(ej skriven av mig )
-(ditt namn), why are you dragging me along to this thing? I can’t tell the difference between a… glitter dress and a… whatever it is you said,
Harry whines as you drag him by the arm into the store.
- Because, Harry. I need a male’s opinion on whether the dress looks good on me or not. I want to look perfect for him. Harry rolls his eyes at this and eyes the countless dresses in the store as you quickly scan them, trying to find one that will catch your eye. After searching you finally spot one, a small smile forming on your face as you think that this dress might be ‘the one’ you’ve head so much about.
- Harry,... you call,
-... I think I’ve found it. Soon Harry is by your side and he shrugs, not looking too interested, and you ignore his lack of enthusiasm and go find an employee at the shop to lead you to the dressing room. After slipping the gown on and taking a deep breath after looking in the mirror, you step outside to meet Harry. He’s sitting down, eyes on his phone, before he looks up to meet you, doing a double take which you blush at.
- So, what do you think? Do you think he’ll like it? You ask, hands running down the sleek material. Harry’s not saying anything, he’s staring at you, eyes going up and down, his eyes wide and lighting up.
- You look… you look beautiful, (ditt namn), he whispers,
- He’ll love it. And if he doesn’t then he’s insane. You smile at him, head ducking down to hide the red on your cheeks.
- Thanks, Harry, you tell him, standing in front of the mirror,
- I just really wanna impress him. I wanna impress everyone, but he’s gonna be my husband, my husband, I have to look flawless, you finish.
- You always look perfect, (ditt namn). If he can’t see that then there’s no reason to even bother marrying him, right? He asks, standing behind you as you look in the mirror.
- You look so gorgeous, he murmurs, his eyes meeting your own in the mirror.
- He’s the luckiest man in the world if he gets to marry you, call you his wife. You raise an eyebrow, turning to face the green eyed boy,
- What?
- I just… you’re all his, aren’t you? And he gets to… hold your hand and kiss you and do everything he wants, and he gets a bonus and gets say that you’re his wife, Harry sighs.
- I’m an idiot for keeping in me so long. And I’m pulling the most cliché stunt, aren’t I? Telling my best friend I’m in love with her when she’s trying on wedding dresses, he smiles, shaking his head, not even regretting that he just revealed his feelings for you.
- Harry…. what? What are you talking about? You ask, voice rising when you feel the panic in your body.
- You know what I’m saying, (ditt namn). I’m in love with you. I’ve always been in love with you. And I grew up trying to push it away, thinking a different girl every night was what I wanted, but really it was always you. And it’s always gonna be you. I know it isn’t fair to tell you this when you’re getting married, but the second you walked out of that dressing room and I saw you in that dress, the only thing I could imagine was you walking down the aisle to me, he continues, but his voice isn’t as strong anymore. It’s beginning to break and it almost sounds like he’s about to cry.
- I don’t wanna hide it anymore. I love you, okay? I love you and your fiancé doesn’t deserve to call you his because everything I feel for you, (ditt namn), it’s been there for years. He can’t compare to how much I love you, he never will. And you can’t marry him, (ditt namn), you can’t do that me, it’ll kill me, he gasps, his eyes tearing up, and you stand there, mouth open in shock. - I… Harry, you need to leave, you mutter at him, and he stares at you confused.
- What? (ditt namn), please, love, just let me-
- No, get out. Go. You can’t drop a bomb like that on me, Harry. You need to get out and don’t… don’t call me, don’t come see me, just leave me alone, you sob, turning your back on him and walking back into the dressing room, shutting the door in an instant.
- Sit down, you grin at your best friend Niall,
- I have the best news ever. Niall laughs at your excitement, sitting down opposite you at your kitchen table.
- Guess what happened to me last night? you say, pushing forward the cup of tea you just made him. Niall shrugs,
- tell me, babe. I’m not good at guessing, you know that, he says, sipping the tea.
- Okay, okay, okay. I… in a few months… will be getting… married !! you shriek, showing Niall your left hand where a new ring was sitting on your finger. Niall chokes on his tea and you pat him on the back with a laugh.
- Ugh, I can’t believe he actually proposed. Proposed. Got down on one knee and everything!
you giggle.
- W- wow, Niall gasps, his eyes not leaving your hand.
- That’s, ah, that’s… when’s the wedding?
- Well we really don’t wanna wait, and it’s only gonna be close friends and family, so… in about two months. I know it’s soon, but we both really want this and he’s just so perfect, everything with him has been so perfect! you smile, but Niall’s face drops.
- What is it? You ask.
- Is it the ring? Is it too much? Is it bad or something- He cuts you off
- I can’t come, love, he says softly.
- I’ve got the tour starting soon… I won’t be able to make it.
- But… but Niall, this is… did you hear what I just said? You gasp at him.
- I heard, love, and I’m so, so sorry. It just won’t work. I’ve got so much going on overseas, I won’t be able to make it, babe, I’m sorry, Niall continues, but you scoff at him.
- How could you do that to me?
- (Ditt namn), I said I was sorry, Niall whispers.
- Yeah, that doesn’t mean anything though, does it? You can’t even miss one day, just one day, to come and see me, you shake your head.
- Love, I told you: we have the tour. I can’t just walk out and leave? Niall explains.
- It’s my wedding day, Niall. I’m getting married and you’re straight out not even trying to come and see me, you snap at him.
- (Ditt namn), I’m sorry, you know I’d come if I could. Can’t you like… change the date or something? He shrugs.
- No, I’m not gonna… move around dates just to suit you, you snap.
- Then don’t bother sending me photos or anything, (Ditt namn), because I really don’t care then. Stop acting like this is my fault; I told you why I couldn’t come. I have the tour and believe it or not, sometimes things won’t go your way. What are you doing marrying this guy anyway? And yeah, you’re right – the ring is bad, why’d you even say yes to that? You know I could get you one that’s a hundred times better.he grumbles.
- What is that supposed to mean? You question.
- It means this guy is a wanker and doesn’t deserve you because I love you, okay? He yells.
- Niall… what do you mean? You whisper. Niall groans, running a hand through his hair in frustration.
- I didn’t mean to yell at you like that, (ditt namn), he avoids your question.
- I’m sorry I snapped at you, love. You shake your head at him,
- I don’t care, Niall, it’s okay. What do you mean… you love me?
- Exactly what I said, babe. I love you. That’s more of a reason to not go to your wedding than the tour, because I can’t even stand to imagine you marrying someone who isn’t me, you know? I need you to be mine, and I want to be yours. Not this guy who thinks he can propose to a girl like you with that ring, he chuckles softly.
- I’d give you everything, (ditt namn). Everything and more. Just say it and I’ll do it. he finishes with a soft smile that melts your heart for a second before what he just said sinks in.
- Then get out, you shrug.
- Sorry? Niall looks confused
- Get out, Niall. Please. I need a moment to… to think about everything you just told me, oh my god, you gasp.
- Will you be okay, love? I’ll stay if you need someone, he offers, hand running through your hair, but you know you’ll give in, so you stand up, pushing away from him.
- Please, just get out and let me think about all of this, you beg, and Niall just gives you a sad nod, looking defeated, before he leaves.
- This is the best night ever! you yell as Zayn struggles to open your apartment door and hold you up and the same time.
- I’m glad someone’s having fun, he replies sarcastically, and you laugh obnoxiously at this before Zayn finally pushes your door open.
- Yay, you cheer when Zayn sets you down on the couch and you pull the dark haired boy to sit down next to you.
- Love, what are you doing? He wonders when your hands are all over him.
- You’re getting married in less than a week; you can’t be this touchy feely anymore.
- Good thing we went out tonight and not the eve of my wedding, huh? Because I would be soooo hungover. you joke, running your hand over Zayn’s face who was still hovering above you.
- That’s lovely, (ditt namn), he mumbles, removing your hand from his face.
- You’re gonna be okay, right? He asks, pulling away from you.
- You’re leaving already, Zayn? You whine.
- Stay for a bit, I need a friend to keep me company tonight. Zayn shakes his head at you,
- Where’s your future husband? That’s his job.
- With his friends. We both agreed tonight would be the night we go out. He won’t be back ‘til later, so please stay? you beg, clasping your hands together.
- Only because I’m worried you’ll slip and hit your head. He smiles, resting next to you on the lounge with a sigh.
- Can you believe that this time next week I will be a married woman, you smile.
- Nope, you hear Zayn murmur, and you playfully smack him.
- What’s that supposed to mean? I’m not wife material, am I?
- You’re definitely wife material, love. Zayn whispers.
- You’d make the best wife ever, and your husband’s gonna be the luckiest guy in the world.
- Aw, that’s sweet, you ruffle his hair.
- Can you believe it though, (ditt namn)? You never talked about getting married until this guy came on along.
- That guy has a name, Zayn. I know you two don’t really get along, but now you don’t have a choice. He’s gonna be around forever. you turn to face him.
- That sounds like a horror film. He grins, and you pretend to be angry and give him a slight shove, before snuggling up to him.
- Why do you hate him so much anyway? I know he doesn’t like you ‘cause he thinks we’re totally sleeping together behind his back… Zayn gives a small scoff,
- huh, I wish. Your head snaps quickly to meet his eyes,
- what was that? Zayn shake his head furiously,
- I said, erm, whatever you think I said it was the opposite. Zayn tries to explain. The alcohol isn’t affecting you anymore after Zayn’s comment, rather it quickly brought you back to reality.
- Did you just say…
- Nope.
- Zayn, you begin, but he’s off the couch and heading towards the door.
- Come back, where are you going? You just said you wished that we were sleeping together, what’s up with that? You raise an eyebrow.
- It was a joke, (ditt namn), don’t be so serious. You’re drunk anyway. he points out.
- Not that drunk, you retort, getting up from the couch.
- Look (ditt namn), just go to sleep. You’re gonna have a killer headache tomorrow, so you may as well go to bed now and not drag it on. Zayn instructs.
- You can’t leave like that. You can’t just say something like that when you’re not even drunk and don’t have an excuse. you say, your voice rising with anger.
- So what is it, Zayn? You’re gonna run away like a little boy and refuse to face up to the truth? Where did that even come from? If you’re trying to ruin my wedding of all things-
- Yeah, I meant it, alright? Zayn cuts off.
- I’m not sorry, though. I’m not sorry I love you and have since the first time we ever met. Can you blame for me for saying something like that? You’re gorgeous and everything I could ever want, and I hate myself for not telling you how I feel sooner because now there’s gonna be a ring on your finger and there’s nothing I can do to stop you from getting married, from not being my wife. You happy now, (ditt namn)? Is that what you wanted to hear? Zayn chokes out, and before you even have a chance to address what he’s just said, he’s already out the door.
It had taken a lot of convincing, but you had eventually gotten your finance to agree to having Liam as one of his groomsmen so you could have your best friend only a few feet away when you said ‘I do’ and made the whole thing official. You meet Liam’s eyes once you’re done walking down the aisle, stomach full of butterflies, but once you see Liam’s face, you can feel yourself calm down. He’s staring at you with big bright eyes and you shoot him a small smile, before taking the hands of the man before you who was about to become your husband. When the words,
- speak now or forever hold your peace. hit your ears, you can’t help but eye those who are seated, wondering if anyone had anything to say, but when they call remain quit, you breathe a sigh of relief. Before you can feel completely at ease, you see Liam, at the corner of your eye, take a shaky step forward.
- (Ditt namn), you can’t do this. he whispers, and immediately there are gasps from the crowd.
- Liam, what are you doing? You mutter, and your fiancé is just there staring at Liam, eyes narrowed in what seems to be both confusion and anger.
- Can we talk somewhere, you know, more private? Liam asks, but you shake your head.
- Just back off, mate, your fiancé spits,
- take a seat, what are you doing trying to ruin our day?
- I’m not trying to ruin it, Liam explains,
- I don’t wanna upset either of you, especially (Ditt namn). But I need to speak to you. Alone. through gritted teeth he says, as if holding in his frustration.
- Anything you need to say to (Ditt namn) you can say to me, I’m about to marry her…
- Don’t be a wanker. Liam snaps, but his tone changes when he’s faces you to speak,
- please (ditt namn)? he begs.
- Liam, I’m about to get married, whatever you need to tell me can wait, can’t it? It can’t be that important. You push him slightly, as if trying to get him back to his original position with the other confused groomsmen, but instead he grabs your hand.
- (ditt namn), you’re not really giving me a choice here. Either we go somewhere else or I say it right here in front everyone, he speaks quietly.
- Just tell me then, whatever. You mutter, and your soon to be husband looks ready to punch Liam when your best friend opens his mouth to speak.
- I… I love you. And I’m sorry I have to say this in front of everyone but you gave me no other option. And I wanted to tell you for so long, and I had so many chances to tell you how I feel, but then he... Liam looks at your fiancé,
- ..came along and he took it all away from me. Just like that, in one instant and then you were his. And he doesn’t deserve you. No one in this world can love you like I can and no one ever will. Especially not him. And I know this is really inappropriate, telling you here of all places, but I didn’t know what else to do. This is all happened so fast. I swear yesterday he was proposing to you, and now you’re in your dress and he’s ready to kiss you for the first time as husband and wife. So just… please tell me you love me back, (Ditt namn), because the idea of you not being with me hurts too much, it hurts everywhere, all over, I just aouch. He whispers, and your eyes fill up with tears when his words sink in.
- Oh, (Ditt namn), please don’t cry, love. he consoles, a gentle on your cheek, but it’s not resting on your skin for a second before your fiancé pulls it away roughly.
- Are you a fucking idiot? You can’t tell her that, on her wedding day. What kind of a moron says that to his best friend? I always knew you had something for her, you know? Which is why it took so much convincing to actually let you be up here. If it were up to me I wouldn’t have invited you in the first place. He screams at Liam, and Liam actually looks like he’s about to throw a punch when you step in between the two.
- Stop, stop, stop! you grumble.
- I can’t believe this is happening. Oh god, I need a minute. We need a minute.
You turn to the crowd.
- Just… one moment, please. I’m sorry, but we need to just, ugh, fuck it. you mutter, grabbing both your fiancé’s and Liam’s arms, taking them both to a room to address what your best friend just confessed.
You had just finished talking to some friends when you feel someone wrap an arm around your shoulder and pull you in for a hug.
- (Ditt namn), my darling. you hear a drunk Louis coo into your ear.
- Did I tell ya how gorgeous you look tonight? He compliments, face buried in your neck while you chuckle at your intoxicated best friend.
- Thank you, Lou. But I think that’s the alcohol talking. you pull away from him, smile on your face as you watch him to struggle to pull his arm away from you.
- Have you seen the rest of the boys? Zayn was my lift home. Louis informs and you do a quick scan, trying to find one of the boys, but none of them can be seen.
- Sorry, nope-
But as you say this Louis tries to move closer to you, only to make you both stumble together, almost hitting the floor.
- Whoops, sorry. He grins happily, pulling him to make sure he doesn’t send you flying again.
- You need to sober up before you do something you’ll regret. You pull him to the closest empty table at the venue hosting your rehearsal dinner, helping him sit down.
- Eat this. You instruct, handing him a bread roll, as it always helped him clear his head when he had a little too much to drink.
- Thanks love. He says, taking the bread roll and eating with small bites, before resting his chin in his hand, sending you a stare.
- What? You blush at him.
- You look beautiful, (Ditt namn). And you’re gonna look so much prettier on your wedding day, when you walk down that aisle to him. He sighs, looking like a love sick boy due to his eyes lighting up and the way he was looking at you.
- That’s sweet, Lou. And you look very handsome despite you slurring your words.You giggle, and Louis tries to playfully push you, only to miss, his hands all over your shoulders trying to gain his balance.
- You are so gone. You shake your head, sitting closer to him.
- You can’t really blame me... He murmurs.
- ..Tonight is killing me. Because I know in two days you’re not gonna be a Miss anymore, you’re gonna have a… husband.
- It’s not that scary, is it? Shouldn’t I be the worried one? But Louis shakes his head, one hand slowly running up your arm and into your hair, resting at you neck. He leans in close, your eyes going straight to his lips before you realise you’re about to kiss your best friend.
- What are you doing? You pull away quickly and you hear Louis give a loud moan of frustration.
- I can’t… I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner, (Ditt namn). He murmurs and you raise an eyebrow in confusion, encouraging him to keep going.
- I just.. I’ve got so much in me, so much love and I just wanna give it to you, and you only. And I hate the thought of someone else having you the way I wanna have you, it kills me. But I’m too late, aren’t I? Even though I’m in love with you. My girl is getting married soon and all I can do is sit and watch it happen. He shakes his head.
- How stupid am I? I waited all this time, thinking you’d always be there, but you’re perfect, of course someone was gonna get down on one knee eventually. He confesses. You sit there, not sure how to contemplate what Louis just told you, so just watch him nibble on another bread roll when Zayn’s standing by you both.
- Thought I’d take Louis off your hands before he fell on top of you and killed ya.Zayn grins, but you still have a look of shock on your face when he pulls Louis up.
- (Ditt namn)? You okay, love? Zayns asks you.
- Did you know that Louis, um, had… feelings for me? You ask slowly, and Zayn’s eyes widen in realisation.
- We didn’t think he’d ever tell you. He explains you, staring down at Louis.
- What are you gonna do? Zayn look at you, abitt worried.
- Um, you’re gonna take him home and I’m going to… I don’t know. You sigh.
- If you need me-
- No, I’ll be fine, Zayn. you give him a fake smile before giving Louis one last look and walking away to clear your head.
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