’s what hurt the most.
I ran out to Lou’s car and just told him to go. “What happened (Y/N)?” I looked at him, my vision blurry from the tears. “He never cared Lou…” And saying that out loud I broke down even more. I started sobbing and couldn’t breath. “Hold on babe, just hold on.” He was driving as fast as he could and took me to his house. He carried me inside and laid me down on the couch. I curled up on my side and tried to calm my breathing. But the tears just kept coming. I fell for the one guy I thought was different. I didn’t want to believe the tabloids. I didn’t want to believe that Harry was a womanizer, but he just proved them right. But why did I have to be the girl he used?
he blows you off - Harry part 1
Your POV
Rumors were circulating that Harry and Taylor had just broken up. I was so happy when I heard that that I screamed. He did not need to be with her. And I’m sure everyone agreed with me. 4 days after that, I met Harry Styles. He walked right up to me and expressed to me that he thought I was beautiful and asked me on a date. I was taken back by that but accepted.
That was 4 months ago. And Harry and I had been together ever since. I never thought him coming up to me that day would lead to this. I thought we’d just go out once and he’d never call again, but he did. And he kept coming back, and now I knew he was a keeper. He was the greatest boyfriend to have. Sweet, caring, and just overall fun. He kept my life entertaining and happy. I was really falling for this boy. But I never really expressed it to him. I didn’t want to scare him off. Plus it’s been only 4 months since his breakup with Taylor, I wanted to make sure things were for sure between us before confessing my love. I never heard of him talking to her again but then again I didn’t ask him. I’m sure if I had asked, he would say. But I couldn’t bring myself to do it.
Tonight him and I were going to be going out the club with all the boys and their girls. Whenever I was with them I felt at home because they made me feel welcome. I loved them dearly and had close relationships with each of them. We were out in New York for the weekend and wanted to see as many people as we could, and what better place to do that than a club. We all got ready and hopped into Liam’s car. It was exciting to just have a night to relax. I was ready for a night of drinking, dancing, and living it up.
Harry was always fun to party with and so was Nialler. All of them actually, it was just good to see them let loose. We arrived at the club and was immediately let in. There were a lot of people here but we got a VIP table for us. Right away we ordered drinks and started drinking. I loved the music they were playing so I pulled Harry up and brought him out to the dance floor. He was mildly tipsy right about now, but he was still a good dancer. Then Liam and Danielle joined us, then the rest of the boys. Harry and I ran out of drinks so I figured I’d go grab us more. Louis offered to go with me since Harry noticed a friend and started talking to him.
To be honest i was still getting use to his lifestyle. He knew so many people I couldn’t keep up but I just wanted to let him know I’m here for him when needed. He hardly ever complained about anything but when the hate got rough, he came to me, and I was glad. Louis and I grabbed more drinks and shots and passed them out. Niall was already getting drunk and dancing around and Harry was close. It took a lot for me to get drunk so I just stood back and watched. “I’m gonna go to the bathroom babe.” I whispered in Harry’s ear. “okay.” He just continued dancing. I went to the bathroom and freshened up. I never had much confidence in my body because I was nowhere near skinny, but that day Harry told me I was beautiful helped me a little, but you know there’s still that doubt.
I finished up and started walking back towards Harry. But as I got closer I noticed him talking to a girl. I couldn’t make out who it was, but as I got closer, I noticed who it was. It was Taylor. Why was he talking to her? I didn’t want to seem like the jealous girlfriend, but I mean come on, that’s his ex. I sort of just hung back and went to the bar. I kept watching them though. They were laughing and talking. I did not like this, but I didn’t have the courage to go over there. Just then I felt someone sit next to me. “What are you doing (Y/N)?” I turned to see Louis sitting there. He followed my eye direction and saw Taylor. He shook his head and looked at me. “(Y/N), you know it means nothing right.” “Then why do I feel so jealous Lou?” To be honest, Taylor looked amazing. And I wondered if Harry had noticed that as well. “It’s understandable, she’s his ex. Who wouldn’t be jealous.”“Look at though Lou. She’s beyond beautiful, skinny, blonde, rich, perfect. And here I am, just ugh….” I was starting to feel low. “(Y/N), Harry chose you for a reason. He likes you, not her. Don’t think like that. Now are you just going to sit here and watch, or are you gonna go over there and get your man back?” I looked at him for encouragement. “Go.” He gave me a slight push and I smiled at him. I slowly started walking over to where they were. As I got closer they were whispering in each other’s ears. Ugh….”Babe.” I patted his shoulder and he turned to look at me. I could see in his eyes he was drunk, and Taylor just gave me a dirty look. “I’m ready to go.” “Um………I’m not, so you go and ima stay here.” What?“But Harry….” “Just go, I’m gonna hang with her.” He pointed to Taylor. She gave me an evil smile. I pulled Harry away from her so I could talk to him. “Harry you can’t be serious.” “What’s wrong with being with her?” “Um hello, she’s your ex.”“So? Doesn’t mean I can’t hang out with her.” I was just stunned. “Babe….”“(Y/N), just go home! I can stay here and be with whoever I want, and if you don’t like that, then I really dont care. Get going then.” And with that he walked off. Tears started falling down and I couldn’t stand to see him with her. He went back as if nothing had just happened. I rushed out of the club crying. Louis saw me and tried stopping me but I just wanted to get away. I couldn’t believe Harry was doing this to me. But I guess this just proved our relationship. He didn’t really care. So I was leaving.
he blows you off - Niall part 2 ( the end )
Niall’s POV
As I walked out, I knew I was making the wrong decision. But it was a moment of anger. I did not like the fact that Liam took her out on our night. But then again, I was the one who didn’t let her know I was going to be late. This was all my fault. I was mad at myself, that’s why I left. I felt I would of let something slip if I had stayed. I now knew tonight would not be the night that I ask (Y/N) to marry me. I needed to clear my head, then I could go back and talk things out with her.
Your POV
I could feel Liam picking me up and taking me to bed. My head had started to hurt and I wanted to go after Niall, but I knew I couldn’t. “Liam…….we need to go after him…” I could barely keep my eyes open, but I knew that he would understand. “I know babe, I will. You’ll stay here and get some rest ok. We’ll figure everything out in the morning.” “Ok…” He laid me down and as soon as I hit the pillows, I knocked out. I just had to leave it to Liam to find him..
Liam’s POV
I had never seen Niall react to something like that before. He was always carefree and gentle, but tonight was a whole different story. Why would he question me taking (Y/N) out? I needed to find him and explain things. I ran out of (Y/N)’s place and went straight to Niall’s. His car was parked out front so I knew he was home. I didn’t even knock, I just walked in. I found him just sitting there on the couch staring at (Y/N) home videos on the tv. I approached him slowly, not wanting to startle him. “You know…..I was going to ask her to marry me tonight….” I didn’t think he heard me, but he must have. But I walked around and sat next to him. He never looked at me, just kept looking at the screen. “Niall….tonight shouldn’t change anything, why are you being like this?” “She won’t want to marry me after tonight.” “Niall what happened?” He finally looked at me. “I was at a ring shop, picking up the ring I had made for her, and I was planning on being out of there by 7, but the dumbass kept saying that it was coming, but it never did. And I didn’t want to leave it there because I wanted to ask her tonight. And I didn’t want to answer her calls because I knew I’d give it away, but now looking back I guess I should of.” “Then why the hell did you get mad at me?” “I don’t know, I’m sorry Liam. I guess it was just the thought that you got to take her out and have a good time with her and I didn’t. I got jealous for a moment and let it get to me. But I know you wouldn’t do anything mate. I just……I don’t know. I’m mad at myself for screwing up.” All I could do was look at him. How could he think she wouldn’t want to marry him? “Niall, I sure as hell know that girl loves you. Nothing you do could change her mind about you. She just wants you to be happy, and I’m the one who made her go out. She wanted to wait for you but I told her to go. So blame that on me I don’t care, but don’t change your mind about asking her. I know she’d be delighted to hear that Niall. Think about what you’re saying…..this is your life you’re talking about. You really want to marry her don’t you?” “yeahh…” “Ok then, you’re going to ask her. Just wait until her head clears and then ask her. She’s very confused right now and you need to talk to her.”
Niall’s POV
Liam was right. I don’t know why I was second guessing myself now. I love (Y/N) and this night shouldn’t change anything, at least I hoped not. This is all up to her now. I just needed to wait until morning to talk to her. “Thanks Liam.” “No problem mate, just don’t go all psycho on me again.” I laughed. “I won’t.” And Liam left after that. I sat there and continued to watch videos of her. But I knew I didn’t want to be away from her. I got in the car and drove over to her house. I had a key so that’s how I got in earlier. I walked up to her bedroom and go in bed with her. She looked like she was thinking about something in her sleep, so I held her close to me and rubbed her forehead. Her face seemed to relax and her body move closer to mine. I closed my eyes and let my body fall asleep.
Your POV
I felt hot and could feel someone’s arms around me. I opened my eyes and saw Nialler laying next to me, his arms wrapped around me. I pulled back slightly and looked up at him. He looked like a little boy when he was sleeping, but I knew he was so much more. I got up and went into the bathroom. I could taste the alcohol from last night so I brushed my teeth and then got in the shower. I felt dirty and couldn’t believe Niall had slept with me like that. After I got out I walked into the room, and Niall was sitting on the end of the bed waiting for me. “Hey..” “Hi babe.”He patted the bed and motioned for me to sit. I sat down and looked at him. He looked very stressed and tired, but I let him talk. “(Y/N), about last night. I’m sorry I acted like that. I don’t know why…..I guess just seeing Liam with you on our night, I got a little jealous…….” “Why’d you walk out, why didn’t you just talk to us Ni.” “I was mad at myself for acting that way, I needed to get out and clear my head. I didn’t want to do something stupid. But babe, you know I love you.” “I love you too Niall, but where were you last night?” He looked down at his hands and started playing with them. He was nervous. “I um, I was actually getting you a surprise…and I wanted it to be perfect, but everything just seemed to get ruined.” A surprise? “Well, what was it??” He looked up at me. He got up and walked over to his jacket on the chair. He pulled something out and came to stand in front of me. “(Y/N), I don’t know how much I can express my love for you. You truly do complete me and I don’t know what I’d do without you. I love you dearly and you are a princess in my eyes. We’ve been together for so long, and I know how you feel about me, and I know I want this forever. So…” He started getting down on one knee and my heart started racing……was he… “(Y/N), will you do me the honor of marrying me and making me the happiest man on earth?” He opened a little box and revealed a diamond ring. Something simple, just like I liked it. I was smiling like an idiot. Niall Horan was asking me to marry him. I never thought this day would come, and here it was, and I was just sitting here smiling. I looked into his eyes and saw hope and love. I know I love this boy to death and he feels the same. So yes, I deserve this for the rest of my life. “Yes Niall, gladly.” “Thank you babe.” He took the ring out and slipped it onto my finger. His face lit up and he picked me up and hugged me tightly. “I love you so much babe.” “I love you too Niall, forever and always.” He set me down and just gazed into my eyes. Written all over his face, was the love he had for me and he meant all of it. I knew he was the one for me a long time ago, but this moment just proved it even more.
he blows you off - Niall part 1
Your POV
Today is mine and Niall’s 2 year anniversary. And to celebrate we were suppose to be going out to dinner. Niall said 7 so I made sure I was ready by 6:30. I had on a nice dress, heels, curled my hair and did my makeup. I looked at myself in the mirror. I never had much confidence but when I met Niall, he made sure to let me know how beautiful I am. And he still does to this day. I knew tonight would be great.
7 rolled by and he didn’t show. I was starting to get worried because Niall was never late. I texted him but he didn’t text back. Why? So I called and he didn’t pick up. I looked at the clock and it read 7:45. He was 45 minutes late. I decided to call Liam and see if he’d heard from him. “Hello.” “Hey Li, you wouldn’t have happened to hear from Niall have you??” “Hm no I haven’t. Weren’t you guys suppose to be going to dinner? Happy anniversary by the way babe.” “Thanks liam and yeahh we were but he’s 45 minutes late. Should I be worried?” He thought for a moment. “No babe I’m sure he got hung up or something. But how bout this, how bout i take you to dinner so this night doesn’t go to waste. I don’t want you sitting home worrying. You need to be out.” Ugh I didn’t even feel like going anywhere now. I just wanted to wait and see if Niall would show. But Liam was right. I’d just sit home and worry so I took his offer. “Ok Li.” “K I’ll come pick you up then.” We hung up and I couldn’t help but feel guilty. What if Niall came home and I wasn’t here? I tried calling him again but it went straight to voicemail. Oh well I guess. I set my phone down and went to the kitchen to get something to drink, but then I heard liam knocking on the door and I just walked out with him….leaving my phone.
Niall’s POV
I was running late. But I didn’t want to answer my phone because (Y/N) would find out what I’m doing then. I figured she’d just wait for me. I was at a ring shop…..so yes I was planning on proposing to her. But it was suppose to be kept a secret, and I’m a bad liar. So I didn’t want her to notice anything. When it finally hit 8:30, I was done with the shop. I pulled out my phone and sent (Y/N) a text. ‘Babe let’s go eat at 9 k?’ I sent it and waited for her reply but she never replied. It was already 9 and she still didn’t reply. I drove over to her house and knocked on the door. No answer. Her car was here, so where the hell was she? I let myelf in and looked around. I found her phone on the couch and looked through it. The last call she made was to Liam. What was she doing with him? I tried calling him but he didn’t pick up either. Where were they?? I looked at the clock and it was barely 9:30. I guess I’d have to sit here and wait for them.
Your POV
Liam took me to a really fancy place. But you know what? He made my night better. We were sitting there laughing, telling stories, and expressing things we had never really talked about. Being with Niall there came some pressure, and I felt like I needed to tell someone, just not Niall. Liam understood my pain and always helped me. I looked up to him like an older brother. He cared for me when needed and I did the same in return. Him and Danielle were so good together, I looked up to their relationship. But I just couldn’t figure out why Niall wouldn’t answer me. I went to check my phone again but then realized I had left it on the couch. Shit. Liam was having a good time so I didn’t want to end the night early. I just hoped Niall wasn’t trying to reach me.
Liam and I went to a bar afterwards and he told me to drink up. So I did aha. Liam took care of me. We danced, laughed more, met some new people, and I didn’t worry about anything. But when it got to the point where I couldn’t stand up, Liam took me home. He put my arm around his neck and walked me to my door.“Liam…….thank you….” He laughed. “Your welcome love.” He unlocked my door and walked me in. But I stumbled and ended up falling to the ground. I just sat there and laughed. Liam was trying to help me up when someone scared the shit out of me. “What the hell is going on?! Liam what are you doing with her?!” Liam turned on the light to see Niall standing there looking at us. And even though I was drunk, I could tell he was really pissed…….”Niall…..” My head was spinning now but I was still laughing for some reason. “Liam what’d you do to her?” “Whoa man I just took her out and she had a few drinks.” What was Niall accusing him of? “Why would you let het get drunk when you knew we were going out?” “Wait…Niall….you didn’t show….Liam took me out..” “Yeahh I didn’t show because I was busy! But I guess you just couldn’t wait could you.” He looked at Liam and then to me. I really couldn’t process what was happened, shit I was still on the floor and I didn’t know why. “I’m leaving.” What? Why? “Niall buddy, what’s the matter man?” But he didn’t answer, he just walked out. Why was he so mad? He’s the one who didn’t answer my calls.
he blows you off- Liam part 2 ( the end )
Your POV
“Liam, you can’t possibly believe this. We were not kissing.” “Then what the hell is it (Y/N)?! It sure as hell looks like it!” Why was he so angry? He’s the one who blew me off last night! “LIAM! ZAYN AND I DID NOT KISS!” I was so mad to the point where I was shaking. How could he possibly think I’d do that? “Why were you with him last night then?” “Really?! You’re asking me that? Well, since my ‘so called boyfriend’ never showed up last night…I went to Zayn’s looking for you. And he offered to take me out since you never showed! We just danced and drank and that’s it Liam.” He just stood there and looked at me. He never replied. “So what? You think I really did this don’t you…….where were you last night that you couldn’t even tell me? Do you know how long I sat here waiting for you? You could of atleast called and let me know Liam.” “I was busy.” That’s all he had to say? Hell no. “You were busy? Really. Well, I guess I’m busy too. Too busy for our relationship. So get the hell out Liam.” I stood by my words. He just really pissed me off. I couldn’t stand to look at him. He had no excuse for me and I didn’t want to hear anything else. He just continued to stare at me. “Are you serious right now?” “Dead serious. You come in here accusing me of kissing Zayn and then you can’t even tell me why you never showed? Fuck that Liam. I don’t deserve this. Goodbye.” I pointed to the door. He hesitated, but then he finally walked out. I slammed the door after him and then just stood there looking at it. I just broke up with Liam Payne….I hope I did the right thing.
Liam’s POV
As I walked out, I couldn’t believe what just happened. I didn’t expect this coming over here. All I wanted to know was about Zayn. But everything just got out of control. I needed to go see Zayn. I arrived at his house and just walked in. He wasn’t downstairs so I assumed he was still in bed. I opened his door and sure enough, there he was sleeping. I walked over to his side and lightly shook him. Zayn was hard to wake up so I had to end up practically shoving him. “What the hell man?” He threw his pillow at me and I just stood there. “What do you want Liam.” He sounded drunk still. “I need to talk to you about (Y/N).” Zayn cracked one eye open and just looked at me. “Why?” I pulled out the magazine and showed it to him. He opened both eyes and squinted to see it. His eyes widened as he saw it clearer. “What the fuck…..bro, I swear that’s not what it looks like..” He sat up and grabbed it from me. I sat down in chair to wrap my head around this. “I know Zayn, I just talked to (Y/N)….and we broke up…” He looked back up at me confused. “What? Why?” I sighed. “I went over there accusing her of kissing you and then she asked me where I was last night….” “And?” “And I told her I was busy…..” “Really Liam? What were you doing? She came over here all sad looking so of course I took her out, I felt bad. You stood her up bro. Why?” I wasn’t going to tell anyone about this, but I knew I had to tell Zayn so he’d understand. “I didn’t show up last night because I was doing something for her….I wanted it to be a surprise….” “What kind of surprise?” I pulled out a set of car keys. “What are those?” “They’re (Y/N)’s new car keys…I bought her a car last night…and I didn’t expect it to take so long…but they took forever to get it and then I had to go park it somewhere so she wouldn’t see it…” He just looked stunned. “Why didn’t you tell one of us mate? We could of helped, and that would’ve made things a whole lot better now.” “I know, I feel stupid now, I just didn’t want anyone to know about it. But fuck man, now what am I going to do.” “Just still surprise her Liam, when she knows the truth, I’m sure everything will be alright.” I thought about it. How was I suppose to get her to talk to me after this morning. “Can you help me?” He rubbed his head and laid back down. “Sure Liam, just lemme sleep off my drunkenness for a little bit.” I laughed at that and walked back out. Now I needed to plan on what I was gonna do.
Your POV
After sitting around for hours, I finally decided to get ready. I needed to do something, I couldn’t just sit around here dwelling on it. I showered and did my hair and makeup and was getting ready to leave when I got a call from Zayn. “Hey Zayn, what’s up?” “Hey, did Liam go to your house all crazy like he did to me?” I laughed at that. “Sure as hell did. What’d he say to you?” “Oh you know, just asked what the hell it was. But I assured him nothing happened…….At least I don’t think so. Right?” Really Zayn. “Ha, no buddy, nothing happened, I wasn’t that drunk.” “Ight good aha. Well do you wanna grab lunch or something? I need to eat, I have a massive hangover.” “Sure, I just got ready, so I’ll be at your house in 10.” “K cool, see you when you get here.”
I drove over to Zayns and picked him up. But instead of going in my car, we took his. He said he wanted to drive and that was a first coming from him. But I okayed it. We ended up going to an italian restaurant and sat down. When we were done Zayn and I started walking out the door. But when I walked out, there was Liam standing there leaning against some car I had never seen. And it had a big red bow on it. All I could do was stare at him. I looked over to Zayn and he just shrugged his shoulders and walked away. Thanks Zayn. Liam slowly walked over to me and looked nervous. “Um, I don’t know if you even wanna talk to me, but I feel I should let you know this…….Um..” he pointed at the car, “the reason I didn’t show last night was because I wanted to do something nice for you….and well it ended up taking longer than I had expected and it was suppose to be a surprise…but then I saw the picture and got kinda mad…..but (Y/N)……surprise I guess.” He let out a nervous laugh and looked to the ground. So this was all for me? I looked at the car and instantly felt a little bit better. Liam did this for me and was trying to be secretive about it….how sweet. I guess this morning I did go overboard on him. I instantly regretted it. I looked at Liam and he was still looking at the ground. I walked closer to him and lifted his chin. “Thank you Liam, I love it babe.” And I kissed him. He was shocked at first but then started kissing me back. When we pulled away he looked better. “So does that mean we’re okay now?” “Yes babe.”“And do you like you’re surprise? I mean did I do good?” I laughed. “Of course Liam, thank you so much.” He let out a huge sigh, “ok thank god.” “I’m sorry Liam. I love you.” He smiled at me. “I love you too (Y/N), it’s ok.”
Efter ''he blows you off'' med alla killarna så kommer jag lägga upp "Dark" fanficen som alla pratar om. Man måste vara medlem på en sida för att kunna läsa den.
Publicerat 2013-01-20 22:37:34 i
he blows you off- Liam part 1
Your POV
It’s been months since I’ve seen Liam. He’s been away on tour and he was finally coming home for a break. I was just so excited to see him. We skyped everyday, but it was better to see him in person. Tonight we were suppose to be going out to a club to celebrate his return. I was finishing getting ready to go. Liam had texted and said he’d come and pick me in 30 minutes. I didn’t know what the other boys were doing and I didn’t know if they were going, but I didn’t care. All that mattered was seeing Liam.
I was ready now and just waiting for Liam. 30 minutes went by and he didn’t show. I sat on my couch and just kept looking at my phone. I had texted him at least 5 times, but he never texted back. I was starting to get worried. An hour passed and I still hadn’t heard from him. Did he just forget me? This was sad. My own boyfriend was standing me up. Where could he possibly go that he couldn’t let me know? I decided to head over to Zayn’s to see if he’s heard from him. When he answered the door, he was surprised to see me. I was in a dress and all dressed up to go to the club, so yeahh I guess that was weird. “Hey Zayn, I was just wondering if you’ve heard from Liam..?” He got a confused look on his face. “No, he said he was going to see you. He left a long time ago.” Now I was really worried and confused and hurt at the same time. “He never showed..we were suppose to go out….but I guess he doesn’t want to….thanks Zayn.” I turned to leave but Zayn grabbed my arm. “No wait (Y/N). Here, I’m not doing anything let’s go to the club together.” “Aw no Zayn you don’t have to, spend time with Perrie or your family.”He just shrugged. “They’re all busy so I don’t have anything to do, plus I’m bored, so I’d be honored to take you out if you let me.” I smiled. It was nice he was doing this for me. I guess I always went to him when Liam and i were having problems.“I’d love that, thanks Zayn.” “K lemme just get ready and we’ll go.” I walked in and sat on the couch waiting for him. He didn’t take long and he walked back into the room. “Ight, let’s roll!” I could tell he was excited. I guess he needed nights out too.
We arrived at Club Rain and got in quickly because of Zayn. It was packed tonight. But I didn’t care. I just wanted to get drunk and dance. Get my mind off of Liam. I checked my phone one more time before drinking. Still nothing from Liam. Fine. I stuck my phone in my bra and started ordering drinks for Zayn and I. After our 5th round, Zayn asked me to dance. And let me tell you, when Zayn is drunk, he dances funny but good. And I was a little tipsy myself so I accepted. It’s not Zayn and I hadn’t danced before. We made it out to the middle of the dance floor and started dancing. Not dirty, but we were close. It was just fun to just let go and forget. And he was having a good time, so why couldn’t I? We kept dancing and kept drinking. To the point where we were both stumbling and falling down. But we just laughed about it. But we both knew we needed to go home now. I picked Zayn up from the floor and helped him walk to the door. I hailed a taxi and got us both in. I had the driver drop off Zayn first then me.
It felt good to be home. I was just so tired I wanted to do was sleep. I left a trail of my clothes and shoes on the floor leading to the bedroom. I just didn’t care. I flopped down on the bed and instantly fell asleep, forgetting about Liam.
But the next morning I was woken up to a magazine being thrown in my face. It hurt because it slapped me and I was taken back. I opened my eyes to see an angry Liam standing over me. “Wanna explain these to me (Y/N)?” He sounded so mad I couldn’t think of a reason for him to be like that. He pointed to the magazine. I slowly picked it up and looked at it. Oh….on the cover was Zayn and I……and it looked like we were kissing….
He blows you off
Publicerat 2013-01-20 22:33:00 i
Next preference kommer heta He blows you off, och den är inte skriven av mig
Publicerat 2013-01-19 12:44:00 i
he says something he regrets ( not by me ) Louis part 3
Your POV
I woke up with a massive headache. I looked at my surroundings. I was not in my bedroom. Ugh. I got up and opened the door. I was still at Zayn’s. I couldn’t hear anything so I walked downstairs. Wow…….all the boys were passed out on the floor. I let out a little laugh. Must of had a good time. I walked into the kitchen and opened a cabinet. I grabbed some cereal and closed it. And then I turned back around to have Harry standing there all sleepy eyed. “Hey (Y/N)….” He sounded like a little 10 year old waking up from a long nap. “Did you have a good time last night Haz?” He took a seat at the counter. “Yeahh, too much. What about you?” I thought about it. I really didn’t remember much. “Well seeing as I drank a lot and spent the night I guess I had a good time aha. But I don’t remember much.”“Sooooo……you don’t remember Lou showing up and putting you to bed?” What the hell? He showed?? “No……” “Yeahh he was here. Said he came to take to you.” He did? I don’t remember talking to him. “Well I don’t remember talking to him.”“That’s because you didn’t. You were too drunk so he said he wanted to talk to you when you’re sober.” “Hmm, I wonder why.” Just then the rest of the boys all walked in. Niall was definitely still drunk. “(Y/N)…..thank you for a great night babe.” “Anytime Ni.” “You girl, are a great wingman to have.” So I guess I was with him the whole night aha. “Well thank you guys for last night really.”“Anything for you (Y/N).” Liam said. “But (Y/N), I think you should call Lou.” I looked at Harry, he was serious. “What’ll that change Harry?” “It’ll give you guys both closure. You never know babe, this talk may help both of you. Because you would not shut up last night about him.” I did? Shit. He was right. “Fine. I’ll wait until I go home though.”
I got home and showered to feel better. I needed to relax before I called Lou. I just stared at my phone forever, contemplating calling him. So when it started ring, it scared the crap out of me. I looked at the caller id to see that it was Louis. I took a deep breath and then answered it. “Hello.” “(Y/N)?” “Yess.” There was a short pause and then he continued. “Listen um, I don’t know if you remember anything from last night, but I was there…” “That’s what Harry said.” “Yeahh I um, I wanted to talk to you, but you were really drunk. So I knew you wouldn’t remember me talking to you.” “Okay…..” I really didn’t know what to say to him. “So I was wondering if I could come over to talk..” I thought about it. I guess I did need closure from him, so I needed to talk to him. “Sure Lou.” “Ok, I’ll be there in 10.”“K.” I hung up and just sat there. I had on sweats and a tank top, I looked down at my outfit and thought about changing, but screw it. I didn’t need to please anyone.
10 minutes later I heard my doorbell ring. I opened it and saw Louis. His clothes were all wrinkled and his hair messed up. Wow…I don’t think I’ve ever seen him like this. “Um, come in.” He smiled and then walked in. I gestured towards the couch and he went and sat down. I sat in the chair across from him. “Ok so I’m just gonna get to the point. (Y/N) I apologize for what I said to you. I guess everything was just getting to me and I took it out on you…and I deeply regret that. And I thought I wanted someone who has style, who cares what others say, who gets ready all the time, but turns out I don’t. When I was with Eleanor all I did was think about how you didn’t do this or that or you did this better or how much I missed you. Basically what I’m trying to say is I don’t want anyone else but you. I don’t care anymore what others think, I don’t care that you like to wear sweats and be comfortable, I’ll do that with you, but I just want us to go back to the way we were. You don’t know how unhappy I’ve been since you left. And after seeing you last night, the way you talked about yourself, I couldn’t help but feel horrible because this is all my fault. I let you believe something that wasn’t even true. I love you the way you are and don’t ever change that (Y/N)…I know I’m talking a lot but I just need to get everything out. I didn’t think you’d want to talk to me, but last night when you did, I knew I had to come back so you’d hear me clearly………Say something…” The whole time he’d been talking, I was just listening and taking everything in. He was saying a lot and I couldn’t wrap my head around it. Louis Tomlinson was sitting here saying he didn’t care about what others thought of me anymore and that he wants me back. But did I believe it? How did I know he wouldn’t just snap again? “How do I know this is real Lou?” is all I could get out. Sadness filled his eyes when I said that. I guess that offended him, but I needed to know for me. “I know there are no words to say how sorry I am, but you just have to believe me when I say I love you for who you are. And I’m nothing without you (Y/N) and I’m not trying to sound cocky, but you know this is taking a lot for me to admit. I just miss us, I miss being happy, I miss having someone there for me. I need you back in my life…..” He was right, Lou didn’t break down often and admit to his mistakes. I loved this boy and I knew I wouldn’t be able to move on in life without him. Love always overpowers everything else, so I knew I needed him back also. “Okay Lou..” His face lit up. “So you’ll have me back??” “Yes babe.” He got up and hugged me. “Ugh, thank you so much (Y/N). I swear I’ll make this up to you babe. I love you so much.” All I could do was hold onto him tighter. “I love you too Lou.”
he says something he regrets ( not by me ) Louis part 2
Lou’s POV
In the 2 months that I’ve been away from (Y/N), I wish I could say I felt better, but I can’t. Yes I found Eleanor and yes she is beautiful and nice, but she wasn’t (Y/N). Eleanor made me question getting with her sometimes. I thought when I told (Y/N) I wanted to start dressing up again that I really needed that, but turns out I don’t. Now Eleanor takes forever to get ready just to go to breakfast with me. I mean she doesn’t have to do her hair for each time of the day. It was getting me mad. Sometimes I missed (Y/N) because she’d be ready to go when I said let’s go. But not with Eleanor. I liked her, but I just couldn’t do this anymore. I missed (Y/N) and I regretted what I said to her. I kept keeping track of her, seeing how she was doing, without her knowing. And I think she just felt like shit like I did. She still dressed the same, but you know what? I didn’t care anymore. Fans had been giving her hate over it and they all loved Eleanor, but it was what made mehappy right? Not the fans. I needed to get her back. Her birthday was coming up and I knew the boys were gonna have her over. They didn’t know I knew, but I overheard them planning it. I needed to be there to let her know how much I love her and miss her. I just hope she accepted me.
Your POV
It’s my birthday. I looked in my mirror as I got ready. This would be the first time in months that I’d be dressing up. It kind of felt good to be wearing jeans and a nice shirt, still wasn’t classy, but classy wasn’t me. I put on light make up and grabbed a coat, heading to Zayn’s house. I told them I didn’t want anything big, I don’t like being surrounded by a bunch of people, so I hope they listened. I couldn’t help but wish Louis was going to be there so I could at least see him and let him know I’m happy for him, but I don’t think that’ll happen.
I arrived and could a bunch of cars parked out front. Ugh, I didn’t even want to go in, but they did all this for me, so I owed it to them. I walked in the door and was instantly hit with claustrophobia. There were so many people here. Did I even know all these people? But as I walked in further, I noticed these were all my friends, some I hadn’t seen in a while, but glad they were here. I looked for the boys and found them in the kitchen. “Hey (Y/N)!! Happy Birthday!!” Niall said drunk already. I always got a kick out of seeing him drunk, it was funny. “Thanks Ni.” “Well babe, are you ready to get drunk??” Liam asking me that?? I was shocked. Me and him were usually the sober ones. “Only if you do too.” He just smiled at me and poured a shot. Then another one. And handed one to me. “Bottoms up babe.” He threw it back and drank it and looked at me. I did the same and had to admit, it felt good doing this. “Let’s do this boys.” Sounded lame I know, but I was ready to just let go.
Lou’s POV
I pulled up to Zayn’s flat and could see lots of cars and flashing lights inside. I found (Y/N)’s car and knew she was here. I pulled up my hood and walked up to the door. As soon as I opened the door, I was instantly hit with the smell of alcohol and sweat. Ugh, disgusting. There were so many people dancing that I couldn’t walk through. But I slowly made my way over to the living room and sat on the couch. I kept my hood up, not wanting anyone to see me. I was sitting there when I saw Niall and (Y/N) come stumbling in from outside. They were both wasted. Since when did (Y/N) do this? They were holding eachother up and laughing hysterically. What the hell? They moved right next to me and I could hear their conversation. “Niall, I love you!” “I love you too babe! Happy birthday!!” And they downed another drink. “You’re not like Louis. You’d never hurt me right?” “Promise (Y/N). Now drink up and forget about him!” They laughed again and drank. I was kind of hurt by that, but it was the truth. I got up and made my way out to the balcony. I finally let my hood down and just stood there looking at the floor. How am I suppose to talk to her when she’s shitfaced.
After about 20 minutes I decided to just leave. But as I turned around to walk back in, (Y/N) came stumbling out, almost falling, so I caught her. Her eyes were squinted and she had a smile on her face. “Thhankk youu…” It came out slurred and I couldn’t help but feel bad. She seemed to straighten up and look at me then. “Louis?? You’re here??” All I could do was stare at her. I didn’t want to leave her like this by herself. “Well, Happy Birthday to me right?” She raised her glass and took another sip. “Okay, I think you’ve had enough.” I took the drink and sat her down. “Funny….you’re taking care of me…..when usually it was the other way around….” “Yeahh I guess.” “Hey Louis, can I tell you something?” Wow she must be really drunk if she’s talking to me like nothing happened. “What?” “I think your new girlfriend is very pretty. Way better than me……..and dresses better……but you know what?……I’m happy for you Lou…..just dandy.” She tried to grab her drink back but I didn’t let her. I was just stunned by what she just said. I didn’t like that she was comparing herself to Eleanor. She didn’t need to do that. And she was happy? Like hell she is, she’s just drunk. “She’s not my girlfriend anymore.” She got a confused look on her face, but then ended up laughing. “Well then…………drink up Lou! Join the party.” Again she tried to grab her drink but I still held back.“(Y/N) we need to talk.” “What? About what?” “You know about what. But not when you’re drunk.” I helped her get up and walked her into one of the rooms. As soon as she hit the pillow, she knocked out. Jeez, drink much? I walked out and locked the door behind me. As I turned around, I came face to face with Harry. “Hi Louis. Watcha doin?” “I um, was just putting (Y/N) to bed.” “Hmm, and wat are you doing here?” “I came to talk to her, but I guess I’ll come back tomorrow.” And with that I walked out.
I went home and just told myself I’d go back when she was sober. I needed her to remember what I say and believe me. I needed to prove to her I wanted her back and that I was sorry.
he says something he regrets ( not by me ) Louis part 1
Your POV
I’ve never been the type to have style. I never cared about it nor did I think about it. But dating Louis Tomlinson, I had to try and keep up with him and dress nice. But sometimes I just wanted to be in sweats and be myself. Wearing skirts and dresses just wasn’t me. I hated them. But his fans would get onto him when I’d wear sweats or my favorite yoga pants. He’d say it didn’t mean anything to him, but I knew deep down it bothered him a little. He was sassy, but when it came to style, he had his opinions. I’d take him shopping with me so he could pick out my outfits and shit. I did all this to make him happy, but after 3 years of doing this, I think it’s finally time to do me. This year I did not care what the fans thought of me. I went out in my sweats, hair thrown up, and sunglasses with no makeup. It was times like this I felt like my old self. And I loved it. Even when I was out with Lou I’d just wear some jeans and a shirt. He never said anything so I didn’t think it bothered him.
One day I went out in my favorite yoga pants and a work out shirt. Now, my pants were black but hella faded and my shirt was old and bleached. I was going for a work out so I didn’t think nothing about it. But for some reason, paps and fans were all outside my house waiting for me to leave. In recent days they’d found out where I lived and had started doing this. Lou told me just to smile and walk past them so I never paid much attention to them. But as soon as they saw me in the outfit, I immediately got so many twitter mentions.
When I got home from the gym I pulled out my phone to look at them. ‘She’s making him look terrible.’ ‘She’s dating someone who has style and she dresses like this?’ and last but not least ‘Louis can do better.’ Sure these words hurt, but Louis hadn’t said anything so why would I care. And last I checked, I didn’t get all dressed up just to go work out. But no sooner had I turned off my phone there was a knock on my door. I was all sweaty and disgusted but I still went to get it. There stood Louis and he did not look happy. “Lou?” He was suppose to be in the studio today so why was he here? “Can I come in?” “Yeah…” He just walked past me and stood in the kitchen. “What did you go do today?” I pointed to my outfit sarcastically. “I went to work out Lou.” “(Y/N), do you know how many freakin people have said things to me about this outfit?” I was taken back by that. “And? Your point?? I don’t care.” “I’m Louis fuckin Tomlinson! You can’t go out like that! God you’re such an embarrassment sometimes.” Gone was my sarcasticness, now I was seeing red. “Embarrassment? Last time I checked you didn’t need to fuckin dress up to go to the gym! And since you’re such a big shot and worried about what others have been saying then leave me!” His face sort of fell but he kept going. “Babe, that’s not what I want. I just need you to start dressing good again.” Really? This is what he wants? “Hmm…Babe…How bout no? I don’t care what others think and I’ve been dressing like someone I’m not for the past 2 years for your stupid fame. So you know what? Go find someone else who has style because I’m done trying to please you and your fans. Get out Louis.” “(Y/N) c’mon, think about what you’re saying.” “Yeahh, I’ve thought long and hard Lou. I’m not happy with this so get the hell out. If I embarrass you then I’m sure you’ll be happier without me.” “What? No (Y/N)…” “Get!”
Lou’s POV
I just stood there and stared at her. All I came here to do was ask her to stop dressing like that and she turned it into breaking up? Was it really that bad I said that to her? But the look in eyes told me she was serious about this. There was also a hurt look in there, I hurt her. I didn’t mean to. I don’t know why I let this shit get to my head, but it did and I couldn’t stop it. She wouldn’t look at me…..I tried to grab her arm but she backed away. Fine, I guess I’m leaving then. I walked out her door and slammed it. As I drove home I thought about what had just happened. We were done….officially done…screw her. I didn’t need this. Since she thinks I can find someone else, I will then.
Your POV
It’s been 2 months since Lou and I broke up. He never called me or anything. Not even to say sorry. But whatever, I was stronger than that. I didn’t need his apology. But it still hurt deep down. But since he left, I’ve been dressing shittier and shittier. I really didn’t care. When fans saw me on the street they’d yell nasty things at me but I’d put in my headphones and ignore it. I got to a cafe one day and saw Lou and some other girl front page. I picked it up and looked at her. Her hair was curled, her makeup done, and she was wearing a designer dress. Hmm, I guess he did find someone else. I looked at him and he was smiling. He looked happy, so why did I feel sadness when I looked at him. I guess deep down I really missed him. I put the magazine and walked back to my place. It was my birthday in 3 days and the boys had kept sending me things throughout the week. It was sweet of them. They still talked to me after what had happened, and when they’d take me out, they didn’t care what I was wearing. They’d wear sweats with me. They made me feel happy and forget about Lou for a while. But he’d always come back to my mind. On my birthday they were going to be throwing me a little birthday party. I didn’t want to go because of Lou, but they assured me he wouldn’t be there. I trusted them, so I just hoped I wouldn’t see him..
he says something he regrets ( not by me ) Zayn part 2
Your POV
I arrived at (Y/F/N)’s house and she saw how mad I was. “What happened?” I just sat down on the couch and let out a huge sigh. “Zayn came home drunk and basically told me I should wear more makeup to cover up my acne…” Her face paled. “What?! How dare he!” “I know, I know. I’m just trying to gather it all in my head. I mean he was drunk, so it has to be the truth right?” She sat down next to me and held my hands. “(Y/N), I know everyone says that the truth comes out when you’re drunk, but don’t you think maybe you should talk to Zayn first before you believe that?” “Yeah but, I don’t know. I don’t think I can see him right now. Plus….I kinda already announced we weren’t together on twitter.” “(Y/N)!” “What?! I was mad..” “Just ignore it and we’ll figure it all out in the morning.” I nodded and headed off to bed. I layed there though, wide awake, just thinking about it. My acne was the one thing that held me back from certain things. Every time I was out with Zayn I tried to do my best to cover it up because I knew paps and fans would start talking about it. And it hurt to hear what they had to say. When I would stare at myself in the mirror, Zayn would come behind me and cover my eyes. ‘(Y/N), don’t stand here and look at what you don’t like. Instead, stand here and look at how beautiful you really are..’ He uncovered my eyes and turned me around. ‘I wish you wouldn’t do this to yourself babe. Wear less makeup. Show the world who you really are, I don’t care how you look, just as long as I can make you feel beautiful in my own way. And believe me when I say, I love you just how you are.’ I cried that night and he held me. I never had anyone tell me that and he just had. That’s when I knew I completely loved Zayn. And ever since then, I’d worn less makeup. But that’s also when fans got harsher. Zayn knew about hate, and he stood up for me. But after all this, I don’t know what to believe anymore. I wanted to talk to him, but I was afraid it’d be true….
I woke up the next morning to my phone ringing. I looked at it and it was Zayn. I just put it back down and ignored it. But then it started ringing again. I gave up and answered it without looking at the id. “What?” “Um,…(Y/N)?” Oh..this wasn’t Zayn. “Yes Harry.” “Hey, I just um…I know it’s none of my business but what happened babe?” “What are you talking about?” “Between you and Zayn love. Twitter…” Aw shit, I forgot about that. “Oh yeahh, that. Um, Zayn said some things last night..” “But what did he say? I talked to him but he says he doesn’t remember..” Sure he would say that. But I decided to tell Harry. “He told me I should wear more makeup to cover up my acne to make me look better. Basically agreeing with his fans.” Harry paused for a moment. I thought he had hung up but then he spoke again. “(Y/N), you know Zayn doesn’t mean that.” “He was drunk Harry, I’m sure he meant it.” “Look, let me talk to him and we’ll figure this out. But (Y/N), you know you’re beautiful just the way you are. Don’t let this affect your guys’ relationship.” “Thanks Harry.” “Ok, I’ll call you later.” I hung up with him and just sat there. Harry telling me I’m beautiful didn’t make me feel better. But I knew I had to talk to Zayn sooner or later.
Zayn’s POV
Harry called me right back and told me what I had supposedly said. “And she thinks I mean that??” I was crushed and mad. I know I was drunk but I did not mean that. But I knew (Y/N), she was one of those people who believed the truth came out when drunk. I needed to see her. “Where is she??” “Um, I’m not sure. But I mean she only knows one other person here Zayn. Her friend (Y/F/N). Go to her house and see.” “Alright thanks mate.” I hung up and quickly threw on some sweats and a shirt. I needed to hurry up and talk to her. I really couldn’t remember anything from last night but from what Harry says, I know what I said was harsh. (Y/N) struggled with that insecurity. But there was no way I meant what I said. I loved her just like that, I didn’t care about some damn acne.
I sped to her friend’s house and ran up to the door. I knocked really hard and continued to until (Y/F/N) answered the door.
Your POV
I was just getting out of the shower and I could hear someone knocking on the door. I went out into the hall to see who it was. I could see (Y/F/N) open the door and start talking to someone. I couldn’t hear her nor could I see who it was. “Who is it (Y/F/N)?” Just then Zayn pushed in through the door. My eyes widen and I just stood there. “(Y/N), babe c’mon. You know I didn’t mean that. You know me, you know I don’t care about that. Just please talk to me about this.” I looked at (Y/F/N) and she just nodded her head. She was agreeing with him. I finally gave in and motioned for him to come up to my room. Once he was there I closed the door and sat on the bed. He rushed over and kneeled in front of me. “Babe, I’m sorry about last night. But I was drunk. I know that’s a stupid excuse, but I would never say that and mean that to you. I don’t know how many times I’ve expressed to you that I love you the way you are. I know it must’ve hurt hearing that, but I regret it, so much.” I sat and just looked at him. He looked like he was about to cry. “Do you really mean this Zayn? Do you really not care about my acne?” “Hell no! Please get it through your head babe that I don’t care what you say, what fans say, I love your skin. I don’t care if you wear makeup or not. That’s your choice, not mine. I accept you no matter what. I love you babe.” I wanted to cry. But I held it in because he was making me happy right now. “I love you too Zayn.” “Ugh thank god. I thought you really meant it when you told me to fuck off.” I laughed at that. He knew I had a short temper. “Yeahh sorry about that, I just got ahead of myself.” “I know babe, but I still love you.” He kissed my forehead and sat besides me. “Now will you please come back to my house?” “Absolutely.” “Good. And take that shit off of twitter now.” “I will Zayn, don’t worry.” “Can’t have people thinking we’re not together. I want everyone to know you’re mine.” I smiled at that. He truly did love me, I just let things get to me easily. I knew I needed to work on that, but I also knew I had Zayn there to help me with that.
he says something he regrets ( not by me ) Zayn part 1
Your POV
I’m just a regular teenager. I go to college, I have a job, I have flaws and I’m still growing up. But I’m also dating Zayn Malik. So take all my stress and add that to it. His fans never really liked me because I don’t spend enough time with him, but I have a life too and Zayn understands that. So whenever we see each other, we cherish it. There were some fans that liked me and they’d always send me love tweets, it was sweet, but not enough to overpower the hate. Like a normal teen, I also had acne. I hated it and I just couldn’t get rid of it. Fans always pointed it out to me and it hurt. When I first met Zayn, I put a ton of makeup on to cover it up and then he saw me one time without it on. I was so embarrassed that I wanted to cry. But he looked me in the eyes and told me he didn’t care, that it was a part of growing up. And he was right. I’m just a normal person. Why can’t others see that as well?
But other than that, I loved being with him. He makes me stress-free and just enjoys his life, I couldn’t ask for more. But I knew before getting with Zayn that he sometimes had a temper. I’d seen when people called him bad names and he would just take it hard and lose it. I was there for him though. He never lashed out at me and I had hoped he never would. But never say never, because today was the day he did.
Zayn came home in a pissy mood. I had seen the things on twitter that people were saying so I needed to be there for him. “I can’t catch a fuckin break anymore! What more do these people want?!” “Zayn you can’t please everyone babe, just don’t let it get to you. C’mon, you know better than this.” “You’re right babe. I just need a drink.” I sat back and watched him. One drink turned into 8. He was drunk already. He was lightweight so he couldn’t hold much. And when he was drunk he would just say a bunch of nonsense. I walked over to him because he was trying to get to the room but kept falling into the wall. I put his arm around my neck and helped him to the bed. When I finally got him there I layed him down and started to take off his shoes and clothes, leaving him in his boxers. He was slurring words but I wasn’t really paying attention to him. “(Y/N)…….you know…you get a lot of hate too.” “Yes Zayn.” “But…..why?” “Ask your fans.” He took a moment to take that in. “I mean sure you have a lot of acne……….and you could wear more makeup to cover it……it doesn’t hurt (Y/N), you’d look……better.” And with that he passed out. I just stood there, teary eyed, looking at him. Did he really just agree with his fans?? Everyone knows that the truth comes out when you’re drunk. Is this how Zayn really felt? I’m sorry I don’t pack on my makeup like his last fuckin girlfriend.
I was so mad now. I threw his clothes on the floor and grabbed my purse. I didn’t want to be here when he woke up. And I knew he’d say he doesn’t remember anything. So I left him a little note.
Since you think I should wear makeup to cover up something I can’t control…..go fuck yourself.
I smiled as I wrote it and left it on his night stand. As I was walking to my car, I tweeted to the fans. ‘You guys got what you wanted. He agrees with you. Feel free to have him.’ I turned off my phone and drove to my friend’s house. She knew how I felt about my acne and my insecurities. How dare Zayn say that about me. I was hurt but I was more so mad. I believed him when he said I was fine. But I didn’t need him to make me feel good about myself. He can just find someone else.
Zayn’s POV
I woke up with a massive headache. Shit, I must’ve drank a lot than I meant to. I reached over and patted the other side of the bed expecting to find (Y/N) but it was empty. I opened my eyes and saw the room was empty. I looked to the nightstand to look at the clock but instead there was a note with my name on it. I sat up and read it……what the fuck? What happened? Why would she be saying that to me. Just then my phone started ringing. I looked at the caller id and it was Harry.“Hello..” “Zayn what’d you do man? What’s wrong with (Y/N)?” “What are you talking about?” “Look on twitter man.” I opened up my laptop and saw a bunch of tweets directed to me about breaking (Y/N)’s heart. There was a ton, but most of them talked about me calling her ugly, that she needed to cover up her acne. What? I clicked on her page and saw her most recent tweet. ‘Feel free to have him.’ Did we break up? I looked at the note again. ‘Go fuck yourself.’ I guess we did. “Harry, I don’t know what happened.” “Let me call around and I’ll find out, just try calling her man. It seems like it was something big.” “K thanks.”
We hung up and I just stared at the computer. Did I really say this? I hope not, because that would be the stupidest thing ever. I tried calling her but her phone went straight to voicemail. Ugh. She needs to pick up.
he says something he regrets ( not by me ) Harry part 2
Your POV
After Harry left I was a mess. I was crying, angry, sad, and then relieved at the same time. I did not know what to do with myself. It was like I was on a rollercoaster. It took me about 6 hours before I actually realized what had happened…..Harry and I broke up…..over me being on my period?? Wtf. But if it had really affected him he would’ve came back and talked to me. Then again, I’d just be yelling at him the whole time. But I still couldn’t get over what he had said. Why would he second guess being with me? He must’ve thought about this before then. That hurt….
For the next 3 days, I layed in bed, crying, eating, crying, eating. It was horrible. I was heartbroken and didn’t know how to handle myself. I wanted him back, I missed him. But I didn’t want to be the one to go running back to him. I wanted him to think I didn’t need him…..but deep down I know I did. No matter what he says, I still love him. I guess I just needed to learn to be nicer while on my monthly. Ugh…I didn’t want to call him but…
Just then I heard a knock on my door. When I didn’t get up to answer it I heard more knocking, this time with yelling. “(Y/N)! I know you’re in there!” It was Harry. Should I get up? I guess I should. I dragged myself from bed and went to answer the door. I opened it without even looking at myself in the mirror, so the reaction on Harry’s face showed just how horrible I looked. “Jeez, what’d you do, lay in bed for the past few days?” I just looked at him and turned around. He followed me back into my bedroom. I got back in and under the covers. “Well, I can see you’ve been enjoying yourself.” He picked up one of the many ice cream cartons and threw it in the trash. Then as he went to sit on the bed, he shoved all my tissues aside to make room. “I guess you can say that. What do you want Harry?” This time he looked at me seriously. “We need to talk.” “Sure you wanna do that?” “Yes, because I need to explain things to you.” “Ok fine. This better be good.” I sat there and waited for him to begin. He took a deep breath and began, “(Y/N) I’m sorry for what I said. I know now I shouldn’t of said that because after I left I was hurt also. I mean you broke up with me and I didn’t know how to react. It was just surprising over something like this. But now looking back, I understand why you did it. You deserve to be treated like a princess while you’re going through this. I guess I just need to get on schedule with you and be prepared. And (Y/N) believe me when I say that I do still want to be with you, those words just slipped out of my mouth and I did not mean them at all. I was just frustrated. I wanted to spend time with you and I took it harshly when you said no. I should’ve let you explain first and I’m sorry about that.” I looked at him and wanted to laugh. I don’t know why, but my emotions were all over the place. But I knew deep down Harry meant it. Princess? Shoot he better. “Harry it’s not just all you, I need to change how I act too. I’m sorry for being so moody, I just can’t control it. But I promise I will try and go out with you more while I’m on this. And I’ll only be treated like a princess if you’ll be my prince charming..” I smiled at him and he looked adorable after I said that. His face lit up and he hugged me. “Of course babe. And on that note…” He walked out of the room and then came back with bags. “I brought chocolates!” “Harry Styles, you’re the best.” He sat down and started handing me the candy and he ate with me. “Only for you babe. I love you.” “I love you too Syles.”
he says something he regrets ( not by me ) Harry part 1
Your POV
You ever had that day or week where you just wanted to sit and do nothing? Well that’s how I was right now. I hate being on my period and worse of all, Harry never knew how to handle me while I was on it. He would try to avoid me as much as possible and I didn’t blame him. I didn’t want to fight with him or say something stupid and make him mad. Cuz as it was, I was already mad. So I’d just stay in my room all day sometimes to cope with the pain. He’d just go out with the boys and have fun. Sometimes I got jealous because he wouldn’t even bother to ask me if I wanted to go, but then again I knew I wouldn’t go anyways. But after it’s done, he comes back to me and treats me the same. Being together for only a year, I think he still has to get use to me on my monthly. But I know that when I did cry, he was there for me and would comfort me. But today just wasn’t his day I guess.
I was sitting in my room in my pajamas and I think it was like 3pm. I didn’t care, I was on my period. I didn’t want to do shit, and it was the first day, so I was cramping like hell. But Harry of course didn’t know I had started because he was gone the night before. He came into the room and jumped on the bed. “(Y/N) why are you still in bed? It’s late afternoon, get up!” He was excited for something, but all I could think about was the pain I was going through. “Harry, no I’m not feeling good babe.” His face kind of fell. “So you’re just going to sit in bed all day?? I wanted you to go to dinner with me and the boys tonight. Can you please get up and get ready?” “That’s great babe and I really want to go but….” He cut me off before I could finish explaining to him and just started being mean. He wasn’t yelling but he was still mean. “Why do you do this? Why can’t you ever go anywhere with me?” “Harry I’m on…” “No, you’re fuckin boring (Y/N), I don’t know why I’m with you. I’ll just go with the boys by myself like I’ve been doing since my girlfriend doesn’t want to do shit.” I could feel my heart start racing and my face turn red. Harry has never said anything like that to me and it hurt. I was sitting here trying to explain to him why I was in bed and he just said he doesn’t know why he’s with me? Fuck that. I jumped up and caught his arm as he was trying to leave. “Harry Styles! You’re a freakin asshole! You won’t even let me finish explaining why I’m in bed! But no, you don’t want to listen. So you know what fine! If you don’t know why you’re with me and I’m boring………get the hell out of my house and don’t ever come back. And I mean it Styles, stay the fuck away from me.” I was letting everything out because I was infuriated. He had no excuse to say those words to me and I didn’t deserve it. His face was just in shock. But he didn’t say anything, he walked towards the door and I followed him. He opened the door and walked out. As he was walking down the sidewalk, I yelled at him. “And for your information, I’M ON MY PERIOD YOU ASS!!” And I slammed the door hard to show him how pissed I was. I hope he learned his lesson not to mess with me on days like this.
Harry’s POV
As she said those words, it dawned on me why she was so mad. What the hell did I do? I should’ve known when I walked in and she was still in bed. I’ve been with her for a year and I still wasn’t use to this. But damn, she pissed me off sometimes, never wanting to go anywhere with me. But I was just a guy, I didn’t understand. I should’ve tried to understand but things just go out of hand. Now I was walking back towards my house, with a guilt feeling in the pit of my stomach. Had we just really broken up? Over that? Sure I said something stupid, but did she really need to do that? I know, I sound like an ass, but maybe she’s right, maybe I am an ass. But that didn’t change the way I felt about her. She really broke up with me……I couldn’t wrap my head around that, but I knew I had to fix it. I went out to dinner with the boys as planned, but they knew something was up as soon as I sat down. I was still thinking about what had happened with (Y/N) and I was mad. “What’s wrong mate?” Liam asked. I just shook my head and stared at my menu. They all just sat there and looked at me, waiting for me to answer. I finally gave in and answered. “(Y/N) broke up with me….” “What? Why?” “I um….I said some things…” “Like what Harry? She’s a nice girl, you must’ve said something bad.”“Thanks captain obvious. Yes I did. I told her she was boring and that I didn’t know why I was with her…but I didn’t mean for that to slip out, so then she told me to get out and stay away.” “Well…don’t you feel stupid now. You need to fix it Harry. You know that girl loves you.” I just nodded my head. I knew she loved me and I loved her, we should be able to make it through this, but the look in her eyes told me she was very mad at me. “I don’t know….I have to give her time I guess, and then I’ll try.” “Why not go tomorrow, what the hell are you waiting for?” I didn’t want to say it, but oh well. “She’s on her monthly, so whatever I say she’ll be mad at.” They all cringed and I tried not to laugh. “Okay, TMI. Now we know. Let’s move past this.” “Thank you.” They all dropped it and we ate. But I was still thinking about what I was going to say to her. What do you say to a girl after you basically told them they were boring to you? I didn’t know, but I had to think of something soon.
he says something he regrets ( not by me ) Niall part 2
Your POV
It’s been 2 weeks since I’ve talked to Niall. He’s been calling nonstop, actually getting pretty annoying. I just didn’t know what to say to him. If I couldn’t make him happy, why talk to him? I got up and went to the bathroom mirror. Since then, I haven’t really been eating anything and I’ve been working out like crazy. But as I looked at myself now, I didn’t like what I saw. My face was pale, bags under my eyes, and my bones were starting to stand out. I always liked having extra meat on my bones because I never cared what others said. But when Niall said that, it just affected me. It’s funny how one person can change your view on a certain thing. And what’s funny is he was the one who always stuck up for me when people called me fat. But I didn’t know what to believe anymore. But seeing this now, my body didn’t deserve this and neither did I. I promised myself in that moment I would stop. I would eat normal again and just stop working out. If someone really loved me, they’d love me no matter what. Whether I’m skin and bones or curvy and full of life. It felt great saying that to myself. I didn’t need Niall to make myself feel better. He could suck it.
Niall’s POV
(Y/N) hasn’t answered any of my calls and she won’t answer her door when I go over there. She never gave me a spare key to her house because she’d just go to mine. But of course that stopped 2 weeks ago. I don’t know how many times I’ve gone over that night in my head. I told the boys what happened and they even tried contacting her, but she just wouldn’t listen to anyone. My heart broke because this was all my fault. She thought she wasn’t good enough for me. I didn’t want skinny, I wanted her. And as I would be out walking, I’d see her picture on the front of some magazines. Paps got word of what happened and it was all over. A recent picture of her though caught my eye. She looked like she was starving herself, like she hadn’t ate in weeks. I hated seeing her like this. She needed to know how much I really regretted saying that to her. But how could I do that if she wouldn’t listen to me?
The boys and I had an interview in 20 minutes and I just didn’t feel like doing it. But I had to. I knew I wasn’t going to be myself in this interview, but I had to push through it. And what was worse was I knew they’d ask me questions about (Y/N). Everyone had been and I’d just been brushing them off. I wasn’t ready to accept we weren’t together anymore. So when we got to the interview, of course they asked, I answered and was done. We left and I didn’t say a word.
Your POV
I was sitting on my couch watching tv when I got a text from Zayn. ‘Go to channel 3 and just watch.’ Zayn was Niall’s best mate and I know it took a lot for Zayn to reach out to someone unless it was important. So I flipped through my channels until I got to 3. On tv were the boys in an interview. I immediately looked at Niall. He didn’t look like he wanted to be there, especially since Zayn kept patting him on the back and rubbing his back. He’d answer whatever question was thrown at him, but he wasn’t his usual cheery self. And I kind of felt bad. They were seriously grilling him about what happened between us. At one point they showed a recent picture of me. I hadn’t even known they took one. But it showed how much weight I had lost and I did not look good. And when Niall saw it, he had a pained look in his face. ‘So Niall, what do you have to say about this whole situation?’ I turned up the volume more so I could hear exactly what he was going to say. He took a while to answer, but he finally did. He looked directly into the camera as he said this….’Yes, I agree that what I said was completely wrong and hurtful. And I lost the one person who cared most for me because of something that slipped out of my mouth. But all I can do is apologize and say that I’ve learned my lesson. And to everyone watching, think before you speak. because anything you say could either break a person or make them happy. I chose to say something stupid and in the end lost everything. Make a better choice than I did because you hardly ever get a second chance. Calling a girl fat or indicating anything like that will ruin their whole persona. So don’t ever do that. And (Y/N) if you’re watching, I truly am sorry and I miss you babe. That’s all.’ He put his head down and didn’t talk the rest of the interview. My heart was racing and my eyes watering. I’ve been avoiding him because I didn’t want to hear his apology, but hearing it on national tv, that was something else. he admitted in front of everyone what he did and how wrong he was. And apologized to me not even knowing if I’d be watching. I gave it to him, that took guts. I knew Niall was getting hate for what he did and I know I didn’t want him going through that. But should I give him a second chance?? I got another text from Zayn. ‘Do you believe him now?’ It’s not that I didn’t believe him, it’s just I was hurt. He was right, calling a girl fat ruins their whole persona. And he ruined mine. But I loved Niall and I didn’t like seeing him hurt. ‘Where is he?’ He texted back right away. ‘At the starbucks on the corner from his flat.’ ‘K thanks.’ That starbucks was where Niall and I first met. I gathered my things and got in my car. I drove as fast as I could over there and ran inside. I looked until I spotted him sitting in a corner away from everyone. He was just looking down at his coffee and stirring it. I walked up to his table and just stood there, waiting for him to notice me. It took him about 30 seconds, but when he finally looked up, his whole face lit up. “(Y/N)? What are you doing here?…..I mean, I’m glad…..but…” “I saw the interview.” His face kinda fell. “Oh yeahh, that.” Now he didn’t seem too happy. “Are you here to throw that back in my face?” What? No. “No Niall, I came here to let you know I accept your apology.” He stopped stirring and looked up at me. “What? Really…..I mean….I hurt you babe….are you sure??” “Niall yes, stop rambling. Yes you hurt me, but I love you. I won’t let that affect our relationship babe. So if you’d still have me….I’d like to have you back…” He was nodding his head. “On one condition.” “What?” “You eat whatever you want and be yourself. No matter what. I don’t like you skinny, I want you to go back to the old you, the girl I fell in love with.” I smiled at that. “I will Nialler.” He smiled and jumped up to hug me. He held on so long but I didn’t care. I missed this. “I love you (Y/N) and I’m so sorry.” “I love you too Ni, and it’s ok. Just don’t hurt me again.” “I promise babe.”
he says something he regrets ( not by me ) Niall part 1
Your POV
Being a famous person’s girlfriend always made me feel insure. Being Niall Horan’s girlfriend? Now that was really nerve wrecking. His fans always had an opinion of who he or any of the boys were dating. So when he first had asked me to be his girlfriend, I almost said no because I was scared of the hate. I’ll admit, I was not the skinniest girl or prettiest girl. I liked to eat and just be lazy once in awhile. But Niall always told me he liked me like that because I was like him. So I said yes. And of course as soon as everyone heard, the hate began. Everyone on twitter was bashing me, calling me ugly, fat, not deserving of Nialler, and just putting me down. So, I would stop eating to please them and Niall. But Niall did not like that. It took me a couple months of crying to realize their comments were not going to bring me down or get in the way of mine and Niall’s relationship. He was there for me every step of the way, sticking up for me and telling me how beautiful I was.
That was about 2 months ago. We were still together and I was myself. I ate what I wanted and looked how I wanted. Every time I was with Niall it seemed like we were always going out to eat. So recently I had been putting on some extra weight. It was concerning to me and I had hoped Niall hadn’t noticed. But I guess he had. We were at his house one night having a movie night, and I got up to go into the kitchen. I was looking in the fridge, wanting something chocolatey. I finally settled on a piece of cake. I cut him and I both a piece and brought it back to the living room. He ate his and I ate mine. But I wasn’t satisfied. I got another and came to sit back down. Niall just looked at me. “What?” “Two pieces? Don’t you think that’s enough? You’ve been gaining a lot of weight lately.” My heart stopped. Niall just really said that. I put the fork down and looked at him. He was serious. “What does that mean?” “I’m just saying, you could lose a few pounds.” He went back to watching tv, pretending as if he did not just say that. But he did, and it hurt. My eyes started watering and I just let my tears fall. I put the plate in the kitchen and went upstairs to the bathroom to cry. I was up there for what seemed like 30 minutes and he never came up to check on me. What an ass.
After I calmed down a little bit, I got up and went into his room. I packed a few of my things and walked downstairs. That’s when he finally noticed me. “Where are you going babe?” I didn’t answer him. I put on my shoes and jacket and went for the door. He ran to the door and blocked me from leaving. “Move Niall.” “Babe……why are you crying?” “Go ask your fans. You seem to agree with them about my weight.” His face fell and he realized now what he had said. “(Y/N) you’re not serious are you?” I just looked away. “(Y/N) I didn’t mean it like that.” “Yeahh well you seemed pretty serious to me, so excuse me while I leave so you can go find yourself a skinny girlfriend. Goodbye Niall.” I pushed past him and opened the door. “No (Y/N) wait!” I didn’t listen to him, I ran to my car and drove off. I went back to my place and just sat in the dark. Niall always told me I was perfect the way I was. Why would he do this now? I guess being his girlfriend I had to look a certain way. Well, if that’s why Niall really wanted, he could go find himself a skinny ass model. I didn’t need this.
Publicerat 2013-01-15 00:36:18 i
bättre sent än aldrig....
he says something he regrets ( not by me ) Liam part 2
Your POV
I sped away. I didn’t know where I was going to go. I just needed to get away from Liam. I was still crying as I was driving. It was late as hell so hardly anything was open. I found myself driving in circles until I ended up back in front of Liam’s flat. The lights were all out, so I was assuming he went to bed. I could have gone home, but I was just too worried to leave him alone. I had only been gone for an hour and he already decided to give up on me. He never called, never came after me. I guess he didn’t care. I sat there for awhile just looking at the house, I wanted to go in, but I was scared. I didn’t want him to lash out at me again, but then again, no man should ever talk to a woman like that. I got up the courage to get out of my car and walk up to the door. I unlocked it and walked in. It was dark, but I knew he wasn’t anywhere downstairs. I quietly went upstairs to his bedroom and opened the door. Liam was sound asleep on the bed and I couldn’t help but go look at him. Even in his sleep he still looked stressed. His eyebrows were moving, he had a frown and he was mumbling. It was cute yet sad to see. He truly had been stressed, I just still didn’t know what for. I kissed his forehead and couldn’t believe it when his face actually relaxed as I pulled away. I truly loved this boy. I decided to let him have the bed to himself and grabbed a pillow and blanket and slept downstairs on the couch. As I layed down, I sat there wondering what Liam would do when he found me in the morning, but I was prepared for whatever he had to say.
Liam’s POV
The next morning I woke up with a headache. It was from all the crying. I was so tired last night that I just passed out, I was gonna go looking for (Y/N) but ended up not. Shit, she must think I don’t want her. I got up and walked downstairs to check my phone. But as I got to the living room I noticed a figure on the couch. I walked over and saw it was her. She came back…why did she sleep down here? I sat down across from her and moved her hair out of her face so I could look at her. Her eyes were puffy and red, she had cried a lot. Gosh, and it was all because of me. I still didn’t know why I did that last night. I guess I just needed someone to take it out on and she just happened to be there. As I was playing with her hair, she started to slowly wake up. I sat back and waited til she was fully awake. She noticed me and sat up and backed away from me. I bowed my head…..I deserved that I guess. I looked back up at her. “Why’d you sleep out here?” “I didn’t want to bother you.” “(Y/N) that wouldn’t of bothered me.” “Yeahh but the things…” “(Y/N) the things I said last night I didn’t mean. And believe me when I say I’m so sorry. I’m just so stressed with work and fans and you just happened to be the one I took it out on. I’m sorry babe, that won’t ever happen again.” She looked skeptical. “Are you sure Liam? You sounded so truthful last night. I mean, I don’t ask for the things you give me, and you know I always try to put you first…” That hurt to hear that. She thought I didn’t appreciate her. “Babe I know you do and I thank you for that. I don’t know why I said that last night. I buy you things because I want to and I put you first for a reason. You give me everything I could ever ask for (Y/N) and that’s your love and being with me. I couldn’t ask for more. I love you babe. I’m just sorry you had to see me like that.” She nodded her head and let a small smile spread across her lips. “So…..we’re good?” “Yess.” “Ok but Liam. Next time just talk to me ok? No matter what it is, i’m your girlfriend for a reason. I’m here for you, I always will be babe. You have to trust me when it comes to stuff like that.” What she was saying was true. I had a hard time confiding in people, and I did trust her its just I didn’t want her to see me like that. I like to keep things bottled in I guess. I just didn’t want to burden her with my problems, but now I know not to keep things from her anymore. “I promise I will babe. Thank you……I don’t deserve you sometimes.” “No Liam, I don’t deserve you, but I love you and that’s all that matters.” “I love you too. Now come to my bed and sleep with me please?” “Gladly.” I picked her up and carried her up to the room and laid her in bed. I got in besides her and held her close to me. “Don’t ever leave like that again.” “Don’t ever scare me like that Liam.” “I won’t.” “Then I won’t do that again.” I smiled at that and accepted that.
He says something he regrets ( not by me ) Liam part 1
Your POV
Being with Liam was the best thing any girl could ask for. He truly was the sweetest guy and a true gentlemen. And I loved him, with all my heart. We’ve been together for about a year now and I couldn’t be more happy. Even though I never expected it, he always put me first and made sure I was happy before himself and others. I told him many times not to do this, but it was just in him to do that. There were times when I thought I didn’t deserve him because I couldn’t return his kindness sometimes, but he reassured me I didn’t have to return anything. Liam had money, I didn’t. I was nothing compared to him. So when he bought me presents and gave me nonsense things, I would get upset because there was no way I could buy him something so expensive. “(Y/N), gifts don’t have to be expensive. They come from the heart. It just so happens that what I buy you is expensive, but I just want you to have the best, because you deserve the best.” He would make me cry when he said that and I gladly appreciated him for that. I would make him dinner, go to him whenever he needed me, anything I could to show my love and appreciation for him. One night though, he wasn’t himself and I felt that he needed me.
He had texted me earlier today saying he was very stressed and he was just going to stay in tonight. We were suppose to be going to the movies but I didn’t care. I was at my house when he said that so I rushed over to his house. I knocked for what seemed like ever and then he finally opened the door. “I brought snacks.” I smiled and held up a bag of candy and popcorn. He didn’t seem happy to see me but he let me in. My face fell a little after that. I had never really seen Liam like this so it was new to me. Usually he was the one taking care of me when I was at my worse. I set down the bag and walked over to him in the kitchen. “Babe, what’s wrong?” He had his arms crossed and head down. I went to go hug him but he just pushed me away. “(Y/N) I’m just really stressed babe. I really wanted to be alone tonight.” Well that kind of hurt. “But Liam, I’m your girlfriend, you can talk to me. I’m here for you. You know that.” “Yes I do, but there are just some things you handle by yourself.” “But…” “I appreciate you coming over here but can you please leave.” “Liam, no..I want to stay and help.” I guess I said the wrong thing because he exploded after that. Which sure as hell caught me off guard. “Damn it why don’t you listen!! I said I wanted to be alone! Can’t you for once put me first instead of yourself!?! You’re selfish and annoying! Get the fuck out now!!” My eyes started watering at what he said and I was shaking. Seeing Liam like that was terrifying.
Liam’s POV
I was stressed, I didn’t mean what i just said. It just slipped out. But after seeing her shaking and starting to cry, my stress what instantly gone. “No babe, I didn’t mean that. I’m so sorry….” I went to grab her hand but she just backed away.“(Y/N)!” She was already grabbing her things and walking towards the door. “Stay away from me Liam. Since I’m so annoying I’ll just leave you alone and put you first for once.” And with that she slammed the door and left. I ran out to get her but she had already sped away. Crap, what have I done? I stood there and debated on whether or not I should go to her, but instead I stood there and cried. I’ve never yelled at a girl, let alone said those things, and I just hurt her. And there were no words to explain how regretful I felt.
Signing - not by me
Your POV
Liam: I had been waiting in line for 5 hours just to meet One Direction and get their autograph. And I was getting closer, but I was stuck between two bimbos who kept nagging at each other. I was just staying out of it. But right when I about to reach Liam, the girl behind me started talking to me. “You know I look better than you right now, they’re not going to notice you. You’re plain, just go home honey.” I looked at her and she had a fuckin face full of makeup just caked on. I looked her up and down and she did not like that. She had on a skin tight dress with everything hanging out. “Yeahh because they go for girls like you.” I finally reached Liam and was about to say hi but this girl kept talking! “Liam would like this over you. I have a better body.” “Hey! I don’t appreciate what you’re saying. Either keep your opinions to yourself or get out of line.” He looked her dead serious in her eyes and she just shut up. I smirked and looked at Liam. “Thank you.” “Of course love.” I was about to move on to Zayn but he stopped me. “And by the way, you look beautiful.” I just smiled at him and walked away.
Niall: I was eating while I was waiting to meet Niall. He is my favorite so I just could not wait! As I was going down the line to him though, a girl behind me kept expressing her opinion about me eating. “You’re fat for eating right now. That’s not attractive. Even to Niall.” I looked down at my sandwich and then back at her. She had the perfect body but her face was ugly. Not to be mean, but she had on way too much eyeliner. “Thanks love.” I finally got to Niall but she spoke again. “Niall do you think this is attractive, I mean ew.” He looked at my food then smiled at me. “What’s your name love?” “(Y/N)…” “Well (Y/N) I think that looks very attractive. Infact, do you mind sharing?” “Sure!” He took the sandwich and took a bite while looking at the girl the whole time. She looked away disgusted and then just left. He gave it back to me. “Thanks Niall.” “Don’t let someone talk to you like that (Y/N), but you’re welcome love, anytime. And thanks for the bite.” He winked at me and I could of died.
Harry: I looked at the girl standing in front of me and she just looked trashy. She had on a damn bikini top and short shorts. Each time she met one of the boys, she lean forward on purpose so her boobs would hang out. And when she lastly got to Harry, she made sure she leaned forward enough. “Hi babe. Like what you see?” He just looked terrified, and looked at me. “Don’t look at her, she has nothing compared to me love.” What the fuck did I do to her? I was about to speak but then Harry did. “Excuse me but I don’t like your attitude, so if you could please get out of my site and walk away that’d be better, thank you and bye.” She stormed off and I went to stand in front of him. “Sorry about that love, you didn’t deserve that.” I didn’t know what to say, I hadn’t expected that. “Um, it’ not your fault, thanks though. I was going to say something.” “I know, but I wanted to.” He handed me my picture. “Thanks for coming beautiful.” He winked and smiled. All I could do was smile back.
Zayn: Zayn was known for his reaction to hate, so when a girl started yelling at him, he yelled back. I stood behind this girl and just watched. “You’re a fuckin terrorist, you don’t deserve to be here.” “Hey guess what? I don’t care, get the fuck out.” But she kept going. So I stepped in. “I don’t think you heard clearly, he said get the fuck out. I suggest you listen to him.” She turned to me infuriated. “Who the fuck are you? Mind your own business you cunt.” “Hey! I’m going to call security if you don’t get the hell out! Now!” She just smiled at him and left. God, what an evil bitch. I walked up to him and he seemed to calm down. “Well isn’t she a character?” “Yeah really. Sorry she said that to you.” “No it’s ok Zayn, I can handle myself. But thanks. I hope you have a better day.” He genuinely smiled at me and handed me my picture. “You just made it better love, thanks.” I smiled and left.
Louis: I had totally forgotten about the One Direction signing today so I was running late. I threw on some skinny jeans and a Beatles shirt. And when I got there, I noticed every girl there looked hot. And some of them skimpy. But oh well. A girl in front of me was wearing a short skirt and a tank top with her boobs hanging out. Ugh, slut. We were both in front of Louis when she decided to insult me. “Louis, isn’t what she’s wearing an insult to society?” The way he looked at me, I thought he was going to agree with her. But then he just looked her up and down. “No hun, I think what you’re wearing is an insult. Ever look at yourself in a mirror before you leave the house? Dress more like her and you’ll probably gain my respect.” I wanted to laugh at her, but held it in until she walked away. Then I started laughing and so did Louis. “Good one Lou.” “You didn’t deserve that, she was a bitch anyways. And I’m a bitch, so what better way than to bitch about her?” He shrugged his shoulders in his ‘I don’t give a fuck’ way and I smiled.“Thanks Lou.” “Anytime love, have a nice day, and keep dressing like that.” He pointed at me and I laughed. That really made my day.
Hur man gör en 1D tröja / How to make a 1D shirt
Publicerat 2013-01-13 13:41:05 i
Grattiiiis Zayn Malik! <3
Publicerat 2013-01-12 00:00:00 i
Stort grattis till vår älskaaade Zayn Malik!! <3<3
#imagine it's been almost two weeks since you haven't spoken to Zayn. Last time you saw him you both had a fight and you are trying really hard to forget about what he said. He's been trying to catch your attention by sending you tweets and text messages, but you're really hurt. The things he said to you were mean and you're not sure if he's actually sorry or just wants to feel better with himself. You receive a phone call. You take a look to see who it is and see his name on the screen. You ignore the call. Two minutes later he calls you again. You are about to answer but someone knocks at your door, so you decide to leave your phone on the couch, ringing. As you open the door you see Zayn, all wet cause it's been raining, with his cell phone in his hand. He has a really sad face, his eyes are red."OMG, Zayn. You're gonna get sick", you say with an unfriendly tone and make him come in. You give him a towel expecting him to use it, but he just stays stand and quiet."Arent you gonna use it?" You ask with an unfriendly tone again. He doesnt answer. You notice he wants to say something and you try to walk away before you hear a word. Then you hear him sobbing. "Please, please dont go", he whispers. You turn around to face him, his eyes all wet and he's shivering. You sit next to him on the couch. You feel so bad now. You really wanna hug him, but you just cant. You'd been ignoring him trying to forget, while he had been trying to contact you and apologize. 'Dont cry, dont cry...' you tell yourself."Babe..." he says. You let him go on."Babe, i'm so sorry, I...You must think im an idiot"."Pretty much" you whisper. He nods sadly."And i am" he continues. "I shouldnt have said all of those things. I should have listened to you. But most important I..." his voice breaks. He starts crying. "I shouldnt have let you go""Zayn, you're not an idiot" you finally say. 'Really, that's the best you could say?' you think. Suddenly you feel your cheeks wet. You were crying too. You get closer to Zayn and hold his face. You start wiping his tears."Dont cry, it's okay" you tell him. More tears stream down your face, your forehead against his. "It's okay" you say again, but this time to yourself."I love you so much" he whispers."I love you too Zayn" you say as you close your eyes and kiss his nose softly.
Publicerat 2013-01-08 10:18:00 i
1D fakta
Publicerat 2013-01-08 01:13:53 i
kopiera in linken på flera fliker och låt dem vara på!!!
one Direction
Publicerat 2013-01-07 14:32:00 i
Niall kiss you story - Del 4 ( sista delen )
Publicerat 2013-01-06 18:49:00 i
Your POV:
Niall and I had been on several dates now. He was such an amazing person and he just kept surprising me on each date. But he never asked me to be his girlfriend so I was kinda worried about that. But he took me places I had never even seen. And one of them was the London Eye. I finally got to see that! I was so happy that day. But something of course had to ruin it. Remember when I said I moved here to get away from my problems in America. Well they followed me here.
When Niall and I were out on our date today, I couldn’t help but notice some people looking familiar to me. Niall was holding my hand and walking me through a museum. But sometimes I would walk past people and recognize them. But when I finally saw one person, I knew why these people looked familiar. Standing at the end of the hall was none only than Zac. Zac was here, and these people were his family. That’s why I knew them. Oh my god, what is he doing here. Niall could feel me freeze and looked over at me. “Babe, is something wrong?” I started stuttering. I didn’t think I could handle seeing Zac, not here, not with Niall. “I…um…can we just go please.” I started pulling him away from me, but Zac noticed me by then. He walked over to where we were. “Ashlynn?” Niall stopped and looked at him, then looked at me. I put a fake smile on my face and said, “Hi Zac.” “Wow, you’re really here. I had heard that you moved here but I didn’t believe it. How are you?” Why was he asking me this? Back home he’d been such a jerk and now he was nice? But then I saw him look at Niall and me holding hands. Oh, that was why. What a jerk! “Yes I did, and I was just leaving thank you.” “Hey wait,” he put a hand on my shoulder, “we should get together while im here for a few days.” “Sure, I still have your number bye.” I lied. I didn’t still have it and no way was I calling him. I walked so fast out of there I basically pulled Niall along. But he didn’t say a word to me until we got out of the building. “Um, Ashlynn, is there something I should know?” “Can we go get something to eat and I’ll tell you okay?” “Ok.” We got into his car and he drove us to a pizza place. I really didn’t expect to tell Niall this early, but I guess he deserves to know. Shit, after this he may want to leave.
We arrived at the place and got out, placed our orders and sat down. And he just looked me, waiting. I sighed really loud and just got on with it. “When I told you the reason I moved here, I only gave you half of the story. But what I told you was true, it’s just I left out some things. Well here goes nothing……um. I’m an only child, and my parents are so invested in their jobs, that they’re rarely home and they don’t even notice me. I could’ve been gone for a week and they wouldn’t of said anything. So I felt alone and not loved. So I wanted to get away from them, so of course they said yes to me coming over here, they could care less. They havent callled me once since I’ve been here. But also, that guy back there, I dated him.” I looked at him and could see realization in his eyes. “Yeahh, um we were together all 4 years of high school. I loved him, thought he loved me too, but then on graduation night, he broke up with me in front of all his friends. So everyone laughed at me and everywhere I’d go, I was the joke of the town. I didn’t want to be in that town anymore, so I got away, I came here and started all over. And….that’s when I met you.” He hadn’t said a word since we got here. I was waiting for him to say something when our number was called. He got up to go get it and then came back and just sat down. “So, all I have to say is why didn’t you just tell me in the first place?” “I don’t know, I guess I was scared you’d leave or something.” He just laughed. “Ashlynn, I don’t care about what happened back in America with that guy. All I ask for is honesty, so maybe next time I run into one of your ex’s I can punch him.” I laughed at that. “I know, I’m sorry Niall. I understand if you don’t want to see me anymore.” “What? you think this is going to change my mind about you? Well it’s not, if anything, I see you as a stronger person. You were the bigger person and came out here on your own to start over. How many people can really say that? Just because that happened in the past doesn’t mean it should still affect you babe. He was an ass, he’s the past, I don’t care. Your parents are asses too, I don’t care. All I care is that you’re here with me now, and we’re eating.” He pointed at the pizza and laughed. I felt so relieved that he was taking this easily. “Thanks Ni, you don’t know how happy you make me.” “I’m happy when I’m with you too Ashlynn. In fact, I have a question for you babe.” He wiggled his eyebrow at me. All I could do was laugh. “So, we’ve been dating awhile now, you know who I am and my lifestyle and you’re ok with it, and now I know all of you. So I was wondering if you’d like to be my girlfriend?” I was so filled with joy that he had asked me that I wanted to clap and jump up and down. But I tried to remain calm, but I did smile. “Yes Niall, of course. Gosh for a second there I was thinking you were never going to ask me ha.” “I was making you wait ha. Just kidding, I was just waiting for the right time. But seriously babe, don’t let stuff like that affect you here ok? All you need is me now.” He gave me the cheesiest smile and I couldn’t agree with him any more.
Publicerat 2013-01-06 12:31:00 i
Swedish Girls
Publicerat 2013-01-05 15:31:00 i
niall kiss you story - Del 3
Publicerat 2013-01-05 14:48:00 i
Your POV:
I didn’t know where Niall was taking me, but to be honest I was really nervous. I hadn’t been on a date in months. I don’t think I remembered how to even act. But when I looked over at Niall, he seemed pretty excited. So I couldn’t wait to see where we were going. I didn’t know much about him, but when I got home last night I listened to some of his band’s songs. And that girl was right, they are amazing. Im just amazed i never noticed them before. I learned their names sort of at the shoot but now I knew all of them. I could tell from Niall’s accent he was Irish, but now I know he plays guitar and his real hair color is brown. Which I think looks sexy, but blonde suits him too. But I stil had a lot to learn about him if we were going to go out again. When I looked out the window, he was pulling into a huge parking lot. It was pretty busy, but I still didn’t know where we were. I hadn’t been out much around this town, so I didn’t really know where anything was. But I finally saw the sign: London Zoo. Well, I haven’t been to one of these in a while. This should be fun.
Niall’s POV:
Going to the Zoo was comforting with me, and since I usually go alone, I figured I’d take her with me. She seemed surprised I’d brought her here, and immediately I hoped I hadn’t ruined her mood. “Niall, nonsense, this is perfect.” she told me when I expressed my doubt. Good, cuz I didn’t know what else we’d do. “Alright love, shall we?” I put my arm out and she looped hers through mine and we started walking. It was a little chilly outside so she’d squeeze me when the wind blew. I didn’t mind though, it was nice doing this. I hadn’t dated in a very long time, so this was nice to have now. I showed her all my favorite animals and she looked delighted to be doing this. But when we got to the spiders, she really squeezed my arm and cringed. “Don’t like spiders?” “It’s not that I dont like them, I’m TERRIFIED of them.” I just laughed. “Ok, lets go get a hot dog and sit down.” Well that’s another thing I learned about her, she doesn’t like spiders and she’s a good kisser. A good start I guess. We got in line to get our food and then sat down to eat. But I wanted to learn more about her so I started asking questions.
Your POV:
We were sitting down eating when Niall started talking. “So, Ashlynn, I now know you don’t like spiders and that you’re a good kisser,” when he said that part he winked at me. I couldn’t help but smile. “Tell me more about you though.” Hmm, what could I tell him. “Well I’m 18, I moved here about 4 months ago, all my family and friends are back in America, I came here to get a new start, being in music videos is just something i’m doing on the side for money, my real job is being a waitress at a small cafe. Um, oh and you’re a good kisser too. What about you?” I gave him a charming smile and I could see his face blush a little. “Well, thanks love. Well, Niall Horan is my name. I’m irish, if you couldn’t already tell, i’m 19, from Ireland, so my family is over there. I’m in a band with 4 other members who I love dearly, music is my passion, I love to eat, and I love the zoo.” He laughed on that last part and I couldn’t help be laugh with him. He was cute. The more I looked at him the more I realized his features. His eyes were a piercing blue, with what seemed like a little bit of yellow in the middle. Even though his hair was blonde, you could see a tiny hint of his roots coming in. He had braces which is a plus to me because I love braces on a boy, and he is taller than me. I’m tall for a girl, so finding someone taller than me has always been a problem, but with him it seemed just right. “So why’d you come here to get a new start Ash?” Already using my nickname, hm. Well, I didn’t want to tell Niall thet truth about why I was here so I gave him a revised version of it. “I just finished high school, and I didn’t like it where I was. I’m an only child and my parents were always working, so it was like I was on my own anyways, so I figured why not come to London to study medicine. So I told my parents and they were ok with it, and yeahh, i’ve been here ever since.” “Medicine? Wow. I found a smart girl.” “Ha shut up.” We finished our hot dogs and started walking around again. It was really sweet how he was treating me, he’d open doors for me, he’d wrap his arm around me when he felt me get chills, he paid for everything, and kept asking me if I was alright. It felt good to be treated like this. But I knew the date was coming to an end when it started getting dark and people started leaving. “Well, you ready to get going?” He asked. “Sure.” We walked back to his car and he drove me back home. All the while he was singing along with the radio and making me laugh. It felt good to be laughing cuz I haven’t laughed in while. But being with Niall was easy.
We arrived at my house and he walked me up to my door. I hoped we didn’t have an awkward date ending like I saw in movies. But no, that didn’t happen at all. “So um, I was wondering if you’d like to do this again? I mean not the Zoo again, unless you want to, but I mean another date…..with me.” The last words he smiled at me. I didn’t have to even think about it, so I said yes. “Ok cool, well I’ll text you when I know what we’re doing ok?” “Okay.” Then he leaned in and kissed me. It wasn’t like the video shoot one, it was just a sweet peck on my lips. I smiled when he pulled away and he returned the smile. I could see him blushing again and couldn’t help but laugh. It was nice knowing I made someone blush. “Ok, night Ashlynn.” “Night Niall.” Then he left. I walked back into my house and closed the door. I just stood there and smiled. That was a wonderful first date. But apart of me felt like I shouldn’t be enjoying this too much. Niall didn’t know everything about me, and I was scared if he did, he wouldn’t like me anymore. First off, yes i am an only child, but the reason I came out here wasn’t to really study medicine. The reason I came out here was to escape my life back in America. I hated the life I was living. My parents weren’t there for me and I only had a few true friends, but even they couldn’t see I wasn’t happy. But then also there was Zac. Zac and I had dated all through high school. We were high school sweet hearts. And I loved him, but I thought he loved me too. But at the end of high school, I found out he didn’t. He broke up with me the night of our graduation party in front of everyone. I wasn’t popular and he was, so him doing that, everyone started laughing at me while I left in tears. But he just laughed along with them. I hated him after that. And I couldn’t go out anymore because I felt like a reject. I wanted to get away as far as possible, and I saw school enrollement here in London for medicine, so I figured that was my one chance. I was surprised when my parents said yes, although it wouldn’t be any different for them, it would just be another day without seeing me. So I flew up here and have been trying to forget about America for a while now. But I still thought about it. Niall asking me why I came out here brought it all back, but I tried not to let it affect me. But I guess sooner or later I’d have to tell him, just not now. I didn’t even know if it was going to last with him, but I wanted to see where things went.
Senast nytt. Liam och Louis ÄR i Stockholm!!
Publicerat 2013-01-04 23:13:02 i
Senast nytt. Liam och Louis är i Stockholm?
Publicerat 2013-01-04 22:51:42 i
Har hört av flera personer att dem är här, har även sett bilder men vet inte om det är sant!! Försöker få reda på mer info!
Niall kiss you story - Del 2
Publicerat 2013-01-04 17:46:00 i
Niall’s POV:
As soon as the director yelled action, the song started playing. So I started singing and looking into the camera while Ashlynn walked around me, dragging her hand across my chest and back. She stopped in front of me and smiled at me. When my line ended, I smiled at her and put my hand underneath her chin. Slowly I raised her chin and then kissed her. It was slow and passionate, and honestly, the beg kiss I’d ever had. She was a great kisser, and when the director yelled cut, we kept going for a little bit then stopped. When we stopped she just looked up at me and smiled. “Not a bad kisser, nice start Niall.” She walked away, leaving me astonished. Did she seriously just say that then walk away? She disappeared into another room, and it was then that I saw Zayn walking up to me. “Well Horan, how was that?” He was already laughing at me. ”Mate…..I think I found my soul mate.” I was still frozen where I was, and Zayn continued to laugh at me. I was serious though, Ashlynn was a great girl all around. Before I was thinking I was running after where she had gone.
Your POV:
The kiss with Niall had been wonderful. I hadn’t kiss someone in so long, that I was scared I forgot. But with him, it seemed to just come back to me, or better yet like Niall and I had kissed before and were used to it. Hmm..he’s cute. I walked away because I was scared I’d say something next, but I could hear someone running behind me. When I turned around, it was Niall. “Yes??” “I just um, I um……..I was wondering if you’d like to go out with me sometime?” The smile he gave me made me smile in return. Well, who could turn down him, he’s already made me laugh so I guess I could. “Sure, I’d like that.” “Really!?” I laughed at the outburtst. “Oh, um okay, cool. Well can I have your number so we can set up a date?” “Sure.” He gave me his phone and I put my number in. “Ok, well i’ll text or call you k?” “Ok, looking forward to it.” With that he walked away. They still had other scenes to shoot, but I was done. So I went back to the dressing room, thinking about Niall, smiling like a dumbass to myself. But I was happy. I changed and grabbed my helmet and started heading out to my bike. I laughed to myself because Niall likes my bike. Most guys are intimidated by it, no one’s ever said that to me. He certainly is different, but that’s what I liked about him.
Niall’s POV:
After I walked back from getting Ashlynn’s number, all the boys were standing there in studio just looking at me with smiles on their faces. “What?” “Go Niall, getting a girl’s number. Didn’t think you had it in you to be honest.” Zayn said. “Oh shut up. It was actually very easy, she said yes to a date.” I stuck my tongue out at him. The others just laughed. “So, what are you guys going to do?” “Idk yet, I just got her number and said i’d call her.” “Well come up with something soon mate, girls don’t like to wait.” Harry said. We all continued with the video and wrapped up late at night. I had been thinking the whole time as to what I could take her to do, and I figured I’d just take her to my favortie place. The Zoo! As soon as I got home I found her number and called her. She answered on the second ring. “Hello?” “Hey Ashlynn, its Niall.” “Oh hey Niall. What’s up?” “I was just calling to see what you’re going to be doing tomorrow night? Are you free?” I hope she says yes. “Yes, actually I am.” “Ok well I’ll pick you up around 6 then, is that ok?” “Perfect Niall.” “Ok, can I have your address?” She gave me her address and I wrote it down. We hung up after that. I was really excited now. I just hoped I didn’t bore her tomorrow.
Your POV:
The next day all I could think about was my date tonight with Niall. I didn’t know where we were going, but I’m sure anywhere with Niall is going to be fun. Around 3 I started getting ready. I showered and blow dryed my hair straight. I put on a little bit of make up, just mascara and eye liner. When it came to the clothes, I chose to wear something casual yet classy. I wanted to be comfortable in case we were going to be walking around. After I put on my clothes, I heard the door bell ring. I looked at the clock. 6 o’clock, right on time. Hm, he’s good. I ran downstairs and opened the door. There he was with his hands in his pockets, looking handsome as ever. I was glad he was also wearing casual clothes, because I would of felt stupid. “Hey.” He smiled at me. “Hey, I’m all ready.” I beamed at him. “Great, let’s get going then.”
Vad långt dem har kommit om man tänker efter.
Publicerat 2013-01-04 11:30:00 i
böcker-, dvd-, album- släppta, världsturne, MSG m.m <3
Niall Kiss you story - Del 1
Publicerat 2013-01-03 11:45:00 i
Your POV:
Here I was, standing in front of my mirror, just staring at myself. Producers had called to tell me that I had got the part I auditioned for in the video. I was shocked but happy that I made it! But those other girls that were there yesterday, damn. I’m not the prettiest girl, so I’m glad I know I beat some of them! But hey, a jobs a job. But I didn’t know whose video this shoot was for. I was so dumb for not asking. They just said show up, so that’s what I’m doing today. Here goes nothing.
Niall’s POV:
Today we were shooting the video for ‘Kiss You’. We were all excited, especially me and Harry because we were told we were going to be kissing some girls on our parts. So of course I was happy. We didn’t get to choose the girls for the shoot, but whoever she was i’m sure she’ll be fine. Doesn’t matter to me. This is just my first time doing this. Me and Zayn were outside waiting for everyone to arrive playing football when we heard an engine revving. We looked down the alley to see someone on a motorcycle coming pretty fast. The person skidded to a halt a few yards away from where me and Zayn were. As I was admiring the bike, I realized it was a girl who was getting off it. What? A girl? That’s hot as hell. She got off and put the kick stand down. She then took off her helmet and beautiful brown hair fell down to the middle of her back. And when she turned around, the sun hit her eyes just right. They were a light shade of brown that looked good on her. She was walking our way and I couldn’t help but admire the way she held her helmet, tomboyish yet feminine. I liked it. I didn’t realize I was staring til I heard her say something. “Huh?” “Is this where the video shoot is?” Her voice, wow, it was angelic. I loved the sound of it that I hadn’t answered her. It was Zayn who answered for me. “Yes, just go through that door and it’s all the way at the end babe.” “Thank you.” She smiled and walked through the door. “Damn Ni, stare much?” I left out a breath I didn’t realize I was holding in. “Dude, a girl on a bike and walking towards me, now that’s breath taking. She’s hot.” “Maybe she’s on our shoot, hell maybe she’ll be the one you kiss.” He continued teasing me but I just brushed it off. Man I hope she’s on our shoot, but what if Harry’s the one kissing her. Ah fuck it, at least i’ll get to see her again.
Your POV:
He was cute. The blonde one. I guess I startled him cuz he looked confused when he was looking at me. But oh well, no time to dwell on that. I didn’t know where I was suppose to be going so I just continued walking to where I heard a bunch of noise. There were people all over the place moving fast. I didn’t know who to ask for help. Finally someone stopped in front of me, he had a headset on so I guess he was a producer. “Which video are you here for?” “That’s the thing, idk.” “Name?” “Ashlynn.” “Ok, you’re hear for the ‘Kiss You’ video. Go ahead and go to hair and make up over there. They’ll get you started.” He pointed off to the right in the back. “Ok thank you.” I walked over the to room and was immediately pulled in by a random girl who started doing my make up. I was uncomfortable at first but then she started talking to me. “Are you excited?!” She was a bit cheery which came off as annoying, but I tried to not let that show. “Um, to be honest I don’t know who the artists are or the song.” She stopped what she was doing to look at me stupidly. “You really don’t know who it is?” “Nooo…….” “Omg, ONE DIRECTION! You’re going to be shooting with One Direction and you don’t even know who it is??!” “Um, I guess. Are they good?” I had heard of them, just never really paid attention to them. “Are they good? Just watch honey, when you meet them, you’ll love them instantly.” I guess I would just have to wait till I see them. She did my hair next and then they put in some clothes. I was finally done and as they were walking me out to the camera room, they explained what I was going to be doing. I was to adore this person and act in love with him, and then kiss him. That last part came as a shock to me, but I acted professional about it. But to be honest, I was nervous. The last person I kissed was over 6 months ago. I think I was a little out of practice, but I didn’t say anything. They walked me to the camera room and showed me who I was going to be working with. I couldnt see him because there were so many people surrounding him. But some finally moved and I saw who it was. It was the blonde boy from outside.
Niall’s POV:
Lou was doing my make up and hair and others were just surrounding me doing something. It was all last minute things to get me ready for the shoot. “Kiss her like you mean it Ni.” Lou said as she walked away. Everyone else was finally done messing with me that I finally noticed a girl standing by the cameras just looking at me. I realized who it was and instantly got nervous. It was the girl from outside with the bike. Oh my god, she’s the one I’m kissing. And she was walking towards me now. Shit. Nialler just keep your cool man. “Hi. I’m Ashlynn, the girl from outside.” She let out a little laugh. “Urm, hi. I’m Niall.” “I guess I’m working with you today. And hey um sorry I didn’t recognize you outside. I don’t really know much about your band, so sorry for not saying anything to you.” She was apologizing? Why? That’s actually kind of a relief she doesn’t know who we are so I don’t have to worry about her screaming. “No love it’s ok. That’s actually a relief, so it’s no big deal. Nice bike by the way. I like it. I was shocked when you got off.” She smiled. “Well thank you, I like to surprise people. I get that reaction a lot.” I realized I liked this girl. Tomboyish, yet so girly at the same time. We talked for a little bit more before I brought up the video. “So, um, did they explain what we’ll be doing?” She then turned professional when she answered. “Yes, Act in love and then kiss.” She smiled when she said the last part. Shit. Now I was really nervous. “Ok, let’s get this road on the show people!” the director yelled. Well, here goes nothing…
denna är inte skriven av mig
zAyn <3
Publicerat 2013-01-03 09:28:00 i
Publicerat 2013-01-02 20:26:00 i
he leaves you for another girl: Louis part 5 ( last part )
6 months later
Your POV:
I loved living in this place. No one bothered us, there were hardly any paps, and most of all: it was peaceful. I know I’ve said this many time before, but it truly was. I’d go outside just to breathe because I knew it would clear my mind. 6 months past and I still hadn’t seen or talked to Lou. I didn’t hear anything more about him and Perrie, but then again I avoided anything that had to do with him. I can finally say that after 6 months, I was over him. And I was glad. My life was finally falling back into place. I found a job waitressing at a cafe, I enrolled in college, and I was living. Since then, Lou left One Direction. It was just Zayn, Harry, Niall and Liam left. They still toured and made music and I was glad they were still going strong. But you could see it hurt them not having him. I would ask Zayn how he was dealing and he wouldn’t want to confess, so I’d just leave him. But finally one day I got him to.
“So what’s been on your mind? You’ve been kind of distant lately.” He looked down and started playing with his hands. “Um, Perrie contacted me….” My eyes lit up. I was happy but then again worried. Why would she? “And?” “And she asked me to come back.” I was stunned. I was happy that she came to her senses, but I knew Zayn was torn over his feelings. “What’d you say?” He sighed. “I just said I didn’t know how I felt about her and I needed time to think.” “Did she sound genuine?” “I mean, yeahh I guess. I wasn’t really paying attention. I was just trying to process what was happening.” He finally looked up and met my eyes. “What should I do?” “Well Zayn how do you feel about her?” “Well we were together for 2 years, of course I still love her…..I just don’t know if she deserves a second chance. I mean hell, she basically chose my friend over me. That crushed me. I tried getting over her but I couldn’t. No matter what I do, I just can’t. But I just don’t know if I should go back. What if she does this again?” He truly was torn. I could see the love he had for in his eyes. He still loved her and you could not fight true love. “Zayn, Perrie messed up. But she’s realized that now and knows that you’re the one for her. You guys truly love each other, and true love always finds a way to live. I can see it in your eyes you want her back. You’re never going to truly know until you give her that chance. Because if you don’t, you’re going to sit here and wonder ‘what if’. And I don’t want you beating yourself up over that. Go to her Zayn. Get your happiness back.” He took what I said into consideration and nodded his head. Then he whispered, “What about you though?” I didn’t know exactly what he meant. “What do you mean?” “I mean if I go back, you’re going to be here alone. What are you going to do?” I smiled at his worry. “Zayn, I’ll be fine. I’ve got my job and school. I have enough things to keep me busy. Go. Be with the girl you love and be with the boys fully. I know they miss you.” “Are you sure you’ll be alright?” “Yes Zayn, don’t worry bro.” He finally smiled and relaxed. “Now go pack and surprise that girl.” “I will, thanks (Y/N).” He kissed my forehead and left. I was happy for him. I hated seeing him sad. Over the months, I found it in me to forgive Perrie for what she did. And surprisingly, I forgave Louis too. I didn’t want to dwell on something that happened in the past, so I let it go. And I felt better.
The next day Zayn had all his things packed into the car and was ready to go. “You won’t have a car (Y/N). I can take a taxi.” “No, really Zayn I’m fine. I can walk wherever I need to go. Just go.” I smiled at him to reassure him. “Ok, bye sis.” “Bye bro.” We hugged and he left. I stood there and watched as the car left my sight. To be honest, I was sad he was leaving, but he needed his happiness. He promised he’d keep in touch and I knew he would.
6 more months later
Zayn and Perrie were happily back together and I was happy for them. Everywhere I went, I’d see pictures of them in magazines saying how happy they were to be back together. I’d smile and move on with my things. I still worked, I still went to school, and I still lived in the house we had bought. It was big for just me, but I liked it. Zayn paid for me to keep it and I was grateful for that. Him and the boys would come up any chance they had and visit with me. One time Perrie even came. It was sort of awkward, but I hugged her to let her know I forgave her. She cried and I cried, but we moved on after that. It was refreshing to know we were ok. And once she tried to talk to me about Louis, but I just quickly changed the subject, not wanting to hear about it. She understood and would talk about something else.
Right now the boys were on the world tour. In the magazines I noticed that Lou was now back with the group and I was happy for that. They weren’t One Direction without him. They invited me to their show in London, but I had no time to go. I told them I was sorry and they said they’d come up when they were done. So I was happy for that.
One day I was at work and we were so busy I hardly saw the people I was taking the order from, but when I heard one voice, I knew instantly who it was. “I’ll just have tea love.” My hand froze as I was about to write down his order. I hadn’t heard that voice in a year but I knew it was Louis before even looking up. When I saw him I just didn’t know what to say. He was just staring at me waiting for me to say something. “Um….uh….ok.” I left before he could say anything. I told one of my coworkers to take over my side so I could avoid him. I kept myself busy with whatever I could do to not go over by his table. Sure I was over him, but that didn’t mean I was ready to see him again…..I didn’t notice he had left until my co worker came over with a piece of paper in her hand. “He said to give this to you.” She handed it to me and left. I looked down to see his writing on his recept. ‘(Y/N), please call me when you have the chance. -Louis xx’ I stuffed it in my pocket and just kept moving.
When I got home later I was cleaning out my pockets and found the paper. I sat down and just looked at it. Should I call him? I sat there and asked myself that a million times. I finally decided to call him and get it over with. “(Y/N)?” He answered on the first ring. “Hi Louis.” My voice was shaky but I continued. “You said to call so I called.” “I noticed. Um I was going to ask you if I could meet you somewhere so we can talk. If that’s alright with you.” I thought about this. But just decided I didn’t want to go anywhere. “You can come to my house.” “Ok cool.” I gave him my address and hung up. I text Zayn to see where they were and he said he was still in London. What the hell? Then I heard a knock on the door. I opened it and saw Louis for the second time today. I stepped aside so he could come in and closed the door. He looked around and then just sat down on the couch. He patted the seat next to him and motioned for me to do the same. I awkwardly sat next to him and face him. “You’re probably wondering why I’m here.” I just nodded my head. “Well I know it’s been like a year since I’ve talked to you, but I just figured now was a better time.” I didn’t know what he meant by that but he continued. “(Y/N) I just wanted to come here to say I’m sorry. I’m sorry for what I did to you and I’m sorry for anything else I’ve done to you. You have to believe me when I say I never meant to hurt you. I loved you too.” My eyes watered at that. He had loved me… “And I know words cannot expressed my feelings right now, but I just had to see you and let you know. After I saw Perrie and Zayn back together, I was happy to see that. I guess I was kinda hoping we could be like that too, but there’s probably not a chance huh?” I realized what he was asking and instantly knew my answer. “No Lou, there isn’t. And I appreciate what you’re saying, but I’ve got my life here now and I’m happy. I truly am. I moved on, I think it’s time you do that same.” He looked down and nodded. “I forgive you Louis, it’s time you forgive yourself and live your life. I’m fine here and I like it here. Find someone who will make you happy again. But this time, make sure you let her know how you feel and don’t let her down ok?” He gave a little smile at that. Then looked back at me. “Thank you…..for forgiving me. You’re stronger than I ever will be. And I will, I promise. I won’t make the same mistake twice.” He got up to leave and I walked him to the door. “Can I have one last hug?” “Sure.” He hugged me and we just stood there for awhile like that. It was just like old times, but things were different now. “Bye Louis.” When he pulled back his eyes were watery. “Bye (Y/N).” Then he left. I let out a big sigh after that. It was finally over, we finally faced each other again. And I couldn’t help but feel so much better. I did want to see him happy, it just wasn’t with me.
Over the next few weeks the boys all came up and spent the night. And they would do this every weekend after the tour was done. Slowly, Louis would come too. And I welcomed him. We maintained a friendship and still spoke to each other. He had finally found another girl, Eleanor was her name, and I could see how happy he was with her. So I was grateful for that. And after that, everything was just fine. I lived my life and he lived his, happily.
Zayn Imagine som är skriven till mig ( av leeennaaa på tumblr. )
Publicerat 2013-01-01 23:50:22 i
Zayn imagine for sandy
its zayns birthday and you decided to go clubbing with the other boys in your favorit club , so you are dressed in a nice outfit . zayn your best friend waits in the living room and smiles as you walk down the massive stairs.
” nice dress ” he smiles ” Thanks zayn , lets go the boys wait” you smile and pull him with you .
the club is really full and you go straight to the dancefloor and dance with zayn . after a while he leans closer to tell you something ” I go and get something to drink alright ?” he says and pats your back .
“yeah sure but hurry its not cool to dance alone ” you smirk . suddenly you feel someone grinding on you , you turn around and look at the guy , who actually looks really handsome , so you grind back .
a few minutes later you feel someone pushig your dance partner away , you stumble and fall too . as you look up , you see zayn standing there with anger in his eyes ” zayn ?! wtf ?!” you shout and take the mans hand who helps you up .
” what is your problem , we were just dancing and its not your business ! ” you say angry and leave the club .
” sandy wait !” zayn shout and runs after you ” why ? that was really awkward in there i hope you apologized to the man i was dancing with ” you say and turn around to face him ” yeah i did and im sorry ” he murmurs ” why did you do this ?” you ask and cross your arms infront of your chest
” i was jealous , i guess ” he wispers ” what ?! zayn youre my best friend not my boyfriend ” you say shocked ” yeah i know but i wish i am your boyfriend , gosh sandy i love you okay ? and it killed me to see you grinding on this guy ” he shouts
and throws his arms in the air . ” what if i’d like you too ” you say and look up into his eyes ” then i’d kiss you ” he smiles .
he takes your face carefully in his large hands and then his lips touch yours . in this moment you know that you always loved him .
“Do you want to be my girlfriend ” he asks ” yeah of cousre zayn ” you smile and kiss him again ……
i hope you like it love :) xxxx
he leaves you for another girl: Louis part 4
Your POV:
“What do you mean? Louis didn’t tell you?” They just looked at each other. I looked at Zayn and he nodded his head, giving me the okay to tell them. “How bout we go back to our room and we’ll talk.” They nodded their heads and got into our separate cars and went back to our place. Once we got there, I closed and locked the door, looking out the window, expecting Louis to appear at any minute. “Where’s Louis?” “We made him stay home. Now can one of you tell us what’s going on?” Liam said impatiently. I didn’t want to tell them, so I just looked at Zayn. He put his head down, but I knew he was going to tell. “The reason we’ve been gone, is because we don’t want to see Lou and Perrie.” “Why, what happened that’s so bad you guys had to leave?” Niall asked. “Do you guys know how long we’ve been up? Just hoping for a glimpse of you guys anywhere.” Harry sad mad. “Look, we’re sorry, but we needed this. The night after you guys left from my house….(Y/N) and I went out to the movies because I’ve been feeling down…..when we came back though…….we saw Lou and Perrie in bed together…..naked.” I looked to see their reactions. They just sat there, not saying a word. They looked as shocked as we did the first time we found out. But now they knew the truth. “Louis didn’t tell you?” “Ahh, no…….he just said that you both went missing….so we’ve been helping to find you guys. I swear, we didn’t know…” “Yeah, or else we would’ve understood why you guys were gone and hadn’t come.” “We just needed to be gone a while, we didn’t want to see them.” “But Perrie and Louis?? What the hell man?” “I know, we’re as shocked as you guys.” “Zayn….(Y/N)….We’re sorry to hear that……” I just looked at Zayn. The pain was slowly coming back even more just talking about it. And I could tell it was the same for Zayn. “You guys, you have to come back though…” “We know, just not yet..” “Well when then? We just want you guys back..” “You guys found us, you know we’re safe, we don’t know when.” They looked hurt by that, but we didn’t want to go back now. “Ok, well is there anything we can do?” Zayn just shrugged his shoulders. “Not much guys, we’ve just been trying to forget about it and be happy wherever we go. I mean, you guys are welcome to stay, we just don’t know when we’re leaving.” Liam looked at the boys to ask what they wanted to do. “We’ll stay with you guys.” I smiled at that, they were truly brothers to each other. And mine too. “Ok, well, now that that’s over, let’s go out, shall we?” And that’s the last we spoke of Louis and Perrie.
They stayed with us for another week, then we finally decided to head back. Zayn and I rode together, while the others went in their car. “How do you feel about going back now?” “It’s now or never I guess.” He was right. It had to happen anyways. Knowing that the boys were on our side made me feel a little better now. Louis and Perrie didn’t deserve kindness towards them, but I didn’t hate them. I was just going to speak my mind and then leave. I didn’t know how Zayn was going to handle it, but I really hoped him and Perrie worked it out. But if they didn’t, I’m here for him and he knows that. While we were up there, we spoke of possibly moving up there if things didn’t work out. If Zayn didn’t take Perrie back, we’d go back together, because as of right now, I knew I wasn’t giving Louis a second chance.
After 10 hours of driving, we finally made it back to London. Zayn dropped me off first, then left. We told the boys we’d call them if we needed them. I dreaded going back inside Louis’ flat, but all of my stuff was here. I needed to get them. I slowly started up the steps, but before I could even reach the porch, Louis swung the door open and met me. “(Y/N)!?!” He ran out and hugged me. But in no way did I return it. I just stood there and let him hug me and he started crying. But oddly enough, it didn’t affect me. He finally let go and then just looked at me, but I didn’t make eye contact, I just walked past him into the flat. but he trailed after me. I walked up to our room and grabbed a bag and started packing my things. “(Y/N) what are you doing? Where are you going? Just please talk to me.” I was planning on talking to him, but after everything was packed. So I packed my clothes, shoes, jewelry, accessories, everything and ignored him. He was in tears, but I didn’t care. After everything was packed, I walked everything downstairs and put them by the door. Finally I turned and faced him. His eyes were red, his face hollow due to weight loss, and his hair was everywhere. He was a mess, but deep down, was he really a mess? “What Louis? What do you want to say to me?” “(Y/N), I never meant to hurt you. You know me.” “I obviously didn’t Lou for you to cheat on me. AND WITH PERRIE?!?! What the hell were you thinking?! That is your best friend’s girlfriend! And I’m your girlfriend! If you had no feelings for me then why didn’t you just tell me like a man!” “No (Y/N), of course I had feelings for you. I just…..I don’t know what happened! I thought I needed her, I thought I was attracted to her. But I’m not. I’m not, you have to believe me when I say I don’t want her! I want only you (Y/N), just you.” “Well Louis, I guess you should’ve thought of that before you went behind my back. Because let me tell you something. I loved you Louis! I loved you, and I was going to tell you that night, but then Zayn and I get back to see that?! Do you think I deserved that? Hell no! And you know why, because I’ve been nothing but truthful to you! I have never done anything to hurt you but you hurt me for no reason. So you know what Louis, I want you to hurt now. I want you to watch the girl who loved you, walk out of your life because you ruined it. This is your doing. Blame yourself and Perrie for this. Zayn sure as hell didn’t deserve this neither. Nothing will work Louis, nothing you say will change my mind, because seeing you guys together like that, it told me what kind of a man you are. You’re a liar, a cheater, and unfaithful. You don’t deserve me, I deserve someone who will appreciate me, not just hurt me. So goodbye Louis, I hope you have a nice life.” “(Y/N) no….no don’t go….please! Just stay! We can work this out!!!” That’s all I heard as I walked out of the door. I went to my car and put my things in. He kept trying to pull my hand, but I’d just yank it out of his grip. As soon as I got in the car, I pulled out as fast as I could. He was left in the driveway on the ground, crying….Louis….but I’m not sorry. Just then Zayn called me. “Come pick me up.” I went right over and he jumped in my car with bags and everything. “What happened Zayn?” “Oh nothing, she just basically told me she wants Louis over me. Fucking bitch, I should’ve known. I would’ve taken her back too, but no…this had to happen.” I was heartbroken for him. “Zayn….I’m sorry.” “It’s whatever. How’d yours go?” “Well he said he didn’t want Perrie, but I left him anyways. I have my bags too.” “Good, lets go to Liam’s for the night. Tomorrow we’ll go back ok?” He remembered our promise to go back to Inverness. I smiled at him and said ok.
Lou’s POV:
She walked out….she really left…..and I had no feelings whatsoever. I didn’t know what to do now. Do I go after her? Or do I just let her go? She’s right, she didn’t deserve what happened. I don’t deserve her love. Even though I never got the chance to tell her, I loved her too. But that didn’t matter now..she’s gone for good..
A few days later..
Perrie was over. She told me what happened with Zayn. “You told him what?!” “I said I wanted you Lou. After seeing Zayn again, I realized it was you I wanted, not him……I just said what I was feeling..” I couldn’t believe she had said that. I had no clue she’d do that. This just made everything worse. “What’d Zayn do?” “He threw some things….yelled…and then packed his things and left.” He must’ve left with (Y/N), I had no clue where they were, but I know they left. The boys wouldn’t tell me anything. They wouldn’t even look at Perrie and I. I sat down, just frustrated with everything. Perrie started rubbing my back. “Lou……I meant it when I said I wanted you……we can make this work….we can get through this….” I wanted (Y/N), but she didn’t want me..Perried wanted me….but I didn’t want her. But (Y/N) deserved someone better, and I deserved less…and I guess Perrie was that less…
Your POV:
It’s been about a month since Zayn and I left. We found a house in Inverness and bought it. We moved everything in, with the help of Liam, Harry and Niall. They were glad to be helping, mostly because they knew where we were. They knew what happened and didn’t agree with us, but they accepted it. They all wanted us to stay with them, but we said no. We needed to be alone once again. But every weekend the boys would come up and visit us and spend the night. We had fun together, never mentioning their names. They told us what was going on with them, we’d laugh, and that was it. I was slowly getting over Louis and I could tell Zayn was still struggling a little, but he smiled through it. But the day I knew I was completely through with Lou was when I saw him and Perrie in a magazine. They were front cover, holding hands, walking around London. How dare them…..Zayn saw this and just looked away. Even after everything, they still chose to be together, I couldn’t believe this. All my love left me in that instant. And I knew what little respect Zayn had for Perrie was now gone. “I guess we’re in this together.” “I guess so.” I tried smiling at him but he just nodded. Looking at Zayn, I knew we didn’t need Lou or Perrie. They chose their paths, and now me and Zayn had a chance to choose ours. And we were going to live our lives the way we wanted to, without them.
Me and Niall
Publicerat 2013-01-01 17:26:00 i
Publicerat 2013-01-01 15:29:00 i
he leaves you for another girl: Louis part 3
Lou’s POV:
It’s been 3 weeks and I haven’t heard a word about (Y/N) and Zayn. I was really starting to get worried. I called all the other boys and told them they were missing. They didn’t know the real truth about why, I just told them they left letters saying they were leaving. As much as I hated lying to them, I didn’t want them to be mad at me right now. I needed their help finding them. They were at my house everyday, looking on the internet to see if paps had gotten photos of them somewhere, looking at Zayn’s bank records, anything to help find them. But so far, nothing. I hadn’t ate since they left, I was a mess…no words could describe what I was going through. Perrie would show up too to help, but I couldn’t even look at her. I didn’t want nothing to do with her anymore. Although this was not all her fault, I couldn’t stand looking at her. Because I was reminded every time about what we did and it being the reason they were gone.
I’ve sat in my room everyday, praying, crying, but nothing changing. As I sat in there, I’d think about how (Y/N) said she loved me in the letter…….How come she never told me? I looked back and thought about our relationship. Even though we hadn’t been together for a year, she was still the best girl I’d been with. And even though I said she didn’t satisfy me like Perrie did, I take it all back. Without (Y/N) here now, I was realizing she was everything to me and that she did satisfy me. She completed me, and without her, I was shutting down. Each day I could feel myself slipping away. Almost giving up on looking for her, but then trying to keep my spirits up. Hoping she’ll come back and talk to me. We had never had a major fight, but she was a listener, we could work through this…..somehow….
Your POV:
We were in a different city every week. It was exciting to see all these new places, but then remembering why we were here in the first place would ruin it. But Zayn was loving this, so I was too. We’d laugh at stupid things and end up talking about our happiest moments, for a moment, forgetting about what happened. But then we’d see something that would remind us of them and we’d be silent for a moment. Today we were out walking around a park. It was beautiful and peaceful. It was winter so we had our coats on, Zayn had his hood pulled up and sunglasses and I had a beanie on with sunglasses too. Everyday we hoped someone wouldn’t recognize us, and so far it hadn’t happened. As we were walking, I saw a small coffee stand and went to go grab us something. We had been using straight cash this whole time, not wanting the boys to track our accounts. It was Zayn’s idea and he was smart about it. We sat on a park bench and ate and talked. But when we grew silent, I knew we were both thinking the same thing. “Zayn, how long are we going to do this?” By now all the boys had tried calling us, but we didn’t pick up. I assumed they found out what happened by now also. “I love what we’re doing, I mean, this is peaceful, but we can’t do this forever right?” He shrugged. “I know we can’t do it forever, but for the time being, this is better than being back there.” “Zayn, I love you, you know that. But we both know that we’re going to have to go back there and face them. Zayn if there’s anything I’ve ever learned from you, it’s to have strength. You have so much strength that I wish I was like you. You’ve handled everything directed at you, good and bad, even though you explode once in awhile, but you’re learning. I’m learning from you. I want us to be happy, and yes what they did sure as hell broke us, but I think in order for us to move on, we have to face them..” He took what I said into consideration. I could see him working it out in his head. “Yeah I know. I just don’t think I’m ready to do that yet love. I just think I need a little more time. Can we spend a little more time here, I like this place. Like you said, it’s peaceful.” I smiled at that. “Yes of course, I’m ready to leave when you are bro.” “Bro? Ha, what, are you going gangster on me now?” “No ha, I just wanted to make you laugh.” I hadn’t seen him have a genuine smile in a while and I wanted to see that again. He did that now. As we ate, I thought. Truth was, we’ve been having fun, doing things to keep us occupied, that I hadn’t thought much about Lou. I mean the pain was there yes, but I was trying to burry it. And it had work for the time being, but I knew sooner or later we were going back to face them. And when that time came, I would be ready. I had stuff I wanted to tell Louis and Perrie. Stuff I wanted to say before I left for good. No matter what he says, I’m not taking someone back who cheats.
Lou’s POV:
I was in my room sleeping when I heard someone yell. I jumped up and ran downstairs. All the boy were surrounded by the computer looking at something. “What? What happened?” “We found them!” Liam sounded so happy. My face lit up. “Where? How?” They showed me a picture of (Y/N) and Zayn sitting on bench in a park. It must’ve been taken by someone who knew them and posted it. “In Inverness. About 10 hours away from here.” “Great, let’s go.” I started to walk away but Liam stopped me. “Um, actually Lou, you’re not in good shape. How bout we’ll go and then we’ll bring them back?” I thought about what he was saying, but I couldn’t let them go alone. Then they’d find out what happened. “No guys, really, I’m fine. I want to go.” “Yeah well we already made up our minds, you’re staying here buddy.” Niall said. I looked at him like wtf. Why were they doing this? “And what makes you think I won’t just go on my own? I do own a car.” “ We disabled it. Plus we talked to Perrie, she said she’d stay with you to make sure you don’t go.” Of course she would. Jesus. “Who the hell disabled my car?” “Sorry mate.” Harry raised his hand. “Fine whatever, just bring them right back. I swear.” “We will mate don’t worry.” Liam patted me reassuringly. They gathered all their things and took off. I was instantly freaking out. What if they ended up telling them? What was I going to do then? The more I thought about it, the more I freaked out. A little while after they left, I heard a knock on the door. I opened it to see Perrie standing there. “What?” “Lou, you know why I’m here.” I stepped aside and just let her in. “I don’t understand why you said you’d stay? Aren’t you worried the boys are going to find out?” “Louis, they’re going to find out anyways. It’s better they learn without us than having to endure an awkward car drive all the way back don’t you think?” She made a point, but still I was freaking. I sat down and just put my head down. “Perrie, what are we going to do when we see them? We can’t just say sorry.” She sat down next to me. “I know we can’t. In all honesty, I don’t know Lou. We just have to be truthful and hope for the best. And whatever comes to us, comes to us. I don’t think there’s any way we could prepare ourselves for this. Not something as bad as this. But Lou, we both know we love them more than anything, we can’t just let them go.” “Perrie, if we really had loved them so much, then why’d we do this?” I looked at her, waiting for an answer. “I could ask you the same thing.” She was right, this was a two way streak. We both carried this on, we both chose to do this, and yet we both chose to lie. Bottom line, we were both screwed. And by tomorrow, we’d both be facing our fears.
Your POV:
Zayn and I decided to stay at this place for one more day. It was lovely and we decided we’d make trips out here more often. We made all kinds of promises to each other. I didn’t really believe in promises, but in the light of what happened, promises from Zayn made me feel better. I knew he could keep a promise, unlike some of the past people to make me promises. He truly was my older brother and this made our relationship stronger. Sometimes I’d look at him, and see him hurting, but then other times I’d catch him smiling like a 5 year old again. Even though everyone labeled him as the bad boy, he had a kid side to him. You just had to be the right person to see it. Times like this kinda made me wish I had fallen for Zayn instead of Louis, but I knew as soon as I saw Lou, he was the one. And Zayn was my brother, I knew that after I got to know him better. All the boys were, but Zayn the most. Harry would tease us and tell us we just needed to get together, but he didn’t understand. I don’t think anyone did besides us. You know one of those relationships you just can’t explain fully for someone else to understand? You had to experience it in order to know what I was talking about. I would talk about this with Zayn and he’d just say no matter what others say, he’ll always be my older brother. Nothing more. And I accepted that. Right now he was watching kids playing on the swings. We came back to the park to just sit and look at the scenery. The way he looked at them though was like he longed for it. “Zayn, did you and Perrie ever talk about having kids?” He let a small smile appear. “Yeahh actually we did. We said we’d have a family by the time we were 23, 3 boys and 1 girl. And a dog……..Gosh, our kids would of been so beautiful.” His smile faded. “There’s still a chance Zayn….” I truly hoped him and Perrie worked it out. They’d been together so long that they were meant for eachother, no matter what course they ran into. Their love was what inspired me. I wanted a love like theirs. “I don’t know. I don’t think I can forget what’s happened.” “I know, I don’t think I can either. But Zayn, you and Perrie love each other so much. Anyone can see that. You know that. Sure, she made a huge mistake, but that’s what makes love stronger, getting through some of the toughest things together. I think you guys will work it out.” “If you’re saying that about me and Perrie, what about you and Louis?” I looked back to where the kids were laughing and playing. Me and Lou didn’t discuss much about our future together, so I saw no point in having one. “Me and Lou are different from you and Perrie. I don’t think he cares for me the way I care for him. Shoot, I love him and I don’t even think he loves me back. We don’t have the undying love you and Perrie have when you guys look at eachother, we haven’t been together for that long to even know. But after this, this just proves to me that he wasn’t committed.” “Even though I don’t very much care for him right now, you don’t know Lou like I do. He likes you very much. Love? I’m not sure about that, but Lou cares for you. I know it sounds stupid after what’s happened, but he does (Y/N). And he’s never done this before. Maybe he was scared. I’ve never seen him last this long with a girl, maybe he was scared of loving you..” “Yeah but if he was scared why didn’t he just tell me?” “Zayn? (Y/N)?” We heard a familiar voice and I froze. I looked at Zayn and we both turned around at the same time. Standing in front of us were Harry, Liam, and Niall. I stood up slowly, wondering how the hell they had found us. “Why have you guys been ignoring us?? We’ve been worried.” “How did you guys find us?” “Someone took your picture here and posted it. We came as soon as we saw. Now what happened? Why’d you guys leave?” I just looked at Zayn. Lou and Perrie obviously hadn’t told them….